She was the fantasy that every boy would have when they went to sleep. The girl that men thought about that gave them a bulge in their pants whenever her name was said in a room, the girl who girl's envied and wanted to be like, the girl who didn't have a care. Men would get down on their knees just to talk to her if she told them to, and the worst thing about it is that she would.

Heads would turn from both men and women whenever she passed by. The way her hips would sway along with her chocolate hair hitting her mid back. Her toned arms and creamy legs along with her round breast to keep you entertained for days.

He made his mistake by taking an interest in her and it was all unintentional, the sound of her black heels clacking against the tiled hallway and the smell of her honey perfume hit him hard. He turned his head and saw a woman dressed in all black whose hips were swaying in a tempting way. He couldn't stop the staring his eyes were glued to her and he wasn't the only one.

He's heard about her before, Bonnie Bennett; straight A student, basketball player and cheerleader when it's football season and a girl that everyone wants. She comes from a rich background, her father and step mother own several hotels and resorts, but she doesn't brag about it. She looks back and their gazes lock. He spots a small grin on her face and his mouth can't stay closed for the life of him. A locker slams beside him and it snaps him out of the lock that she has on him. He looks at his friend for a second, but returns his attention back on Bonnie who's eyes are still on his.

"Stay away from her man, she'll break you" Matt warns.

"I don't know about that." His eyes trail her body from head to toe taking the time to admire her perfect figure, "If anyone will be doing the breaking it's me." He finally turns towards Matt,

He laughs, "Well good luck with that" Matt turns walking towards class as the bell sounds.

Stefan jams his books in his bag and walks towards Spanish, a class that he so happens to share with the Bennett. He takes his usual seat in the back a few seats diagonal from Bonnie's. Her caramel skin glows as the yellow sun shines through the window to hit her flawless face and her emerald eyes sparkle making them the most beautiful eyes that he's seen.

"Celebra la victoria mexicana sobre los franceses en la Batalla de Puebla el 5 de mayo 1862." Bonnie answers a question that he completely missed due to his staring and he couldn't stop the low groan that sounded whenever she rolled her r's. Her head turned towards him and she winked at him flashing a smile. All eyes were on him, but his stayed glued to her.

The next time he sees her, she's sucking on a round, red lollipop swirling it around with her tongue. She seated with her best friends and he wonders to himself how anyone was brave enough to be her friend, but he keeps in mind that she probably wasn't always like this. Matt joins him at the table and he greets him deciding that it was time to give the staring a break.

"So you're still thinking about it huh?" Matt opens.

"I'm passed thinking, I already know that she wants me just as bad."

"And how do you know that?" He asked slightly amused.

"No need to get into all of that," he replies shaking his head, "all you need to know is that by the end of the month Bonnie will be mine and I'll be laughing in your face for ever doubting me."

"So yours as in girlfriend? I thought it was all for sex"

"Well yes, sex does play a part in it, but I'm going to make her feel wanted and not just desirable, come on, you know me Matt."

"I do know you brother, but no one has ever tied her down before."

"That's cause she hasn't met me yet." He replies nonchalantly standing up to throw his garbage away. He hears her coming after him, but he keeps his cool when he turns around and she's just inches away. He keeps his focus on her eyes even though they want to trail the rest of her, but his gaze never shifts. They stay staring into her emeralds and her's stays on his olives.

"Stefan Salvatore," Bonnie breaks the silence between the two speaking in a flirtatious tone, "you look even hotter up close." Bonnie must admit that when she laid her eyes on him, she could tell that something was different about him. He proved her right when his eyes didn't imminently shift to her cleavage like the rest of the boys do in this school, and she must admit that she was indeed impressed.

Stefan had a face that cannot be forgotten, his jaw line acting as his best feature. He had a sculpted face and muscular arms with a tattoo peaking a little below his black V-neck. She wasn't sure what it was, but knew that she would be finding out soon with all the looks he's been given her.

"Bonnie Bennett, I could say the same about you." This time he let his eyes wonder her which caused her body to slightly shiver and he noticed.

She walked in closer lessening the distance between them, "Thanks" she flashed her emeralds up at him while she drew a squiggly line starting from the center of his chest down to his lower abs.

She was surprised when he brushed the hair of her shoulder and pulled her in by the neck while he whispered in her ear,"Anything for you babe"

Bonnie didn't have time to respond because Stefan had already walked away. She felt a challenge coming on, whenever she made a move on someone they would never walked away, but with Stefan things were different and she couldn't wait to play this game with him.

"So you and Stefan"

"There's no me and Stefan, there's no me and anyone, I'm not the relationship type Forbes." She swung her head in Caroline's direction.

Elena and Caroline exchanged looks, "Then what's up with the lingering stares and the smiles and laughs? Admit it Bonnie, someone finally wants you for more than sex."

Bonnie was a little stung by Elena's words, but she knew what she meant, "Yeah right, once he gets what he wants that'll be the last I hear from him." She sounded a little more hurt than she wanted to, but chose not to let it show. Caroline noticed the disappointed tone in her friend's voice and was about to ask what was wrong but she spotted someone out of her peripheral vision,

"Speaking of," All eyes followed the blonde's gaze to see Stefan walking in the cafeteria with Matt by his side, "I swear Matt gets hotter and hotter every day." Caroline placed her elbow on the table and brought her chin to her palm gazing as the men walked by. Bonnie sat up as Stefan looked in her direction and shyly waved at her, but her wanting to prove to her friends that she and Stefan weren't an item, she didn't wave back but simply looked in the opposite direction. Stefan shook his head knowing exactly what she was doing and he made sure to catch her off guard later and ask her about it.

