Hi everyone, my name is GKoh and here presenting you a new fic. Read, enjoy and comment.
The Past
Chaos. That's all can be said to describe the situation now. At a quarry, humans wearing armor are having a massive battle against giant, terrifying beasts. The beasts resemble like normal animals but the noticeable difference is that they have black bodies along with white bone like features and red markings covering parts of their bodies.
One of the humans drops to the ground after being swiped by one of the beasts. He gets back up and saw the battle was not in their favor. He can see the largest of the enemies are pounding a couple of his comrades to a bloody pulp while another snatched away by a flyer.
Around him, explosions are occurring a lot followed by the screams of the soldiers being ripped to shreds by the creatures of destruction.
This is hopeless. They thought with "Nature's Wrath", they have a chance in surviving this harsh world but it was not enough. They are still being crushed under these overwhelming odds.
"Fall back. Everyone fall back."
The warrior turns his head to see one of his comrades, his leader yelling to everyone that are still standing to retreat.
However, the humans are surrounded by the creatures of destruction. Their escape is blocked by the creatures causing most of them sweat in terror as they do not wish to die here.
The warrior looks around and sees no other escape. The only way to get out of this pinch is to… fight. Is this it? Is this how humanity is going to end? Being wiped out by these soulless beings?
The creatures show their fangs and march towards their latest victims until…
"Pikachu. Use Thundershock"
Both parties heard the cry until it is too late. However, this is good for the humans as yellow lightning bolt hit the creatures of destruction that surrounded them. The humans search everywhere and saw someone on a cliff alongside some kind of animal.
They cannot see the mysterious person's face but they can see that he is wearing a purple hat with a feather on his spiky hair . He wears a vest of similar color to his hat over a grey shirt, gloves and a cape. He has a belt in the middle along with a pouch and wear grey pants and purple boots.
The rodent beside the man covered in yellow fur, and his ears are long and pointed with black tips. He has a small mouth, brown eyes, and two red circles on its cheeks. The rodent's forearms are short, with five fingers on each paw, and the feet have three toes. He also has two brown stripes on his back, and the tail is in the shape of a lightning bolt with a patch of brown fur at the base.
Some of the humans notice the red cheeks of the rodent sparking with electricity. Was this animal the one that send the lightning bolt at their enemies?
Suddenly, the creatures of destruction begin anew in their attacks but this time they focus on the one that attack them. Some scale the rocks while others fly towards them.
"Charizard, Blastoise. Attack! " Shouted the man.
Suddenly, the trees behind move a bit until some things burst out of them. One is draconic and bipedal. He is primarily orange in color, a cream underside from the chest to the tip of the tail. He has a long snout and neck, small blue eyes, and two horns protruding from the back of his head. There are large wings with teal undersides sprouting from his back. His arms are short, skinny and the hands have three clawed fingers. The feet have three clawed toes and cream-colored soles.
The other is a large, bipedal tortoise-like being. His body is dark blue and is mostly hidden by his tough, brown shell. The shell has a pale yellow underside and a white ridge between the upper and lower halves, which also encircles the arms. Two cannons reside in the top sides of his shell. The tortoise's head has triangular ears which are black on the inside, small brown eyes, and a cream-colored lower jaw. His arms are thick and striated with three claws on each hand. His feet have three claws on the front and one on the back and have a stubby tail.
The dragon has fire forming from his mouth as he flies towards the flying enemies. He rears his head and breathes a stream of fire at them burning them to death. The giant tortoise fires his cannons releasing huge blasts of water causing the ones scaling the rocks to fall to their deaths.
The humans gawked at the sight. They were unable to defeat the enemy a while ago but this man who ordered his strange allies defeated them in less than a minute.
The creatures of destruction roar in defiance leading the man to raise his arm which is glowing with a symbol. The rodent starts to have a glow around him as well.
"Pikachu. Electro Ball."
