You're awfully kind, taking time out to read this story. This story loves you!
To answer your very first question, yes, I absolutely plan on adapting all three games.
With that out of the way, I would like to clarify exactly what this is. This is not a retelling of the MOTHER series. Nor is it a narrated play through, a retelling of my experience playing the game, or a story detailing what I imagine was going through the hero's head while on his adventure. This is a series of stories adapting the MOTHER series into cut-and-dried novels. I am going into this with the intention that, even if a reader had no idea what a video game even was, they would still read these stories and enjoy them to their fullest potential. It would be a different experience than that of a fan, certainly, but there would be nothing lost on the terms of the quality of entertainment and emotional experience that the MOTHER series is so renowned for.
If you are a fellow MOTHER fan, and I'm guessing you are since you're here, I feel it fair to warn you that there are going to be liberties made from the original games. This is something that all writers working on adaptations have to face; something that works perfectly fine in a video game might not work at all in written prose, and vice versa. With that said, however, I will do my best to only do this when I feel it truly necessary and welcome. I adore these games as much as you do, and the last thing I want is to see it butchered in the name of "creative liberties". My hope is that this story will capture the same sort of spirit of the original games, while also putting a slightly new and interesting spin on it.
With that said, it won't be just the MOTHER fans in my audience I will have in mind when I write this story, even though they will be the majority. I am sharing this story with my friends and family, many of whom would have never heard of MOTHER otherwise, and even still wouldn't care enough to play it. To me, that's the greatest tragedy of the series: That so few people will ever get the chance to experience it, simply due to the fact that it's in a medium that relatively few people care about or lack the skills or resources to enjoy. (Especially due to two-thirds of the games never reaching American shores, but now is not the time or place to complain about that.) So, with that in mind, here is my request to the fellow MOTHER fans in the audience who happen to enjoy this novelized series: If you have that one friend, or brother, or boyfriend, or whatever, who you really, really want to share MOTHER with, but just keep running into "Sorry, don't play video games", I would like to encourage you to share this with them. Because, let's face it, there's a stigma against video games that keeps people from believing they can be as interesting, thought-provoking, emotional, or otherwise as good story-telling wise as other forms of media such as books or film. It's a sad one to be sure, but until the day that stigma is erased, the best we can do is compromise for those who are stopped by it.
On a more technical note, I would like to let you know that this story, at least for the time being, will probably be very slow-going. As I'm writing this, I am in my third year of high school with the given workload of attempting to graduate a year early, which is a very inopportune time in my life to begin writing a series of novels. Currently, the only times I can write are during weekends, or after I'm already in bed. I can give you this assurance, however: I am making sure to write every single day. I never intend for this story to be in a hiatus, even for as short a time as a week. So, to those following this story, I greatly appreciate your patience.
Now, I've said my piece.
Okay s'ka?