
Not one reaction from the brunette, busily typing on her keyboard.


She was nearly glued to the screen of her laptop at this point. It bothered Sasayan a bit too much whenever she got this focused on her blog. It bothered him because a., it's rude to ignore a friend when they're talking to you, and b., he didn't like being ignored by Natsume of all people.

Deciding that the ignoring had gone on far enough, Sasayan gave some quick thought and perched his chin onto her shoulder. As he expected, it earned him a response from the girl. "S—Sasayan!"

He was knocked off her shoulder and onto the ground as quick as she was typing. "You know," The boy started to talk, trying to pull together coherence while focusing a glare. "If you had talked to me, I wouldn't have had to do that."

"W–Who said you had to do that?!" Natsume's voice had gotten panicky. Really panicky. Her shaking hands slowly closed her laptop as she tried to regain whatever composure she had. "You're such a bother, Sasayan."

The boy just rolled his eyes. "Anyway, now that I've got your attention." Sasayan stood up and grabbed a tray from the table behind them. "Here."

On the tray were two mugs of his hot cocoa. She loved his hot cocoa. But of course, this being Sasayan and Natsume, she didn't want to give him any hint of liking anything that had to do with him.

"Go on. The one with sprinkles on top of the cream is yours." The boy spoke with a smoother voice. The voice he knew was the one that tuned in with her the most. He was smiling now.

Natsume carefully grabbed her designated mug, carefully in the way that a technician would handle a bomb about to explode. "Why are you doing this?" She asked in an almost humorously monotonous voice.

"Well, for one, it's common courtesy for people to treat guests in their house, no matter how intrusive they were;" She sticks her tongue out at his heavily toned answer. "And I just thought it fit well. I mean, it's winter right?"

The girl just nodded along with his explanation. She watched him take a sip out of his cocoa. Her eyes then shifted towards her own mug, watching the swirls of cream drag the sprinkles around. "Sasayan-kun, haven't we talked about this already?"

"I don't think we've talked about hot chocolate all to much, Natsume-san." He gave the girl another wry smile, just before taking another sip.

The girl took her attention away from her mug and at Sasayan. It's when their eyes actually meet that the boy understands what she actually wants to say. "Sasayan-kun—"

In one long swig, Sasayan downs his whole serving of cocoa. He lays the empty mug back on the table and walks towards the girl, not minding the mustache of cream he was sporting. "Natsume-san, I think it's really clear how often we've talked about this."

She felt that it was unfair. Unfair that he was winning her over. She didn't want to be won over; but she just didn't know why. "Sasaya—"

Their lips meet on his according. She easily tasted the chocolate.

Sasayan grabbed his mug and walked towards his kitchen sink, temporarily leaving the girl in her state of shock. Before he did leave the room, he opened his grinning mouth again to speak again. "No matter how much you tell me you don't want to fall in love with me, you have to remember, I already did with you."

Her first sip out of her mug of cocoa, and it already annoys her how it tastes just like him.

"Stupid Sasayan." Natsume says as she feels a weak smile growing.