Disclaimer: Skyward Sword and involved characters belong to Nintendo.
This is a Two-Shot GhirahimxLink fic. Warning: Contains, violence, torture and sexual, non-consensual themes. In other words, erotic slash scenes but I tried to be tasteful about it.
Special thanks to September Raven for beta reading!
This had to be a dream. It simply had to.
Yet dreams could be predictable, and in his case, they were often simplistic. They were never wild enough to place him in such a predicament. No, he did not have the active imagination to conjure such an unsettling turn of events.
Link was cornered prey with no hope of escape. He felt as naked and helpless as a newborn staring into the eyes of a hungry beast–a monster that held such control and dominance that the very idea of being at such a disadvantage was absolutely terrifying. So much so, that Link tried to seek comfort in the possibility of everything being a mere nightmare. Just a horrible imagining in his subconscious mind, deep in sleep, back in Skyloft, back in his own bed. However, his body was heavy with fatigue, accompanied with sore joints, and the stone pillar he was tethered to was nothing but awkward. All of his muscles ached and the sheer pain and discomfort reassured him that this was no dream.
No, this was very, very real.
Slender fingers weaved through Links damp hair and raked at his scalp. His captor's touches were firm and possessive, gripping tight enough to cause tension against his roots. With a small wince, Link stared into the eyes of his tormentor.
"Have you ever experienced the taste of blood Link?" Ghirahim inquired, a touch of silk in his voice.
Link said nothing. He wrinkled his nose in distaste.
"It is truly exhilarating," Ghirahim went on. "Enthralling even; a true bite into power."
Link averted the demon's excited gaze, allowing himself to be distracted by the horrid throbbing of his injuries instead. He could still feel the heat of his blood forming steady rivers from his neck and thigh. Flicking his eyes down, he could see the light fabric of his trousers had changed in color. A bright red seeped through and spread down to the knee. Link could only pray that he would not bleed out any time soon.
Ghirahim smirked impishly. The demon's lord's breath was upon his skin, cooling the wet tracks down his neck.
"Oh listen to me, it seems once more, I could not contain my excitement. You see, it is not often I get to partake in such an exquisite experience. Something so extraordinary! Oh, you look at me with such repugnance but I assure you, if you simply understood..." Ghirahim's voice drifted as though a thought had just occurred.
Link grimaced when he spotted a crafty gleam in Ghirahim's eyes. The demon's lips twisted into a slight, courteous smile. Slithering behind Link's waist was Ghirahim's well-muscled arm, hoisting the youth forward.
"How about I show you?"
The hero's pelvis was guided to rest against Ghirahim's waist. The sudden movement stretched Link's punctured thigh, splitting the wound and making Link hiss through clenched teeth. However, as the demon lord pressed forward, Link's attention quickly shifted. Flustered, Link felt the larger body sinking against him, and he was pinned further in place by the strong frame. The sudden proximity of their bodies sent a thrill of terror through Link. He could feel and see Ghirahim in greater detail than he was prepared for. He could even see the thin layer of Ghirahim's lashes slowly batting down as the demon's head bowed marginally. Link's heart beat faster and faster when Ghirahim's face edged closer to his. Those white lips were drawing close and Link's eyes widened in dread. Was Ghirahim trying to kiss him!? Link attempted to tear his head away but Ghirahim's grip offered no give.
Then all too soon, Ghirahim's lips closed the distance between them.
Link froze.
The contact was surprisingly gentle. Carefully, Ghirahim caressed at Link's mouth with a tenderness Link thought only lovers shared. It was soft and warm, a delicacy that reminded him of Zelda. When they were in each other's company, Link always felt safe and at ease with her. More than anything he longed for that security.
...Maybe, just sometimes, through his boyish curiosities, he wondered what it would feel like to kiss his best friend. Her charms, no matter how innocent they may be, were at times, hard to ignore. He could not deny she was pretty to look at and occasionally he would admire the smoothness of her skin. For one, fleeting moment, Link had forgotten where he was. He basked in the vision of Zelda's beauty and the promise of home. Link pictured himself cuddled next to her on a wooden bench and began to relax.
Ghirahim's tongue was nothing but a rude awakening.
Shattering Link's fantasy, it effortlessly slipped past the hero's lips. Stunned, Link felt his mouth being invaded, violated with perverted twists and turns. His heart pounded, his mind raced, his insides squirmed in distress as a sudden, solid realization dawned to him.
Ghirahim was his first kiss.
This demon, his enemy, the foe he was to defeat, had robbed it from him. This unwanted intimacy would plague Link with haunted memories for years to come. He was sure this would start an endless cycle of sleepless nights. Perhaps that was when he noticed the metallic taste of his own blood. Link was ablaze with panic. He wrestled against Ghirahim's tongue, trying his best to shove it out. However, his struggles only enticed and encouraged the demon lord. Link felt Ghirahim grope at his mouth fiercely as that sinuous tongue overpowering Link's and drove down his throat. Stunned, Link began to gag around the vile appendage flexing inside him. The hero thrashed about with all his might.
