Patience Chapter 30 Final Chapter

So this is the last chapter. It contains important plot, some fluff and cheesiness. Also, I accidentally took out a line in the last chapter. But yes, Haru is dead. Anyways, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Yes, I can write a serious disclaimer too.

It was a beautiful day to be released.

Sasuke paid no mind to the Anbu who took his hands and slapped some more seals on them.

It had been exactly a year since his capture. He'd expected to become rotten by the end of it, but he was hollow. It was the only way to describe it.

Hollow of emotions. Hollow of memories. Hollow was goals. He had nothing in mind now. He did however, had one purpose. It was small and just in the back of his mind, but he had it. He had to confirm something.

He walked out of his jail cell, escorted by many Anbu and was led down the hallways. Even though he was now released, Chakra Seals would be kept on him, until his guardian said otherwise, whoever the fuck that was. Once out of the jail headquarters, he was led into a secluded room. It contained only people who he was "close" to. Team 7 was present, along with Hinata, who stood next to Naruto. Yamato and Sai were also present, mainly out of tradition. He glanced briefly at the Hyuga's leg. It looked completely ordinary.

Kakashi, Yamato, Sai and Tsunade were blank faced, showing no indication of acceptance of recognition.

Naruto held a fierce gaze and Hinata, a worried glance while looking at her lover.

Sakura's eyes betrayed her face. Though she showed no emotion, her eyes showed everything. They showed hope, desperation, relief, and most disgusting of all, Love. He had to confirm it.

Tsunade stepped forward and glared at the Uchiha. Putting her hands on her hips, she spoke, loud enough to shatter his ears.

"Uchiha Sasuke! It has been a year since you've been in jail, and as promised, you'll be released today. However, chakra seals will be kept on you, so you will only be training for Taijutsu. If your guardian deems it safe to pull you up a level, we will slowly start to decrease the number of seals on you. You will be in house arrest until further notice. You may only go out with your guardian. And if you fail to comply, you will be put back into jail for eternity. Understood?"

Sasuke said nothing, barely paying attention. He was just contemplating who his guardian would be when a gloved hand thumped his back.

"Maa, Sasuke-kun. What fun would it be to live together? I can't believe I get to spend my days off with my cute little student!"

A huge vein popped on his forehead as Sasuke turned around to meet Kakashi's half lidded eyes. I'm going to live with this bastard?!

Kakashi took charge of Sasuke, and dismissed the Anbu. Tsunade left right after her speech. The only people left in the room were team 7 plus Hinata and Sai and Yamato.


The man turned around to see his enemy, or best friend, whichever way you look at it. Naruto came forward and met his bloodshot gaze with a steel look.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"What do you mean?"

He knew very well what Naruto meant. But he was not willing to back down. The two men stared each other down, until Naruto had had it, and roughly grabbed Sasuke's collar and hissed in his ear.

"It took my anger and Hinata's leg to bring you back to Konoha. It's been a year since you've been cooped up into that Jail. I suggest you look towards a brighter future and refrain from causing any more trouble. Because bastard if you do, I'll kill you."

He shoved Sasuke away and stomped out of the room, followed by Hinata, who smiled slightly at Sasuke and squeezing Sakura's hands before leaving.

Sai and Yamato followed them out, and the only people left were Sasuke Kakashi and Sakura.

The old man studied Sakura and gave her an apologetic smile. It had been hard on her. And Sasuke was an ass at the moment. It would be best for her to leave to.

Sasuke tilted his head towards Sakura and spoke lowly.

"I need to talk to you. Alone."

There was a stunned silence while Sakura properly processed the fact that Sasuke wanted to talk to her. Alone. Oh God.

Kakashi looked at both of his students, smiled inwardly and left the room to stand outside.

Once his former sensei was gone, Sasuke turned towards the root of his problems.


She was startled at the abrupt question.

"Why do you care? After all this time."

