A.N: Thank you guys for the wonderful reviews, they're such a pleasure to read. I hope to get to 30! My new goal *hopefully!*. This was a tough chapter and took me a fair while to write, developing and exploring their relationship more, kind of really showing why are these feelings emerging all of a sudden, what contributed to why they act so different towards each other now and care more now and their ultimate love affair whilst keeping them in character. And I admit, I fangirled a little (a lot) whilst writing this because there were some oh so adorable scenes. But this is my favourite chapter so I hope you guys will love it. Also, i struggled so much with the title, between promise me and surrender, but i chose this one in the end :)

In reply to to Guest yes, looking back on it i do think the rooftop scene was very out of character for Haymitch. But i couldn't help it! I guess I wanted them to have a cute rooftop picnic date so bad haha

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games. All rights go to Suzanne Collins.

Promise me

The desolate rooms were silent, almost tranquil. The gentle tune of her hums permeated throughout the penthouse, echoing off the cream coloured walls. Effie flicked the switch on, yellow light sweeping across the darkness. A small smile graced her lips. She finally had the place to herself.

Katniss and Peeta had decided to spend their last night together on the Hotel's rooftop whilst the prep team had gone out for dinner. And Haymitch… Effie slipped out of her clothes and into her nightgown, a small pout crossing her lips. She could already see Haymitch at the bar, drinking himself to intoxication.

She repressed a small sigh at the last thought. She was hoping the two could spend the last night before the Games together. Instead Haymitch chose to spend it with his alcohol. She could already see Haymitch stumbling through the doors in the middle of the night, waking her up with his groans and clatter of bottles before chucking up all over the floor. Had she really been that naive to believe that just because their previous night had gone so well, he would want to spend his last one with her?

Effie pushed the thoughts away. She wasn't his wife; he could do what he wanted. But Effie couldn't shake away the urge to run down and drag him away from the bar. She just knew that stumbling through the arena with a hangover and all the aftermaths of drinking couldn't be good. Effie sat down on the stool and busied herself with the makeup kit, trying to distract her mind. With a drenched, cotton cloth began washing away the many layers of her foundation, but still her thoughts wouldn't stray away from Haymitch Abernathy.

A violent fit of coughs interrupted her. Effie lifted her head at the disruption, dropping the cotton. She could hear the door swinging open and a loud thud, followed by footsteps and an aching groan. Effie glanced at the clock, a small frown pinching her eyebrows. Haymitch couldn't be back already. Standing up she went to see what the commotion was.

Haymitch laid face first in a pool of his own blood and vomit. His hair was drenched in the filthy bile and even from her position, Effie could smell the pungent stench of alcohol. Vicious cuts tracked down his back and arms, leaving behind a trail of sticky blood. A stitched wound cut deep between the curve of his neck and his shoulder blade. When Peeta rolled him onto his back she couldn't help but gasp, noticing the nasty, purple bruise that was forming on his right eye.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice shaking with shock.

A heavy sighed escaped Peeta's lips as he tried to heave the drunken man up. Effie quickly hurried over to help. With one arm around each shoulder the two managed to drag Haymitch into his room.

"Bar fight," Peeta explained breathlessly, plunking him onto the bed. "He seems to be drifting in and out of consciousness, but the nurse said he should be fine once the alcohol wears off".

Effie tried to steady her breath, watching him with stunned eyes. Slowly Haymitch blinked, returning back to consciousness. A scowl contorted his features.

"Could someone turn the fucking light off?" he snapped, rolling over to shield his eyes from the light before passing out.

Effie took in a sharp breath, pushing her lips together at his repulsive language. She bit her tongue to remain silent. "A bar fight?" she asked, turning her attention back to Peeta.

Peeta shrugged. "Apparently he started a fight with Brutus and Enorbaria, but I don't know why. I was told to come and collect him after the nurse had fixed his major wounds," Peeta paused, uneasiness passing his features. "Effie, you won't tell Katniss will you? She'll be livid if she finds out that Haymitch got drunk just before the Games".

Effie nodded, imagining the girls outrage if she knew her ally was already injured. "Of course. You should go back to Katniss, I can take care of him now".

A small, grateful sigh slipped from his lips. "Are you sure?"