The one known as Pikachu jumps and electricity is gathering at his tail and forms into an orange-yellow orb of electricity with sparks of yellow electricity coming off it.
Pikapikapikapikapikapika" the rodent said as the orb begin to grow even larger to the size of a boulder. He then swings his tail and the orb is shot at the creatures of destruction.
They see you as small and helpless;
They see you as just a child.
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild.
Prepare for your greatest moments;
Prepare for your finest hour.
The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower.
We are lightning,
Straying from the thunder,
Miracles of ancient wonder.
This will be the day we've waited for.
This will be the day we open up the door.
I don't wanna hear your absolution;
Hope your ready for a revolution.
Welcome to a world of new solutions.
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution.
In time, your heart will open minds,
A story will be told,
And victory is in a simple soul.
Long ago in the world called Remnant, mankind was plagued by nightmarish monsters known as the Grimm. It is unknown where they came from but it is clear their goal is to wipe out mankind from existence. Then, the war began. Even though man use their best plans, sophisticated weaponry, their mightiest of champions and the greatest power of them all: Dust, they were still over powered by these insidious beasts. It would seem all hope is lost until a miracle occurred. Mankind has discovered a world where wondrous creatures, with incredible powers live. They are Pokemon. By taming the Pokemon, mankind found new means to fight the Grimm. Over time, the Grimm were pushed back and peace was restored all over Remnant. For now!
Present Day
At a Western like city during the night, the buildings are large with a modern appearance, the roads are fully concrete and the pavements lined with lamp posts. In a certain part of the city, the citizens that are still awake are carrying out their usual activities with their companions; Pokemon . Ever since their discovery during the war against the Grimm centuries ago, Pokemon has been part of everyday life other than Dust; from the Beedrill that is helping his owner in trimming the trees to a couple walking their Herdier. Suddenly, the people and their Pokemon stop what they are doing and saw a group of men walking down the road.
Many of them have black hair and some have black mustaches. They wear black suits with matching hats and shoes, red sunglasses, and a red tie.
The last member who is leading the group is sinister in appearance with his long eyelashes on top of his green eyes and has orange hair with his long bang covering his eye. The man has a black bowler hat with a red band on his head, wears a red-collared white suit, a small gray scarf, black gloves with rounded sleeves and has long black pants and black shoes. He is Roman Torchwick; a notorious criminal mastermind and widely feared by many.
The citizens begin to back away as they are a group not to be mess with. These wanted men continue to walk until they arrive at their destination; a Dust Shop called From Dust Till Dawn.
Roman and his men enter the Dust shop causing the owner to tremble in fear. The shop's interior lined with shelves as packaged Dust placed on them while long tubes are attached at the side with each one comes in a different color. The counter has a glass display case containing many colored crystals like the ones from the tubes. As the group approaches the owner, they did not notice a hooded girl with a red cloak.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?" said Roman as he approaches the owner. One of his henchmen points a gun at the owner causing him to say ""P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!"
Roman shushes "Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money." He looks at his henchman "Grab the Dust."
Complying, a henchman opens a case and removes one of several cylinders, which the group uses to take Dust from the tube containers. It is no surprise people like Roman want to steal it as Dust is very valuable in Remnant. Created by mankind long ago in their desperate fight against the Grimm, Dust is the main form of energy that keeps the city running. Dust can be used in many ways such as powering weapons or vehicles.
As Roman and his henchmen begin to steal the dust, one of them hears a muted song and looks around to find the hooded girl reading a magazine in front of a book shelf. She is dressed in a black blouse, and a skirt with red trimmings, complete with a red cloak giving her the appearance of another red hooded character from a certain fairy tale. Seeing this, the henchman unsheathes his sword and threateningly says "Alright kid, put your hands where I can see 'em." However, the girl did not respond as she continues reading.
The impatient Henchman grits his teeth and goes over to the girl "Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?"
He touches the shoulder causing her to turn around; dropping her hood to reveal her head is wearing headphones. She has a cute look, has silver eyes with her black hair having a lightly red-streaked. The Henchman motions for her to lower the headphones and she did as she told.
