Chapter 7

A gentle blue light shone on Levy's eyes her eyes fluttered open to find a bright full moon shining through white sheer and reflected on a small pond illuminating the pink and white lilies.

Yesterdays adventure flooded back into her memory as her relaxed body was arguing with her movement, she sat up in the plush bed, she removed the blanket and the chill hit her, she brushed the curtain out of her way as she went over to the door and gazed at the dark sky and lovely full moon and breathtaking view before her.

She thought about what Gajeel and Lily had done she knew that she should be angry at them, scared at her situation, but with what her Ex had done and the stress had done quite a number on her body.

She held up her hand close to her face as she leaned on the door frame she rubbed her fingers together and against her palm, after thinking about Gajeel all that he had done for her she never really noticed how well her body fit in his arms how incredible his ram felt around her waist.

The remembered how his hands had expertly stroked away her stress, then he stroked away her virginity she had never thought about her and Jet consummating their marriage, and thinking about it she smiled that her first time was with Gajeel.

She couldnt put into words but she could picture it, his hands, his arms, his gentleness, his heart, his personality, and his image; everything about him felt incredible and made her heart beat faster.

She was so caught up in the break up with Jet that she didnt even realize that she had fallen for Gajeel a long time ago, her body was so relaxed that any energy she had when she woke up was almost gone.

So she went into the bathroom to relieve herself then slowly she limped towards the bed as her consciousness was slipping she climbed back into bed and let the curtain cover the bed again as she thought of Gajeel and very wonderful memory of him, her heart fluttered as she fell asleep once again her body still digesting Gajeel's essence that was still pooled in her belly.

The next morning Gajeel and Lily woke up together both did their usual routines of showers coffee and breakfast; After they both had fresh clothes on and had woken up enough, it was time to check on their secret fairy.

Gajeel prepared a plate of breakfast for her and then dug through the usual drawers until he found the collection of morning after pills they were freshly bought, he fixed her usual coffee drink that she had while working in the haunted house.

Gajeel and Lily went to check in on the sleeping girl Lily unlocked the security defense system and opened the door as Gajeel walked through the door carrying her tray of food.

They quietly opened the door and peaked in the morning sun just now peaking over the trees as they walked in and light flooded the room and the light illuminating her blue hair and gleamed against her pale face as she breathed in her sleep the sudden light arousing her from her deep slumber.

Lily went to the wall next to the door and pulled out a table setting up the legs as Gajeel placed the tray on it as small groans came from the bed, they both looked over their shoulders as Levy stood up on the bed rubbing her eyes of deep sleep as she saw her hosts.

Gajeel opened the thermos and poured it into the blue mug he brought for her as Lily uncovered the plate of hot food, Levy sat up up more and stretched her arms above her head her heart was fluttering in happiness that the point of her affection was in her room and had breakfast for her.

Lily came around with a small glass of water he held out the glass to her She looked as a small pill was in one hand and the glass in the other.

"Its a morning after pill. It will keep you from getting pregnant." Lily said.

Levy took the pill without question and chugged down the water it felt cool and refreshing on her parched throat, Lily took the glass as she gently wiped her mouth of a stray drop.

Lily left the room again leaving his 2 friends to talk; Gajeel brought the food around to Levy and sat on the bed with her as she slowly took a few bites savoring the delicious food.

They held Gazes as she ate Gajeel scowled but smirked when she smiled.

"So your a masseuse?"

"An erotic masseuse to be precise." He said as he put his hands behind his head and fell backward on the bed with one leg hanging off the side and the other bent with his foot on the edge of the bed.

"where did you learn that?"

"Its a family business my ancestor Metalicana the 1st was a doctor was in 1860s when a french physician came to america and taught him, and its been in the family ever since."

"How did the french physician know about it?"

"Physicians and midwives would give people handjobs as a cure for hysteria and since it had become to time consuming an inventor created the vibrator. My father Metalicana the 11th taught my older brother Metalicana the trade and gave me the option if I wanted to. The training usually starts at the age of 13 but scheduling of sensual clients dont take until the age of 20 then with the choice of actually sleeping with the clients dont happen unless we choose to loose our virginity to someone we love."

"You chose to become a masseuse?" She asked finishing her breakfast.

