A/N : Apologies for the late update. I have been having a tight schedule since the past few days, so couldn't really help.

Anyways, here's the roller-coaster update as promised – or rather I hope it turns out to be.




The girls escorted their colleagues out from the mess, heading towards the exits, when they finally collided with each other. While everyone was relieved to see their fellows safe and sound, their faces also displayed a reaction of shock and confusion, with Freddy going absolutely flabbergasted.

"Manisha!" He nearly shouted, his eyes widening to twice their normal size, his mouth hung open as he saw his best friend being escorted by someone who was least expected at the scene. She simply smiled at him, giving an assuring nod.

"I'll explain." Tasha spoke, taking the initiative to clear the confusion. "Bhabhi had called me claiming that Freddy Sir isn't responding to her calls. I told her the truth that we are going to rescue you all. But, I didn't know she would land up here!" She shrugged innocently, her wavy hair swinging past her shoulders as she shook her head.

"Why did you tell her, Tasha?" Abhijeet frowned, disapproval clearly evident in his voice. Before Tasha could defend herself, Manisha came to her rescue. "It's ok, Sir! Anyways, being married to a CID officer for almost seventeen years, I know the pros and cons. And trust me, I am not afraid of fighting to save my family!" She replied politely at her husband's senior, who gave her a smug smile. Needless to say, Freddy's head rose considerably with an indefinable pride.

"Anyways, now that we all have come together, we have to figure out a way to deal with these rogues." Shreya, who finally got a chance to speak, suggested, unaware of the fact that more trouble was waiting for them. As they walked out, the guys now on their own – except Rajat, who was still being held by Tarika – they were stopped all of a sudden by a group of completely unfamiliar men, and it took no time for the officers to realize they were from the same gang.

One of the men, rather skinny in appearance and having an unshaven ragged look came forward. "Girls in CID are no less, I must agree! We never thought our men could be taken down by the mere hands of a girl!" He spoke in a fake astonished tone. "Especially when the girl is so damn hot!" Another guy said in a perverted tone, smirking mysteriously, as his eyes scanned Tarika from head to toe, and she returned him a highly disgusted look, marching forward to teach him a lesson.

Before Tarika or the guy could react, Tasha faced him, her eyes burning with rage, more intense than that of Tarika's. In a swift motion, she kicked a hard punch with all her strength, and he was flung few steps backward, his mouth starting to bleed profusely. "She's my best friend, you piece of shit! Anyone who dares to mess with her will have every single bone in their body broken!" She snarled, breathing heavily, as Tarika prodded her in the shoulders. Abhijeet was merely dumbstruck at his junior's display of courage to defend her friend.

Watching the whole scene, another one of the goons instantly pulled out his gun, and his accomplices followed suit, now blocking the officers' way of exit. "You think you can get away so easily by knocking down our men? In that case, you're grievously mistaken." The rogue hissed, smirking mysteriously, as he adjusted his finger on the trigger.

Tarika, who was waiting for her chance, slowly came forward, and stood in front of the goons, folding her arms confidently. "Everyone can fight with these toys." She narrowed her eyes at a rogue, gesturing to the gun, a mischievous grin lifting the corner of her lips. "If you are really brave enough, come and fight without the guns!" She challenged, raising her eyebrows to emphasize the seriousness in her voice. "Ohh really? Challenge accepted, then!" The kidnapper grinned, throwing his gun to a side, and gestured his accomplices to do the same.

"Don't you worry, girls! From here onwards, I will take charge to deal with these bastards!" Daya, who was eagerly waiting to lend his hands on the kidnappers' necks, came forward and stood beside Tarika. Before he could take another step, Tasha hurriedly came and stood in front of him. "Sir, let us fight, please! Pleeeease!" She pleaded persuasively, literally making a puppy-dog face and he protested. "But.." He started, only to be interrupted by ACP Pradyuman. "Daya, let the girls deal with them!" The Assistant Commissioner assured, and Daya had no choice but to go back and stand with his fellows.

Tasha gave a victorious smile, as she turned to the goons. "Besides, I want to show them, if Daya Sir can play the piano with a criminal's teeth, I can leave no teeth in the criminal's mouth to play the piano!" She grinned confidently, already moving forward, and Daya and Abhijeet exchanged awestruck yet proud looks.

"That's my girl!" Vivek cheered at his girlfriend, but stopped abruptly as Daya shot him a poisonous glare, later suppressing a giggle. The goons had already started pouncing on the girls attempting to take them down.

Purvi was the most enthusiastic of the lot, since she had initially missed the chance to kick the kidnappers' asses. "Yeeeaa!" Howling in excitement, she grabbed two goons who were marching towards her from either side by their collars, and banged their heads on one another with such a force that they collapsed flat to the ground, a loud resonating thud escaping in the environment.

As they were attempting to stand while clutching their head, Purvi clamped her left foot over one kidnapper's face, and in a swift motion, kicked her right foot twice between the other's legs. While the one on the right was knocked down in an instant, the other kidnapper was still tussling beneath the inspector's leg. Clenching her fists tightly, Purvi gathered all her strength, and stomped on his face with a rapid force. "Oww!" He yelled in a muffled voice, before shutting his eyes and throwing his neck down.