Finally, Link was released. That wicked tongue withdrew like a revolting serpent curling back into a dark crevice. Link gasped, choking and spitting, wrenching at the offensive taste in his mouth.
"Come now child, was it that dreadful?"
Ghirahim's finger tickled at Link's chin before trailing down the throat. His eyes were focusing on the bite mark he left on Link's skin. The demon prodded at the split skin, pressing into the puncture and letting the blood gathering around his fingertip. When Link grit his teeth, Ghirahim drew back his hand with a thin smile.
"I, for one, found it rather pleasant." He framed Link's face with both hands, smearing a streak of red on the hero's skin. "Perhaps we can strengthen the bond we share." Ghirahim's voice reclined into a throaty purr that made Link's skin crawl. "And perhaps, in due time, you will share your deepest secrets with me."
Ghirahim jolted back in surprise. For a moment he was very still and Link, with childish satisfaction, watched the patch of saliva ooze down the demon's cheek bone. Ghirahim's eyes were round with disbelief, raising a hand to touch where Link had spat on him. He looked like he was in state of shock, as though he had witnessed an unspeakable crime. Then Ghirahim's expression warped with hostility. His features hardened in such a way that the shadows seemed to form a mask around his baleful eyes –nearly feral.
"Let's play a game." Ghirahim whispered, almost too calmly. He waved a hand and Link saw the demon had a dagger in his possession. Ghirahim twirled it in his hand, watching the blade dance between his fingers.
"If you move, make the slightest squirm," Ghirahim spun the dagger towards Link's throat and had the tip sink into the hollow beneath Link's jaw. "I get to carve into you. Understand?"
Link tensed, raising his head as high as he could, trying to avoid contact with the sharp point. As he swallowed he felt it dig against his skin. Breathing shallowly through his nose, he eyed his enemy venomously, only to find that the demon was offering a reciprocating glare of equal spite. For a moment, the two of them simply stared at each other, moved with animosity. Despite his disadvantage, Link's temper began to peak. He didn't have time to entertain Ghirahim's sick perversions! Zelda was counting on him and he refused to let this demon hinder him any longer. Link was tempted to express his frustrations through colorful profanity.
Before the youth could utter any offensive word, Ghirahim flicked the dagger back, leaving a small string of red behind. Link's face crinkled, skin itching from the sudden sting. Ghirahim was smiling again, however it did not reach his eyes. They remained cold and calculating as the demon lord raised his unoccupied hand. With a snap of his fingers, Ghirahim has a small spark of light flicker between them. Link felt his chest burn hot before something burst and a weight left him. Startled, it took him a while to realize that the chain mail beneath his tunic had unbraided. He heard the metallic pieces hitting and shattering against the stone ground like soft rain. Link felt uncomfortably lighter and bare.
"The game starts now." Ghirahim informed, leaning forward.
From the corner of his eye, Link could see the dagger gleaming in Ghirahim's hand. The blade caressed at Link's collar bone and he could see Ghirahim's eyes glistening with frightening enthusiasm. They trailed down the length of his body with a certain hunger he only saw within wild animals. Then again, Ghirahim wasn't too far from being one. With those stupidly wide eyes, Ghirahim very much looked like a cat brimming with excitement from his newly caught prey. The cold metal of the dagger slowly traveled southward, slicing open the fabric of his tunic and exposing vulnerable flesh. Once more space was granted, the blade teased down Link's chest playfully. There was enough pressure for noticeable contact but it was light and feathery, provoking goosebumps. Link began to recoil in discomfort, flinching when the dagger curved beneath a breast. Passing along the first bump of Link's ribs, the blade pierced in. The hero snarled and curled as Ghirahim's eyes fill with wonder and fascination. As if they weren't already creepily massive enough...
"Forgetting the rules already are we?" Ghirahim sneered, eyeing the delicate line he had crafted. He grazed at it with his finger and gave a hard stroke, smudging the trickle of blood.
Link cringed and Ghirahim chuckled.
"Perhaps now you can commit this to your memory. Do try harder, will you?" The tip of Ghirahim's finger ground down on the red slit, widening it. "You wouldn't want to disappoint your precious little friend would you?" Ghirahim smirked, noticing Link's attention flaring up. "Oh, just imagine the look on her pretty face when I tell her about our little game."
Link immediately bristled and his senses sharpened. "I won't let you near her."
"No?" Ghirahim was intrigued. "What is it Sky Child? Can you not bear the thought of me gathering her in my arms and whispering little secrets to her?"
Link felt nothing but contempt for Ghirahim. He growled at his foe, feeling a surge anger filling and strengthening him. The demon took notice to this and seemed pleased. He offered Link's hateful eyes a menacing grin.
"Have I upset you?"
Testing the binds locking him in place, Link's normally empathetic nature grew sour and murderous. The sudden urge to strike the demon in front of him made him forget his cuts and bruises. He envisioned himself charging at Ghirahim with the Goddess blade and driving him to the floor.
Ghirahim chuckled, humming with delight. "Have you not realized it until now?" The demon spread his arms open wide, raising them towards the ceiling as though he were conversing with the heavens. "When my master returns, the world will be our stage and even your little goddess friend will not help but be captivated by our glorious performance!"
