Hi guys! I'm sorry I know this isn't exactly an update but! Since it's been a month that I'm in Ireland and since I basically speak english all day long I got to realise that I made some crappy mistakes in this story so I'm going to rewrite it all!
No worries, there are no major changes in the plot, I just improved the grammar, the lines and the narration v.v
Here's the first chapter, the other will follow week by week ;)

So, for the old readers: I'm sorry if you though this was a new chapter, I really am (also my phone, on which I was writing, is broken so...you have to wait till I go back home...) but I hope you'll enjoy this new version!
For the new ones: Hope you enjoy the story and, if you don't wanna wait for the corrected and updated version is fine, otherwise I appriciate your patience!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Lost Girl or any of the character in this story!

Chapter 1.

The Garuda had been defeated once and for all and finally, after weeks of recover, everyone's life was slowly getting back in place.
Every single one of them had something to worry about in their routine, something that was new and that it'd take time to get used to.
Bo was living her relationship with Lauren day by day, trying to be careful and careless at the same time; Dyson had to cope with both his re-found love for the Succubus and the pain that her story with the Doctor was inflicting him and the fact that he had to deal with a new partner that came straight from the Dark ranks. Hale had a gazillion thing to think about and to do, first of all trying to figure out how to do a good job in being the new Ash-in-charge.
Even Kenzi had her fare share to take care of.
After all that mess with the Norn to get Dyson's love back and the whole Garuda thing, that were heavy to bear with per se, she had to deal with almost being dead and that unpleasant rush on her arm that was getting worse day by day.
And even though it was really painful, she kept shut and told nothing to anyone about it, and none of them had enough time to figure out that there was something wrong with her.
Vex as well had to deal with something major that was killing his ego and his sanity at the same time: his powers were gone; there was no sign of them, no matter how hard he tried to use them.
All of them had broken during the past months, and all of them were trying to get the pieces back in place, but not everyone was succeeding.

