"Ohhhhh Ed let's go there!"
Ed looked at his girlfriend, trying to figure out what she was referring to. He followed Winry's gaze, meeting a huge sign that said, "Mechanics Museum". He let out a sigh. He loved Winry, he really did, but he didn't like looking at automails and mechanic stuff. That just wasn't his cup of tea, and besides, he didn't like to look at artificial limbs and be reminded that until two years ago, he didn't have his right arm. However, this was a vacation that he offered Winry because really, she was working way too much and he owed her, and besides, she was his girlfriend – and a very opinionated and violent one.
"Uh… okay…" he said, hesitating, and glanced backwards at the two other men just behind them. Alphonse offered a weak, sympathizing smile, and Ling was squinting at the sign. They joined them – Alphonse mostly because Ed didn't want to leave him alone at home, and Ling… well, because Ling was a leech and he accidently heard Alphonse talking to Ed over the phone about this trip while the younger Elric stayed at his place and pretty much invited himself.
Seeing that there was no objection, Ed turned back to Winry with a smile. "Let's go, but please don't spend hours there like you did at that cars place… I was so bored I wanted to grab one and drive away," he placed his hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer and placing a kiss on the top of her head. "But I love you, and if this makes you happy I can manage for an hour or two."
Once that was settled, they walked in the direction the sign pointed until they reached a big building that held the very same sign on top of an arch. Ed glanced around and spotted the cashier, letting out a sigh and walking towards the bored-looking girl there. "Hello," he said, forcing a smile. "Three tickets please."
She smiled back at him, and tore three paper tickets from a little bunch she had. "That'd be sixty cenz please."
"Ouch, twenty each… Ling, get twenty cenz out, you're going to get one on your own."
Ed stopped mid-movement as he was about to take his wallet out of his pockets when he heard Ling's shocked voice. "What? You don't expect me to pay on you."
"But I don't have any money! Where am I supposed to get twenty cenz from? You paid for everyone else, why not me?"
Ed let out an annoyed sigh. "Well, Alphonse's my little brother and Winry's my girlfriend. Last time I checked, I wasn't dating you. It's bad enough that I paid for that other place! Now you pay for your own ass."
Ling opened his mouth to say something, but apparently Ed's glare was enough to shut him up. He turned instead to Alphonse. "So will you pay for me? Please?"
The younger Elric gave him a scolding look. "Last time I checked, I wasn't dating you either. Come on, you're a prince. I saw your house, it's huge. You have to have twenty cenz!"
"But I don't! I was cut from the heritage! Well, if none of you are going to pay for me, then I can't come with you."
"Oh Ed please pay for him too! We can't just leave him!"
Ed shot Winry a glare, but she was decisive. Eventually, Ed realized he had no choice. He turned back to the cashier, and asked for another ticket. He took his wallet out and paid for all four. Traveling with a prince who has no money was truly annoying, he thought as he took all four tickets and led the group into the museum. But he'll make him pay, somehow.