Link glowered, blowing irritably at the strands of his hair that stuck to his brows.
Ghirahim swept in close, face mere inches from Link's. "Just imagine," He whispered, so low that Link felt the words more than heard them. "The wonders I can show that girl. She's all too pure, too feeble minded, why, she's just begging to be tainted."
Purely by impulse, Link launched himself at Ghirahim. He did care what happened, he just wanted to hurt, and thoroughly so the demon would never be a threat again. Yet Link's restraints held him tight and the only harm that was inflicted was upon himself, violently whipping his body back to the hard, stone pillar. Link groaned more in frustration than pain.
Ghirahim pulled back, eyes widened in not alarm, but humor. "My dear child!" He began to laugh, slow at first, before it broke into a loud outburst of cackles. "What were you hoping to do?" Ghirahim wavered, as though he could not contain himself, convulsing with his hysteria "Hurt me?"
Link's glare intensified with resentment. The hero watched Ghirahim giggle madly, the demon lord gripping at his own sides before he finally, as though recovering from a joke, regained his composure. A smile was still cracked in place as he looked at Link, who fumed noticeably.
"Oh dear, was it something I said?" Ghirahim bared his teeth, the laughter not quite leaving his face. "Have I done you a great disservice? Please, accept my most humble apology!"
Ghirahim's heel struck solidly at Link's gut and stayed. The blow knocked away all of Link's remaining strength, ripping the last of his breath. With a choked gasp, Link doubled over Ghirahim's foot before it retracted gracefully.
"Hm," Ghirahim bent his head down to observe Link's anguish. "This look suits you quite well. Breathless at my presence? Yes, I rather like this."
"I'm going to kill you!" Link wheezed, swelling with rage.
"By all means Sky Child, I invite you to try."
Link grew silent. The rush of adrenalin fading, the hero felt pain returning to him, reminding him of every tear and wear in his body. His neck searing, Link slumped forward heavily, hanging his head bitterly. He hated this! Hated how he was helpless and unable to do anything. Hated how pitiful he must have looked, and above all, hated Ghirahim more than anything in the world.
Ghirahim mistook Link's silence as a gesture of defeat.
"Hmph, that's what I thought." The demon lifted his chin in triumph before suddenly clicking his tongue. "Look what you've done, you've nearly split open your neck with that adorable little stunt of yours– hm? What's this?"
Link glanced upwards. Although his hair spilled over his field of vision, he saw Ghirahim's attention was drawn to his waist, studying one of his leather pouches. Link could only assume something must have been protruding out of the flaps. The demon lord lowered himself for a closer inspection, gripping at the hero's belt. The dagger was still in one of Ghirahim's hand, the handle pressing hard against Link's hipbone, yet the demon lord had little regard for Link's comfort. With a piqued curiosity, Ghirahim traced the leather straps with his fingers.
"If memory serves," Ghirahim's hand moved to unfasten the pouch's flap. "You were quite keen on retrieving something of great importance from this." The demon slipped his hand inside. "Let's see what all that fuss was about."
Link bit his lip as Ghirahim's hand emerged with his healing potion. Raising the glass, the demon stirred the scarlet contents shimmering inside.
"This could prove to be rather useful." Ghirahim mused, uncorking the bottle with an audible pop. "As much as I love watching you drain, it would be a shame to have you bleed out before we had any real fun."
Ghirahim poured a small amount of liquid over his extending fingers. Once they were coated, he rubbed them together and began muttering to himself. It took a minute to realize Ghirahim was reciting an incantation.
There was a flash of white and a small blizzard of silvery diamonds swarmed towards Link. They settled on the hero's damaged skin, gathering like crystallized snowflakes before melting. As they disappeared, so did most of Link's pain. Blinking in confusion, he stared down on himself to find his chest free of red lines. His neck no longer stung and when he cocked his head gently, he noticed the bite on his neck was absent. However, he felt the dense, powerful throb remain on his thigh. From where he hung, Link saw his trousers were still wet and glistening with blood.
When Link's eyes traveled back to the demon lord, he saw his potion bottle was being engulfed by a flock of diamonds. When they vanished, so did the bottle. Link grew dispirited.
"Fortunately or unfortunately for you boy, you have acquired my interest." Ghirahim licked his lips, gliding a strong hand down Link's injured limb. "Rest assured, I have no intention of killing you."
Ghirahim squeezed at the top of Link's thigh, watching the crimson fluid accumulate. Link grunted, hands balling into fists before holding his breath.
"At least not swiftly." Ghirahim grinned.
The demon lord slipped his fingers beneath the torn fabric, setting them directly against the wound. They pressed in firmly, dipping inside the puncture. With a tight gasp, Link heard Ghirahim speaking in a foreign tongue.
Suddenly, it was as though Link were poked by a hot rod.
Link howled and thrashed. In a horrible ignition of pain, he felt his skin being scorched through until he felt raw. Throwing his head back he squeezed his eyes shut, praying it would end soon. Miraculously, it did. Ghirahim's fingers retreated. The burn began to die down into a sizzling sting and he could feel his wound patching itself with a new layer of skin. Link furrowed his brow, panting.