"Yes?" questioned the girl at the man.
The henchman replies "I said, put your hands in the air, now!"
"Are you... robbing me?" said the girl.
The frustrated Henchman states "Yes!"
The girl raises her eyebrow and says " Ooohhh..."
Roman is waiting for his men to finish stealing all the dust when he heard some sounds. He turns his head towards the source of the sounds until one of his henchmen flies past him. He saw the red cloaked girl and Roman calmly motions for another of his henchmen to handle it. The Henchman does so and points the gun at her "Freeze!"
Suddenly, the henchman is hit from above. He staggers a bit and steadies himself to see the attacker is another girl. The girl looks exactly like the red cloaked girl except her has a tail. The henchman tries to strike the girl with the tail but she dodges each one of them while giving a mischievous smirk.
She ducks under another punch allowing the first cloaked girl to jump over and tackle the guy. Then the henchman and hooded girl crash through the window. The other men look outside to see the girl gets up and unfolds a giant red futuristic scythe. The weapon's frame is colored rose-red with black trims, with its large scythe blade forged into a crescent shape. Roman scowls, but the girl smiles back at them before twirling the weapon around, striking it into the ground and turning off her headphones.
"Okayyy... "said Roman. He looks at his remaining henchmen "Get her!"
The henchmen head out of the shop and two of them pull something from their belts. They are holding devices that resemble and are the size of base balls. The balls have red color for the top portion, white at the bottom portion with a black line and a button in the middle. They throw the balls in the air which opens up, releasing energy. The energy hit the ground forming into shapes before disappearing and unveiling two Pokemon.
One is a snake who is mostly black, but has several markings on her body. She has yellow hexagon markings that run from her head to her tail, small yellow bumps where she touches the ground, and various purple scar-like marks. She also has elongated red fangs that protrude from the upper jaw and fierce red eyes. Her tail is partially red and has a blade-like shape.
The other Pokemon resembles a large, blue bat with purple wing membranes. He has small eyes with slit pupils and a massive mouth containing four fangs. The pointed ears are tiny, and he has short legs with long, thin feet. The Pokemon are Seviper and Golbat.
The villainous Henchmen were about to order their Pokemon to attack the hooded girl until they got hit by a black ball of energy.
While the smoke rises, the henchmen and their Pokemon are disoriented from the hit. The hooded girl lookalike with the tail jumps out of the window to join her.
Ruby smiles and says "Good job Zorua".
The lookalike named Zorua jump and swirls around in energy to transform into his true form, lands on the ground and giggles at what he done. Zorua is a slate gray, fox-like Pokémon with red and black accents. His ears are triangular with dark insides, and a large tuft of fur tipped with red on top of his head. The Pokemon has greenish blue eyes with red eyelids. There are circular, red markings above the eyes that resemble eyebrows. Zorua's muzzle is short and possesses a ruff of black fur around his neck and four short limbs tipped with red. His tail is short and bushy.
The girl and her Pokemon take a stance as the villains regain consciousness and attack. Ruby takes on the henchmen while Zorua go up against the Pokemon.
Seviper unleashes her Poison Tail at the Fox Pokemon but Zorua uses his agility to dodge the powerful bladed tips which smashes parts of the road on contact. Golbat flies up and swoops down trying to snatch Zorua from above but is not successful. Zorua dodges another Poison Tail from Seviper and jumps into the air where Golbat is flying straight towards him.
When Golbat got closer, one of Zorua's paw glows and he delivers his scratch attack at the Bat Pokemon causing him to crash against the ground.
Zorua begins to descend towards the ground only to see Seviper who opens her mouth. Fortunately, Zorua releases his Shadow Ball and fires point blank range at the Snake Pokemon's mouth. A massive explosion occurs and Seviper drops to the ground having fainted from the blast.
