Guys, things are happening in the next two chapters. Hope it doesn't seem a bit rushed, I just want to get a move on here. Please review and tell me what you think!

I See Fire- Ed Sheeran


"I am almost finished, Alise. It should only take another stitch or so."

The young woman didn't respond to the holoform seated in front of her. Her arm was stretched out on a table next to her as Ratchet delicately stitched her arm back together, his needle and thread quickly and skillfully piercing her skin. Ratchet once again glanced up, his eyes analyzing her. The medic had been trying to get her to speak for the past few minutes, to no avail.

"The wound wasn't as deep as I first expected," he continued, looking up at her every few moments to see if his words were registering with her. However, she just continued to stare into space in front of her, as if he wasn't even there, as if he wasn't working on her arm like he was. "It should heal up in a few weeks without any issue, but you'll have to rest."

Still he received no response. The interpreter simply continued to stare into the void of the room, her pale face looking at neither himself nor the other person in the room, Optimus, who was still in his bipedal mode. It was like there was an empty shell of herself sitting in the seat.

The two Cybertronians shared a look, their concern evident.

"Alise?" Ratchet called to her, trying to rouse her of her unresponsive state as he placed his tools on the table. He began to snap his fingers and clap loudly. "Alise, please speak to us. Alise Brown."


Optimus's deep baritone boomed throughout the entire room. His voice, many octaves lower than the medic's and louder as well, shook the seat the woman was seated in, shaking her as well. The interpreter finally began to stir, quickly glancing up at the bipedal with a confused expression, then looking to the holoform before her with the same questioning features.

"Alise," Ratchet tried once more, finally seeming to get her attention. "Are you with us? Primus, you look like death; do you need something? How are you feeling?"

She seemed to contemplate this for a moment, but couldn't seem to string her thoughts together; her mind was scattered. She was honestly trying to come up with a response for the medic, but no words would leave her lips.

"Umm…" she began, licking her lips, trying to form a coherent thought. Alise pondered his words for a few short moments, until something finally stuck. "Water, please?"

Ratchet immediately began to nod, slightly relieved to hear some kind of request come from her. "Yes, we can get you that," he assured her.

Within a few moments there was soldier entering the room, a water bottle and a blanket in his hands, which he quickly gave to Ratchet. The holoform then proceeded to rise and to wrap the blanket around her trembling body before handing her the water bottle, opening it for her beforehand. However, when she had taken the bottle in her hand, it began to shake almost violently in her grip before she dropped it to the floor. She retracted her hand as if the object had burned her.

Tears began to well in her eyes as she saw the product of what she had done, the water all over the floor and even soaking the holoform's artificial clothing. She began to get up from her seat, moving to clean up the mess.

"Sorry, Ratchet," she whispered. She was embarrassed, shaking, incoherent, inoperable, scared-

"Sit down," the medic commanded her fiercely, preventing her from moving from her seat as he saw what she was trying to do. "And don't apologize either. You're in shock, Alise, you need to calm yourself. Would you like me to give you something to settle you down?"

She looked up at the holoform and nodded silently, grateful for the offer. She watched him leave her as he went to retrieve some medication, but her mind quickly began to drift once more. Forgetting the other pair of eyes that still watched her, she began to notice how her right leg wouldn't stay still, and that she was swaying slightly as she sat on the metal table. Her skin felt like it was going to jump off her body, and she couldn't stop shaking. And she felt as though she needed to keep running, running, running, running-


Startled, she looked up towards the voice, having not noticed that Ratchet had returned, his hand outstretched with two pills in his hand.

Her face began to reddened when she realized he'd been trying to get her attention once more.


"Stop apologizing," he commanded once more, not having any of it. He handed her the medication and water, which she gladly took from him. Holding this cup more carefully in her hands, she swallowed the meds and chased it with the water, hoping whatever it was would work quickly; she didn't know how much longer she could stand feeling like this, so on edge.

"Alise, did you recognize the holoform who chased you?" Optimus asked her then, the bipedal looking down at her

She nodded solemnly; she knew she would never forget the his familiar face now. "I-I vaguely remember running into him at the car show... We-I'm pretty sure we even spoke for a moment, but I-I can't think what it was about." She hated how emotional she sounded. Taking a moment, she averted her eyes before looking up at them once more. "How... how did they find me?" Her voice cracked slightly saying this, and she placed a hand over her mouth, trying to keep it together.