Lunch was just minutes away from being over and Bonnie never felt more frustrated than she is. She regretted not waving back, because every time she would look over at him he wouldn't be looking back like he usually would. He would either be busy talking to Matt or having Jordyn droll all over him and he would actually give her the satisfaction and flirt back.

"Come with me" She was about to go give Jordyn a little talk telling her to stay away, but Stefan's voice filled her ear and she closed her eyes as he was talking into it. A hand was extended beside her for her to take and she did. Stefan led them outside to the parking lot away from most of the students and turn towards her before reaching his intended destination, "What do you say we get out of here?" His eyes were challenging.

Bonnie looked back at the school weighing her options, but she already knew the answer as soon as Stefan asked her, "Lead the way." Stefan smiled and walked deeper into the lot finding his parking space to find his Harley sparkling as the sun hit the metal. Bonnie took one look at the bike then up to him, "You ride a motorcycle?"

"You sound surprised"

"I have to admit that I am. Although, now that I think about it you do seem like the type"


"Yeah you know, the hair, your boots and that collection of leather jackets of yours."

"Someone's observant" Stefan handed her a helmet.

Bonnie shrugged, "What can I say I'm an observer." Bonnie replied as she covered her head with the helmet and buckle it below her chin.

Stefan shook his head, "You look good in everything don't you" It was more of a statement than a question. Whenever Stefan rode with someone the helmet made you look somewhat less appealing. It took up a good amount of your head which caused your face to look tiny and child-like, but with Bonnie she made the damn thing look better.

Stefan swung a leg around the bike and Bonnie followed suite and wrapped her arms around his torso. He cranked the engine and she immediately felt her adrenaline kick in and she knew now why people ride. The air smacked her face as he accelerated forward as the bell sounded signaling the end of lunch.

They ended up at The Grille just a couple of miles away from the school sliding into a booth.


He doesn't know how they got here, but they ended up at Bonnie's house. He asked her about her father and stepmom and how they might not be fond of a guy under their roof, but she dismissed it telling him that he had nothing to worry about.

Her knees meet opposite ends of his hip bone as she straddles him staring into his leafy eyes. His hands inch their way around her hips before he brings them down to cup her butt. Their gaze never breaks and they stay there for a while, neither of them saying a word. She dips her head down slightly and captures his lips kissing him slowly and he slips his tongue in her mouth moving his hands along her back, wrapping them around her tightly. He kisses her until she's out of breath and moves his lips to down pacing heated kiss on the column of her neck earing a soft moan form Bonnie. When he notices that her breathing goes steady again, he returns to her lips not getting enough of them. Her heart shaped, soft lips that he knew would taste this good as soon as he laid eyes on them.

His back is now on the bed and Bonnie's body is over his still locked in their embrace. She pulls him up and slides her hands under his black V-neck slowly getting a feel of his tight abs and pecks. Her hands slid down his biceps and she admires his muscular arms. Stefan's hands slid up her T-shirt and heats up her skin against his touch. He takes his time removing the shirt from her skin savoring the feel that he gets whenever he touches her. She lifts up her hands and Stefan appreciates the view of her cleavage right before his eyes. The shirt is off her and thrown to the ground and he takes her mouth again enjoying the feel of her breasts against his bare chest. His hands move along the newly exposed skin and she melts against his touch.


Bonnie's tracing his tattoo with her pointer finger as they lay on their sides on top of the covers. The moment between them never escalated beyond a heated make out session and they were okay with that. Stefan was more than okay with it, yes, he did use every ounce of strength that he had to not trap her between his arms and feel her walls contract against him, but this is part of his plan to make her feel wanted. He wants to let her know that she's more than just sex, she's something special and this was phase one in showing her just that.

"Why did you get it?" She questions his choice in the rose tattoo on his shoulder.

"For my mom. She died giving birth to me and this rose symbols my love for her and in a type of way, an apology."

"See this right here," Bonnie sat up and gathered her hair on top of her head. Stefan sat up as well and saw three dates tattooed just below the nape of her neck,




"What are the dates?" He asked curiously.

She exhaled, "December 20, 1950; the day my grandmother was born. June 27, 2013; the last time I told her that I loved her." Bonnie swallowed hard, "July 30, 2013; the day she died." She let her hair fall freely and she stayed with her back facing Stefan for a few moments before looking at him. He could tell that it was hard for her to share and he admires her strength. He wraps her in his arms and kissed the shell of her ear. Soon their back on the bed and his arms are still wrapped around her small frame. She was holding back tears and he could feel her body stiffen,

"It's okay Bonnie" was all he had to say before she broke down. He pulled her closer if that was even possible and ran his hands through her straightened hair.

A/N: This one is different from the rest of my Stefonnie fics I kind of wrote Bonnie as Katherine she's sexy and confident, but she also has a soft side and that's what I love about the character. Part 2 will hopefully be up in a few days, but until then thank you for reading! XO