"Be honored Sky Child, there are so very few beings I deem worthy of my attention. Your body will serve as a canvas for my wondrous imagination. I promise you, there will never be a dull moment."
When Link opened his eyes, he saw the shine of a dagger pointing at his direction. Ghirahim has risen to his feet, lips curling deviously.
"Shall we start over?"
Link made no response, but grew nervous when Ghirahim's head craned towards his chest. The demon lord's hair swept along Link's skin as he settled beneath the hero's chin, resting a soft cheek against Link's beating heart. With some straining, Link could see the tip of Ghirahim's nose protruding from a curtain of pale hair. To his dismay, he saw it was too close to an intimate area. Ghirahim must have felt or heard his quickening pulse, for the demon began to laugh through his nose. The short, rhythmical puffs of breath were warm, ghosting over Link's nipple, aggravating the skin surrounding it. The hero prayed to the Goddess that his enemy would not notice the timorous vibrations of his trembling. Ghirahim's lips stroked over the delicate point, causing an icy chill to rise along Link's back. When a teasing tongue introduced itself, Link pursed his lips and squeezed his eyes shut. His senses heightened and he could feel himself shrinking beneath the smooth texture.
"Mhn...I love that little hitch in your breath. How can we develop this further?" Ghirahim murmured, more to himself than to Link.
Link opened a concerned eye, only witness Ghirahim's lips enveloping around his sensitive nub.
And tugged.
Link jumped, hardly able to stifle the yelp that escaped his lips. Ghirahim snickered softly before pulling away from Link's body.
"Oh dear, you moved. What am I to do with you Sky Child?"
Ghirahim planted his dagger on Link's sternum and slid across, breaking the skin. The hero shuddered, tugging on his restraints.
"I said don't move Sky Child. Now I get to do it again."
The dagger curved and gave a swift cut just above Link's nipple.
"Ow!" Link recoiling sharply.
The demon seemed absolutely giddily, clapping his hands together and mocking a good cheer.
"Oh dear, yet another one, you really are bad at this game."
The blade's tip dipped in a little deeper this time and snagged against the youth's clothing. The stitching on Link's tunic shredding as the dagger coasting along the length of a ribcage and stationing itself there in little swirls. Sucking in his breathes, Link was surprised to hear a whimper residing in his throat. Screwing his eyes closed, he waiting for the blade to retract, breathing heavily through his nose.
"Now you're catching on." Ghirahim crooned. "Keep this up and you may last long enough to make this interesting."
The dagger left and Link sighed softly, though he did his best not to move. Keeping his eyes clamped down, he decided to focus on his breathing, fighting hard to keep it controlled. He could feel his chest rising and falling erratically and hoped it would not earn him any penalties. His body began to ache, sharp pains pinching around his split, bleeding skin. Link heard Ghirahim step back to admire his work. The demon's steady breathing began to climb, as if being stimulated by the sight before him.
Slowly, the demon drifted towards Link and the hero felt steel hands clawing down Link's sides. The hero was relieved to find the dagger was absent, presumably dismissed for another occasion–hopefully distant. However, that relief was short lived when the flat of Ghirahim's palms rolled along his torso and gripped at the edges of Link's torn tunic. With dangerous enthusiasm, the demon ripped it open, splitting it down to the navel and letting it dangled loosely off Link's skin. If Ghirahim's teeth were not grazing over his inflamed flesh, Link would have been angry for having his uniform completely ruined. Link frowned, looking down at the shreds. He really liked the green color and it was hard to find clothes that fit him well...
Of course, the demon could care less, he was preoccupied exploring the cuts inflicted on Link's skin. A hot tongue poked out and lapped across a deep slit, pushing against it to reap in the warm fluid. When the licks grew hungry and rampant, Link wondered if Ghirahim's blood lust was compromising the demon's self-control. The hero grimaced, Ghirahim's tongue feeling more and more like a knife with each, heated lash. After what felt like eternity, Ghirahim was satisfied with his fill and let his mouth roam down Link's stomach. The demon lord's lips were planting disturbingly dedicate kisses, tracing along the lines of Link's muscles and leaving soft pecks in a rather sensual fashion. Link's jaw tightened. The wispy touches were beginning to stir a distinct yet unfamiliar sensation that made heat rise to his face. Ghirahim's hands dragged down to grip at Link's hips and began to play with Link's belt, unfastening it. The hero struggled to still his breathing before swallowing it down, and looked at Ghirahim.
"What the hell are you playing at?"
"Oh Sky Child," Ghirahim did not meet Link's eyes. "I hoped you would have much more insight that that. Isn't it painfully obvious?"
The demon was lifting the bottom of Link's tunic like a skirt. When a small rush of cool air met his lower half, Link looked away in mortification. His body grew rigid with fearful anticipation.
"Are you biting your lower lip on purpose?" Ghirahim chuckled. "How adorable."