"The Decepticons had been intercepting the city's surveillance systems," Optimus explained to her from above. "We discovered this some time after you had left, and when we realized the breach we tried to contact you. But it was too late."

She nodded, having no doubt in his words. She knew the moment they would have discovered she was in danger they would have reacted. "Do we know who it was?"

Ratchet was about to answer the question, but before he could he was cut off by the squealing of tires in the distance; they were approaching very quickly.

"That would be Bumblebee," the medic said instead, very conspicuously taking a few steps away from the young woman as he spoke. He knew it would be best for his safety if he did so; the scout was on a warpath, and he knew anything coming between him and his charge right now, including the medic, would be blown away.

Just as predicted, it was seconds before the yellow Camaro came charging into the med bay, loudly halting a few feet into the entrance of the room. The driver side door had sprung open before the vehicle even came to a complete halt, and the holoform stormed out of the car, not bothering to close the door.

Alise was the first thing Bee's eyes locked on when he exited the Camaro, and he immediately began to make his way towards her, not sparing a glance for his two comrades in the room. His footing was much like a march, only much quicker in pace, and his footsteps were heavy but hurried. Alise was alarmed by the way he regarded her as he approached; his face was hard and heated, his jaw set. The expression almost scared her, and most definitely confused her.

However, when he was only a few feet away from her, his hard exterior shattered; the strong facade he was trying to cling to fell apart and his face fell drastically as he pulled her into his arms, crushing her to his chest.

Alise was astonished by the immediate calm she felt when they were finally touching; the safety and warmth and love she felt from him was hundred times more effective than whatever medication Ratchet could give her. When when their bodies finally met, she returned his embrace with equal desperation, tears beginning to cloud her eyes once more in relief and happiness as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. He was holding her so tightly she could barely breathe, but she didn't mind in the slightest. She wanted, needed to feel security and stability after today. She needed Bumblebee.

The scout let out a shaken breath, holding his femme as though she would float away from him at any moment. He kept one of his arms securely across her back, his other around the base of her neck with his hand buried in her hair. He placed a loving, exhausted kiss to her forehead.

"Primus, Alise," he breathed into her ear, his voice emotional, sounding on the verge of breaking. He continued to weave his fingers in and out of her hair, needing constant reassurance she was there in his arms, that by some incredible blessing she was with him now. "Primus, I thought you were gone."

In response, she gripped him tighter, a sob climbing its way into her throat.

He became startled when she didn't answer him, and Bee bent down to face her eye level, taking her face in both of his hands and examining every inch of her skin. Every one of his features showed concern.

"Alise, love, speak to me, please," he begged her desperately. "Please, talk to me, I need to hear your voice."

Alise touched his face very gently then, causing him to reach up and cover her hand with his own. She nodded a few times and swallowed thickly, trying to compose herself.

"I'm okay," she tried to assure him, her voice quiet and thick with emotion. However, she very sure she was lying, and she was afraid that if she raised her voice any higher she would lose it in front of all of them. If she was to be very honest, she didn't want to speak at all then; she just wanted Bee to hold her tightly and assure her she was with him, that she was safe.

Bumblebee scrunched his face in concern, obviously not buying her response for a millisecond. However, before he could respond, he was interrupted.

"Of course you're not okay. You've just been attacked, girly, drop whatever fraggin' bravado you're trying to put on for us."

The new voice that had entered the room was Ironhide. He was in his bipedal mode, coming slowly through the doorway and looking at the two human sized beings below him. His face held his usual hard expression that didn't relieve too much, but his optics undoubtedly held concern.

Alise didn't know how to respond to the weapons' specialist; he was most certainly correct. However, she could feel the lump in her throat begin to recede slightly, enough that she could speak a bit.

"I kicked his ass, 'Hide," she reported to the bot, almost a little embarrassed by how childish her voice sounded. But she wanted him to know, know that she did what he told her and trained her to do, and it worked.

A true grin came across the bot's features, and stayed there. He bent down to face her at eye level.

"I know you did, Alise," he assured her, making the ghost of a smile come on her own face. "A witness told us of you actions in defending yourself, and I am incredibly proud." His tone was very sincere, and another bout of tears threatened to come to Alise's vision, but this time for a very different reason.

