
This is not real. I do not own the Hunger Games Universe or any of Suzanne Collins' characters. This is Part 2 of 3 in the Inferno series, which is my sequel to Mockingjay. Part 2 begins with chapter 9. You can find the first 8 chapters under my first fic, 'Inferno – Part I: The Awakening.'

** If you have not read the first 3 books, then there will be spoilers so please take that into consideration. **


Part II: The Mockingjays

Chapter 9

I glance down at my locket, flipping it open to see the faces of Gale, Prim and my mother looking back at me. I remember the day when Peeta first gave it to me. The day we thought only one of us would be getting out of the Quell alive. He tried so hard to convince me that I needed to keep living. That there were others who still needed me. But now that none of them are here, I'm not so sure.

My mother has completely shut me out, replacing me with her imaginary world. At this point I don't know if there is anything that anyone can do to bring her back. Gale, on the other hand, is most likely furious with me. I really can't blame him for it either. Not after I left him behind in District 13, locked away in Peeta's old cell. I can only hope it will be enough to keep him safe. There's no way Coin can hold Gale or my mother accountable for what's happened. Not after the state we left them in. Like the rest of the survivors from 12, they should both remain under District 13's protection.

Then there's Prim…

The last anyone had heard about my sister was when Snow had her captured during the bombing in the Capitol. For the first time in my life the thought of Prim being alive is more painful than her being dead. Images of Snow torturing her abruptly sweep through my mind until I can't take it anymore. So I snap Peeta's locket shut and stare down at the empty tracks, waiting for the train to carry us all away to District 10.

It was Paylor's idea. Our mission as the mockingjays is to reunite the Districts of the rebellion, so she decided 10 and 11 would be our first step. Although they are still a part of Coin's rebellion we still have one common enemy. And one common goal in setting the Districts free from the Capitol's control. I just hope it will be enough.

We can't televise our visits. In fact we can't televise anything at all as we did in 13. Without the protection of a highly secure underground fortress our appearances cannot be known. No one can run the risk of a possible retaliation. As far as the Capitol is concerned we were all safely whisked away to District 13 after the 76th Hunger Games. However, to the public, the Capitol edited the footage to make it look as though everyone died in the volcanic eruption. That's why we are going to Districts 10 and 11. To let them know we are still here and more importantly to let them know whose side we are on.

Just as I head over to my designated car, the train jolts forward. Aside from our initial departure from the station, everything feels rather still. If I didn't know better, I would assume the train wasn't even moving yet. However, I don't need to check the window to know that the speed of this train has already carried us far away from District 8. Not to mention away from Peeta. It's strange not having him here. The train ride seems somehow incomplete without him. And it's not just Peeta's absence, but Cinna's as well. Lovely Cinna. The brilliant artist who inspired so many through his designs. The friend who never gave up on me. The man who was the first to see me as a mockingjay.


And now instead we have Lila.

"Miss Everdeen, it's time for your measurements," her irritating Capitol accent trickles into my compartment.

Opening the door to my compartment I find two sparkling fuchsia eyes staring back at me. I know they aren't real. She changes the color of them to match whatever bizarre outfit she's chosen for the day. Joined by my prep team is the exceptionally unpleasant Lila Bunktrot, a stylist from District 1. Once known for her elegant gowns and elaborate costumes, Lila was among the Capitol's top stylists long before Cinna arrived. It was even rumored that she created a few of the outfits worn by Caesar Flickerman. However, even though she was beloved by the Capitol, once the rebellion began Lila was one of the first to retreat to the districts. It was never really clear why.

"Come along now Miss Everdeen. The sooner we get through this, the sooner we can make you look beautiful again," Lila exclaims.

"Gee thanks," I answer lacing my words with sarcasm. Unfortunately Lila doesn't care or take notice.

There weren't many stylists that managed to survive the initial stages of the war. Plutarch says we should be thankful that Lila even made it. Thankful? The woman is utterly dreadful and she treats every single person around her as if they were beneath her. To make matters worse she's been chosen to pick up where Cinna left off. Only she isn't just designing for me. She's creating something for all of the mockingjays. Venia, Flavius and Octavia have been working with her night and day in hopes they can recreate some of Cinna's works. It's easy for Flavius and Octavia. They practically worship the ground Lila stands on. However, Venia is more difficult to sway. She continuously reminds Lila of how brilliant Cinna was, and how no one could ever replace him. I don't know what impresses me more, Venia's loyalty towards Cinna, or her irritation of Lila.

"Now it isn't quite possible to have anything prepared for the others just yet. But maybe we can get you into something more suitable by the time we get to 10," Lila suggests looking me over.

"Not yet," Venia corrects. "Paylor wants Katniss looking exactly as she did in the arena when we get to Districts 10 and 11. Besides we don't have nearly enough time for you to replicate any of Cinna's masterpieces that quickly."