The fight is not over yet as Golbat got back up. Golbat gets back into the air and dives down to deliver his Wing Attack at Zorua who dodges in time. Golbat turns around and put his two wings together to form a ball of wind in front. Golbat fires his Air Slash towards Zorua leading to an explosion. Golbat observes the smoke and as the smoke dissipates, a crater is seen but there was no trace of the Fox Pokemon.
Golbat looks around until it is too late as the ground below him burst as Zorua rockets towards the flying Golbat and tackles him. It seems Zorua uses his Dig to escape the Air Slash and retaliated by attacking the Bat Pokemon from below. Zorua lands and fires his Shadow Ball and the descending Golbat. Golbat hits the ground and fainted. After that, Zorua giggle at his success.
The henchmen try to slash at the girl but she easily dodges them. Two henchmen charge at her but she quickly jumps back to let them hit each other. The third one jumps over them and attempts to swing his blade once more. The girl responds quickly and uses her scythe to block the attack. She pushes him back to hit him multiple times with her scythe.
The two henchmen continue the assault leading the girl to hold the metallic scythe at a right angle behind her back. She pulls a trigger and the shot from the top portion of the scythe cause her to spin around hitting the first one and slamming the scythe against the second henchman.
A fourth henchman arrives with a gun joins the fight and raises his gun at the girl. He fires at her but she dodges them with incredible speed. It continues until the gun is out of ammo and the henchman reloads it while his allies gather around him.
The girl responds by placing the top portion of the scythe on the ground and pulls the trigger. The massive recoil launches her up into the air to escape the bullets. While in the air, her scythe reassembles into a gun and she fires at her opponents. The blast hit the street where the henchmen stand causing them to be blown away by the explosion. One of them land near Roman's feet
Seeing his forces defeated by the child and its puny Pokemon, he looks up at them. "Well Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..." Roman raises his cane and opens the bottom to show it also act as a long range weapon "...I'm afraid this is where we part ways."
Roman fires red blasts from his cane at the girl and Zorua. They manage to dodge it and land safely, only to find Roman is gone. They look around and saw Roman climbing up a ladder on a nearby building.
The girl turns her heads towards the Dust shop owner "You okay if I go after him?"
The owner nods his head. The girl looks at her Pokemon"Come on Zorua"
"Woof" Zorua barks in agreement and the pair chase after the criminal.
Roman finally makes it to the roof of the building but before he could advance, Zorua jumps above and lands in front of him. Roman fires the red blasts from his cane again but Zorua uses Protect to defend himself. The hooded girl reaches to the top of the building and saw what's happening. She jumps high up and drop kicks Roman, causing him to lose his cane.
Roman saw his cane and is about to reach it until Zorua appears in front and growls at the criminal. He feels something at his neck and saw the blade of the hooded girl's scythe extremely close to him.
"Don't move a muscle." the girl said seriously.
The duo heard sounds causing Roman to smirk "Sorry Red, I don't do those kinds of things."
The girl and Zorua saw a VTOL hovering near the building. Using this as a distraction, he pushes his back at the girl and dodges Zorua's tackle allowing him to regain his cane. Just as the two are about to pursue him who enters the Vtol, he throws the same ball his henchmen use releasing the Spitfire Pokemon, Magmar to appear beside him. Magmar is bipedal with a red body that has a yellow flame designs on it. A row of red spikes runs down his back, and there are two lumps on the forehead with a flame on top of each one. He has a puckered, yellow beak and small eyes. His thighs are yellow, and has red feet with two, clawed toes each. His arms covered in rigid, red scales and has red hands with five, clawed fingers. Magmar has black, metal shackles on his neck and ankles. At the tips of the Pokemon's yellow tail is a flame.
"Magmar, fire blast them." ordered Roman.
Magmar takes in a deep breath and releases a powerful 大-shaped blast of orange fire from its mouth at the girl and Zorua.
Roman laughs at what he saw "Yes, Bulls Eye." As the smoke dissipates, his eyes wide open.