"Thanks, 'Hide," she whispered to him, and with a nod of his head, he rose to his feet once more.

The medic then cleared his throat, calling the attention of the room.

"We'll leave you two for a few moments," Ratchet stated, who was still in his holoform and watching the scene unfold from the sidelines. "I'm sure you have some things you need to discuss. I'll be back later to check your vitals, Alise." With that said, the holoform disappeared, and the ambulance transformed back into his bipedal form, leaving the room on his two feet. Optimus followed after the medic, but Ironhide paused for a moment before walking through the doorway. He seemed as though he wanted to speak to the pair, the words about to leave his mouth. However, he must have thought better of it because he then stopped himself and walked on after the two before him, not saying a word.

Alise and Bumblebee were now alone in large med bay, silence all around them.

The human turned to the holoform.


His name had hardly left her lips when her lips were suddenly occupied, the holoform's mouth crashing down on hers desperately, needing to feel closer to her. Alise responded to the advance with equal need, beginning to thread her fingers into his blond locks, keeping her face close to his. Bee replied by wrapping his arms back around her waist, pulling her body to his so her entire outline was pushed against him.

This heated reunion last for a few minutes, their passionate embrace only ending after neither of the two had a breath left in them. When their lips finally parted, their foreheads connected, and the pair stayed motionless as they both tried to regain their breath, their eyes closed

"I love you," Alise whispered to the Autobot through labored breaths. "I love you so much."

The holoform opened his eyes and moved to place a loving, lasting kiss on her forehead before reconnecting them.

"And I love you, belle," he told her, his own voice of the same volume. He then moved his line of vision to face her directly, cupping her face in his hands once more.

The holoform swallowed thickly before continuing to speak.

"Alise, I have never been more terrified than I was in the last 2 hours," he confessed to her, his voice becoming emotional and shaky. "Alise, I thought you were never- coming- back. We found your car in the lot and your necklace… in pieces…" His eyes dropped to the floor, unable to continue the evidence of her attempted kidnapping. After a few moments he was able to compose himself enough to speak once more. "You are the best thing I have in this fragged universe and I thought you had been taken from me like everything else I've ever had. Ironhide is right; don't tell me you're okay. No one would be okay after something like this. Please talk to me."

The interpreter's lower lip began to tremble slightly from his words.

"Bee I was so scared," she whispered to him roughly, her breathing becoming jagged and her cheeks becoming wet from the tears that had finally began rolling down them. "It wasn't like when I went out with Sideswipe and I found out a con had been near me; one of you was with me even if we didn't know where he went! But this-" she stopped herself, looking away from the face that intensely watching her every movement. Her words became hurried then. "He was chasing me and I was alone and he got ahold of me twice and if 'Hide hadn't trained me for all that time I wouldn't have stood a chance-"

Her voice broke again at her last word, and this time, she broke as well. Alise began to sob loudly before the holoform, tearing his Spark out of his chest.

"Alise," Bee breathed, and he immediately wrapped his arms tightly around the femme, wanting to stop her pain.

The two stayed like this for a short while, Alise crying into Bee's shoulder as he tried to comfort her. The girl was thankful to be able to get her emotions out of her system, knowing she had been bottling up far too long. Having Bee there was more than helpful or comforting, it was therapeutic, mainly because she knew that nothing could harm her right in that moment, not with him there.

After a few minutes her cries silenced, and the two were holding each other in silence, Bee gently caressing her hair and her back.

"Bee," she whispered then, feeling better after her outpouring. He hummed a sound of question. "Can we... sleep in the Camaro tonight? I need... I want to..." She couldn't find the wording she wanted, so she instead looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please?"

He began to nod profusely, the idea sounding more than appealing himself.

"Yes," he assured her. "Yes, absolutely."

Both of them did have the intention of moving then, however, with their arms still tight around each other and their bodies close, neither of them were the first to act for a long time.

"You couldn't capture one, fragging human?!" Starscream howled in rage, this voice echoing throughout the rafters of the abandoned church he stood in. "This was supposed to be an easy take, Soundwave! How could you have failed this?!"

The con he addressed, Soundwave, sat on the ground of the church, boiling at the abuses the flyer was throwing at him. His digits began to scratch the floor of the building as his fists balled up.

