Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach


Ulquiorra stood patiently in the shadows and silently watched as Lord Aizen's Master of Arms, Kaname Tosen hammered away at the red blade in front of him. Sparks flew. The reflecting flames from a nearby furnace heated across the Fourth General's face and bathed his skin in a shade of peach.

"You will understand, that I must report this to Lord Aizen. The Dark King had instructed me to keep Zanpakutos away from some of his subjects for a reason," the blind man started. Tosen was one of the very few creatures in the Dark Court who was neither a savagely masked Demon or a Refined maskless one. Lord Aizen had stated his abilities as an Enchanter were too important to compromise.

"Of course. I expect nothing less," Ulquiorra told him tonelessly.

Tosen dropped his hammer and reached for a small pick instead. Silently, he began to carve a tiny, intricate design into the front base of the blade. Runes. It caused the blade to glow blue for a moment.

Not much was known about Tosen's past. He had joined the Dark King's court even before Ulquiorra. The blind man had gift for forging enchanted weapons. It was something that made him invaluable to Aizen. The Dark King had left specific instructions to all his subjects to leave the Master of Arms alone and out of harm's way.

Ulquiorra had only ever dealt with the Enchanter on one other occasion.

"You have the Scrying Mirror?" Tosen asked suddenly.


Ulquiorra watched as Tosen finished the runes, before setting the hot blade into a trough of cold water. Steam hissed up and thickened the air.

"Remember, it only works during the Full Moon. Keep it covered until then, less it shatter."

Ulquiorra did not respond. His eyes stayed fashioned on the new blade he had commissioned.


Third Prince, Uryuu Ishida of the Bright Court frowned as his vassals, the mischievous brownie Jinta and the changeling human child Ururu, brought his horse, a white stallion called Kojaku, to the Seireitei Palace courtyard's empty gates. No one would be seeing them off today. Prince Ryuken, who was serving as acting regent of the Bright Court in King Isshin's stead, had ordered the remaining fey in the palace to the front lines.

With Demons slowly advancing into their territory, it was a dangerous time to travel. The enemy was becoming more bold. Unwanted attention could bring the most disastrous results. The Bright Court's defences kept the enemy far from the heart of territory, but the Dimensional Road to the mortal plane was still at risk.

Thankfully with the renewal of the Summer Court's alliance, they would have enough power to push the Demons out of the Bright Court's territory and the mortal world once and for all.

"Ouch, Jinta that hurts," Ururu whined, effectively interrupting Uryu's musings. Turning, the prince watched as Jinta whacked the little human on her head.

While Ururu was a pretty dark haired child, whose docile tendencies made her obedient, Jinta was a menace with his flaming red hair and nature for trickery. When the two were together they were positively a terror.

Unfortunately for Uryu, he was stuck with both of them, one through servitude and one as a gift.

"I told you dummy, the Prince should ride the Nygel. It's much grander than that dumb beast," Jinta berated. The white stallion besides Ururu snorted as if to argue with the brownie.

"Besides, most of Summer's territory is made up of streams and man made lakes. The Nygel will love it."

Ururu stroked the stallion's nose gently.

"But Jinta, Kojaku is the prince's favorite. He rides him everywhere. I thought you knew that," she argued. Jinta sputtered but was unable to counter her point. Losing his temper, the brownie moved to whack her on the head again, only for Uryu to intervene and grab his wrist.

Ururu was one of Uryu's mother, Lady Kanae's, favorite humans. His mother would never forgive him if something were to happen to the little mortal.

"That's enough," he ordered Jinta firmly. Both the human and the brownie coward under their prince's gaze.

Standing at nearly six feet with only the subtle hint of muscles showing beneath his pristine white human suit and tie, Uryu's lithe form may not have seemed all that impressive; but both Jinta and Ururu knew from experience that the power of the royal family was quite formidable. As first cousin to the Bright Court's First Prince and Heir, Ichigo, Uryu was third in line to inherit the Sun Throne and carried an impressive amount of magic for a Daoine Sidhe, a warrior class of fey who were mostly known for their impressive physical feats in combat.

"Jinta, you know Ururu is human. Her kind are much more fragile than ours. Hit her again and I shall strike you down," Uryu warned. The Bright Court's justice was swift and merciless.

The rest of the prince's words were cut short when a strong wave of magic swept through the courtyard. All three turned solemnly to the distance skies that were quickly growing dark.

"That's coming from Winter's territory isn't it?" Ururu asked quietly.

"How is it possible? The Winter Court is in the mortal realm," Jinta pointed out, his face paling at the raw demonic power he sensed.