Effie nodded, briefly resting her hand on the boy's shoulder. "Yes. We'll be fine. I know I have a first aid kit around here somewhere".

Peeta thanked her and quickly hurried off, eager to get back to his date. Effie cast a glance at the past out man, sighing. So much for an early night. She found the first aid kit in the bathroom and taking a seat on the edge of the bed, she got to work. She was relieved that the nurse had stitched the critical cut on his neck, which she assumed was from Enobaria's set of teeth. The creams and antiseptic wipes were enough for his minor cuts, but she'd have no idea how to stitch up a wound. She had to admit, it was easier to treat a passed out Haymitch than a conscious, swearing and fighting Haymitch. This almost peaceful moment was short lived however when she felt Haymitch stir beneath her.

Haymitch's eyes slowly opened. He winced as the glaring light hit him, cursing under his breath. He blinked, meeting Effie's fuming glare.

"Well I hope you're happy with yourself," she said testily, carefully cleaning the side of his face from the blood and filth with her wet cloth.

Haymitch grimaced as her hands brushed against his bruise. "What're you doing?"

She shot him an icy glare, placing an icepack on his bruised eye. "Throwing a party. What does it look like I'm doing?"

Haymitch breathed out a sigh of relief, the icepack slowly easing the throbbing pain.

"You're filthy," Effie observed, sliding up from the bed. "If you're able to walk you should go take a shower".

Normally Haymitch would ignore her complaints, roll over and past out in his filth. But the Games were tomorrow and if he didn't shower now, the stench would remain. Spending a week in the arena with Katniss was bad enough, but hearing her constant complains about his smell was something he knew he couldn't handle. So rolling over Haymitch clambered out of bed, holding onto his dresser for support. Slowly he made his way to the ensuite.

It wasn't long before he returned, stepping into his room, dripping wet. He noticed that in the short time he was showering, Effie had managed to change his sheets and give his room a quick clean, fresh clothes now sitting at the end of his bed. His eyes landed on the Escort, who was sitting at the edge of the bed, packing away the first aid kit. A concentrated look was furrowing her features, but when he looked closer he could see the worried lines etching into her features, her teeth grazing her lower lip and an anxious look shadowing her eyes. If Haymitch didn't know any better, she was worried about him.

"Hey princess".

Effie whirled around to the figure behind her, her breath catching in her throat. Haymitch stood in nothing but a fluffy towel that was wrapped clumsily around his waist, water droplets still dripping down his hair, onto his shoulders and running down his torso.

"Haymitch," she hissed, irritation lacing her voice. "Do you have any decency to get dressed?"

Haymitch repressed a chuckle. "Why? Thought you'd enjoy the view," he said with a small wink, flopping down next to her.

He chuckled at the flustered blush tinging her cheeks, watching her with an amused glint in his eye as she muttered her denials and complaints of his drunken idiocy under her breath.

Effie did her best to hide her desire that caught in her throat and rose in her cheeks, firmly keeping her gaze on the first aid-kit. For god's sake he was still Haymitch Abernathy, shirtless or not. Why did he continue to have this effect on her?

"You still haven't told me what happened," she spoke up, shutting the kit with a clink.

"Tell you what?" Haymitch replied, trying to hide the uneasiness in his voice.

The truth was he didn't want to tell Effie what happened down at the bar. He just knew she would be torn at the horrendous things the other tributes were thinking about her but more importantly, he didn't want her to believe that he started the fight because he was pissed at the two for speaking about her like that, that he started the fight because he was trying to defend her image. He didn't want her to find out just how much Haymitch cared about her.

Effie gave him an irritated stare. "Tell me why you decided to get yourself drunk and injured on the night before the Games," she continued crisply. "Honestly Haymitch, it was foolish of you. Couldn't you give the alcohol a break for one night?"

Haymitch fidgeted in his seat, his mind frantically searching for an answer that could dodge her question.

"I haven't really got a reason," Haymitch replied with a nonchalant shrug. "Though it's not like my drinking habits are anything new".

Effie sighed, her eyes lowering down at the truth. "No, it isn't," her eyes flickered back up to his. "I just wished you gave it a break tonight. And this still doesn't explain why you punched Brutus in the jaw. For gods sake Haymitch, you were going into the arena with him tomorrow," Effie paused, her eyes drawing towards him. She noticed the way he almost flinched under her burning gaze, turning away. "What did he say?"