Rolling her eyes at Venia's obvious cutting comment, Lila goes off on a rant about Paylor, while Flavius and Octavia take down my measurements. "Honestly, why am I even here if we're just sending them all out in raggedy clothing anyway?"

I can never tell if Lila tries to be insulting intentionally, or if she really just doesn't think on any comment that doesn't pertain to her.

"I can accomplish more back in District 8 than I can on this ridiculous train. What was Paylor thinking?" Lila continues.

"I believe the purpose is for us to create something for Ms. Trinket," Venia interjects. "Paylor wanted to tone down the Capitol influences in her appearance."

"Terrific," Lila scoffs. "The one person with any basic sense of style and we're to turn her into some sort of street urchin I suppose."

Just as the bickering between Lila and Venia reaches an all time high, the doors open once more to reveal my old mentor, who clearly regrets coming by. Without hesitation I call out to Haymitch as if I had been expecting him. Then I latch my arms around him so I can escape into the hall.

"That bad," Haymitch asks.

"How could you tell?"

"Because you're still just as bad of an actress as the day I met you sweetheart," Haymitch snorts while leading me down to the next car. "Besides anytime you're that excited to see me I know something's off."

The next car down is the dining car where most have already gathered for dinner. At the head of the table is Paylor, who is seated next to Thatch and a slightly irritated Livia. Judging by the three empty glasses scattered around her, I'd say Livia has already been cut off from having any more to drink. The only person missing from the table is Effie, who I suppose is about to be paid a visit from Lila and my old prep team. However, it's not just dinner. Paylor wants to use this time to discuss our presence in Districts 10 and 11.

We are all to disembark at District 10 first. Together we will march toward the center of the District until we arrive at the Justice Building. Once we've gotten the attention of the majority in the District, we will then meet with District 10's commander where we will negotiate to restore our alliance.

"How do we know that we won't all be arrested as soon as we get there?" Johanna solicits. "These Districts still belong to Coin's rebellion."

"There is only one rebellion," Paylor states firmly. "Although we may fight for different armies we are still fighting for the same reasons. We still share a common purpose. Our job is to help 10 and 11 remember that." Carefully Paylor's eyes turn to me. "Now no one beyond us is aware of Katniss' position . And to this day Coin's greatest strength is in others believing that she still has the mockingjay on her side. When those same people realize she isn't… That alone may be enough to sway them."

Paylor's confidence is reassuring, but it doesn't change the uncertainty of it all. The truth is we have no idea how District 10 will react to our arrival. But Paylor is right. Even apart we are all still fighting on the same side.

"Well I for one am excited," Henley interjects. "I've been away from 10 for so long I've nearly forgotten what it's like."

No one tries to argue with Henley's optimism. It's nearly impossible with that smile of his. In fact, I don't believe I've ever seen him without a smile. Originally I thought it was some sort of an act, like Caesar Flickerman. No one can really be that happy all of the time. But Henley has one of those rare smiles. Always warm and always genuine. The kind that suggests he's waited an eternity just to see you.

"Well at least we aren't stopping here," Johanna mentions pointing out the window. "Looks like a total ghost town."

"Johanna," Haymitch scolds. But it's too late. Everyone else has already taken notice of what lies outside. The disintegrated buildings and ash covered streets. What little remains of a decimated town.

I look over at Henley and for the first time his smile is nowhere to be found. Instead all I can see is a terrified boy staring out into the desolation of District 9.

Taking notice of Henley's reaction, Johanna undoubtedly regrets her previous remark. "Henley, I… I didn't realize-"

"They hit Victor's Village first," Henley mutters glumly. "Since the Quell, there were only three of us. I was the only one who wasn't there. Instead I was at the orphanage. The same one I had to live in before I was reaped," Henley stops. I can tell he doesn't want to continue, but he forces himself to anyway. "By the time the rescue teams had arrived everything was on fire. They were only able to pull ten of us out in time. There was so much screaming. So many children screaming for help. And we had to listen to them all burn."

Without another word Henley gets up from the table and returns to his car. It isn't long afterward before everyone else does the same. What Henley had said stuck with me. It's bad enough losing your own District, but I can't imagine actually being there while the bombs went off. Either way, Henley's story invites all sorts of new nightmares over the next evening.

By morning it's nearly time for the big send off. All of the new mockingjays line up near the exit doors waiting for our arrival. Paylor and Thatch remain at the front of the car. Beside them are Finnick and Annie, who have their arms wrapped around their son. At the opposite end Livia sways back and forth while melodically humming next to Cassie and an almost unrecognizable Effie. I've got to hand it to Lila. Without all of her makeup and gaudy outfits Effie looks like she belongs. However, judging by the bewildered expression behind her I'm not sure if Haymitch believes it's actually her.

