A/N: This will not be updated as often as my other Fanfiction "The Chances Are". Other than that I hope you guys will like this new, hopefully short, fanfiction. Like my other FF I will reply to everyone who Reviews/Follow/Favorites!
Disclaimer: I don't know Skip Beat. I would have died by now if I did.
Ren's Apartment's Kitchen
Kyoko couldn't believe it. She was in Ren's apartment once again making dinner for him none the less. As she was finishing the food she was preparing for both of them she thought of how she was put into this situation.
Jelly-san had just finished getting the rest of Ren's make-up off from being Cain when Kyoko realized that it was already eleven o'clock at night. They weren't able to eat Dinner or Lunch today because of some shooting problems. Kyoko being the food freak volunteered to cook Ren some dinner for both of them at his place since she knew he wasn't going to eat anyway. Ren had looked at her surprisingly. He just answered politely to her as not to get her angry for him not going to eat again.
End of Flashback
Ren's Kitchen
When the oven had beeped signaling that the food was done Kyoko was snapped out of her little flashback. She grabbed the food and prepared it on a pair of plates for her and Ren to eat. As she had prepared herself to face Ren she tried to erase all traces of her feelings for him. As soon as her game face was on Kyoko stepped out of the kitchen and into the living room.
Ren's Living Room
When Kyoko had come out of the kitchen with their food Ren was looking at her outfit for the first time since they had changed from Cain and Setsu. Kyoko had noticed Ren checking her out so she decided to tease him a little bit for some strange reason. After Kyoko had set the plates of food down she sat next to Ren. When she had sat down Kyoko slightly leaned onto Ren to see what he would do. Ren was confused by her actions and decided to dismiss them. As the two of them ate they welcomed the distraction of the television. They were watching some action movie when they had finished their meal. Kyoko was reluctant to go back into the kitchen so she decided to watch the television show until it went to commercial. As Ren had seen Kyoko sitting there watching the movie he reminded himself of why he tricked her into coming over to his apartment. He had purposely made sure that they didn't eat dinner before going back to Kyoko and Ren. Ren was going to try to mustered all of what he had called his courage to tell Kyoko the truth of his heritage.
"Mogami-san there is something I think you should know about me," Ren said starting his confession.
Kyoko started to bow into a dogonza when she replied back, "I shouldn't hear this without telling you that I have been keeping a secret too."
Ren was shocked at this new news. 'Since when has she been hiding anything from me, and how,' Ren had asked himself in his head.
Ren had let his curiosity get the better of him and had told her, "Alright then Mogami-san, I will let you go first." Kyoko was happy at this news, but now she didn't know how to voice her confession.
"Uh. Alright then Tsuruga-sama. Um, do you remember a chicken named 'Bo'" Kyoko asked him starting to get the hang of how to tell him this. Ren remembered his good friend that had gotten him through all of his troubled times.
'I should go visit them again soon. I haven't seen them in a while with my busy schedule." Ren thought in his head.
"Yes, I do," Ren told her.
"And you remember that I have another regular job at TBM, correct?" Kyoko asked him so that he could recognize where she was leading this.
"Correct. I've driven you a few times." Ren said flatly as he tried to ignore the warning signs that she is going to say something that he doesn't want to hear.
"Well, to tell you the truth. My regular job at TBM is as Bo in Bridge Rock." Kyoko said with the pitch of her voice going higher and higher, and faster with every word. Ren was shocked to say in the least.
Kyoko was waiting for Ren to lash out with his anger like she has imagined him doing every time she ran this scenario in her head. When several seconds had passed with nothing happening between the two of them Kyoko looked up to see what was wrong with Ren. Kyoko couldn't have been more wrong in any of her predictions, because as she had looked up at Ren he was actually sitting there on the couch trying his best not to laugh. Ren couldn't help it. He had been worrying more than a year on how to confess his love to the girl right in front of him, and he already has. The relief of his situation passed through Ren so joyously as a big load was taken off of his shoulders. The temptation got too great for Ren and he started to burst out laughing once more like the time he had lost his character while practicing with Kyoko all that time ago.
Kyoko looked at him puzzled before asking, "What's so funny about me being Bo?" Ren realized that he was hurting her feelings about her acting once more and decided to try his best to control his laughter so that she wouldn't get mad at him. When Ren had settled down enough to join back in the conversation he faced Kyoko seriously once more.
Before Ren could have a chance to answer her she added, "You should be angry at me right now. I betrayed you're trust by not telling you sooner."
"I had just wanted to be able to get closer to you, and you would only tell Bo you're problems. That's why I didn't tell you, and why I don't want to tell you how I feel about you now." Kyoko added hurriedly under her breath. If Ren hadn't of been trying his best to concentrate on what she was saying he would have never of caught the last part. He couldn't believe it to tell you the truth.
'Did she just indirectly confessed that she likes me?' Ren wondered inside the safety of his head.
A/N: I hope you guys like it! the reference that I had made was from Volume 12, Act 71. One of my favorite moments to tell you guys the truth. ;)
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