Sakura was silent for a moment. She looked into his eyes, getting shocked at the intensity of their glare. It was like a hungry child looking for something to eat. Anything at all. This hunger could only be fueled by answers.

"Because I love you."

"Don't give me that bullshit! You don't. You just want me because of that pathetic crush you had on me all that time back."

Now he was downright angry.

"No one in this world. No one in this world cares!"

"Itachi did."

Sasuke stopped abruptly and looked at her. His eyes became a hollow shell and he sneered.

"And I killed him. You see, I'm a monster."

A small tear slid down Sakura's cheek as she smiled.

"And I love that monster."

For little bit, the silence was deafening. And Sasuke asked again. But this time, instead of malice, there was disbelief.


"I love your inside as much as I love your outside. I love you as a whole Sasuke-kun. It's why I kept coming back. I still love you."

She walked towards his stunned body, reached up to claim his jaw and smiled.

"I hope someday you'll come to realize that."

Sasuke listened to her footsteps as she left. He dropped to the floor silently. A spark. Just a hint of a feeling lit in his cold heart. He never noticed Kakashi come in. And when the man stopped to pull Sasuke up, he looked at Sasuke's face, so empty and shook his head. He'll have a long road ahead of him.

It was a quiet night. The evening clouds had receded, giving way to a full moon. Hinata stood on Naruto's balcony, leaned over with a drink in hand. Sometimes had passed since Haru's death and their return to Konoha. After the leave from the Hyuuga Compound, Hanabi lived on her own and managed her own life. Having nowhere to go, Hinata had accepted Naruto's shy invite to his house happily.

They'd been living together since. And she'd been ignoring his proposal since.

"Thank You for letting me stay with you Naruto-kun."

Hinata walked into his apartment and looked around. She'd been here before, but living with him would be completely different. Naruto set down her bags and grinned.

"No problem Hinata! It was my choice!"

He watched her study his apartment with awe and smiled. How her doe eyes widened was so cute. And how she smiled when she saw something she liked was even better. Living with her will be so interesting. Now, for the final touch.

Naruto walked towards Hinata and leaned down slightly. She felt a warmth on her Cheek and blushed brutally as Naruto's lips softly pressed against her skin.


He moved his head and met her lips. Pushing her back on the door, he blocked her hands by pressing them on the sides of her body and deepened the kissed. Hinata looked about ready to faint so he let go and chuckled.

"Oh Hinata! It's so easy to make you blush."

She slid against his chest from almost fainting and smiled slightly.

The man cleared his throat and pulled out a pouch. Handing it to Hinata, he moved back and studied her face shyly while he scratched the back of his head.

Hinata's confused look widened as she took out a beautiful Silver band with set Lavender stones. The ring had one stone in a darker shade in the center. And two lighter stones adorned its sides.

"I don't really know how to say it. So I just showed you! Hehe."

First, she turned red, then beet red. Then, she turned to a normal colour.

"N-naruto...I can't accept."

The room was very quiet. Naruto looked shell shocked. After the whole Haru thing, he definitely thought that Hinata was his. Was...was there someone else in the picture? Did she not love him? He was out of his league! Haru was r-

"I love you Naruto, but this whole marriage matter ruined our relationship. I think right now, I want to be with you rather than marry you instantly. I want to be ready for it. Will you wait for me?"

She had one hand clutching the pouch, and the other clutching the hem of her shirt. She looked like a deer caught in headlights, and Naruto had to laugh.

Hearing his reaction, unintentional tears slipped out. How could she think Naruto would agree? Baka baka baka! Of course he didn't love you fool! You ruined it!

Before her thoughts could continue, lips pressed against hers. Naruto embraced her with all that he had. When he let go, he whispered, "Of course I'll wait, Hime."

Since then, Naruto hadn't asked once. He'd patiently taken her to dates, spent the nights with her and acted as her companion. But not once did he mention the Marriage.

Now as he was officially working under Tsunade as her apprentice, he came home late.