Link opened his mouth in protest when Ghirahim's hand silence him. With a set grasp, Link felt fingers creeping along the inside of his thighs, climbing upwards in a devious dance. A spark of terror swelled within Link's chest. It twisted his heart into something so strange and foreign that he found himself in a state of confusion. When Ghirahim's palm rolled over his groin, Link stiffened fervidly. The demon's fingers crawled along Link's skin, grasping the anatomy of his manhood and pressing into a startlingly strong hold. Although it was not enough to be painful, it had a crippling effect that rendered Link speechless.
A soft but firm squeeze was given a frightening new sensation revealed itself to him. It was brief but powerful, pleasant and lingered between his legs. Before the feeling settled, Ghirahim offered another squeeze, following by a slight pull. Link inhaled sharply and the twist within his chest constricted harder. Once more, a frisson of pleasure passed through him, coaxing a small gasp from his parted lips. This must have pleased Ghirahim as the demon lord rewarded Link with a stroke of his thumb. It pressed along Link's length and rubbed in steady, circular motions. With a low hiss, Link was surprised to feel a prominent spike of arousal. It came so suddenly that he grew dizzy with a bleary vision.
Goddess, what was happening?
Goddess, what was happening?
Link's lips tightened, body growing uncomfortably hot and muscles taut as Ghirahim's hand began to slide up and down. His mind took off in a nervous flight and he saw an image of Zelda pressing her petite body against him with a sensual sigh. Link gasped audibly, shaking his head at the thought, surprised at himself.
"Hm," Ghirahim mused. "At least one part of you is enjoying this."
"Shut up!"
"You know," Ghirahim's strokes quickened. "We must work on those manners of yours. I'm starting to think you are..." Ghirahim's fingers traced along an area that nearly made Link yip. "Ungrateful."
"Stop, just, stop talking!" Link rasped, snapping his eyes and mouth shut. He clenched his fists, wishing the Master Sword was in his hands.
"Can't handle the sweetness of my voice?" Ghirahim put a halt to his ministrations. "Are the gifts of my silver tongue simply that daunting to you?"
Link made no response. The demon lord allowed the silence to drift between them, save for Link's sporadic panting. Finally, Ghirahim heaved a loud, exasperated sigh.
"Oh, very well, I shall heed your request." The demon's tone was dressed with disappointment but Link was sure Ghirahim was being melodramatic. "No matter, there other ways I can appeal to you. Oh ho...you see, I often have an active imagination that can easily overwhelm others. For example..."
The brush of a tongue met him, smooth and wet. Like a crafty serpent made of silk, it winded down delicate flesh. Link's jaw fell. His shoulders and spine rolled forward, scrunching his brow together as the back of his head scraped against stone behind him. Mind and breath growing feverish, Link opened and closed his mouth, struggling to contain his sounds of torment. However, a skillful flick of Ghirahim's tongue elicited a throaty groan from Link before it dissolved into a quiet curse. Shortly after, Link felt a curve of a mouth exploring him, making him shudder at the slightest grope and change of direction. Ghirahim was very meticulous in his actions, expertly applying the right amount of pressure and attention to certain creases that made Link pant extra hard. The tantalizing licks and strokes were wrapping around him, slowly easing him against parting lips and then...
"Oooh..." The sound came out of Link's mouth before he could stop it. The warmth he was greeted with was more than he could bear. His face screwed tight, back arching upwards with rocking hips as Ghirahim began to engage in diligent, rhythmic motions. Unable to stop the arousal in his voice, Link felt the pleasurable vibes ripple throughout his entire body in a hot flush. Despite his struggles, the youth found himself slipping away, being driven closer and closer to the edge, each push more relentless than the last, until finally, he fell.
Spiraling down into a sea of madness, Link was overtaken by its strong current. Fighting to stay afloat, he was at its mercy as he was forced to ride it, wave after wave until it worked him onto exhaustion. Ruthlessly dragging him under, it drowned him, making him gasp for air. Gasping for...something more, something with greater urgency.
Just when he was about to burst, it all stopped.
Breathless and disoriented, Link opened a questioning eye and was welcomed with a world of fog. Huffing, he felt his lower half being adjusted with dexterous hands tenderly fiddling with his garments. Vision clearing, he discovered Ghirahim had been fastening his belt and clicking it closed, covering his shame. Still winded and struck with confusion, a puzzled whine escaped from the hero's trembling lips, hoarse and small.
Ghirahim met Link's distressed eyes with a taunting smile.
"Hello again."
Link opened his mouth but no words came out. His mind still felt hazy like awakening from a lucid dream. His body buzzed with the lingering sensations Ghirahim had instilled upon him and ached with painful, primal need. Slowly gathering his wits, Link was astonished to realize he had wanted the stupefying pleasure to continue. Goddess, Ghirahim must have bewitched his mind. How could he allow himself to enjoy such a filthy act? He couldn't. He was the Goddess chosen hero.
But he did. And he wanted more. That undeniable, astounding pleasure that made him feel so detached and free from reality. So surreal that deep down, his consciousness demanded relief. Even the mere proximity of the other male watching him was stimulating.
"That was fun, was it not? Enjoyable even?" Ghirahim's face inclined forward, eyeing Link with a fixation of a predator. "Perhaps enough to inspire some conversation?"
