As promised~ Here is a new chapter of DL~ Just a Servant! Sorry it takes so long to update. I am sorry if any of the Mukami brothers are OOC, but I will do my best to get them into character...Please let me know if they seem odd. Enjoy!~

Leon could not believe everything he was told by the eldest Mukami, Ruki. "This is a lot to take in" Leon said as he sat back in his seat as he watched the servants come and collect the dishes. "Yes, this is indeed a lot to take in" Ruki began as he too leant back against his chair making himself comfortable. "But if Lord Sakamaki's plan is going to work, your presence must leave as soon as possible" Ruki finished as he glanced at the now downhearted male.

"Besides that, soon you will no longer have to follow those guys any longer" Kou chimed in as he smirked at the thought of the Sakamaki brothers suffering without their personal butler to care for them. "And if they don't follow under that man's plan, we can always take the sow and complete his request ourselves" Yuma added as he lazily lounged on his chair as he munched on some sugar cubes in his hands.

"I wonder if Leon was punished painfully if he did not complete his tasks?" Azusa asked with a small dazed smile imagining the sweet pain Leon might of gone through when he failed a task. The other Mukami's would of ignored such a thought coming from the sadistic and masochistic vampire who played with his bandages, but looked over to the soon to be ex-servant in curiosity.

Leon figured that they do want to know and decided to tell them about his servant life. "Yes I did in fact get punished for not completing certain tasks on time, the punishment would be either a whipping from Master Reiji or being bitten by him or any of the other brothers." Yuma whistled out as he heard about the punishment Leon went through impressed that the male had not been broken down so easily as he thought. Azusa sighed in bliss as he thought about the pain Leon went through and wished for something similar. Ruki seemed interested at the fact the servant was even bitten for failing tasks and sadistically amused at the whipping since it was an equivalent of being slapped but with a tool. Kou on the other hand, was angered at the fact that Leon was treated as not only a slave but as a tool.

"Tch~ Those damn Sakamaki's don't know the meaning of respect! They use people as their own toys and don't care about the consequences!" Kou angrily exclaimed as he slammed his fist on the table, startling Leon. "I could say the same thing about you Kou, you like to toy with your fans feelings and are quite two faced" Yuma said while smirking at the frustrated blonde. "Tch~" Kou grumbled as he disappeared from the room.

"Don't mind Kou, Leon...he went off to..." "Pout" Yuma interrupted chuckling, making Ruki glare in the taller males direction. "We might as well retreat to our rooms for now and rest, after all you have to get back to your duties as a servant" Ruki said as everyone began to wander to their rooms. Leon was the last one to leave and decided to find Kou and talk to him since the blonde was so angry when he stormed off.

With the help of the other servants, Leon found Kou's room and knocked on it, "Kou, it's me Leon...may I enter?" Not too long after that, Kou poked his head out the door before opening it widely and allowing the older male entrance to his room. Leon took a seat on Kou's bed shortly followed by Kou.

"It must have been terrible to have to go through one hell to enter another." Kou spoke up after a pregnant pause of silence. "It was thanks to you that I was able to be freed from that terrible place, I was happy to serve Lord Sakamaki and his family as repayment for saving my life." Leon responded as he faced Kou. "It had it's up and downs but they gave a roof under my head and treated me more like a living being than those people " he finished while shuddering slightly.

After thinking it over, Kou reluctantly agreed, "We also owe Lord Sakamaki as well, he gave us a new life...and for me a new eye" The blue eyed male solemnly stated as he placed a hand over his new right eye. "What?! A new eye?!" Leon exclaimed as he grasped Kou's shoulder and pinned him down on the bed to gain a better look at the new "eye". Leon brushed the blonde locks over Kou's shocked eyes to see the red orb that was previously blue.

"After we where separated, I tried to make my self unappealing but it made things worse for I was desired by the aristocrats even more...eventually I even tried to commit suicide, and as you can see, it never happened. That was when I met Ruki and we tried to escape and that didn't work...eventually we met Yuma and Azusa before Lord Sakamaki appeared and granted us a new life. It was then when I told him about you and the rest is history." Kou summed up the shitty life he lived before now.

Leon was sad, he would never wish for anything terrible to happen to the brothers (both Mukami and Sakamaki) nor his enemies. But fate was fate, you cannot control for it was unpredictable. "Close your eyes Kou" Leon spoke quietly, leaving Kou confused but he shut his eyes anyways. Once Kou's eyes were closed, Leon leaned down and kissed the blonde's right eyelid briefly, where the artificial eye from the Lord of vampires was. Getting up, Leon helped the shocked male up and encompassed his softer hands in his own callous one's. "I am sorry I was not able to protect you my Light, instead you ended up saving me...when I have to leave with the Sakamaki's...I will come find you again and repay you for your kindness."

"You don't need to be my servant or anything like that Leon, I told you before that we will see each other again and I promised to give you a better purpose in life. When you come to stay with us, I want you to stay by my side forever and be free to enjoy the things you want to do...this is how you will repay me." Kou presented his terms almost possessively as he thought happily that he will have the kind and loyal male with him and not in the possession of the selfish Sakamaki brothers.

"I guess I have no choice, other than to say yes." Leon replied with a warm smile towards the blonde. "Maybe it won't be so bad to be away from my Master's at all now that my Light is back" Leon spoke earnestly, causing Kou to flush slightly at the warm and happy tone Leon had. Kou smirked possessively, 'Once Leon returns...he will be mine and I will never share him with anyone.'

"Okay no more of this mushy emotional stuff, I want to catch up with you Leon!" Kou exclaimed as he began to converse with Leon and told him about his life with his three other brothers and his life as an idol. Leon smiled and listened to every word Kou said, basking in his Light's glow. Throughout the rest of the evening they conversed until they fell asleep next to each other in Kou's room.

Sorry there where no lemons this chapter or in the previous, I did not want to rush into it with the Mukami's since Leon had just reuninted with Kou and met Azusa, Ruki, and Yuma. Either the next chapter or the following will have a lemon if you want. Please Rate and Review!