"She was trained to fight a holoform, Starscream," the con hissed back at him. "If you would have mentioned she could defend herself, I would have taken a different course of action. But I wasn't about to expose myself to chase a human through the streets."

Starscream roared once more, his cries loud enough to startle birds on the outside of the building. Then, picking up one of the podiums of the altar, the con threw the wooden furniture across the room and into an upper level that house the church's organ. Sounds of broken keys and beaten, crashing pipes began to blare throughout the space, annoying both of the Decepticons with their obnoxious sounds.

The two cons were stationed at the vacant house of worship in the countryside near the city, far from any humans or Autobots to see them. When Soundwave had reported of his failure to bring in the female, Starscream demanded a meeting, much to the other con's irritation.

"This was supposed to be a simple mission," the flyer began to mumble, pacing the length of the altar. "But obviously that will not be the case here." He sharply turned his head towards the other con in the room. "We're going to need to take the offensive now. Contact Shockwave and that pet of his, and Barricade. Perhaps even your own accomplice could be of some use now. Where has Laserbeak been all this time?" He questioned the con very snidely now, silently digging that perhaps Soundwave didn't have control of his underlings.

"Laserbeak is on a mission for Megatron, Screamy," Soundwave bit back at the flyer. "And I would not recommend retrieving him from a mission that is going to plan to involve him with yours."

Starscream bared his teeth at his aggressor.

"This-will-work!" he growled. "I am going to make that human piece of slag wish she was never given life!"

Then in this rage he punched the hard stone wall of the building, leaving a sizable hole where his hand had been. He looked at his work for a few moments before continuing.

"My plan will go into effect immediately," the flyer stated, his eyes still on the hole. "She will be ours soon."


Three days had already passed since the incident. There hadn't been any signs of Decepticons in the area since Alise's attack, and all of the security feeds that had been overtaken by cons had been disabled after the Autobots determined they couldn't trace anyone by them. And yet despite the lack of activity in the area, the whole base had been put on high alert.

Every night since the attack Alise had slept in the Camaro, sometimes with the holoform activated, sometimes not. And while she did feel infinitely safer knowing she was with Bee during this time, it didn't necessarily mean she was actually able to sleep. She hadn't gotten more than 10 hours of rest over those three night, constantly waking up from nightmares of being chased by the holoform, whose identity at this point was still unknown. Being with Bumblebee so close had made it better, but it didn't prevent the bad dreams from coming.

Everyone had tried to make things as normal as possible for the young woman, and while she wasn't displaying any outwards signs of trauma, they didn't want to put any extra pressure on her, just in case.

Lennox and Epps did see her the night she had made it back to the base, and they both silently became her personal human watchers. While the Autobots would do everything in their power to help her recover, their help as beings from another species would only do so much. Alise also needed help from her own kind, and as her two closest friends, they were more than willing to be the ones to be that help.

It was currently the late afternoon. Despite the protests of her peers, Alise had continued to interpret calls. She wanted to keep working, keep her mind occupied, and she had already worked two calls that day, business as usual. Now she was currently having a cup of tea with the Captain and the Master Sergeant, sitting at a table in the rec room in silence.

Lennox and Epps were both sipping their coffee, watching the girl intently from across the table as she held her mug in one hand and flipped through the pages of a magazine with the other.

"You know, if you're expecting me to fall apart at any moment, you'll be waiting awhile, guys," she commented dryly, not even looking up from her magazine at the two before her.

"Lise, we just don't think it's a good idea for you to be working right away," Epps replied calmly, taking a sip of his coffee. "Maybe you should take a couple days. We know you haven't been sleeping well, and what happened… at the very least we're surprised you're still standing."

"Yeah, Lise, I mean, there's no reason you have to be up and moving so soon," Will agreed.

The interpreter sighed heavily, closing the magazine and looking up at them.

"Yes, there is a reason, guys," she told the pair. "I'm here to be an interpreter and help you guys and the Autobots. That's my job here and how I earn my keep. I can't go out and fight with you all so I'm going to keep doing what I do best. I need to stay busy, guys, that's the way I heal." She took a sip of her brew then, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "And you're right, I haven't been sleeping very well. But I don't see what I can really do about that so I prefer to stay awake anyway."

The two soldiers exchanged glances, still unsure with her response.