Abashed, Link tried looking away but the demon grasped his jaw with a painful grip. Forced to stare into the face of his tormentor, Link grew powerless under the demon's scrutinizing gaze.
"Look at me Sky Child."
Link blinked groggily.
Ghirahim's free hand snaked between Link's legs. Once more, Link felt that slow climb of pleasure threatening to devour him again.
"Tell me where the time gate is."
Link winced but not in pain. He kept his lips pinched together.
"Please understand," Ghirahim murmured, urging Link closer to a state of bliss. "The awful frustration of having information withheld from me. Why, the feeling is so overwhelming, that it I'm just bursting with need."
Link panted hard. He wanted to turn his head away, and although Ghirahim held his chin captive, it was the demon's commanding eyes that kept him locked in place.
The demon lord's fondling plucked out a strangled breath from the hero.
"N-no..." Link moaned, trying to muffle the sound with pursing lips.
Ghirahim's motions suddenly grew more rigorous. With a wounded noise, Link felt as though he were suffocating from the delightful shivers ensnaring him. The demon watched with deadly fascination and Link felt as though he were nothing more than wriggling prey for Ghirahim's amusement. The demon's breath quickened with excitement, eager to draw out more erotic sounds from the youth's gaping mouth.
"The time gate Link."
Link groaned long and hard, head spinning rapidly. Goddess, Goddess, he could not stand this anymore! How pathetic did he look now? Succumbing to his enemy's vulgar influence. He just wanted to give in and make it all stop. Just when he was contemplating surrender, Zelda's face flashed in Link's mind. No, no he could not fail her.
"Sky Child, the time—"
"Rot in hell!"
Ghirahim's hand stilled and silence followed. Eventually, Ghirahim inhaled deeply, breath hitching in what would have been a laugh. The faintest flicker of disfavor was present in his eyes.
"Hm, then how can I make this more clear?"
There was a musical chime and Ghirahim's forgotten dagger had been summoned back. In an instant, the dagger pressed between Link's legs, skimming over the sculpted shape of Link's lingering arousal.
Link froze.
The blade cradled itself against the crease between Link's thigh and groin. Although Link was clothed, his trousers did not offer much protection. The dagger's tip was extremely sharp and he could already feel the point pricking at his skin through the fabric. All it would take was a twist and his manhood would be sliced clean off.
"Don't..." Link gasped.
Ghirahim flashed a viscous smile.
"Don't what? I just wanted to rest this here." The demon gave a little shove, cutting into the fabric ever so slightly. Link jerked with a panicked huff.
"Oh!" Ghirahim crowed. "Sky Child the look on your face is absolutely divine. I've never seen such a beautiful shade of terror!"
Link pressed his lips together to repress a whimper. When Ghirahim leaned in Link closed his eyes.
"Tell me where the time gate is." Ghirahim pressed.
Link's mind whirled dizzily. His voice shrank.
" I...I Can't!"
"You can't or won't?" Ghirahim's steady growl was fringed with vexation.
The blade was starting to dig into Link's skin.
"I CAN'T!"
The point lifted away. Link's hysterical breathes nearly drowning out Ghirahim's laughter.
"My, my, Sky Child." Ghirahim's eyes had a cruel shine to them. "How you enchant me. I'm rather fond of seeing you like this." The demon's lips grazed over Link's temple and gave him a tender brush of mock affection. "However, it is imperative that I know where the time gate is. Time is of the essence boy."
The dagger returned and gave a teasing tap with the flat of the blade. It turned so the tip could gently scrape at the threading.
Link wasn't thinking. His mind was longing for the safety of the skies. He wanted to go home! Ghirahim wanted an answer, but it didn't have to be accurate right?
"Skyloft!" Link cried.
Struck with shame, Link snapped his mouth shut, blinking in disbelief.
Ghirahim seemed to be just as incredulous as Link. Pulling the dagger away, his brows were raised in bemusement before examining Link's face closely. Link turned his head way, wishing he could sink inside the pillar and hide there for all eternity. He heard Ghirahim popping a large grin before his wild laughter filled the air and rolled into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.
"Ha!" Ghirahim barked "When did you develop such a sense of humor? And here I thought you had an exceedingly boring mind." The demon flipped the dagger in his hands thoughtfully, eyes hooding with brief reflection. "However..."
Something sharp thrust into the hero's abdomen and stuck. It was the impact that Link noticed first, chasing his voice away and making his head snap forward. It suddenly hurt to breathe and a searing pain began to creep deep in his body. When Link's eyes dropped, he saw Ghirahim had buried a dagger within Link's gut with nothing but the hilt showing.
"It is exceptionally rude to lie to me Link." Ghirahim whispered, eyes narrowed and unforgiving. "But enough idle bantering, it seems we have forgotten our little game. I have neglected to reinforce the penalties for all your restless fidgeting."
Ghirahim yanked the blade out, rough and fast. Link's eyes widened in shock, watching with bewilderment as a dark crimson fluid welled and flooded out. As the blood streamed out in generous heaps, the pain spread like wildfire and Link felt a sob rising within his throat, sputtering choking noises. His vision began to blur.