"Not at first I wanting to do something else but my singing career didnt take off like I wanted, then when I was 16 I gave myself to my girlfriend, she was surprised that I knew how to please a woman and didnt believe me when I said I was a virgin then got completely upset when I told her about the family business and that pleasing a woman was in the genes but she found it completely insane and left me. I stopped singing but enjoyed playing my guitar so I continued with high school as I started learning the family trade. I didnt take my first client until I was 20 then my first sex client after I turned 21 and have been taking clients for the past 2 years since then."

"Wow, so how much do you make per client?"

"Well id depends on what they want done the cheapest massage I offer is 50 dollars its a shoulder massage, breast massage to help growth, and a hand job. Then my most expensive is the full scene of drugging, stripping, a bath, massage, handjob, sex, and then sleeping in here its a thousand dollars a day total for however long they plan on staying. But I havent had a client that could afford it so your my first client to have the first full treatment."

"I cant afford a thousand dollars."

"Dont worry I didnt plan on charging you."

"But why so expensive?"

"Because the special treatments and secrets passed down from one of the first masseuses so I am expensive..." He got up and began to over shadow her crawling over her body as she fell back against the pillows as he continued. "...because I guarantee satisfaction or your money back." He crawled off of her and continued.

"I haven't had a dissatisfied customer yet. Does my job weird you out?"

"No, I think its very exciting."

"So your not mad at me for what I did?"

"No it made me realize something I didnt see sooner."

Gajeel looked at jer in surprise as her cheeks flushed shy pink and he smiled happy.

"So you feel the same way I do?"

Levy jumped and looked at him in surprise. " mean?"

He caressed her face and touched their foreheads her face was pink as the lilies in the pond and her eyes had small gentle tears bubbled, Gajeel licked away the tears and the warmth on her eyes felt good.

"My feelings started when I saw you cry in front of the slide show I felt the need to hold you and tell you it was okay, then the more I saw you sneak out to cry the more me and Lily tried to make your days distracting and tiresome so that you could sleep at night and not cry because of what was always on your mind. The urge I felt to make you smile again and like you truly feel it."

Levy began to cry tears of joy which Gajeel wiped away tenderly and brought her close, she sat across his lap and wept in his shirt as he caressed her blue hair.

"Levy if you will have me you can stay here as long as you want, right here in my arms."

"Ye-yes." sniffles "Please let me stay and never let me go"

Gajeel closed his eyes and held the trembling girl closer.

"I promise."


Levy sat in the small nursery of the church her white lace wedding dress fitting her small form and the ankle length skirt fell down like sheer waterfalls and her white lace tights showing off accenting her beauty and her ankle high white boots were shaking as Levy was tearing up making her make up run.

The wedding was suppose to start 10 minutes ago then a knock cam eon the door her 6th bridesmaid and wedding planner Mira she came in with a phone handing it to her.

"Levy its Lily." Levy took the phone expecting the worst.


"Levy I am so sorry, Gajeel is refusing to go to the church because he cant get his neck tie done up." Levy wiped away her tears as she sniffled agin lightly laughing.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah sorry for scaring you he is moping in the corner and sadly no one here knows how to tie a tie either." Levy laughed out loud wiping her tears away.

"Okay then I will tell you what you need to do" Levy passed on the message to Lily who then said his goodbye and did as he was told.

Levy handed Mira the phone and she went over to the vanity to clean up her eyes that small scare gave her confidence and remembering the past year helped to settle her nerves more.

After 30 minutes She was given the sign and she left the room and her 6 bridesmaids helped her straighten out her dress, veil, ribbons and anything else that was out of place, THen the bridesmaid march came on.

Mira entered first wearing a halter ruffled pink dress with pink maryjane heels she held a small bouquet of pink lilies with a long baby pink ribbon, Erza entered next wearing the same dress and shoes and carrying the same bouquet but purple in color,

Evergreen was next in green with white lilies, Lisanna in baby blue, Juvia in dark blue, then the 2 maids of honor Lucy and Carla went in looking lovely in their much more extravagant yellow and gold dressed and a bouquet of yellow lilies with babys breath.

Giant feather fans fanned out to hide Levy as she took her place on her fathers arm and the bridal march sounded, the fans closed revealing her bridesmaids in place across the way of the grooms and her groom all wearing their ties as headbands Gajeel smiling big as he wore his red bandana with his white tie in the middle of it.

His groomsmen were in order with their corresponding bridesmaid, Gajeels 2 best men Natsu and Lily, Gray, Jellal, Elfman, Laxus, and Fried.