"You know if you ever need to talk to some non extraterrestrials we're always here, right?" Epps told her then, giving her a sincere look. "Sure we're not some girls you can gab to, but we're at least two sets of ears and some shoulders to cry on."

"Guys, really, I'm okay-"

"Bullshit, Alise," Will barked then, startling the girl across the table while only mildly surprising the soldier next to him. He calmed his tone slightly, but kept his message the same. "Alise, you just went through a traumatic experience, and you don't need to be strong for anyone here, you got that? We're your family; all of us. We're worried about you, Bee, Ironhide, Ratchet, Optimus… Believe it or not, we all care about you." He took a moment to compose himself, his expression softening. "Now, we don't expect you to break down in front of us sobbing or looking for a shoulder to cry on, but please be good to yourself, Lise. Take the time you need."

While the young woman was silent on the other side of the table, her eyes never left the two men in front of her, and she had to bite down on her lip to keep it from trembling. Lennox's concerned words had touched the interpreter very much, enough that she was beginning to feel tears well in her eyes. Alise wasn't a crier, though she seemed to be doing a lot of it lately. But their concern and his calling her a part of their family had shaken her normally cool exterior, and in that moment, she thanked the stars she was blessed to have these people looking for her, have these people as her family.

Alise suddenly got up from her seat and went to the other side of the table, quickly embracing her two "brothers" tightly as they returned the gesture

"Thank you, guys, so much," she responded to the pair, kissing them both on the sides of their heads as her voice clouded with emotion she was trying to hold in. The two men didn't answer her verbally but only held her tighter, the action saying all it needed to and more.

After a few moments, there was a coughing noise heard from behind them, obviously trying to get their attention.

"Captain?" an official sounding voice appeared then, causing the trio to quickly separate. When they looked towards the voice they saw it was a tech agent approaching their table, his expression serious and urgent. He also had a file in hand.

"Yes, what is it, Schultz?" Lennox then replied, looking to the soldier. Alise walked to the other side of the table once more and took her sit, watching the scene from the other side of the table.

"Sir, we've received an urgent message from the Pentagon," the man continued, his tone all business. "There'd been a sequence of sudden earthquakes recorded by the U.S. Geological Survey in uninhabited area outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. They had determined the epicenter of the quakes was in the area, but they noticed something was off about the origins of the quake; they said it didn't have any of the usual features of a normal quake, there was no plate movement, no anything. So they used satellite imaging to get an aerial look and this was what they found."

Walking to the group's table, Schultz then opened the file and placed a large picture in front of them. It was an aerial shot of a forested area with one distinguishing feature; there was a large towering mechanical man in the photo, towering over many of the trees and landscape it stood near.

Lennox and Epps exchanged wary glances, the Captain sighing deeply as he turned back towards the soldier.

"Has Optimus been informed of this?" Lennox asked Schultz as Epps pinched the bridge of his nose. Schultz nodded.

"I was asked to give you a message after I briefed you. The Autobots are gathering in the conference hall to construct a plan in ten minutes and need both of your presences." The two men nodded once more. However, before they could stand and leave, the soldier spoke once more.

"Also, Miss Brown," Schultz then stated, turning to the woman at the table. Alise looked to the man, giving him her attention. "If you do not mind coming with me, we could use your help on a call we will be making in a few minutes. We're going to be giving the Russians a heads up to the situation before they see US military rushing in their direction."

The interpreter agreed to the request, rising her mug to her lips and taking a sip of her tea one last time before leaving it at the table. She then rose to her feet and walked to the other side of the table. She looked towards her two friends.

"I'll catch up with you both later," she said, the two nodding in return. She almost turned to leave then, but paused before continuing. "And I meant it earlier; thank you."

They both smiled at her, silently giving her an answer in return. She gave them a smile then herself, and turned to leave with Schultz who was now leading her away.

Epps and Lennox watched her walk away for a few moments before continuing to speak to one another. Will was the first to speak.

"Something doesn't seem right about this," Lennox mused, uncomfortable with the entire scenario that was now before them. "The cons have been quiet for this long, and all of a sudden, Alise is attacked here, and then there's a sighting up north? Something isn't right about this, I can feel it."

His friend nodded in agreement.

"I feel the same way," he replied, turning his body towards the man beside him. "But we can't not go; we have no choice."