A woman in a purple cape is now in front of Ruby, casting a circle of protection over them with her wand. She has blonde hair and wears glasses. The woman waves her weapon and summons several streaks of purple blasts at the craft. Roman and Magmar are thrown around in the back until Roman goes to the cockpit, where a woman in red eastern dress is struggling with the controls.
"We got a Huntress!" says Roman. The woman got out of the controls allowing Roman to pilot it.
The woman in red arrives near the hatch to see the glasses wearing woman and her Dragonair which she released a few seconds ago. Dragonair is a long, serpentine Pokémon covered in blue scales along the back and a bright white underside. Her violet eyes are dark and glossy. The Pokemon has a smooth, rounded snout and a small horn in the middle of her forehead. The head is flanked by two stylized wings, each white and curving into a swirl. Dragonair has distinct blue orbs on the lower neck and near the tip of the tail.
To even the odds, the woman in red throws a ball revealing her Chandelier shaped Pokemon, Chandelure. Chandelure resembles a sentient chandelier that has a striped, round head, and round, pupil-less yellow eyes. There is a ring of small, black spikes on top of his head with tall, purple flame in the middle. From a black spike below his head, black arms curl upward. These arms are tipped with purple fire.
Chandelure and Dragonair lock eyes at one another. Chandelure uses Flamethrower releasing a stream of orange fire while Dragonair uses Ice Beam which comprises of white beams. These two elemental attacks clash with terrifying force until both powers begin to glow.
The woman in red use the smoke as a distraction to fire her energy blasts at the Huntress but she quickly dodges it and the blasts hit parts of the roof. The Huntress waves her wand to levitate the shards to create a large arrow and fires it at the aircraft. Although the woman in red blasts the arrow to bits, the Huntress reforms them into smaller arrows and hit the side of the jet and Chandelure.
"Dragonair! Thunderbolt!" the Huntress orders her Dragonair. Dragonair's body is covered with sparks and she burst yellow electricity towards the air craft.
Chandelure activates his Safeguard on time and moves in front of the craft to deflect the thunderbolt.
Not wanting to do nothing while this is going on, the hooded girl reassembles her scythe into its gun form again and fire at the Chandelure. Her Zorua follow suit by using Shadow ball at the Luring Pokemon. Chandelure is shown to be able to withstand the attacks. Chandelure moves away allowing his master to create several blazing circles around the two females and their Pokemon. The Huntress telepathically pushes the girl and her Zorua away while she and Dragonair roll themselves away from the blast radius.
The group look up and saw Chandelure enveloped with red light, returning to the ball his master use. The aircraft closes its hatch and flies away.
With the fight over, the girl looks at the Huntress who is stroking her Dragonair. "You're a Huntress!" says the girl as she smiles in excitement "Can I have your autograph?!"
Interrogation Room
Unfortunately, the girl did not get an autograph as she wanted. Instead, she and Zorua were taken by the Huntress to this dark room and are being scolded for what happen. "I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young lady. You put yourself, your Pokemon and others in great danger."
"They started it!" the girl said as she defends herself. Zorua growls in agreement to his master's claim on the table.
"If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With pats on the backs..." the Huntress says and notices the girl smiling and Zorua giving a smug look "...And slaps on the wrists." She slams her wand near the pair causing Zorua to jump to the girl. The girl catches it in her arms as both are now scared. "But... there is someone here who would like to meet you."
The Huntress moves back to allow someone who is carrying a mug and a plate of cookies to enter the room. The man has grey hair and thin brown eyes. He wears a black vest, black trousers and a dark green scarf.
"Ruby Rose..." the man said to the hooded girl as that's her name. He leans his head to get a good look at the girl's face "You... have silver eyes."
Ruby has no words to say until…
"Woof" The two turn their heads to see Zorua growling at the man.
"Wait! Wait! Zorua. He's not evil…not evil" pleaded Ruby as she strokes her Pokemon to calm down.
