(A/N just so you don't get confused to refer to each different Dante by their number.)
Me: Sup everybody! Hope everyone is having a good and oh-so Happy Holidays! Anyway lets get everyone out here. First up, the main protagonists of the Devil May Cry series and owners of that agency The Dante's! First, DMC3 Dante!
[Dante3 walks out waving and winking at the fangirls in the front row.]
Me: Hello Dante3 how are you tonight?
Dante: Good, but I'm still fixing my shop. You got any food?
Me: There's a couple dozen pizza's on their way here. Anyway, next is DMC1 Dante!
[Walks out and stops to look at his technical past self]
Dante1:... Why did you bring me here?And by that I mean both shirtless and myself.
Dante3:... Who the 7 hells is this guy?
Me: He is the older version of you after your shop is repaired and has a name. Anyway Next is DMCAnime,4, and 2!
[They all walk out and take a seat.]
Me: Thanks for being here guys! Next up is the trigger happy girl with a missile launcher named after her mom, Mary! [BANG] Excuse me, I mean Lady!
[Lady walks out with a smoking gun in her hand]
Lady: My name is Lady, not Mary! I denounced that name when I killed my father.
Me: That doesn't mean you can shoot me in my home/studio! Next is Dante's part time business partner, Trish! [She walks out but a chair slides under her and sits her down] Next we have the worlds biggest douchebag brother, Vergil!
[Vergil runs in and grabs me by the collar.]
Me: Um... He did it! (Point at DMC4 Dante.)
DMC4: What!? (Throws Rebellion at me) [Spaceballs reference]
Me:... Anyway, Let's introduce the next great demon hunter and son to Vergil( Look it up its cannon), Nero and his Girlfriend Kyrie!
(Both walk out and sit down with Kyrie's blush making her look like a brown haired tomato. Nero looks at Vergil.)
Nero: Who's this guy? He looks like he has a 10ft pole up his ass.
(Vergil makes groaning/angry noise.)
Me/Dante3 at same time: I know that sound, that's the sound Vergil makes when he's pissed!
(Vergil goes DT with Beowulf and tries to attack Nero. I grab him and flip him into a DT blocking cage.)
Me: NO! Bad Vergil! No killing family! And you have a dare from a L. LaRue asking you to do something nice for everyone here.
Vergil: Fine, Dante {Looks at Dante3} I'm...SORRY for stabbing you and taking your amulet half. For you and your look alikes, here's a pizza. (Dante3 takes pizza slowly and carefully and inspects it for traps)
Dantes: No poison, explosives, blades, or olives right?
Vergil: You have my word.
(They dig in and finish the entire pizza in about 5-10 min)
Me/Vergil/Nero: Holy Crap that was fast!(Me) Nero and Kyrie are next for Vergil's dare.
Vergil: I apologize for attempting to harm a fellow Sparda and their mate. Take this as a peace offering. {Hands them candy}
Nero: ... Seriously, Who is this asshole? And thank you. (Takes candy and gives half to kyrie.)
Me: As I previously mentioned...wait a minute(Walks to Vergil, whispers in his ear)
Vergil: What? (whisper) He's my WHAT!?
Nero: What is it?
Vergil: According to toonlink13, to put it bluntly...(Deep Voice) I am your Father.
Nero...(Looks angry, activates devil trigger and tackles Vergil) YOU FUCK! (Punches Vergil in the face repeatedly) YOU LEAVE ME WITHOUT A FATHER, LET MY MOTHER DIE BY DEMONS, LEFT ME ALONE TO FEND FOR MYSELF FOR YEARS AND THINK YOU CAN COME BACK!?
Me: GET OFF HIM NERO! (Throws Nero to wall, turns on Devil Trigger restraints in chair.) While we wait for him to calm down lets have Vergil finish his dare.
Vergil: To Lady, I say I apologize for how your father tricked you, heres a $100 credit card for shopping. Trish, I don't know you but same item.
Lady: Never liked my father anyway. Whenever he came home he smelled like goats blood and brimstone.
Me: Next, we have a truth and dare for Dante2 from Aline azurE: Dante from DMC 2!
Truth: From these girls (Beryl, Lady, Trish, Patty, Kyrie and Lucia) Tell me which one you prefer best...and explain why? *v* (Oh, yes off course Kyrie involve in there, sorry Nero.)
Nero:...Choose your words carefully Dante.
Dante2: Hmm...Beryl was hot, but not a likeable personality. Lady was the only girl who resisted my charms by shooting me, Trish I don't think about cause she looks like my mom, Patty is too young for me, Kyrie seems nice but is kinda shy. Not a feature I find desirable in most women, and Lucia is similar to me in most ways. I'd have to say Lucia is preferable for a relationship, but Lady and Trish are better for friends and co-workers.
Me: She also has a dare for ya. Impersonate a dog (yes normal dog), spin your body three times while barking in the same time.
Dante2: (Gets on floor, barks, spins and sits)
Me: Sit, roll-over, Play dead. Now Nero has some from the same person, she says: For Nero!
Truth! Tell me the naughtiest thing you ever imagine to do with kyrie? :3 Well I'm intrigued.
Nero: I..Um..that is...well i...I guess its nothing kinky but just me..and her.. in bed.. doing stuff with her che-(Nose Bleed profusely)
Me:...Anyway she dared you to put cat ears on Vergil's head.
Nero:(Smiles evilly.) Here Vergil, Here KITTY!
Me: I have Yamato! NERO! GET HIM!
(Nero tackles Vergil and place the ears upon his head)
Me: (takes photo on phone) Smile, Vergil! You're an internet sensation. Well, thats all of them. Read and review this and send some dares or truths! And to the reviewer under the name Citlalli, I don't do dares or truths for the reboot characters.ToonLink13 out!