"... they're using the Winter Court's territory as a focal point to tear into our realm," Ururu finished.

Uryu stared off into the distant point. Finally he called the others to him.

"Come. The sooner we arrive in Summer's territory the better. We're running out of time."

Everything depended on the Summer Court and it's princess. Uryu was determined to win them both over.

"Ichigo Kurosaki! You get out here right now!" Tatsuki shouted. The two Bright Court sentries standing outside of Prince Ichigo's chambers bristled at her impudence.

"Such disrespect," the first sentry, a Kitsune jeered.

"And a half breed at that," the second sentry, an older fire demon scoffed.

The Tel'Quessir huffed and crossed her arms. It was always like that, no matter where she went. Fey enjoyed other fey and they tolerated humans, but when it came to those of mixed blood the prejudice was disgusting. Viewed as an abomination and belonging to neither the mortal or immortal class, humans feared half breeds for their power and longer lives while fey looked down on the mixed breed as a weakness for their human emotions and impulsiveness.

"Is there a problem halfling?" a cruel voice called from behind. Tatsuki turned around to find the ugly centaur, Reiichi Oshima, standing behind her. Out of all of the fey that had advocate Tatsuki joining the Summer Court, Reiichi had been the loudest. Even after eleven years since the Summer King had given her sanctuary, there were still those who opposed it.

"I'm here to see Prince Ichigo," Tatsuki told him defiantly. Reiichi scowled.

"No you're not! What business does the heir of the Bright Court have with the likes of you?"

The doors to Ichigo's rooms suddenly opened. The two sentries snapped to attention just as their prince emerged. Scowling heavily, Ichigo reached out between his two guards and grabbed Tatsuki's wrist.

"Come on," he told her gruffly and yanked her inside his rooms before anyone could protest.

Tatsuki enjoyed Reiichi's dumbfounded expression before the doors slammed in his face.

"Thanks," she told Ichigo and watched as he limped his way into his quarters. Ichigo grunted in acknowledgment and it occurred to Tatsuki that she had interrupted his rest. After his ordeal, he was probably just as weak as Orihime.

"Where is Orihime?" Ichigo asked her tiredly before collapsing onto one of the couches in the receiving room. Dark rings hung heavily under his eyes and where his skin was once a warm, almost brown tan, it was now a sicky sallow color.

Tatsuki quickly looked away and moved to sit on the adjoining couch. It was hard for Tatsuki to reconcile that raging masked Demon with her orange haired friend.

"She's still resting."

Ichigo nodded in understanding.

"I owe her my life," the Summer Prince told Tatsuki quietly. The Tel'Quessir stiffened in her seat.

"You owe Orihime and the Queen of the Winter your life," Tatsuki corrected. Ichigo slumped.

"I couldn't help it," he began in a quiet voice.

"Rukia's heart called to my own with the help of the Shun Shun Rikka."

Tatsuki nearly growled. Standing up, she began to pace.

"How could you betray Orihime like this?" she demanded. Tatsuki thought of all the summers she and Orihime had spent together with Ichigo. They had grown up together. The Summer Princess and the Bright Prince were destined to bond together. Tatsuki knew that Orihime loved Ichigo and she had thought the same of the Bright Prince, but clearly she was wrong.

"I love Rukia," Ichigo told her in a desperate voice as if reading her thoughts. Tatsuki threw her hands in the air as she thought of the half blood hating, snow regent known as Rukia.

"How convenient for the Winter Court!" she snarled. Tears suddenly formed in the Tel'Quessir's eyes as she thought of Orihime and she silently cursed her human heritage. Elves did not cry.

"And just what does that mean!?" Ichio demanded suddenly, oblivious to his friend's distress. Tatsuki whirled on him angrily.

"Don't pretend to be oblivious! Everyone knows that the Winter Court has been overthrown by Demons! It would be such a pretty catch for the Winter Queen as she could secure an alliance with the another court. Someone with enough power to win back her own territory!" Tatsuki snarled.

"I am the Prince and heir of the Bright Court and I will do as I please-"

"-She's using you."

"I am bound to her."

"You broke your vow-"

"Enough!" Ichigo shouted and made to stand up only to be overcome with dizziness. Tatsuki's anger faded momentarily when she saw her friend's poor health and came over to steady him.

After a moment of silence Ichigo sighed and the tension in the room melted away.

"I'm sorry, Tatsuki. I didn't mean to hurt you or Orihime, but I've already bonded with Rukia. She is my queen now. I want to be with her," he told his friend, resigned to Tatsuki' wrath. The Tel'Quessir surprised him however by leaning into him affectionately.