"You have an interesting partner, Miss Rose" the man observed.
"Well, He's kind of a handful to deal with." said Ruby leading Zorua to 'Hmph'
"It's true." Ruby glares at her friend but the Pokemon growls in annoyance.
Ozpin shows Ruby and Zorua an advanced tablet that had a video of the two fighting Roman and his thugs "So! Where did you learn to do this?"
'S-Signal Academy." Ruby says nervously.
"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" questioned Ozpin. Signal is one of many combat schools that train young people to combat the Grimm.
Ruby simply replies "Well, one teacher in particular."
"I see..." Ozpin is raising an eyebrow.
When he places the cookies on the table, Ruby and Zorua took a bite out of them. Surprisingly, they finish them in a few seconds.
Ozpin continues the conversation "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow..."
"Mmmm! Thash muh unkul!" Ruby says as she is eating the cookies. She quickly swallows the cookies to avoid embarrassment "Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like- Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!" she says as she begins to make karate poses and noises.
Ozpin raises his eyebrow again "So I've noticed." He then looks at Zorua.
"And your Zorua?" This is a reasonable question since Zorua's kind are rare and difficult to locate.
"We…well….I had Zorua ever since my family found his mother." She honestly replies.
This causes Ozpin to question " Found his mother?" This leads Ruby to think for a bit.
"Well…you see…Zorua's mother , a Zoroark just to be clear…. got sent into Remnant by poachers….real poachers I'm not kidding" she saw her audience intrigued and continues "…luckily, she escaped and wind up with us."
Ozpin nods his head meaning he understands. He heard about illegal poaching in the Ark. Based on reports, the Poachers have somehow found a way to gain access to the world where the Pokemon reside so that they can capture them and sell them off to the highest bidder. Even though there are ranches and breeding centres in Remnant where Pokemon are raised, it seems the poachers don't seek the kind that are domesticated but the wild, dangerous ones which can only be found in the Ark.
"After the poachers got caught, we got to keep Zoroark which then leads to him showing up." Ruby stares at Zorua who is standing proudly and did a small laugh.
Ozpin put his hands together and asks "What is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"
Ruby thinks for a bit and says "Well... I want to be a Huntress."
"You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin questions again.
"Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!" As she continues, her talking got faster "You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, 'Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!' Ruby giggles causing Zorua to shakes his head.
"I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!" Ruby finishes her story and panting for breath as Zorua sighs at her master.
After checking them, Ozpin lean towards the table to Ruby "Do you know who I am?"
"You're Professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at Beacon." Ruby answers his question.
Ozpin smiles at Ruby's knowledge "Hello."
Ruby politely says "Nice to meet you."
"You want to come to my school?" Ozpin asks Ruby.
"More than anything." Ruby shows determination in her words.
Hearing her answer, Ozpin looks at the Huntress who rolls her eyes. Ozpin looks at Ruby again "Well okay."
Ruby was happy that she can go to Beacon. However, she was going to Beacon sooner than expected. Once on board the airship that is going to take her to this prestige school, she got a 'happy' greeting.
"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" Ruby's sister, Yang Xiao Long hugs her with loving affection. Sadly for Ruby, the hug is squeezing the life out of her. Yang is a blonde teenage girl wearing a tan vest with gold piping over a yellow, cleavage-and-midriff baring shirt with a black crest that resembles a burning heart. She wears black shorts under her belt which, in the back, resembles a pleated skirt.
"Please stop." Ruby is losing oxygen.
While the sisters have their moment, Zorua and Combusken, who is Yang's Pokemon are happy to see each other. Combusken is a bipedal, chicken-like Pokémon. Most of Combusken's upper body is yellow, while most of the lower body is orange. An orange, pointed design adorns the center of her waist at the dividing line of the two colors. She has orange eyes, and short, wide beak. There is a feather crest on top of Combusken's head with three orange points. Since she is a female, Combusken's crest is smaller than the males. Her tail is short and pointed. She has three, sharp claws at the ends of its long arms, and scaly, gray legs with well-developed thighs covered in shaggy yellow feathers.