"Take this and this!" Shreya, in the meanwhile, was busy tackling two more goons who had attempted to grab her from behind, but failed miserably as she turned back just in time. Lending a powerful punch in one's face, she bent down to avoid the other's shove as he marched forward.

Unfortunately for her, the goon proved to be too quick. She found her wrist being clutched tightly, her hand pulled backwards, and before she could react, the kidnapper held her hand and grabbed her neck, pushing her down by the waist. "Aah!" A painful cry escaped her lips as she struggled to set herself free. Gritting her teeth and taking deep breaths, Shreya mustered all the courage and energy she had, and dug her long nails deep in the kidnapper's hand, scratching it so powerfully, that he let out a painful shriek.

As soon as his grip on her hand loosened, she wasted no time, and pulled it free. Seeing scratch marks on the goon's hand, she smirked at him, and before he could take a step forward, clutched his face with both her hands. Digging her nails into his forehead, she slowly moved her hand down right to his cheeks and reached his neck. Grasping it tightly, she clutched one hand of the kidnapper, and held it back. With one swift motion, she kicked in his stomach so hard that he was flung a few inches back. Staggering in pain, he fell to the ground, traces of blood oozing from his forehead.

Tasha, who was scrutinizing every single move of the evildoers, punched two of them right in the face before they could even make a move towards her. Clenching her fists, readying herself to fight, she suddenly let out a gasp as she felt a sharp sting in her left arm. As she was taking seconds to realize it was a cut, she saw a goon standing next to her with a dagger, and bent down swiftly to avoid getting another gash.

Tarika, who had just knocked down a kidnapper, saw blood running out from her best friend's arm, and gave an infuriated look to the evildoers. "You son of a pig!" She shouted, and the kidnapper retorted in a flat tone. "Girl, in case you've forgotten, we had negotiated about fighting without guns. Whether or not to use other weapons was not decided!" He spat. Tarika's face turned red with fury, and she marched forward, her eyes glinting dangerously.

Before she could pull up her hands to break the kidnapper's face, the figure of a tiny, three-feet-tall man appeared out of nowhere. The man was rather funny-looking in appearance, with short hands and shorter legs, and was seen donning a weird pair of sunglasses with a neon-orange frame. He had a scarf designed of human skulls tied around his neck, and wore various gold and silver plated rings in seven of his fingers. He, however, faced everyone with an inexplicable confidence.

The jaws of the CID team nearly settled to the ground, as they saw him approaching, his tiny shoulders carrying a huge bag over them.

"Tarika Di, let's show them we are even! Here you go!" The man called out, while pulling something from the bag and throwing it towards Tarika, and the girls exchanged looks of triumph, as Tarika caught the object, revealing it to be a medium-sized sword with a gold and bronze hilt.

"Dhenchu!" Tasha squealed in elation at the good dwarf, and gave him a quick flying kiss. "Muuuaah!" She grinned, and the short-heighted informer blushed right up to his hairline, as he pulled another weapon out of the bag, flinging it towards Tasha. "This is yours, Tasha Di!" She leaped up to catch the hockey stick, and clutched it tight.

"Thank you for taking care of our weapons, Dhenchu!" Purvi, who was standing a few feet away from the informer, pulled his cheeks playfully, as he handed her the wooden bat he had, his face turning ripe as a strawberry. "The cricket stump is mine." Shreya pointed to the only weapon left in the bag, and thanked the informer profusely, as he handed it over to her.

Since Manisha already had her frying pan with her, she gathered with the rest of the girls to beat the hell out of the rogues.

As the men watched, horror struck on their faces, the girls regained their posture, and taking good advantage of their weapons, started fighting evenly with the kidnappers who had by now collected various wooden sticks fallen nearby.

"Eeeeeeeaaa!" Tarika screeched, as she first attacked the goon who had slashed Tasha's arm. Clashing her sword with the goon's dagger, she gave an even fight, holding on to her sword so forcefully, that the dagger went flying out of the goon's hands and landed beside a tree. Eyeing her opponent cautiously, she scrutinized his next move, and before he could move, she made a deep cut right above his chest. "Aah!" He yelped, as his chest started bleeding. Wasting no time in taking advantage, Tarika swished her sword in the opposite direction, giving two more gashes in the kidnapper's right arm. Flinching in pain, he sat down on the ground.

Abhijeet's eyes nearly popped out of his eyeballs, his mouth wide open for a couple of honeybees to pass in, as he witnessed the scene. "Way to go, bookworm!" Vivek cheered at his friend, who winked at him.

Manisha, who had been waiting for her chance to put in her fighting skills, tied her dupatta to a side, and grasping the frying pan up, dashed it on a rogue's face as he strode towards her. "Hahh!" She hooted, banging the frying pan right over the kidnapper's head, sending him to slump down to the ground. He tried getting to his feet, when the frying pan came right on his face and he was forced to collapse.

Freddy was nearly close to fainting clean away, upon seeing his wife's stunts.