"...did you ever love Orihime?" Tatsuki asked softly.

"Yes... but not in the same way I love Rukia," Ichigo answered honestly and Tatsuki flinched. Poor Orihime.

"She's going to be heartbroken." Tatsuki told Ichigo miserably.

It was terrible timing Summer Solstice would soon be upon them. It coincided with Orihime's one hundred and eighteenth birthday and the day she would have bonded with Ichigo. The Summer Court would have held the greatest of festivals. Dancing, music, feasts and magic. It was a very sacred time for the Summer Court.

However with her betrothed already bonded to another, the festival would only cause Orihime more pain.

"There's still a way to fix this Tatsuki," Ichigo whispered.

"Prince Uryu is coming now, even as we speak. He is of my kin and determined to court the Summer Princess."

Tatsuki flinched at Ichigo's words. She knew what he was getting and thought it was a terrible plan.

"You think a replacement is going to make her happy?" she asked and tried to keep her voice even, despite her anger.

"Uryu is third in line to inherit the throne," Ichigo began to explain.

"You're just doing this so that the alliance between our two courts is renewed," Tatsuki hissed. Ichigo's eyes flashed a sudden yellow for a second and Tatsuki felt herself suck in a shaky breath. The moment was over quickly however and the Tel'Quessir was left wondering if she had actually seen anything at all.

The thought that a dark Demon still lurked somewhere inside her childhood friend horrified her and she did her best to push the notion away.

"Uryu is an honorable prince. He'll be good for Orihime. The alliance doesn't matter nearly as much as Orihime does. I want her to be happy too," the Bright Prince told Tatsuki sincerely. Tatsuki nodded and took a deep, invigorating breath.

She still didn't like it, but what other choice did she have? Maybe this Uryu would be good for Orihime. Regardless, Tatsuki silently vowed to watch over her best friend. The Summer Princess was too kind and trusting for her own good. Her own court loved her fiercely, even for her weak blood, but outside of her sheltered life there were dangers everywhere.

Speaking of dangers…

Tatsuki looked around Ichigo's quarters, realizing for the first time that they were alone.

"Where is your entourage?" she asked, though secretly she wondered where the Winter Queen had gone.

"I dismissed them for the day. Most of them went out earlier to escort Rukia. The Summer King has promised to give her a tour of his lands." Ichigo told her tiredly and moved back to lie down again. Tatsuki watched him thoughtfully as he closed his eyes.

"She hates halflings, you know," Tatsuki told him suddenly. Ichigo opened his eyes.

"She didn't hurt you, did she?" the Bright Prince asked in alarm.

"No but she threatened," Tatsuki told him with narrowed eyes. Ichigo rubbed his temples.

How could he hope to explain it all to Tatsuki? How could he make her understand the pain Rukia suffered from? How could he tell of the betrayal of one halfling and how he had ultimately ruined Rukia's whole world?

"Will she hurt Orihime?"

"No," Ichigo told her assertively and placed a gentle hand on Tatsuki's shoulder.

"And she won't hurt you either. Just give her time."

If Ichigo ever found the Demon that had once been Kaien Shiba, he was going to kill him.

Ulquiorra's steps echoed through the haunting halls of the Dark Court's palace. His designation was The Sixth General, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez's apartments. Unlike his own estate that held only the bare minimum of necessities, the Sixth's territory was well embellished with golden mirrors, satin pillows and velvet draperies.

Several refine Demons and lesser fey who served the Sixth patrolled down the corridors. So far none had confronted him, but Ulquiorra could tell from their hostile glares and tense body language that they did not want him there. Of course their whims and desires were not his concern.

The only adversary here who could possibly hold their own against him was the Sixth himself.

As if reading his thoughts, Grimmjow manifested himself in front of the Fourth, effectively blocking his path. Ulquiorra paused.

"What the hell are you doing in my halls?" the blue haired general snarled. Ulquiorra studied Grimmjow calmly. The Sixth had always been high strung and unreasonable. At the tip of hat, he could lose his temper. He was foul mouthed, vulgar, impulsive and violent. The unpredictable pattern was why Aizen rarely allowed Grimmjow freedom outside of the Dark Court's Territory. The Sixth had no grace or discretion. Such weaknesses were easily exploited.

Ulquiorra did not reply. Unmoving, he stared into the Sixth's eyes until the latter began to squirm.

"You know what, spare me your silver tongued shit. You know the law, the generals are to keep to their own territory," he growled. As if itching to be provoked, Grimmjow took one menacing step toward Ulquiorra.