Haymitch's head snapped up. "Who said that he said anything?"

Effie repressed a small sigh. "You wouldn't have punched him unless you were provoked," she paused, her eyes widening at the sudden thought. 'Did he threaten you? Or Katniss?"

Haymitch shook his head gruffly. He picked up the ice pack and slabbed it onto his eye, sighing gratefully. "Na, wasn't anything like that".

Effie frowned, her face screwed up in concentration. She couldn't for the life of her figure it out. Any contempt Brutus or Enorbaria had towards Haymitch would surely be dealt with in the Games. They weren't foolish enough to provoke him now and risk injuring themselves so close to the fight. "Then what was it then?"

Haymitch met her eyes, his lips parting as if considering telling her. A part of him felt that she had the right to know. After all, the comment was about her. Then he imagined the hurt in her eyes when she found out that that's what the other tributes, and possibly other Escorts and members of the Game Council, were thinking about her. That their love was an act and Haymitch was only a faking relationship with her because Effie was eager to sleep with District Twelve's mentor. Effie had always been rigorous with maintaining her reputation, and would be devastated to know the gossip that had clearly been circulating.

So instead Haymitch swallowed back his words and gruffly replied, "Nothing. It was nothing".

Effie pursed her lips, still unconvinced. "Well it had to be something".

"Look, I said it was nothing. Can you let it go?"

Haymitch began rummaging in the draws of his bedside table, searching for the alcohol. He wrapped his fingers around the cool glass and brought it out, hoping that the sight of bourbon would drive her away.

Effie's eyes flashed at his actions. She hastily snatched the bottle from his hand, crossing her arms.


"You're not getting the bottle back until you tell me," she said firmly.

Haymitch let out a frustrated sigh, running his fingers through his sandy bangs. " God dammit you stubborn woman. They were discussing us".

Effie's blinked in shock, her fingers releasing the bottle. Haymitch quickly grabbed the bottle, popping off the lid. Effie ignored him, momentarily forgetting about the alcohol.


Haymitch took a gulp of the burning liquid, sighing in satisfaction at the spicy taste. "Yeah. They said that our love affair is an act. And…some other stuff".

"Other stuff?"

Haymitch sighed, realising that he wouldn't be able to dodge her question anymore. "Yeah. They asked why out of everyone I would choose an uptight, Capitol bit- er, woman to help get me sponsors, and said that I was with you because…because you had your talents elsewhere".

"Had my talents elsewhere…"

Haymitch met her eyes, his eyes wincing, confirming her thoughts.

Effie's eyes widened, her lips parting in horror.

Then Haymitch saw it. The hurt. It briefly flickered past her features. Her eyes lowered in attempts to hide the sadness, her fingers silently mutilating the bed sheets. "They said that?"

Haymitch sighed. He reached for her hand, tearing her fingers from the sheets. "Look sweetheart, forget what they said. It doesn't matter".

Effie bit her lip, nodding. "I know. It's just…it still hurts to know that people truly think that about me".

She felt Haymitch's fingers shifting through her fingers, intertwining with hers. Their hands rested on her lap. "So what if they do? To hell with them".

Effie slowly raised her head, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. An amused twinkle touched her eye, spreading across her features.

Haymitch raised an eyebrow.


Effie shook her head, her eyes on his. "I just realised. You started the fight because of me. You were defending my image".

Haymitch shifted uncomfortably in the bed. "Yeah, I suppose," he finished with a nonchalant shrug.

Effie tilted her head to the side, trying to make out his thoughts beneath his aloof composure. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "Thank you".

She watched him lift the bottle back to his lips, taking a small sip. But Effie could see the small smile twitching at the corner of his lips and knew he appreciated her 'thank you' nonetheless.

Her lips pushed together as she watched him take another swig of Jack Daniels. It was bad enough that he had drunk himself into intoxication tonight, but did he seriously have the audacity to continue drinking right in front of her? Her eyes flared. He was going into the Games tomorrow and at this rate, he'd have a hangover so bad that he'd be dead before he stepped off the launch pad.

Effie's hand flew in the air and snatched the bottle, taking him by surprise.


"The Games are tomorrow and you're still drinking," Effie hissed, her shrilling voice cutting into his head in a pounding headache. "What would Katniss say?"