Levy smiled bigly as she walked down the aisle, her father flipped her veil and kissed her cheek as he handed her over to her groom she ascended the small staircase and she took her place next to Gajeel he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

Judge Poluchka began the ceremony and Levy gazed into the eyes of her lover her happiness practically sang out when he said "I do" and his vows, then he slid the ring on her finger and they sealed the deal with a kiss earning whoops and hollers from the audience.

Gajeel scooped her up in his arms and ran down the aisle, and right out of the church, he mounted her side saddle then got on his mike himself, he drove off toward his destination, they arrived at a small park that had a small pond archs, gardens and vast feilds.

THe caterers were still setting up as their guest were still arriving, Gajeel pulled her hand as they ran through the arches and down toward the pond, they stood there and gazed at the view then gajeel pulled his bride toward him, they gazed into each others eyes Gajeel put his hand on her face and she closed her eyes and dug her face into his hand.

He gently raised her chin and they passionately kissed as flower petals blew in the wind, They stayed there having a quiet moment alone talking about how beautiful and handsome each other are.

After a wonderful half hour the slowly walked back through the arches and came upon that vast party that was becoming drunk of their friends and family they all shouted and rejoiced as they new couple descended on the party.

Pictures were taken first then it was on to dinner and toasts, Lily and Natsu took turns speaking the best man speech then Levy's Dad made a heart warming tearful speech of his own.

Gajeel and Levy cut the cake together then each took a piece, they both shoved the small cake pieces into the others face Gajeel was careful not to do too much so as not to ruin his lovely bride and Levy wasnt strong enough to do anymore then what Gajeel had done as well.

After cleaning they links arms and carefully sipped champagne; after the calm down and the bridal cake in the shape of a book, the groom cake in the shape of a dragon, and the wedding cake decorated with the haunted library theme they were all cut and seperated among the guests for consumption.

While the cakes were being eaten it was time to throw the bouquet, the guys were all nervous to watch as who would catch it, Levy threw her big bouquet and it landed right in the middle; as the crowd dispersed it showed a brightly blushing Juvia.

Then it was Gajeels turn Natsu Brought out a chair as Lily lead the bride to it, while Gajeel removed his suit jacket revealing his unbuttoned black suit vest he then rolled up his sleeves of his white button down shirt.

Levy blushed brightly as Gajeel walked over and knelt down Lily and Natsu were behind her; Gajeel put his hands on her ankles smirking a half smile looking into her eyes, his hands traveled upwards feeling her lace tights and finding her garter belt he gently pulled it down with one hand as his other hand feel her butt.

Then both of his hands came out of her skirt and took the belt with it; Gajeel raised his hand holding the blue and rhinestone decorated garter belt, Levy buried her hands in her hands hiding her blush. Gajeel went over to the crowd of unmarried guys which Lily and Natsu joined.

Gajeel turned around and tossed his bride's garter belt over his shoulder and looked around to find it land right into the hand of Gray; he blushed just as brightly as people started teasing Juvia and Gray of marriage and kids.

The reception continued as Gajeel and Levy enjoyed their first few hours of being married, then it was time for the send off. Levy had gone off with her bridal party to change while Gajeel did the same.

Gajeel and his grooms party toasted glasses of beer and they al chugged except for Gajeel it had to watch his alcohol consumption level tonight he changed into a red button down shirt, his black suit vest, black jeans, and his signature biker boots.

Levy and her bridal party all toasted small glasses of champagne and they made sure that Levy was ready she wore black lacy underwear with a sheer black slip over it, then she pulled on a strapless black dress that hugged her body it went down to her mid thigh covering the slip and her underwear as an extra protection she wore black shorts so that if her skirt flies up no one will see her panties.

She styled with red lace tights that matched the red lace detached sleeves that had black cotton under sleeve and small black ribbons tying at the top near her shoulder where the sleeves stayed.

she tied a black ribbon in her hair letting curly pieces of hair frame her face then she added a red lace ribbon right next to the black one; she finalized her outfit with a simple black ribbon around her neck and ankle high black boots and a short red lace sleeveless jacket leaving it unbuttoned.

Lucy spritz some perfume onto Levy as she touched up her make up, then it was time. THe bridal party left the room first and Levy followedGajeel was waiting for her and he smiled large at his new bride. They held hands as they walked through the crowd and the falling rose petals they gave one last kiss said there good byes and mounted Gajeel's bike.

Levy and Gajeels 3 suitcases were tied and mounted on the back, Levy mounted right after Gajeel and as he was about to speed off he untied his neck tie from his head and tossed it in the air as his stag party did the same in a celebratory manner. Levy held onto him with one hand as he drove off and she waved to her friends and family.