I take my place and stand beside Johanna and Henley, directly in front of the train doors. Last night Paylor decided that it might be best if Henley and I are the first ones people see when we enter District 10. I'm not too sure what kind of reaction Paylor's hoping for, but we'll soon find out. The train's speed is slowing and I can already see the District 10 station in the distance. Within seconds we are there, and it's time.

As the train doors open District 10 soldiers are already standing there waiting for us. One by one they pull us off the train and pass through the station like an assembly line. I try to look back for the others, but it's difficult to see with the arms of so many soldiers blocking my view. Plus I'm being shoved past so quickly that if I don't look where I'm going, then I know I'll lose my footing.

By the time I get outside of the station there's finally a good vantage point to see everything. Just like me the soldiers continue pushing everyone else through. The only ones they seem to be careful with are little Cassie and Annie, who is carrying Tyler.

Away from the station there are already a good number of people watching. Every nearby citizen falls silent as the soldiers abruptly push us along the open road. Their stares which greet us range everywhere from surprised to completely dumbfounded. Discussions break out. Gasps and whispers follow our every move.

Across the road a young boy squints rubbing his eyes as if he can't believe what he's seeing. Crowds emerge. A line of people outside of an old run down bakery even begin to cheer as we walk by. Hundreds flock to the commotion we've created in the streets of District 10.

Surprisingly a good portion of the attention is drawn to Henley. People grab hold of him. Hug him. Kiss him. Farmers chant his name. A number of older women even clutch onto him while sobbing into his arms. Somehow Henley knows most of them. I hear him address a good number of them by name.

I know Henley lived here as a boy, but he couldn't have possibly been that well known at such a young age. "Johanna, how do all these people know Henley?" I ask.

Before she has a chance to answer, another voice replies to me from behind. "Well you know he's Colt Townsend's boy, don't you?"

Johanna and I turn to find a short graying man with grubby patched-up overalls trailing behind us.

"Who-" I begin.

"Colt Townsend, a District 10 Victor," Johanna cuts in. "He was pretty well respected around the Capitol from what I heard. Never got the chance to meet him though. He died just a few years before my games. Some kind of accident, wasn't it?"

"Yes, a tragic loss and a terrible accident. That's what they called it," the old man begins. "Slipped and fell into the bullpen they said. But then they took the body away before anyone could prove otherwise."

"What…Do you mean he was killed?" I ask.

The old man's eyes grow wide as he nods frantically. "The Capitol broadcasted Colt's memorial. A televised special to avoid raising suspicion. Once it aired they waited for the whispers to die down. Then they came for his wife. Poison I believe."

Johanna and I glance at one another. It wouldn't be the first time the Capitol targeted a Victor's family. "But why? Why kill either of them?"

"To send a message," the old man stresses. "The Townsends were a very generous family. Too generous. They were always taking in other folks, helping them get back on their feet, and more importantly giving away Capitol money. The winnings Colt received through his victory in the Games. He just kept giving it away. It went on for a few years, but eventually it reached the point where the Capitol took notice."

"That's it?" Johanna spits out. "They saved a few people from starving to death? Not exactly an uprising."

"Isn't it though?" The old man mutters. "Just imagine what could have been accomplished if other Victors did the same as the Townsends? How many lives would be saved? They could have put an end to starvation. And not just in 10, but in the other Districts as well. There was just one problem… Any act that can strengthen the Districts that much can only be regarded as an act of rebellion."

Everything he's saying makes sense. All except for one piece. "If the Townsends were charged with rebelling then Henley-"

"Would have been a target too," the man answers. "Do you think it was a coincidence that he was reaped in his first year of eligibility? Or how about how he was relocated beforehand, ensuring that no one he knew could volunteer for him? Of course they say he had family in District 9. The same family that no one ever saw."

If all of this is true, then Henley shouldn't even be here right now. To the Capitol he'd be nothing but a constant reminder of their failure. Now it makes perfect sense why Henley was initially chosen to replace me as the mockingjay. Practically every event in his life can be seen as an insult to the Capitol.

I turn back to the old man, but he's gone. He's disappeared into the crowd. Johanna's just as baffled by it as I am, but there's no time to address the strange man's disappearance as we arrive in the square.

Before long we are hurried along off the streets and into District 10's old justice building. Through several corridors and up a couple sets of staircases we come to a large room that's been converted to an office. The walls are lined with bookcases filled to capacity, as excess volumes and worn-out manuscripts have been piled up in corners which spill out onto the rest of the floor.

"Commander Paylor! Back from the dead I see." A man in brown suit and silver glasses calls out, rising up from behind an old wooden desk intricately designed with dozens of galloping horses carved into its panels.

Paylor nods. "It's good to see you Mayor Worthington."

"Mayor?" I mutter under my breath.