"Katniss isn't here right now," Haymitch made a swipe for the bottle but she quickly yanked it back. "You said I could have it if I told you what happened. Why do you care anyway?"

Effie huffed. "I care because I don't want you collapsing into unconsciousness before the Games have even started just because you have a hangover," Effie paused, staring at the bottle intently. "I'm chucking this out the window".

Haymitch's head snapped up, horror stunning him on the spot. "You wouldn't. Sweetheart, if you value your line of wigs and makeup you'll turn around and hand it back to me".

It was the second last bottle Haymitch had in his room, and he knew it'd take more than one to drown out his worries tonight.

Effie ignored his threats and slipped off the bed, bottle in hand. Quickly Haymitch jumped after her, grabbing her wrist and spinning her around. With one hand on her wrist the other went to retrieve the bottle. Effie struggled in his grip, feeling her clutch on the bottle slide as he tugged it with one fierce pull.

Haymitch jumped back onto the bed, raising the bottle in the air victoriously. He took a gulp of the heavenly liquor.

"Haymitch!" Effie screeched, coming after him.

Haymitch couldn't help but chuckle at her flushed cheeks and lopsided wig as she climbed after him. She had him up against the wall of his bed, standing on the tips of her toes as she tried to reach for the bottle. Haymitch dangled it in the air, chuckling at her fruitless attempts at retrieving it.

Throwing caution to the wind Effie pulled him down by his arm, tumbling onto the bed with him. Rolling over and pushing him onto his back she quickly straddled his waist, locking his thighs between hers. Haymitch's grip on the bottle loosened, caught of guard by her surprising manoeuvre. Taking her chance Effie snatched the bottle from him, a victorious smile dancing on her lips.

She went to climb off his lap when his hand caught her wrist, stopping her. Effie whirled around, her lips parting with surprise. Her head cocked to the side, puzzled eyes searching his for an answer. Yet as they locked onto his she felt her breath catch in her throat, his artic blue eyes never failing to take her breath away.

Haymitch didn't know how long he spent staring into her eyes. Had they always been that soft, shade of sky blue? When had they shimmered like that, like oval crystals in water? In that moment he was certain that he could drown in those eyes. Yet something else caught his attention. A golden lock had slipped out from beneath her wig during their previous chase. Haymitch's fingers went to it, running the soft, natural strand between his fingers. He tucked it behind her ear, his fingers lingering near her cheek.

"Hey, you're not wearing any makeup," he observed softly, trailing his fingers down her face.

Effie's heart hammered at his gentle touch. "Yes…well I was getting ready for bed before you stumbled in".

His lips curled into a lopsided smile. "Then I'm glad I did. You look nice".

Her heart skipped another precious beat, her lips softening into a smile. She suddenly realised just how close they were, their thighs pressing together, almost intimate in their current position. If she lowered her eyes down anymore she could see his torso, just hidden from her vision. Her eyes fell on his once more, the desire stirring within her.

"How about a deal?"

Effie blinked, startled. "Yes?"

"I ditch the alcohol for tonight, and you give the wigs a break for the rest of the week".

Effie glanced at the bottle, which was still over three quarters full. Perhaps he still had a chance tomorrow. She nodded.

Haymitch dropped the bottle on the floor. His fingers reached out towards her wig, slipping under the material he slowly pulled it off. Haymitch watched her shake her hair so her lustrous, pale blonde curls tumbled down freely. A small smile touched his lips.

"That's better".

Haymitch's eyes swept over her, taking her in. She looked just like she had looked the other night. It was as if he had peeled away the very layers of her mask, revealing her natural self, her natural beauty beneath all the Capitol attire. She was breathtaking.


Haymitch startled, meeting her crystal blues eyes. Had he been staring for that long?

Effie tilted her head to the side, her eyes staring questioningly at his.

His eyes drifted off to her stunning hair, watching the wayward curls dangle down her eyes. Reaching out he tucked the locks behind her ear, his fingers lingering near her cheek. He felt his eyes loosing themselves in hers.

His eyes soon fell on her luscious lips, cherry red without her outrageous lipstick. He remembered how soft they were against his lips, like silky rose petals. He wondered what they would be like now without the lipstick. Would they be softer?

