I woke up to my alarm going off. I groaned and sat up. My new room looked nothing like my old one. My old one was navy and covered in posters. Now, I had white walls with nothing on them. Today was my first day of school at a brand new school where I knew no one.

I got up and went to the bathroom that was connected to my room. That was one plus of the new house, it was huge. Back in New York we lived in a loft where my room was the size of a shoe box and all three of us shared a bathroom.

After getting ready for the day, I went to my closet to decide what to wear. I wanted something that was cute but not too dressed up. I decided on a black leather, high-waisted circle skirt, a red Spider-Man V-neck, and my trusty combat boots.

I walked down the stairs to find my mom in the kitchen cooking breakfast. This happened every first day of school. My mom would make a huge breakfast while my dad and I ate bagels and coffee just like every other morning. I smiled at the memory. Now it would just be me not eating the huge meal. My mom looked up and saw me in the doorway.

"Good morning sweetheart! I made your favorite, bagels and cream cheese!" she said smiling.

"Thanks mom," I said as I walked over to the coffee and poured myself a cup. I grabbed a bagel and sat down at the counter watching my mom. "What time do you work today?"

"Oh, I work at 9:00 but it is my first day so it might be a long day full of paperwork."

I smiled; I knew how she liked paperwork. That's the weird thing, she is the only doctor I know that liked doing their own paperwork.

I looked at the clock seeing how late it was getting. I put my dishes in the sink, kissed my mom on the cheek and said, "Bye mom! Have a good first day!"

"You too honey!" she said, "Oh, Emma bring your jacket it is cold out today."

I nodded and grabbed my leather jacket and let the house. I began my walk to school. My mom had given me directions to the school so I didn't get lost. After walking for what felt like forever, I walked into the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School. It looked exactly like my old school but it was different because I was different. Things had happened over the past couple of months; things that I couldn't even think of, especially when I was going to be in a school for 8 hours.

I took a deep breath and headed for the stairs that lead to the main entrance. As I was walking, I looked at the people at this school. It looked pretty average with the regular cliques and whatnot. As I looked to my right, I saw these two boys talking. One was shorter with tan skin and floppy brown hair, the other was tall with a buzz cut and he was talking animatedly about something to the tan boy. I smiled; the tall one was really cute. I walked closer to them, thinking about introducing myself.

As I got closer, I caught a whiff of something; something that put me on high alert. One of these boys was a werewolf, he was recently turned but definitely a werewolf. I quickly turned and walked towards the building again. I shook my head; my mom said that this was a safe place without hunters or other wolves. If one of these boys was a recently turned wolf that meant that there was an alpha which meant he was building a pack.

I thought about texting my mom to let her know what I had just witnessed but that would probably make her worry more and we would leave the country, not just the state. I decided that I should probably just focus on my classes. I headed to the main office to get my schedule and locker number and combination.

I left the main office and was turning the corner looking at my schedule when I walked directly into something. I dropped everything in my hands and my bag.

"Ow!" said someone. So I ran into someone on my first day, there are worst things that could happen right?

I looked up and saw the tall boy from outside. We locked eyes and I could see that his were brown with green and gold flecks in them. Someone above us coughed. Then the scent hit me again. I snapped out of my trance and looked up. It was the tan boy from outside that had coughed. I looked back at the other boy who was currently picking up my books. "I'm really sorry. I wasn't paying attention and I'm sorry," I said quickly.

The boy on the ground coughed and handed me my books and bag. "It's okay. It was my fault too. You're new right?"

I nodded, "Is it that obvious?" They both chuckled. "I'm Emma by the way, Emma Baker."

"I'm Stiles," the tall one said, "And this is Scott." He gestured toward the other boy who waved.

Now that I was in closer proximity to them, I could tell that Scott was the newly turned werewolf. Stiles had scent but his was way more boy than werewolf.

"What is your schedule like?" Stiles asked. I handed him my schedule. "We have a lot of class together. That's good cause Scotty here is only in like three of them with me." He smiled and I couldn't help but return the smile.

"We all have English, Chemistry, and Econ together though." Scott said as he stepped forward and looked at my schedule.

I realized that I was still standing there awkwardly hugging my books to my chest, "I have to stop at my locker before class so I will see you guys in there." I turned on my heel and walked quickly to my locker.

I put my books away and closed my locker door. I turned and expected to walk towards the classroom but Stiles and Scott had apparently followed me and they wanted to walk with me to the classroom. I put my bag on my shoulder and walked towards them. Scott nudged Stiles and they both turned to look at me. Stiles eyes widened and his mouth fell open. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking at my boobs. I felt my face turn bright red.

I took a deep breath and looked up at Stiles. He still had the same expression on his face. I smirked with false confidence and said, "Hey! Eyes up here Stiles."

He looked up and turned bright red. "I wasn't…um…I mean I was looking…I mean…"

"Mhm. That's what I thought," I said as I walked past him and Scott, "Are you guys coming?" I heard them follow behind me.

If the rest of the day continued like this, with Stiles checking me out, I would not mind that at all.