"We're far from done boy!"
The dagger swiped across the youth's chest, leaving a wide gash behind. With a loud cry Link's body swayed from the force before dangling. A strained, sniveling sound began to surface but Link willed himself to keep it down, refusing to reward his enemy with whatever pitiful sound that would have been delivered.
"I want the time gate Link." Ghirahim breathed, temper rising.
Link shook his head weakly but adamantly. Although he could hardly see in front of him, he saw Ghirahim's mouth move in what seemed like an irritated twitch. It quickly developed into a savage snarl and riled the demon lord into plunging his weapon forward.
"Well, if you insist!"
The blade pierced Link's side and hooked beneath the ribcage. This time the shock could not suppress the raw pain that set Link's entire body aflame. A deafening scream erupted from Link's mouth, voice cracking loud and hard until it broke into a string of whimpers. His throat began to clog, bubbling with his own blood.
"Oh," Ghirahim purred. "That is a sound I like. Sky Child, when were so gifted in song?"
With labored breathing, Link bent his head down and grew limp and lifeless as a misused doll. His tattered clothes clung to his battered body, sticky with blood and sweat. Life spilling out of him, his eyes fell closed and waited for darkness to claim him. It was starting to feel very cold and a numbness was building from his limbs.
"Sky Child."
Link's consciousness had not quiet slipped when he felt Ghirahim's hand reach for cheek. The metal palm pressed against him before combing through Link's messy hair, petting him lovingly.
"Perhaps this is a little harsh." There was a husky tenderness to Ghirahim's voice. "Remember when I said I lacked mercy? Well...it is not my strongest trait, but I suppose I could try to put it into practice."
It took a fair bit of effort to hear the demon's words and stay awake. Link felt his head being lifted, guided to feel Ghirahim's warm lips speaking against his. "I simply need persuasion."
The dagger burrowed inside Link twisted. The sharp pain forced the hero's body to spasms in violent shakes, eyelids fluttering but not opening.
"I have another offer to make for you Link, but I require your full attention and unconditional cooperation to provide an answer."
Link was heavy with drowsiness and he felt like he was made of led. If not for Ghirahim's domineering voice, Link would have passed out.
"Is that clear Sky Child?"
Link had forgotten how to speak. His mouth uselessly hung open in his tortured breathes.
"Is that that clear, Sky Child?"
With his remaining strength, Link nodded sagely.
"Excellent." Ghirahim chirped, abruptly pulling the blade out.
Link's mouth twisted in agony, squeezing out a strange, crippled noise. The sound must have appeased the demon lord in some way as it lured his lips to move against the hero's temple and mouth some sort of salacious praise. Whatever nonsense Ghirahim was spewing fell upon deaf ears as Link heard nothing but the faint pulsing of his own heart. His senses deteriorating, he let himself start to succumb to a well earned sleep.
Something slipped in his mouth.
Instinctively, Link flexed his tongue experimentally to see what it was. The unknown object was slender and strong, massaging at his tongue with something sweet and rich. It buzzed and spread throughout his entire mouth and tingled down his throat. Within seconds, a sudden spark of alertness reanimated Link. He coughed, quivering as his broken body inflated with life and stretched the tears of his flesh. Although still damaged, it felt like the embossed gashes on his bloody torso had shrunk and stitched together by the smallest fraction. The pain, however, was still maddening but charitably impaired for Link to retain consciousness. Eyes springing open, his vision suddenly focused on Ghirahim's mocking smile. Whatever was in his mouth curled teasingly before retreating. Only then, did Link notice Ghirahim's dancing fingers glistening with a sparkling scarlet liquid.
The demon's grin widened in satisfaction."Welcome back hero."
Still catching his breath, Link woozily looked at his enemy with misgivings. Ghirahim kept his smile, brandishing the hero's potion bottle proudly with one hand before having a small cluster of diamonds send it away. Link wondered if it was temporarily dismissed or permanently banished from existence.
"Now that we have no distractions," The demon lord dusted his hands off, as though he were finished with a chore. "We have more pressing matters at hand." Ghirahim's playful gaze grew solemn and his lips were set in a thin line.
Link coiled slightly, unsure if he should brace himself for any more abuse. However the demon glided forth smoothly with no signs of aggression. Regardless, the hero flinched when Ghirahim's hand reached for his face and collected his cheek in an open palm. A forefinger gently touching at Link's earlobe, lifting the hero's earring to admire before letting it sway with a tiny jingle. Link swallowed hard, greedily gulping down the air he had purchase to while he could, in case something detrimental happened.
Yet all Ghirahim did was peer into Link with his preying eyes with a silent demand of eye contact. Perhaps it was the deathly silence, but for once, Lord Ghirahim actually scared the youth. Gingerly, Link yielded to the demon's gaze.
"Listen very carefully boy," Ghirahim spoke quietly and carefully, as though Link were a skittish kikwi he was trying not to startle. "While I am still in a gaming mood."
Ghirahim grasped behind Link's head tightly and the hero unwillingly offered his full attention.