Without giving it another thought Haymitch leaned up on the palm of his hands, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. He felt her gasp into his mouth before she slowly responded. Haymitch's eyes fluttered shut as his lips enclosed around her lower lip, deepening the kiss. Her lips were just as he had imagined, soft and pliable against his. When he rolled his teeth over her sweet lips, nibbling gently, he tasted her, chocolate strawberries and spicy wine. She was intoxicating.

Effie pulled apart as if his lips were static. Her eyes flung open, shock parting her lips at what they had done. She tried to steady her heart, which seemed to be galloping against her chest. She was breathless.

Effie glanced down at Haymitch, who had flopped back down again, a lopsided grin on his lips. Her eyes searched his for an answer, speechless.

"I wanted one real kiss," he explained softly, his eyes locking onto hers. "Before I entered the arena tomorrow".

Effie's eyes softened, understanding.

"Haymitch I-" Effie stopped, the words faltering on her tongue.

She what? She didn't want him to return to the Games tomorrow? Because try as she may, she couldn't erase the constant thoughts that kept her up at night, thoughts, fears and possibilities of what could happen when he steps into the arena? Tell him that she feared that she was harbouring dangerous feelings towards him, desires that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't extinguish? But most of all, she feared that he'd never return and she'd never see him again. That she'd never get to tell him just how much she cared about him.

Instead she dipped her head down, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Because she knew admitting how she felt was too hard, and as she had done her entire life surviving under the fear in a dictatorial society with the outrageous wigs and crazy fashion, and the uptight persona and constant stress on manners, she took the easier path.

Because his whisky drenched lips tasted so good against hers, acidic alcohol with a twist of peppermint. Because she loved the feel of his coarse stubble brushing against her jaw and the low rumble that reverberated up his throat when she rolled her teeth over his lips. Because when she was in his arms, his secure embrace, something in this sick world they lived in made sense.

Before Haymitch could comprehend their kiss her arms were around his neck, pulling him up towards her. He felt her cool fingers run up his torso and skim the curve of his neck, sending a rippling shiver up his spine. His fingers briefly curled around her waist before running up her sides and to her hair, threading through her glorious, silky curls.

Their lips broke apart, lack of air threatening to consume them. Their eyes met, pupils dilated, each shocked at their actions. Effie's lips opened, perhaps to apologise or explain her previous actions. But Haymitch's lips crashed onto hers before she had a chance, silencing her worries with a biting kiss.

Effie's eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to his kiss. Surrendered to the sensations consuming her, the flickering flame bursting like an inferno within her. Each of his kisses sending waves of static up her arms like swimming currents, each one bursting a flame within her heart.

His tongue swiped across her lips and slipped inside her opened lips. Their tongues danced together, twisting like vines, like lovers in a burning passion. Effie moaned into his mouth as she felt his teeth graze her lips once more, feeling him smirk against her lips. Her arms snaked around his neck as she pulled him in closer, melting into his embrace.

His fingers left her hair and ventured down her sides once more. His eyes briefly flickered down her frame, admiring the thin, silk nightgown that seemed to just cover her most intimate areas. Haymitch's fingers rested on her thighs, slowly trailing up the curve of her waist. He felt her breath catch as his fingers pushed her nightgown up her waist. With one hand cupping a tender breast the other went towards her intimacy. Haymitch could already feel the damp pool between her legs as he slipped a finger in. He met her eyes just as they fluttered shut, her back arching and teeth biting back a moan.

Without breaking their kiss Haymitch rolled her over onto her back, an audible gasp escaping her lips. He pinned her arms above her head, taking her by surprise. His lust-clouded eyes skimmed down her frame, eyes dilated, swollen lips, tousled, wayward hair. He almost groaned at the sight.

His lips soon trailed to the curve of her jaw and down her neck. Effie tilted her head back as his lips peppered a trail of kisses down her neck, biting back a moan. Effie's eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to his ministrations, his lips on the sensitive hollow of her skin and tracing over her collarbone to her pulse, sucking and biting each sensitive area.

Her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. Her lips bit back another moan, every fibre in her being screaming for him to take her then and there. Unable to stand the aching desire growing between her legs any longer Effie fought against his grip, rolling him onto his back.