"Optimus wants this mission to be accompanied by a more than a couple Autobots," Bee told the woman lying with him, his hand lightly brushing up and down her back as he briefed her on the events of the day's meeting. "He's going, and so will Sideswipe, Ratchet, and Jolt. Then you know, Epps and his team will be going, so it'll be a large group going up north."

Alise hummed in response.

The woman and the holoform had retired to her apartment for the evening, the duo lying on one another on the couch currently, after the events of the day had taken a lot out of both of them. During the meeting between the soldiers and Autobots, it was determined that the platoon would be leaving immediately for Alaska, wasting no time in beginning to pack their equipment and weapons, and loading them onto the Liberty. It was just by chance that Alise had ran into Epps and was able to say goodbye to him, the only person she knew for certain was going on the mission, but he was on such a tight schedule a goodbye was all she could get out of him before he had to leave and prep for the journey. She didn't like not knowing who was leaving; she didn't even know if Bumblebee was going with them, but he made a point to find her and tell her this was not the case earlier.

While she was glad everyone would have their asses covered, Alise was surprised at the number of troops, both human and alien, going along.

"All this for one Decepticon?" she questioned the holoform, her head lying on his shoulder while the rest of her her body was laid on top of his comfortably. "How big is Shockwave?"

"Shockwave himself is one of the larger deceptions, about Optimus's height if not a bit larger," Bee explained, his eyes and head looking to the ceiling as his hand continued to trailed up the curve of her back. "It's his companion we have to be on guard about."


"Yes, if you could call it that. He's what we call a Driller, which is a subterranean, Cybertronian creature that could easily tunnel through the Earth and destroy everything in its path." Bee chuckled a little then, a thought coming to his head. "He's kinda like one of your earthworms, only infinitely larger, and much more deadly."

"How much bigger? Like bigger than you?"

The scout chuckled once more. "Belle, he could eat me. He could eat Optimus." She shifted to look up at him incredulously, making him smirk when she met his eyes. "I'm not kidding you! There's a reason Optimus is bringing so much Autobot firepower; we're worried he's what's causing the earthquakes."

His explanation made sense to the human, and she would have come to the same conclusion the rest of them did with the information they had. Alise couldn't even begin to comprehend the size of this "Driller." To her, Bumblebee and Optimus were massive enough, but for something to be so much larger it could eat the two of them… She felt a chill go down her spine at the possibility such a creature was on earth.

Alise pushed herself into a sitting position on the couch then, wanting to look him in the eyes as she addressed something on her mind.

"Bee, not that I'm displeased knowing you won't be eaten by a giant bug this week-" the scout laughed at the comment, the sound vibrating through his chest and into hers, "-why aren't you going with them?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, as if the situation was nothing to bat an eye at.

"I'm just staying behind," he told her simply, his casual tone of voice not changing

She gave him an unsure look.

"But why?"

"Because I'm staying behind. Do I need a reason to?"

Alise gave the holoform a challenging look, knowing he was avoiding giving her a direct response because he knew she wasn't going to like the answer.

"Bee, don't bullshit me here. Why are you staying behind?"

The holoform's face fell slightly then. He knew she wasn't going to let the situation go, and he was almost a bit embarrassed at trying to get her off the topic.

Sighing, he gingerly took her hand in his, tracing over her knuckles with his thumb.

"It's too soon," he told her softly. "It's too soon after what just happened... and I need to stay."

Before he even finished his statement, Alise had begun to shake her head.

"Bee, you can't be staying for me-"

"Then I won't stay for you, Lise," he cut her off, his eyes intently on her. "Then I will stay for me. It's too soon, and if I were to leave, I would be unfocused, and a liability to the team. I need this. I need a little bit longer before I leave you for a few days, okay?"

The woman's eyes turned downward for a moment. She hated having this kind of effect on him, but if he wasn't going to be on his A-game, she didn't want him anywhere near the battlefield, if it was going to come to that. She was at least grateful he was being honest with himself, for his safety and the other's.

Looking back at him, Alise leaned over and placed a hand on the side of his head, placing her forehead on his.

"Thank you for being honest," she whispered to him, placing a light kiss to his lips. She was about to move back when he then took her own face in both his hands, keeping her close and their lips together. Their movements became more intense then, the two becoming closer and closer with every kiss. They continued like this until their motions became something else entirely, and the two spend their night together wrapped in each other.