Haymitch nudges me and whispers as the Mayor and Paylor roll through their introductions. "He's the rebel commander for District 10. Probably the only mayor to survive the initial riots and uprisings. After the first few Districts succeeded in rebelling against the Capitol, Worthington took charge of his people and did the same. To this day he still remains the Mayor of 10."

It is strange. Seeing an old representative left over from the Capitol regime. But if he's on our side, then who am I to question the kind of leader that District 10 chooses to follow.

"I must offer my apologies to you all," Mayor Worthington begins. "I'm afraid our soldiers aren't in the most welcoming mood at the moment. Our communications just went down earlier today. Now the entire District is on high alert until someone can figure out what's been jamming all of our frequencies."

"All of them?" Paylor questions.

"Yes, we seem to be cut off from the rest of Panem at the moment. This morning the Capitol was in the middle of broadcasting when the signal went out and every television just turned to static," Worthington explains while pouring a drink. "We tried sending word to District 13. Unfortunately that's when we realized we couldn't make contact with anyone outside of our own District."

Paylor's expression grows more concerned. "Have you determined the source of the interference?"

"Well I'm sure we could if this were District 3. However, for now nothing is certain," Worthington dismisses casually. "Could I get any of you something to drink?"

"I hardly think now is the appropriate time for that," Paylor asserts. She is unquestionably irritated with Worthington's nonchalant attitude towards his current predicament. If District 10's communications are being tampered with, then the Capitol could be planning to attack at this very moment.

"I assure you Commander Paylor, we are taking every possible precaution that we can, given the circumstances. Right now I'm more interested in finding out how you all managed to get here in one piece," Worthington questions curiously before continuing. "You certainly have an extraordinary ability to cheat death. Especially that one right there," he says pointing to me. "So why is it the mockingjay has chosen District 10 to grace with her presence?"

"Mockingjays," Paylor corrects.

Puzzled, the Mayor suddenly stops. Then looking across to the rest of us he grins from ear to ear. "Oh I see now. How remarkable. Please excuse me Commander. Why is it the mockingjays have chosen District 10 to grace with their presence?"

Taking a step closer to Worthington, Paylor responds. "Mayor we've come a long way since this rebellion began. But I think we can both agree that the Districts were at their strongest when they all stood joined together. We are here to ask your help in uniting them once more."

For a moment there is only silence.

"So that's it? You want to sway District 10's allegiance from Coin's rebellion to yours. Is that right?" He asks bluntly.

"You must understand Mayor Worthington," Paylor urges. "Commander Coin is not in her right mind. Since the rebellion's separation she's grown increasingly paranoid and hostile. I've witnessed it firsthand. We barely made it out of 13 with our lives."

Worthington peers at the rest of us through his silver spectacles. Then he turns back to Paylor. "Alright, done."


"Consider it done. You now have District 10's full support," Worthington states decisively.

Paylor still looks skeptical. We all do. It can't really be that easy.

"Oh, don't look so surprised," Worthington assures. "After the reaction I just witnessed outside in the square. I knew the moment you all stepped off that train that everything would be different now. It's been a long time since I've seen that much hope in these people. And who can blame them. You brought back the mockingjay, the Townsend boy and an entire squad of Victors who were all believed to be dead. There's no sense in refusing. I haven't remained Mayor for this long by going against the will of my people."

"That's very sensible of you," Paylor comments. "If there's anything you might need in the meantime District 8 would be happy to offer its support." Paylor can barely finish her sentence before Worthington cuts back in.

"As a matter a fact there is something you could do. Since you've all come so far already I'd say it's safe to assume that you will be paying District 11 a visit as well."

Paylor nods.

"Perfect! If that's the case I ask that you take a couple of my men with you. This way 11 will know that you have our full support and we can expedite this process. And of course then we can also alert them to our current communications issue."

Paylor agrees shaking the Mayor's hand before he sends us on our way, wishing us all the best of luck on our endeavor.

The trek back to the station is even more hectic than our arrival. News must have travelled fast of our presence here because now it seems as if every member of District 10 has joined together to see us off. We only manage to get halfway down the road before Mayor Worthington makes the announcement that District 10 will be realigning itself with 8. The square nearly explodes from the roaring ovation. I can barely even hear the Mayor now. Just a couple words here and there. However, his last word resonates across the entire District, and I hear it as clear as a bell. MOCKINGJAYS!

Before long we are all back on the train and doors seal shut behind us. The train departs quickly taking us all away to District 11. Thatch leads a group of District 10 soldiers to their own compartment and I retire to my own.

Once there I stare out the train window. Something's different. I feel different. I'd even go as far as to say that I feel good. There can be only one explanation for it.

Hope. That's what changed today. I saw it the faces of all those people. I felt it in the air around them. Now we're one step closer to uniting the Districts, and for the first time in a long time I feel like we can win.

End of Chapter 9

M. Cooper Jinks