The dark past about Erza wouldn't be a flashback. I moved to a new account with a new pen name: AyuzawaYume (I changed the pen name of this account into YumeAyuzawa). So I went into a hiatus on half a year to improve my writing skills, sorry to not telling you guys.

I was planning to rewrite this. Actually, I made the last chapter of this half a year ago, but my laptop got messed up and everything got deleted. Even the new chapter of any other stories I had in this account. So I'm just giving information of everything in this epilogue. IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE FLASHBACK AND SO, I ALREADY REWRITE 2 CHAPTERS OF THIS STORY IN MY OTHER ACCOUNT!

So… Yeah. I'm sorry for being such a bad person and ignored you guys DX I didn't mean to, but I just didn't log in this account anymore so… Yeah.


"Can you totally believe the famous Jellal Fernandes is going to get engaged? And yes, he proposed to the most famous novelist in the whole world, Erza Scarlet! The two are going to get married in-"

Erza sighed as she turned off the television with the remote television. She couldn't help but getting irritated by all the annoying news these days. The last time she went shopping for grocery, she ended up getting a lot of death glares and squealing. Oh right, she also get some people that asked for a photo with her and her signature, also met a paparazzi. There were also some people gave her flames letters on her way back. She actually planned the disguise though.

All because she wanted to freaking shop for her dinner.

She's getting annoyed lately. She thought she's prepared when she announced the engagement to the public, but in fact, she's totally wasn't prepared at all. She sighed as she turned on the television and changed the channel into something more interesting instead.

It has been about 7 years already. Jellal and Erza have gone out for 5 years before Jellal actually gave her the engagement ring. But Erza didn't want to tell it to public yet that time, so they waited for 2 years. She kind of felt bad to Jellal because he was waiting for her, so last week, they announced it officially. And she's totally regretted it now.

Along that 7 years also, Fairy Tail had become international's top band and Jellal has gotten even busier. They actually planned to disband it years ago, but it seems the fans were going wild and Erza keeps pursuing Jellal she will be dine with his tight schedule. She also needed some space to writer her novels anyway.

Erza has become a successful novelist in the whole Fiore now, as her career. She actually did it for a side job t first, but it seems people were fawned by her stories and it became a big deal. She tried to hide her real face as a low profile, but as she's Jellal's lover and how big her novels became, it came out that a paparazzi found out about it.

All the television shows are mostly about her and Jellal, engaged. There were also shown many girls in tears and saying how they didn't want Jellal to get married as they still tried to accept the fact on how Natsu gotten married and expecting a child.

Yes, Natsu and Lucy are expecting a child.

They've gotten married. Two years ago to be exact, as Natsu proposed her in the public and kissed her, some people got the picture and the news became wild and… Yeah. Gray and Juvia just gone out for three years, and Gajeel and Levy are going to married next week. It actually quite funny, since Erza and Jellal were actually the first to go out first, the others are a step ahead.

About Mira, it seems that she met a famous model on her photo shoot, Laxus Dreyar. Those two had gone out for about a year now, and people called the two as the hottest couple and how perfect they are. Well, even Erza had to admit, it is true.

Ding Dong! The doorbell rang as Erza quickly jumped out of the sofa quickly, excitedly went to open the door. As she opened it, she could see a smiling face of a blue haired man with a red tattoo in his left eye. She smiled back, placed her hand on his cheek, and pinched her own cheek.

"It's not a dream…" She mumbled and she just couldn't get her smile off her face, "Welcome back…" She breathed. It has been about half a month since Jellal gone, went into America for a big tour. Erza wanted to go, but her schedule was also tight as she's a famous novelist now. She gave a glare to the man, "If you ever leave that long without me again, I'm going to hit you when you came back and ignore you for a whole month." She threatened, and the man chuckled.

He gave a little kiss to her forehead, "Well I'm glad that I'm being missed." He teased playfully as they went in the house. Jellal and Erza live on a same house since a year ago, and Erza still could clearly remember the day her mom squealed in delight.

"Well the next time, you won't be." She pouted like a little child, and Jellal just smiled. "You better make sure there won't be next time, the house is empty without you and I'm just alone here." It is true. The band has gone to a tour, and Lucy was gone with Natsu to the tour, as he won't leave her alone pregnant. Levy and Juvia stayed, but Erza would feel troubled if she always went to them.

"Well, you won't be alone anymore if there is a child in the house anymore right?"

Erza pause her footstep, looking at the man behind her, "What do you mean by that?" She asked confusedly.

Jellal kneeled at the floor, making Erza's eyes widened. He pulled out a black, tiny box with a beautiful ring inside of it as he smiled to the woman he loved in his entire life. "I've been thinking about it for a while now."


"Let me finish." He cut off and took a deep breath, "I love your smile, your playful glare, when you get mad and jealous is cute, and how you made my day different and special every day is anything I could ever wished for. After you came to my life, and after all of these times, all these 7 years, I finally think I want to keep you with me forever, live with me for the rest of our lives, and made a little family happily, live until we're old and even death wouldn't break us apart."

Erza was speechless, her mind was blank, and she didn't know what to say. Her hands were shaking, her legs were trembling, and there were a pink flush on her two cheeks as Jellal opened her mouth to speak again, "Erza Scarlet," He started, "Will you marry me?" He asked as he looked straight on her eyes, looking at how nervous she was.

He was also nervous, but it was now or never. He wouldn't think any other girl could be perfect for him than the woman in front of him. He wouldn't even imagine to live happily ever after without this woman in front of him. He could saw her smile, accepting the box with her two hands and opened her mouth to speak.



It all started when they were in high school.

They went through everything together, confusing and happy times, embarrassing and sad times, even the time they fight.

She never imagined in her whole life, there would be a time when she took attention to famous people. She always hated it ever since her boyfriend cheated on her in middle school after being a model.

She always thought she wouldn't want to be involved with any famous person anymore.

And Erza couldn't believe she actually fell in love with a famous person.

(A/N) I'm a bad author to never inform you guys I'm moving, I know DX I didn't actually think there would be a day I would finally update here, in this account anymore. I've been in a hiatus for half a year because I'm observing many authors and improving my skills. And this account would remain as it is cx This is the memory on how I first get into fanfiction after all.