Without further ado, here it is, the final *FINAL* Conclusion to this story

''Karissa, are you ready?'' Skylar knocked on her bedroom door. As she opened it, she saw Karissa grab her Hello Kitty backpack, smiling at her mommy.

''Don't I look pretty today, mommy?'' She asks, twirling around in her outfit.

Karissa was wearing a white buttoned collar shirt blouse with a light blue ruffle long sleeve sweater and blue and gray skirt with a bow on the side. She wore some black leggings, her white socks and knee high converse. Skylar smiled as she walked over, brushing her curly black hair as she slipped the blue bow headband on her. Skylar laid out her clothes for her and was proud that Karissa was able to dress by herself, even though she still had some trouble tying her shoes, to which Skylar didn't mind fixing it up for her.

''You look very pretty, baby girl.'' She smiled, taking her hand. ''Now let's go have some breakfast so you can go to school.''

The years have really went by as their daughter, Karissa was growing up steadily, changing and talking more often. The little girl could possibly talk for hours and hours and Skylar and Roman would never get tired of listening to her. She was 5 years old now and today she had to go to school while Skylar and Roman had to go to work.

As they walked down the hall, the door to Skylar's bedroom was still closed. She believed that Roman was still possibly asleep.

''Hey. You wanna go wake up your daddy? Then you can come down for some breakfast.'' Skylar winked at her. Karissa face lit up and she kissed her mom.

''Ok mommy. I'll go see if I can wake daddy up.'' She nodded as she knocked on the door while Skylar waited.

''Daddy?'' Karissa called out sweetly. ''Daddy?''

She pushed the door open and she walked inside the room. There was no sign of Roman. Karissa was confused.

What she didn't know was that Roman was hiding under the covers, pretending to be asleep. As soon as he heard his little girl's voice, he woke up immediately. But he pretended to not say anything until she came closer.

Karissa could see her dad under the covers and reached her hand up to shake him.

''Wakey Wakey daddy. Mommy made breakfast.''

''I don't want to eat breakfast. I don't want to eat pancakes. I want to eat YOU!'' He roared as he got up from the covers, taking Karissa into his arms, as she squealed and laughed as Roman tickled her, making her laugh loudly.

''Daddy no. I can't stop laughing!'' Karissa giggled loudly and then that's when Skylar came in and then Roman and Skylar both tickled Karissa together as she was laughing uncontrollably, panting. Karissa got up and then she pushed Roman while Roman pretended to fall back on the bed and not get up. Karissa climbed on top of Roman's chest as Skylar did a three count.

''1..2..3!'' Skylar pretended a bell rang and raised Karissa's hand up in victory. Roman picked her up and kissed her face.

''I beat you, I beat you daddy.'' Karissa smirked.

''That's an injustice.'' He playfully made an angry face. He did a roar as Karissa mocked his roar and then Skylar did the roar as well, making all three of them laugh.

''I won fair and square, daddy. After all, mommy is the ref.'' She giggled.

''But your mommy can also be a cheater.'' He winked and Skylar slapped him across the arm, pretending to be shocked. They laughed again from the excitement.

''Yeah. You better be lucky I love you that much princess, to let you beat me.'' He chuckled as he picked her up.

''Mommy is making breakfast. What are you making mommy?''

''I am making strawberry banana pancakes, sweetie. Now let's leave daddy alone so he can get dressed. I have your lunch packed as well.''

''Ok mommy.'' She smiled as Skylar picked her up and they headed downstairs to eat.

As Skylar served Karissa's breakfast on the small plate, Karissa started to dig in as Skylar made some coffee for both her and Roman, while also pouring a cup of Juicy Fruit for Karissa to drink. Skylar noticed that Karissa was unusually quiet, which was something that Skylar was no use too, since Karissa would love to talk about anything. And she meant ANYTHING. Skylar sat down next to her.

''Is something wrong, babygirl?'' She asked, looking at her carefully. ''You know you can always tell me what's wrong.''

''Mommy..I saw something last night.'' She looked up at her. ''I think it was a ghost..it looked like a boy.''

Skylar's heart beat against her rib cage. She knew it was Xavier. Even though she knew Xavier didn't mean any harm and only wanted to check on his little sister, she had no idea how to explain this to her five year old daughter. In fact, it was something that she wouldn't talk to her about it until she was a little more older.

However, she didn't want Karissa to think she was a liar and she knew that Karissa wouldn't lie to her.

