It has been far too long and i truly apologize but being a single parent is hard but rewarding work! My little girl is going to be a full year very soon so i have to make sure her first bday is memorable!

Once again i am sorry that this isnt the next chapter but fear not i have not forgotten about the story though sadly over the past year i lost what i had for chapter 3 but i did not lose my outlines for the next few chapters along with my original arc of how things are since lisanna will live according to the poll. once again im so sorry fo rthe long dely but well if you are butt hurt about it oh well i have my responsibilities i just hope you can all understand.

But i have started rewriting the 3rd chapter bit by bit when i get time away from my little mess maker and work. i knwo i have tons of spelling errors and whatnot in this AU but im just putting it out quickly so as long as it is legible for you all to read its fine by me but dont fret i dont intend to have sloppy text for the actual chapter.

Well thats pretty much all i have to say basically been quite teh year had its ups and downs but always an adventure! BTW my little one was never a down in it so you know...i know a few of you reading this who will be like dont diss your kid blah blah i already get looked down enough for being a single parent and people just think im going to fail since im a guy rasing a baby alone its like geez people go lick a semi going 80 on teh freeway...yeah sorry im ranting i dont get to vent much fustration out anymore so if i rant randomly in AUs plkease forgive me or rant with me! itll be fun we can make a rant train and go through rantaloo station and...yeah im stopping now...

Anywho! thats all if anyone has suggestions for the story or maybe just original arcs youd like to make but arnt comfortable writing yourself send me a message and ill see if we can collaborate on fitting it in if it works if not i can just help makign your own story if possible but my time is limited.

Well i'll see you all at rantaloo station!

~ Cack