The Fourth held his ground.

"You must have a death wish to come trespassing on my estate," the Sixth growled.

Standing over six feet, Grimmjow was a tall and imposing creature. His frame was packed with muscles and decorated in scars that shown through his opened tunic. The white fangs and crazed look in his eyes only made him look all the more vicious. Unlike most of the other refined Demons in Aizen's arsenal, Grimmjow remembered what he had been before the curse, a Nagual, and was still able to access those feline abilities.

"Here." Ulquiorra suddenly thrust an azura scabbard blade with a matching hilt into the space between them, effectively distracting the Sixth from his angry tangent. Consorting with this revolting creature was the last thing he wanted to do, but the sooner he finished this business, the sooner he could leave.

"What is this?" Grimmjow demanded and tried to discreetly sniff the blade. Ulquiorra felt his jaw twitch.

"Take it," he stated in a clipped voice.

"You're being promoted," the Fourth told him bluntly. The Sixth eyed him skeptically before roughly snatching the blade from his hand. A wicked grin split across his face.

"Oh yeah! Would you look at this! So this is Murcielago eh? Aizen finally came to his senses and demote your ass huh?" Grimmjow laughed.

Ulquiorra frowned.

"Don't be ridiculous. The Master of Arms fashioned this blade for you. You will use it to command the Fourth Legion in my stead."

It was a prized secret among the generals. Only the Master of Arms, Kaname Tosen's, magical blades of a zanpakuto could command the mindless demon beasts.

Grimmjow looked at Ulquiorra warily before sneering.

"Just what does Lord Aizen think about this little arrangement? I can't imagine he'd permit you to free me. What happened to containing me to the Dark Palace?" he spat out bitterly.

"I am well within my rights," Ulquiorra replied, remembering the Dark King's consent. Use your best judgement indeed.

The Fourth knew that the window of opportunity was closing. Very soon the Summer Court would bond it's princess with one of the Bright Court's princes. That alliance would put the Dark Court once again at a disadvantage. Furthermore, there was the pressing matter of the two Winter Fey that had accompanied the Bright Court entourage to the Summer Palace. The possibility of a three fold alliance between Summer, Winter and the Bright Court would utterly destroy the Dark King's plans.

Though such an alliance was very unlikely, especially since the Winter Court had all but been conquered thanks to the Third General Tier Harribel's efforts, even the possibility had to be eliminated. The Second General Baraggan Louisenbairn's Demon Army occupied Winter's territory now and most of the fey had been oppressed, but a few rebels had escaped. Among them, was Byakuya Kuchiki's heir apparent, the Winter Queen Rukia Kuchiki. If by chance, the Winter Regent had come to some sort of arrangement with either the Bright or Summer Court then the Fourth would have to act fast. Preventing the Summer Princess's bonding would have to take priority above all else.

A diversion was in order.

Unfortunately, his preferred method of action was no longer an option. Aizen had forbidden Ulquiorra personally from advancing the Demon army any further into Summer's territory; at least until the source of the Summer Court's mysterious power - the power that could revert a demon back into a fey - had been found. Ever since the Demon Curse had been birthed only the Dark King's gem, the Hogyoku, could influence the curse; and not even that could revert someone back to their original fey form.

Ulquiorra knew his master. The Dark King was greedy. The idea of a power that could rival the Hogyoku was hard to resist. If Aizen could harness the source, then victory would all but be guaranteed.

"And just what will you be doing while I wage war with the Summer Court?" Grimmjow demanded.

Ulquiorra had had enough. The Sixth was wasting too much of his time.

"Accept command of the legion or refute the blade," he ordered.

Grimmjow growled lowly.

"You better watch your pale ass out there, because once I unleash those Demons I'm gonna send them after you," he threatened.

The Fourth did not care. Abruptly, he turned away.

By giving Grimmjow command of the Fourth Legion, Ulquiorra would not only be spared Aizen's wrath from using the Demons; but he would also be free to move independently throughout Summer's territory and investigate the source of it's strange new power. In that time, he would ensure that the Summer Princess's bonding failed. His blade, Murcielago, would bathe in her human tainted blood.

The Winter Queen had most likely claimed one of the courts as her ally. It was time Ulquiorra claimed the other.

A/N: Greetings to my ever faithful followers, new and old. I realize it has been a long time since I updated and I want to apologize. I posted a small update on Tumblr and wanted to post one here. While I'm not really "back" I did want to wish everyone a happy holiday and give you something to enjoy over The Winter Solstice/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa etc. Stay safe everyone and enjoy the time with your friends and family.