Skylar sighed deeply. Karissa looked at her.

''You don't believe me do you?'' Karissa sounded a little sad. Skylar shook her head.

''No babygirl it's not that. It's umm..'' Skylar bit her lip, thinking carefully on what to say next. She knew she would have to tell Karissa the truth. ''Karissa sweetie..there's something that mommy does need to talk to you about.''

She picked up Karissa and put her in her lap. Skylar and Karissa both looked at each other as she spoke.

''Honey..the little boy you saw last night..well..it wasn't a monster. I believe you..and..It's because of the fact that..it's your older brother.''

Karissa's eyes widen and she smiled. ''Really? Where is he? Where is he?'' She looked around, trying to spot him. ''Is he playing hide and seek?''

Ĺškylar smiled softly. ''Um..no baby. He's not here..at all.''

''Why? Where is he mommy?'' She asked curiously.

''Well sweetheart. He's in heaven.''

''Up there?'' Karissa pointed to the ceiling and Skylar nodded.

''Why can't he stay with you, me and daddy?''

''Well babygirl.'' She sighed carefully, before smiling at her. ''God needed him. He had a very important mission for your older brother. He needed another angel and so your brother was very important to him.

''So..I'll never get a chance to meet him?'' Karissa sighed a bit. Skylar stroked her cheek.

''Well, sometimes you won't always be able to see him. But he can see you. Let's just say that..he will always be around when you need him. He's your special angel sweetheart. Now just because you can't see him..it doesn't mean that he's not there. Just like he's mommy special angel.''

''...What was he like mommy? What was his name?'' Karissa smiled at her.

''Well, his name was Xavier. And he was the most beautiful angel to ever exist on this earth. He was beautiful..just like you right now.''

Karissa smiled even more and hugged her mommy. ''I have an angel brother.''

Skylar smiled. ''Yes you do. So whenever you see him late at night, don't be scared. He just wants to say that he loves you. Its one of his missions. So do you understand, babygirl?''

''Ok mommy. I understand.'' Karissa nodded. She saw that Skylar had a tear fall from her eye and Karissa wiped it away with her thumb.

''I didn't mean to make you cry mommy. I'm sorry.''

Skylar wiped her eyes, shaking her head. ''No baby. I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm happy. I'm happy that you're here with me and so is daddy.''

And that was the truth. Karissa was the best thing that ever happened to them in their lives. They would kill and die for their precious little girl.

''So do we have anymore friendly ghosts here that come by at night?'' She asked with wonder.

Skylar chuckled but bit her lip, unsure of whether to tell her the rest of the truth. She was too young to know everything for right now. But she did make a promise that when she did get older and if her daughter did ask again, she and Roman would tell her the truth. Right now, she didn't want to make things anymore awkward so she decided to leave it alone. Some things were better left unsaid.

''Well..you do have an auntie Layla. But I'll tell you all about her when you get older, ok? Now finish up your breakfast.''

Karissa smiled and then she sat back in her seat, eating the rest of her breakfast as Skylar looked to see Roman coming back into the room, dressed and drinking a cup of coffee, smiling at his girls.

''Hey beautiful ladies. Is everything alright?'' He looked to his daughter, kissing the top of her head and then he kissed Skylar.

''Mmmhm..'' Karissa said with a mouthful of food and then she drank the rest of her juice. ''I'm finished mommy.''

''Ok then, let's hurry up so we can get you to school on time, sweetheart.'' Roman scooped her up into her arms as Skylar handed her the backpack and her lunchbox.

They all went outside to the driveway as Skylar opened the car door so Karissa could slide into the backseat as she buckled in her seat belt.

''Have a good day at school sweetheart. Be good and stay out of trouble ok?'' She kissed the top of her head, gently running her hand down Karissa's long curly black hair. ''I swear your hair is growing fast, just like your daddy's.''

Roman smirked. ''What can I say? I got good hair.''

''Yes you do.'' She chuckled. ''I love you honey.''

''I love you too, mommy.'' She smiled as Karissa leaned over to give her mommy a kiss on the cheek as Skylar returned the favor.

She closed the back car door and then she went over to Roman who was in the driver's seat as he rolled the window down, smiling up at his beautiful wife.

''Have a good day at work baby.'' He grinned, cupping her chin with his large hand and she smiled.

''You too, Mr. Reigns.'' She whispered as she would press her lips to his as he would return the kiss, she gasped as she felt his tongue on contact touching hers, making her groan in her throat as he would slowly lick her plump lips.