Her lips tugged into a triumphant smirk, amused at his stunned expression. Quickly she straddled his waist, sensually rocking her hips against his with a teasing smirk. She could hear him groan beneath her. Quickly Haymitch's fingers were on her nightgown, hurriedly tearing it off her. Effie shimmied out of her clothes, noticing that his eyes were fixated on her, darkened with lust. Clearly, she did not disappoint.

Effie's eyes batted in a hint of a wink, enjoying the effect she seemed to have over him. "Enjoying the view?"

She contained a small giggle as his lips crashed onto hers in another biting kiss. His hands ran up her waist and skimmed over her abdomen, gently palming each breast. Effie moaned into his lips, her fingers running down his sculpted chest, enjoying the way they contracted under her touch. They met the soft material of his towel, just thick enough to hide his growing arousal. With a mischievous smirk she slipped her hand inside, watching him groan under her curled fingers.

Haymitch seized his lips once more, the kiss hungrier than the last.

"God dammit trinket," he muttered into her lips. "If you don't get me out of this thing now I swear to god…"

Effie smirked, enjoying the power she held over him. Knowing that neither could take the tension much longer the towel was flung off. Effie rocked her hips against his once more, slowly sinking into him as he slid so naturally into her. A breathless moan parted her lips, the overwhelming sensations consuming them both.

Effie arched her back, already feeling his body react to hers. She felt his fingers curl around her waist, his thrusts quickening to meet hers. His name came spilling from her lips in a breathless cry as she rode him, nails cutting deep into his shoulders. Her name soon parted his lips in a prayer. She felt her walls tightening around his, already so close to the edge…

The two came together in a passionate bliss, each silent and breathless as the waves of pleasure rippled throughout them.

They spent the remainder of their hour acquainting themselves with each other, retracing sensitive spots with kisses and exploring new ones with gentle touches. Together, they lost themselves to each other.

The pale moonlight snuck between the curtain gaps and glazed over the couple buried beneath the waves of sheets and blankets.

Effie's eyes fluttered wearily as she rolled over to her side, resting her head on his shoulder. Her fingers began to trace the faint scars and marks that twisted down his chest. Haymitch rested on his back, one hand behind his head and the other playing with her golden curls that cascaded down his shoulder. Neither said a word, not wanting to disturb the peace. But both knew that one would have to break the silence soon, to address the vulture that had been looming over them since Haymitch had first volunteered.

Haymitch's eyes drifted to her, an amused smile tracing his lips. She looked so calm and content, with a far away look as her eyes followed the path her fingers made on his chest.

"Hey princess".

Effie blinked, lifting her eyes up to him.

Haymitch rolled over to his bedside table, opening the draws. He rummaged through the contents before he pulled out a glass jar.

"Forgot to give you this".

Effie gasped when she saw the miraculous gift. Inside floated a golden flower, dusted with glittering, flaming spots. If caught in the right light she swore she could see its petals ever so slightly folding in and blossoming out, like the stories she had heard.

"A Crystilian," Effie breathed, taking the jar with both her hands. "Oh Haymitch it's beautiful. However did you find it?"

"To be honest it wasn't that hard," Haymitch replied with a nonchalant shrug. "After you told me about them I went looking. Found one caught in a tree at some park nearby".

Effie's eyes rounded with shock. "Cascade Gardens?" she asked, because that was the only park nearby. "You climbed one of those towering trees?"

Haymitch shrugged again with a sheepish smile, gesturing to one of the marks on his chest that Effie had been tracing that night. Effie's lips melted into a small smile, realising that he had indeed climbed the tree, and earned himself a scar to prove it.

Effie leaned forward, brushing her lips against his. "Thank you".

Haymitch returned her smile, his lips still lingering near hers. "Think I'll need a bit more than a kiss for all the trouble I went to".

She repressed an eye roll, giving him a small push away. Haymitch couldn't help but grin.

Taking the glass from her hands he unscrewed the lid and plucked out the delicate flower. Tucking a fallen curl behind her ear he slipped the slender stem behind her ear, letting the flower perch in her hair. He couldn't help but stare. The simple flower brought out her golden curls.

"Haymitch," Effie's voice startled him. Her eyes connected to his, a hint of a smile gracing her lips. "It's rude to stare".

He just shook his head, an incredulous smile meeting his eyes and touching his lips. "Can't help it sweetheart. Not a crime to stare at someone beautiful right?"