Levy couldnt feel any more happy she was married to the best guy in the world and she was on her way to her honeymoon, not that they needed it but they hadnt had sex since he did that stress relief massage a year ago.

They did talk about why and it was strange they just never felt an urge to do it they just enjoyed the feel of lips and each others embrace, neither Levy or Gajeel regretted anything about each other or their relationship which was an amazing feeling.

They arrived at the airport Gajeel parked his bike in the parking lot then he undid the bags from the back as Levy dismounted and straightened her outfit out, they rolled their bags into the airport and stopped in line to go through the gate.

They were shown in then to their seats in first class, Gajeel put Levys bags in the carrier above their heads as she took her seat next to the window then did the same with his. The flight lasted 3 hours and Levy and Gajeel could barely keep their eyes off of each other and needed little words for when their eyes met small laughter sounded.

Levy enjoyed her first flight and having her new husband there always really made things more exciting, The plane landed and they unboarded, Gajeel rented a car and they were headed south bound.

It was the first time Levy saw Gajeel actually drive a car and not his motor cycle they rode for half an hour leaving civilization in the dust it was early evening just before the sun went down when they reached their destination it was a log cabin that had the name on a big sign it was a familiar name that made Levy's mouth drop in astonishment she heard the door bell ring and Gajeel walked in with Levy in tow.

What she saw was heart warming he was hugging an elderly woman, "You must be Levy?" the woman asked hugging the small girl.

"Yes ma'am"

"well welcome to Redfox Beach Resort and to the family. I'm sorry I couldnt be there for the wedding but my doctor said no traveling for me."

Levy smiled at the womans tender nature.

"Levy this is my mother."

"Its nice to meet you ma'am and a pleasure to you as well I am glad to finally have a daughter. Well we best be quick your reception is waiting."

Levy looked at Gajeel in confusion. "Reception?"

"Its a party being thrown by my family members that couldnt make it to the wedding."

There bags were taken by the part time bellboy and they descended to the beach to find another big party just for them.

Gajeel leaned down and whispered in her ear, it wont be long they just want to welcome you to the family."

"Its alright I dont mind." Levy smiled as she met his cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends as well they had made another bouquet using tropic local lilies and Gajeels mother had made a black garter.

As a surprise to both they had his Uncle the local priest do a traditional ceremony in front of his friends and family so that they could watch, Levy didnt mind at all it was a simpler and shorter ceremony and a bit different.

Gajeel said his vows in another language she immediately recognized its Metigora the ancient language of the dragons and what he was saying was the chant that binds a human virgin to a great dragon as a sacrifice.

They had to wrap their arms around each other like in a hug gazing into each others eyes while his mother wrapped a long cloth around them in symbolizing of the union and binding of the virgin to the dragon.

Levy thought to herself that if she had known about all of this tradition from him she would have had the wedding planned like this, Levy tossed her new bouquet and this time it landed in the arms of Gajeels cousin a little girl named Wendy and when Gajeel did her garter again and tossed it who else to catch it but none other then Wendy's best friend Romeo the son of an old family friend.

As soon as the traditional ceremony was over and the small reception was done with a delicious dinner and a homemade cake that his mother made that practically made Levy's mouth water in sweet deliciousness.

As Levy talked with young Wendy a loud bell sounded and everyone went quiet except for Wendy who said "its time" as her face flushed bright red; Gajeels mother lead Levy to a boat where Gajeel was lead as well by a big guy with olive skin next to a woman with familiar eyes.

Gajeel put his hand to Levys' back as he said "Levy this is DandyLion and CheetahRose their PantherLily's parents."

Levy was glad to meet them as they were to her. "Its nice to meet you Levy I am glad a woman was able to tame the great Iron Dragon. Om sorry we couldn't come sooner for the party but work got in the way but we did want to see you off." She handed her a small glass with a little bit of blue liquid.

She spoke in the dragon language as Gajeel motioned for her to drink it was sweet and tasted like wild berries, she took the glass back as gajeel lead Levy to the boat, the driver got his nod from Gajeel and he zoomed toward the big house built over the water it was designed similar to the massage parlor back on Gajeel's property.

Gajeel pulled himself out of the boat then held Levy's hand as she climbed out as well, then the boat zoomed back to shore, Gjeel picked Levy up and walked her up the steps and through th door as the sun went down.