They separated as soon as she watched Roman start up the car and then she waved goodbye to her daughter and her husband as they pulled out the driveway and then they were on their way to their destination.

Work was indeed a very busy time. With Roman's business increasing and with Skylars business increasing rapidly as well, along with the both of them working on Mad World and with the Volunteer Center, with help from Cosmo, Naomi, and Cameron, they were just a little mentally exhausted. But it was all exciting as well with how they handled it together. Especially with Mad World and with Skylar helping with the models, and how she was also a part of the photo shoots as well, and with the interviews, thanks to Roman's help.

Even though everyone knew they were married and working together, they did keep their personal lives and work separate and it made it easier on everyone, especially Roman and Skylar.

It was Skylar's lunch break so she was able to swing by the house and then she unlocked the door and headed inside. She slipped off her heels and then she grabbed the small remote on the coffee table, playing the stereo as her favorite reggae song ''Sister Nancy: Bam Bam'' was blaring through the speakers, the music invading all around the house, the melody speaking to her.

She swayed her hips left to right as she took off her jacket, her blouse and went up the rest of the stairway to head for the bathroom, removing her skirt. She only had on her Zebra printed bra and matching thong and her wedges. She turned on the shower and slid down her panties. Just as she was about to unhook her bra, she felt a pair of hands around her body, which made her yelp and freak out until she heard a familiar voice.

''Shhh baby, it's just me.'' Roman whispered in her ear as she relaxed against his chest.

''God, you scared me.'' She sighed in relief.

''Well ironically, I'm on my lunch break as well.'' He chuckled, helping to remove her bra.

''Well we only have maybe 30 minutes to spare for lunch..so what are you thinking about?'' She said seductively. Roman turned her around and kissed her as she unbuttoned his shirt, throwing his tie to the side. His tongue would trace from her neck down to her collarbone as she softly hissed. They looked at each other as Roman would suck in her bottom lip, tasting her.

''I'm thinking about taking my submissive to our favorite playroom.'' He grinned wickedly.

Yes indeed. Roman had surprised Skylar when he showed her their secret BDSM playroom, which they kept locked at all times. It was a room which was decked out in black and dark purple, with a master bedroom in the middle and a wall full of special toys and items, whips, chains, and cuffs needed for each other's pleasure, or in this case, Skylar's pleasure. Even once in awhile, Roman would let her take control while he was tied down.

''Well in that case, I'm willing to be your little slut for the next 30 minutes..'' She grinned.

''Or longer, if you can keep up with me, beautiful.'' He wrapped his hand around her throat, applying some pleasure as she moaned, running her hands up his pecs as he bent down to give her another fierce kiss, attacking her mouth as he picked her up.

She tried to kick her heels off but he stopped her. ''Keep the heels on, babygirl. And as for the shower, you know we can just use the one in the playroom.''

He still held her, turning off the shower as she kissed his lips over and over again, holding her tightly as their make out never wavered, never slowed down.

''Now what's your safe word babygirl?''He whispered, sucking in her earlobe, making her feel like putty in his strong arms.

''It's Snickers..'' She licked her lips as they headed all the way down the hall to their private door. ''And umm..I want you to use that special butt plug on me again.''

He chuckled as he unlocked the door and then they both headed inside, ready to take as much time as they had in their break, sexually satisfied, not worrying about a damn thing and looking forward into the future of the lives they were going to share together.


Thank you to everyone who has been following the story, making it their favorite and reviewing it, making the story even better and with me working a little harder into my creativity. I honestly do appreciate it.

I want to thank these people, giving them a very personal shout out for their support and reviews :)- DaShadowAngel, Tina619, RollinsInTheDean, PezzieCoyote, LindaPipeBomb, IRENELOVE83, JoannHutch, Maashmellow

Lilygirl95, DeeMarie426, StoryLover82, Neisha03Ty, CFierce116, CheekyClaudine, angelsdee327, sweetsidney1017, Emzy2k11,

iiCraziiChic, ShippingHearts, beej672 MoxleyLeakee173, Alexis Black-Reigns, TrinityBelle40, Tori Moxley, AshleyyDanielle, TajiaK, duncancourtneylover, romulusreigns.

If I forgot anyone, just know you all get shout outs as well and I love you

Also, there will be a sequel coming up very soon, probably this week. Only this time, this will be about Skylar's best friend: Cosmo and Seth Rollins, the two toned ninja :) :)