Yang lets go and says "But I'm so proud of you!"
Usually this is a good thing for anyone but Ruby is not that enthusiastic "Really Sis, it was nothing."
"What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees." Yang cheerfully says as do their Pokemon who growl or cry for Ruby's success.
Ruby counters this by saying "I don't want to be the 'bee's knees', okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees."
Yang and the Pokemon see that the young girl is upset.
"What's with you? Aren't you excited?" asked the blonde girl.
"Of course I'm excited... I just... I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything." Ruby puts her head down.
"Woof" Zorua walk towards Ruby and nudge her. Ruby pats Zorua's head for his attempt to comfort her. It's understandable as Ruby at this young age is going to a school where everyone is older than her. This makes her feel like an anomaly.
"But you are special." "Combusken" Yand and Combusken agree as the Chicken Pokemon do fighting poses and finishing it with a thumb up as a way of telling Ruby that everything's going to be okay.
While most of the passengers are watching the Vales News Network reporting about the criminal, Roman Torchwick, the program is replaced with the hologram of the Huntress Ruby met.
"Hello, and welcome to Beacon!" said the hologram.
"Who's that?" questioned Yang
"My name is Glynda Goodwitch." The hologram of the Huntress introduces herself.
Yang replies "Oh."
The hologram of Glynda continues " "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it along with your Pokemon. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task as well as a strong bond with your Pokemon, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world. May you and your Pokemon work together to achieve your goals."
The girls and their Pokemon hear some of the passengers looking at the windows. They follow suit and witness the magnificent view below them. They can see the city of Vale look small and looking up, they see the best of this view; Beacon Academy.
"Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here!" said Ruby as she observes the view.
"Beacon's our home, now." Yang replies.
They heard a groaning sound and saw a blonde boy trying to hold his lunch in.
Yang says "Well... I guess the view isn't for everyone."
"It was a nice moment while it lasted." Ruby states. Then, she felt something missing. She look over and found her scythe/gun device, Crescent Rose is missing.
Ruby looks up and saw Zorua holding the compacted form of Crescent Rose in his mouth.
"Zorua, give that back"
Ruby begins to chase Zorua around causing the passengers including Yang and Combusken to smile at the sight.
"Well, this is going to be one interesting curriculum, don't you think Combusken?" the blonde girl asks her Combusken.
"Combusken" the Pokemon said. The Pokemon then smells something and traces it to Yang's feet causing her to jump away. "COMBUS…!"
"What's wrong?" Yang look down and saw vomit on her shoes.
She screams "Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, …"
She tries to get the vomit off but is walking straight towards Combusken who runs away from her. Now, the silence in the airship turns to laughter as the passengers watch the girls and their Pokemon doing silly antics.
"Zorua, give it back or I'm going to tell Zoroark"
"Woof. Woof."
"…gross, gross, gross, gross"
I want to be the very best,
Like no one ever was.
To catch them is my real test,
To train them is my cause.
I will travel across the land,
Searching far and wide.
Teach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
(Gotta catch 'em all)
It's you and me
I know it's my destiny
You're my best friend,
In a world we must defend.
(Gotta catch 'em all)
A heart so true.
Our courage will pull us through.
You teach me and I'll teach you.
(Gotta catch 'em all)
(Gotta catch 'em all)
Note: I don't own RWBY and Pokemon.
Poke Facts
Pokemon: Species of creatures that inhabit the Ark. There have been a confirmed of more than 700 kinds of Pokemon. However, it has been suggested that new species are yet to be discovered. Their appearance ranges from animals to objects and they have unique abilities based on one of the 18 types.
The Ark: The Ark is a world from another dimension and where all Pokemon resides. So far, information about it is still being gathered or amended as scientists and explorers have yet to scratch the surface of the true nature of this mysterious world.