One evening Kenzi was chilling at the Dal, sitting at the bar and trying to drink as much vodka her stomach could take, just to forget that her arm was hurting and that not one of her friends was there to comfort her.
Bo hadn't yet returned from her day out and she didn't want to spend the rest of her time at the clubhouse alone so she put on her favourite boots and she hit the door; if she was convinced to find some of the others at the bar well, she realised soon enough that she was wrong.
There was no sign of Dyson and Hale.
A buzz near her glass caught her attention.
"Lauren is staying over tonight. Take your time in coming home. XX"
- Like this was a surprise… - whispered locking the phone.
She poured herself another shot of vodka and drank it all at once.
- You're drinking to forget love? –
Vex's voice made her jump on her seat; she was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear him approaching.
- Kind of. – She answered smiling towards what she could now gladly call friend.
- Well then I have to join you. – exclaimed the man taking the stool next to her.
- Bartender! Fetch me some good Scotch! - yelled Vex in a mocking voice.
Trick shook his head, now used to the weird manners of the Mesmer, and served him his drink.
- Here you are. –
The glass was emptied in mere seconds and Kenzi made herself very clear when the Fae was about to order another round.
- Please. – He added between his teeth as the girl glared at him with her icy blue eyes.
- That's better. – said Trick smiling.
He poured him another one and left as another client requested his presence.
- So, what's with that sad face of yours? – asked Vex.
The ice in clinked as he moved the drink from a hand to the other to better face the human.
- Lauren's staying over at the clubhouse again…damn they're shagging like rabbits in the love season… -
Vex face expressed all his thoughts without even speaking; Kenzi nodded with her eyes.
- And we live in a house made of thin wood for god's sake! -
There was no other way to put it: she was tired.
Yeah, she knew that her Bestie was a Succubus, that she needed it to feed and yada yada yada, but that didn't mean that she had to listen to it every bloody day of the week.
Didn't Lauren have her own place? Why was always their place that had to be chosen for their intercourses?
Also, the fact that the Doc was exactly her favourite person in the world did not help her attitude towards the situation.
Sighing, Kenzi took a glass behind the counter and served herself a full plain vodka drink, swallowing it in one drought.
- Easy there love! Or you'll get bloody drunk before you know it! –
The girl glared at the Mesmer like she was challenging him to stop her and she started to drink directly from the bottle.
- Stop there human! – stated Vex holding out his arm like he always did when he was using his powers.
As expected nothing happened and, as he stood up to take the bottle from her, he felt pretty useless.
- Shut up man, I have some sleep to catch up and this is the only reliable method I know to pass out and don't wake up when I hear them scream! –
When Vex finally got to win the bottle over he stood there, with a hand wrapped around it and the other slammed on the counter; Kenzi was basically trapped between him and the bar.
- If sleeping is the problem then why don't you come to my place tonight? I've plenty of space and silence. –
Kenzi thinned her gaze as Vex processed his own words.
That was one of a bald statement he just made.
But in the end he wouldn't regret it. He had come to like Kenzi, she was as witted as he was, her sass and nice taste in fashion were qualities he had truly appreciated since the beginning and now he could say that she had become quite a good friend, though he knew there was something more, something hidden in his heart that had woke when he saw her almost dying; little pain that stabbed him every time that he wasn't the one she was smiling at, when he wasn't the one that made her laugh.
- Well/ - Kenzi's answer was cut off by a loud thud just beside them.
She turned her head just to see Dyson extremely near and almost pissed. It wasn't a secret that he didn't like the Mesmer and right now his was showing exactly how much he liked the man.
On his face there was no trace of a smile.
Kenzi was honestly a little tipsy and couldn't figure out why Vex had suddenly stepped back from her and got back to his stool; without his body close to her she was starting to feel a bit chilly.
- Vex – growled the wolf glaring towards him.
Not one of the most welcoming greetings thought the Mesmer.
- Detective… - he sounded way bothered from the interruption that the wolf represented.
- What are you doing? – asked the wolf in what seemed more of a threat than a question.
Vex put on his poker face and smirked.
- What do you think I was doing? –
- You tell me. –
The sound that left the Dark fae's lips was one of the most eloquent sound Kenzi had ever heard; it was clear as the day that he couldn't stand Dyson as much as the wolf couldn't stand him.
The hard look on Dyson's face didn't seem to soften.
- I was trying to not to let her drink the whole bloody bottle! – He said showing the object of said crime.
The Shifter seemed unimpressed by that burst of honesty and couldn't avoid being a bit preoccupied about the whole situation.
On the other hand, the Mesmer kept for himself what he was thinking and let out only what the actions were showing. That was all the Wolf needed to know.
Looking at the serious expression on Dyson's face, Vex decided to defy his fate and try to poke the bear with the stick.
- What, were you worried I was trying to steal your girl? – mocked the Fae.
Dyson tensed up but didn't reply.
Kenzi, that since then had tried to follow the conversation with a bit of fatigue, felt like she had sobered up in a blink of an eye.
She blushed hard and asked herself why he hadn't replied to the Mesmer mockery.
He was joking, that was clear, but Kenzi had always liked the guy; he was surely handsome, of course, but it was his kindness and absolute devotion towards his loved once that had always struck her.
- Wait Dyson, he's just messing with you… - she tried to clean up the Mesmer's mess.
Vex looked at her embarrassed expression and felt electricity go through his whole body, from head to toe.
- Well he's right – reply the wolf in the end -I won't let him lay a finger on you Kenz. - stated with his dead serious face.
Kenzi wanted to say something, but her brain seemed unable to put even a simple sentence together.
- Are we clear? – asked going back to the Dark Fae.
Vex glared at the Cop and poured himself a glass of Kenzi's vodka.
- As you want, wolf.
Like I could care less of what you want… thought while Dyson nodded.
- I gotta go. – He said, touching Kenzi's arm - take care. - He smiled as he always did.
- I will. - replied her smiling back at him.
Dyson left as quickly as he had appeared and Vex breathed in relief.
The light Fae presence was really hard on him and he obviously didn't like the intimacy between the wolf and his favourite human.
Glancing at Kenzi without her noticing he felt frustrated: she was still smiling at the void Dyson left behind and he noticed she had never once smiled like that to him.
"It's called jealousy, you should know it very well" said a voice inside his head.
For a moment he felt like someone had stubbed him right in the heart.
It was a dull ache that rushed through his whole and left him overwhelmed, a feeling that he thought was dead to him.
He couldn't remember how many centuries had passed since the last time...
Out of desperation he left the glass to itself and started to drink the vodka from the bottle.
- Isn't it better if you stopped harassing that poor bottle? – asked Kenzi, now back to planet earth once again.
The smile on her lips was still there but it was different; her eyes weren't dreamy like when she was watching Dyson go, but there was a sparkle in them, something that made her look like she was up to no good.
- I own night clubs, love. – stated the Mesmer between a sip and another – Just this isn't enough to knock me down. – said swinging the bottle to emphasize his sentence.
- Still – she started requesting Trick's presence – I need you up to your feet if we're going to your place. –
Vex stared in the void for a couple seconds before realising she had accepted his invitation.
Well, that was a bloody good start.
- Now – announced the little human rising her fresh bear – let's drink to forget! – she shouted.
The Dark Fae couldn't do anything but laugh.
And, when their eyes met and she smiled at him, a chill went down his spine and he clearly felt his heart racing.
God, he needed to do something about it or else he would have gone crazy.

So, hope you appreciated the renovation ahahaha
See ya' all next week!