"As I've mentioned before hero, I'm a busy boy and my patience is wearing very thin. However, I could forget about the time gate just for today if I feel I am given a very attractive alternative." Ghirahim's grip grew vice-like and pulled roughly at Link's hair, forcing the underside of the hero's jaw to press against the demon's heated lips.
"That being said, I have a generous proposition to make and present two options." Ghirahim let the sharp points of his teeth line up against Link's skin threateningly. "You can continue to oppose me like the miserable dog you are and provoke my ill will." Ghirahim's teeth contracted as if to demonstrate how easy it would be to tear Link's throat out. The hero inhaled deeply and didn't dare move an inch.
"Or," The demon lord's mouth released Link and soothed the reddening skin with a delicate lick. "You can provide stimulating company to can entertain and satisfy my...curiosities."
Link stared at the ceiling speechless, having difficulty digesting what was being said. The demon lord let go of Link's head and pulled back so the hero's head could drop down to eye level. Ghirahim watched Link's face falter with uncertainty and fatigue.
"In other words," Ghirahim smiled wickedly. "You get to choose between being my enemy or my sweet little plaything."
Link stared in loss, slowly having Ghirahim's words sink in and creep down his body like a rush of cold water. The disturbing twist in his chest returned, reminding Link of the repulsive debauchery he shared with the foul demon. Link felt a wave of sickness clutching at his heart, throat growing thick with disgust.
"Oh, and Sky Child,"
Ghirahim snapped his fingers and the binds holding Link in place suddenly constricted. They cut deep into Link's limbs nearly down to the bone. Link's cry pierced the air and bounced along the walls in agonizing rolls. It was a miracle that his arms and legs did not fly off.
"Don't keep me waiting long, I expect a prompt answer." Ghirahim said while leaning back to enjoy the show. "However I want you to take careful consideration into what I'm about to say or the consequences will be, well..." The demon gave a lighthearted laugh, as if amused by his own bad joke. "Not as forgiving as this. Contrary, they will be very severe."
Link writhed as the diamond chains continued to compress around him, rupturing his muscle tissue. He lost the strength to scream and his previous wounds had torn open from the stress of his thrashing. Link could no longer keep track on what was hurting where, just that his entire body was on fire and it felt as though he were bleeding from every orifice—it was hard to tell.
Ghirahim steadied Link's squirming by trapping the youth's distorting face between his hands, shushing him with a comforting 'there there'.
"I can put an end to your suffering Link." Ghirahim whispered in what could have been a small shred of sympathy or merely an act. "All I ask, is for you to make up for your poor behavior. Obey and I can make this very pleasant for you." The demon caressed at Link's temples. "Disobey and play with my patience again and I will not hesitate to cut your little thing off."
Link felt himself wavering in and out of unconsciousness again. Ghirahim gave Link's face a single, enforcing shake, voice pitching into a low, dominant tone.
"Do you understand? You are my plaything."
Link closed his eyes and tried his hardest to make a gesture of a nod. He just wanted to stop hurting. He couldn't endure any more torture. It was too much and he just wanted to rest.
The chains loosened, alleviating the pressure from their serrated coils. Its lenient hold allowed Link's mutilated body to sink and drape over them impassively. There was a sound of smashing glass that momentarily perked Link's senses but he did not bother to look. Ghirahim's hands squeezed at Link's jaw firmly, prying the hero's mouth to part. Simultaneously, Link felt his face being sharply tugged forward to have his lips smashing against another's. It was deep and possessive, the pressure of the demon's lips maintained painful and powerful contact. A thick, warm liquid leaked through and before Link could register what was being done, an invasive tongue pushed between his lips and transferred an ample amount of rich fluid.
A surge of strength rippled through Link's body, blanketing him with what felt like electrical currents riding down to the toes and fingertips. His joints creaked and popped as his body reconstructed itself with lightning speed, shocking him into full alertness. Link gasped against Ghirahim's mouth at though he has just resurfaced from a deep sea. His eyes fluttered open in a series of watery blinks. The demon allowed enough slack for the hero to recover before smiling against those quivering lips lasciviously.
"Good boy." The demon growled, planting himself between Link's legs so the fallen hero could feel the hard strength of his sex beneath the thin layer of clothing.
"So what are you hero?" Ghirahim pulled his head back to observe every detail of Link's face. His fingertips drummed along Link's cheek bones impatiently.
The hero clenched his jaw before closing his eyes in submission. He had been claimed.
"What will you be for Lord Ghirahim?"
Link's head drooped.
"P-play thing..."
~ End~
Author's Note:
That's a wrap everyone! Sorry for the ridiculously long chapter, I'm still trying to work on making my writing more concise lol. Regardless, I hope you guys enjoyed reading my first story. I do have a larger GhiraLink fanfic in the works (and it will be more consensual than this with more character depth and story) that I hope to get started on soon. However, I wanted to start with this two-shot first to practice on my writing on a technical level and exploring their personalities, specifically Ghirahim's sadistic tendencies. Let me know how I did and if you guys would be interested in seeing more GhiraLink stories from me. Any sort of review or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for the support! You guys rock!