She thought about how to tell him she was ready. Over time, their relationship had grown significantly. She was able to be comfortable around him. The two of them often went to dates and even shared each other's most personal thoughts.

The slight ping if the doorbell jolted Hinata out of her thoughts. She rushed to the door, checking the time in between. There was still some time before Naruto was supposed to be home so who was this..?

The door opened to reveal Sakura standing there, a small basket of fruits in her hand. She grinned at Hinata and rushed forward to hug her.

"Sa-sakura!" Startled and delighted at her friend's visit, Hinata returned the hug and ushered her friend in.

Sitting down on the couch Sakura handed Hinata the basket and grasped her hand.

"Have you told him?"

"N-no.." Nervously, Hinata looked away. After the couple moments she tightened her hold and Sakura's hand. "How do I let him know…?"

"That idiot, He should take a hint honestly!" Irritated Sakura let out a growl and paced around the living room.

Hinata looked down for a bit and murmured. "Should I just blurt it out…?"

"Hm…cook him a nice dinner, tell him you love him and go straight for it!" Sakura enthusiastically shook her shoulders.

"He's very dumb so this is the only way!"

Blushing deeply Hinata nodded motivated just as the doorbell rang. She stood up and panicked, looking at Sakura with wide eyes. "I-i-i-i-its Naruto!"

The Kunoichi grinned and rushed to open the door. The confusion on Naruto's face as not Hinata, but Sakura opened his door was a hilarious sight to Hinata who laughed only to blush deeply as Sakura smacked Naruto's back and told him Hinata had a surprise planned for him tonight.

As the door closed Naruto looked at Hinata confused. "Hinata-chan, do you have something for me?"

"N-no…I mean yes! I-I was cooking some special dinner for Na-naruto today..." She fiddled with the hem of the shirt and looked down blushing deeply.

Looking at her form, Naruto chuckled deeply. How cute.

He took off his coat and stretched his sore muscles.

"Damn Baa-san… the amount of paperwork I have to do for her just so she can slack off…"

Hinata giggled, taking his coat from him and rubbing his sore muscles.

"Naruto-kun you'll be doing double the paperwork once you officially become Hokage."

"Don't remind me Hinata!" Naruto groaned sitting down at the table.

Hinata brought in food and set the table sitting down with Naruto. Looking at the delicious food, he chattered like a squirrel between bites and Hinata listened to him, smiling at his cute appearance. A little while into dessert, as Naruto was chowing down Dumplings, Hinata put down her skewer and looked at Naruto.

"N-naruto…how do you feel about me?" Blushing deeply at what she just sputtered, Hinata looked down.

Naruto set down his skewer and stared at Hinata. He took her hands in his and smiled at her.

"You're my queen Hinata. And I love you very much." He grinned at her, stroking her pale cheek.

Lost in his eyes, Hinata smiled and softly squeezed his hand.

"Marry Me"

A couple minutes passed before Hinata realized she'd blurted it out aloud and Naruto's brain processed her words.

"A-a-a-a-… Uh…" Hinata's skin turned beet red and she gaped like a fish. Blushing equally, Naruto looked dumbfounded before blushing too and taking both of Hinata's hands.

"Ahaha… wasn't I supposed to ask this…? Have… you been ready for a while..?"

Hinata blushed and nodded. Naruto smiled at her, reaching in to his pocket he pulled out the velvet pouch he'd showed her all that time back.

"See this? I've been carrying it with me every day, since I asked you. I was going to propose again on the day I officially become Hokage, but I had no idea you were already ready!" He chuckled at her blushing expression and got out of his chair. Kneeling down on one knee next to her chair, he took her soft and pale hand and opened the pouch. Taking the ring out, his eyes glinted as Naruto laughed.

"Hinata Hyuga, will you marry me?"

Tears spilt from her eyes as Hinata smiled.


Patience really paid off, she smiled as she wrapped her arms around Naruto and kissed him.

This was an awesome journey. Thank you so much for following through it. The ending was a bit crappy so my apologies for it! Review!