"Ugghh!" Tasha grunted, as she struggled to free the hockey stick from the kidnapper's hand who had grabbed it, thus preventing her to take any move further. After trying for a few minutes, she pushed the stick right on the kidnapper's nose, and he left it to cover his bleeding nose. Moving it in the right position, she placed the hockey stick exactly around the kidnapper's neck, and grabbing it tightly, swung the kidnapper around in a full circle of three-sixty degrees, before flinging him a few feet away.

ACP Pradyuman sneered victoriously, as he saw the kidnapper crashing to the ground, and flashed a quick thumbs-up to Tasha, which she returned with a coy smile.

Swinging the cricket stump in semi-circles on her side, Shreya waited for the rogue to pounce, and taking advantage of the precise moment, shoved it in his leg, making him stumble to the ground. Before the rogue could turn around, the cricket stump came fast and hard right on his back and his legs, and he let out a painful wail before collapsing.

Purvi patted the wooden cricket bat with her palm, alternating it between both her hands, and marched forwards just as the goon was barging from the other end. Bending down considerably so that the kidnapper missed her, she kicked the bat below his stomach, and he gave a loud wail, as his legs did an unsynchronized failed somersault, eventually landing him flat on the ground.

Pulling him by the collar, Purvi turned him around, and using all the force she had, pushed the bat right on his forehead.

However, amidst all the chaos, Purvi failed to notice a gun being aimed at her, and turned around as she heard the gunshot. To her horror, Daya had taken the bullet to save her, with one of the goons aiming the gun in her direction. Fortunately for them, the bullet went over just touching his arm.

Smirking at the senior inspector's bleeding arm, the goon turned to aim at ACP Pradyuman. However, the gun flew out of his hand, as Tasha threw her hockey stick directly at it.

Pulling all the scrambled goons one by one, the girls assembled them at a spot, and taking a long pause, looked at each other. "One.. two.. three!" They sang in unison, and placed a hard slap on each of their faces. The men let out a soft chuckle as they watched a well-synchronized moment of five slaps being planted on the goons' faces.

"W-we wanted to f-finish the entire C-CID team! We.. we thought the girls won't dare to mess up with us!" One of the goons blabbered. Tarika came forward, and gave another slap hard on his stinging cheek, and he held it in pain. "This is for underestimating girl power!" She supplied.

"You better think about our slaps and punches while you rot in jail, you assholes! Will serve you right!" Tasha snarled at the goons, as they were taken away.

"That. Was. Bloody. Brilliant." Rajat finally spoke, his voice still in a daze from witnessing the girls' antics, and Daya willingly joined in. "I know right! After all this, I should probably bury my 'door-breaker' title somewhere!" He put in, while holding his arm.

Abhijeet, however, was more interested in Daya's wound, and he dashed forward to tend to his little brother. "Daya, your arm! It's bleeding! Here, let me.." He offered, but Daya politely cut him. "It's ok Abhijeet! I can take care of myself. I am not a five-year-old kid, you know. Stop treating me like one! Sheesh!" He complained, and Freddy tied his hand with his handkerchief.

"And Abhijeet, for God's sake, Daya is not going to develop some allergy if someone else apart from you tends to him!" ACP Pradyuman said in a soft tone, and Abhijeet silently hung his head down.

To everyone's surprise, ACP Pradyuman's mood was much jovial than one could imagine. "My girls! I am proud of you! You sure deserve a treat from me." He announced happily, and the team exchanged enthusiastic grins.

"Forgot me na, already? Not good!" Dhenchu, who had by now been standing silently in a corner suddenly came forward and stood in front of them, his tiny face contorted in a sad pout. "How can we forget you, Dhenchu?" Daya asked in a mock-sarcastic tone, and squirmed as he remembered something. "By the way, how did you reach here?" He wanted to know.

Putting on his trademark sunglasses, he replied in a sly tone. "Dhenchu always reaches at the right time, Sir! I know everything. There's a reason why Dhenchu's being worshiped among all the informers!" He said in his typical slick demeanor, and everyone shook their heads in amusement.

"But, why didn't you girls use your guns?" ACP Pradyuman squinted. "Umm, sir, actually we were not sure about how the situation was inside. Hence, we even decided to leave our weapons with Dhenchu. We didn't want to invite trouble!" Tarika explained. "Plus, we decided to experiment with other weapons instead of guns... and it was fun!" Shreya supplied a bit too excitedly.

ACP Pradyuman rolled his eyes in exasperation, not before Dr. Salunkhe thumped his fists. "All hail the girl power!" He cheered in an encouraging tone, but Purvi cut him in. "No Sir, you're wrong!" The girls exchanged knowing smiles, and joining hands, cried in unison. "All hail the CID team!" They shouted, flinging the chain of hands in the air, as others happily followed them towards their cars.

~~ The End ~~


A/N : Alright! Among the long list of epic fails done by me, THIS is the latest one. After this, I should probably never try my hands at writing action again. :-/ I really don't think this was up to the mark.

Anyways, how was the 'tiny' surprise? :-D

No offence meant to Abhijeet and Daya fans. Apologizing just in case anything offends you.

Don't review if you don't like.