Her heart melted like a dripping candle, truly lost for words. She firmly reminded herself that it was the alcohol driving his words, surely the alcohol. She told herself that she was imagining the sincerity and care in his voice, a simple delusion born from her desperation for his words to be true. She told herself that she was fooling herself into beliving that his words held hope, hope that his comment was so much more than a friendly compliment. In her heart she felt herself desperately clutching onto this. Hope.

Effie scolded herself once more, knowing not to lead herself on to believe such things, because Haymitch Abernathy never said nor meant such things. Yet when her eyes connected with his, searching his ocean blue depths for an answer, she found nothing but sincerity.

"Hey princess, you alright?"

Effie blinked back. It was then that she realised how warm and wet her cheeks were. She blinked again, salty tears leaking down her cheeks in dripping drops. Effie sniffed. She took a steady breath, trying to swallow back the tears.

"It's alright Effs," Haymitch whispered, catching her tears with the back of his fingers. Carefully he wiped them away. "What's wrong?"

Effie just shook her head, refusing his help. Because she knew that if she spoke, the tears would come running down like a broken dam and there'd be no stopping her.

"Effie…Effie," Haymitch's hand caressed the side of her face, turning her face his way. His eyes caught hers. "You can tell me".

Effie met his eyes, her tears briefly stopping. Taking a shaky breath she mustered up whatever words she could gather in her emotional state, the words cracking in her throat and slipping out in a bare whisper.

"Don't go".

Haymitch blinked back, taken back. "What?"

Effie captured his lips in a desperate kiss.

"Stay", she breathed into his lips, slowly drawing back.

Haymitch met her eyes, her round, confused and troubled eyes. "That's what this is about?" he referred to her tears. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. "You know it's not that simple sweetheart. I have to go".

Effie bit her lip. She realised how ludicrous she sounded, asking him to not go into the Games tomorrow.

"I know," she whispered. "I just-" Effie stopped, unsure of how to continue.

Haymitch sighed. Reaching for her waist he pulled her onto his lap, her legs straddling his waist. "I wish things were different".

I wish things were different…

His words echoed in her mind. What did he mean by that?

"Haymitch, I know you promised Peeta that you'd get Katniss out alive," Effie began clearly. She wiped away the last of her tears, steadying her breaths. She took another trembling breath before she continued. "But when the Games are over, you come back".

She could see Haymitch's face faltering, fighting against another heavy sigh.

"Haymitch," she said before he could say another word. "I don't want to lose you. I won't," she paused, her eyes softening. Her fingers brushed through his sandy hair, her eyes falling on his. "Just…promise me that you'll return. That I'll see you again".

Haymitch sighed. He reached for her hands, bringing them back down to her sides. If things were different… the thought passed his mind once more, before he quickly squashed it. But things weren't different, and he couldn't waste his time dreaming of what could be.


"Promise me".

Haymitch reached for the flower that was hanging precariously in her hair and placed it in her fingers.

"I promise sweetheart".

The small smile returned to her lips. His word was good enough for her. Effie dropped the flower back into its glass jar and placed it on the floor below her. She dropped a kiss to his lips before climbing out of his lap.

The two sunk back beneath their covers, exhaustion slowly consuming them. Haymitch felt Effie's hand slip through his as she surrendered to her deep slumber. As she did so Haymitch swore he could hear her lips moving in a small mutter, the same words repeating like a ticking mantra.

Promise me…Promise me…Promise me…

That night as Haymitch drifted off to sleep, guilty thoughts passed through his mind. He was entering the Games tomorrow, and depending on how the plan went, he may never see Effie Trinket again. But that thought couldn't compare to the one tormenting his slumber.

His last words to Effie Trinket were a lie.

When Effie woke up the next morning Haymitch was gone, without so much as a note or word of goodbye. In his place resting on his pillow was the Crystilian, bright and golden as the morning's sunshine.

So from here on in, i haven't fully thought out how i'm going to go but i have a fair few ideas tossing around my head. Different scenarios, depending on what I decide to do with Haymitch once in the Games and Katniss fires that arrow. But I'm open to suggestions or guesses of what you guys will think will happen. Please review, I'd love to get to 30 it'd be great! And your feedback is always so helpful. Thanks for reading!

Lydia :)