I do not own Fairy tail all rights go to the genius Hiro Mashima.
'Set in Modern times' Gajeel and Levy are partners at their job and while Levy is going through a really bad break up and what does her new partner at work do to help her he shows her his other job. WARNING you will see a side of Gajeel you never thought he could be and no he isn't a sex slave, an escort, or a stripper.
Levy walked through the aisle of the large library as her new boss was explaining the route that customers walk through during the haunted house. Her mid thigh length orange dress flowed as she walked her black tights showing off her curvy legs and detached orange sleeves matching her dress added to the cute factor she had. Her neck layers cut turquoise locks were tied back in a small ponytail with an orange headband and 2 flower clips to accent her beauty.
The library was very large with 2 story high ceilings, cobwebs, broken ladders, skeletons, piles of fallen books. She wished she could spend her time reading through all of the books instead of working in a haunted house.
It had been a year now since her 3 year boyfriend broke up with her on their wedding day, she was just getting her life back in order when she got a summons to court being sued for keeping the expensive engagement ring.
She would have gladly returned it if he had just asked for it but no he is suing her for it or for the profit she made from selling it.
Because of her broken heart and shattered dreams she couldn't concentrate at school so after her 23rd birthday her mother told her that she should try to find an easy and fun job to take her mind off of things and since the library was accepting applications the only other option was the local haunted house.
They were looking for children as volunteers and small adults for flying ghosts or the evil librarian, Levy filled out her information and got a new job.
She was to be the evil flying librarian directing the customers through the labyrinth of the library and pass them through the door to the next room where they were to face the giant beast locked away in the library and she would be by his smoking angry, and hungry face with nothing but her ghostly form and his chains to hold him back from devouring the customers.
The man playing the great beast would be her partner they would keep track of each other to make sure if one of them got caught under a pile of books or sets then the other could go call for help.
She was shown the library's panic button in case a customer has a heart attack or seizure or her or her partner got hurt the panic button would sound the alarm and send security toward them.
"So Ms. McGarden that is the basic rundown of your scene you must start memorizing the proper way around the labyrinth so that you can fly the right direction. However if you do get lost each dead end has something scary just in case. Now you must meet your partner he is in here somewhere he has been working in the library for a year now so if you need anything just ask him. So I will let you wander to get used to the library and when you find him just introduce yourself.
Her boss turned around and left her in an aisle of books lining all the way up to the tall ceiling that was decorated like an old mansion library.
She decided to follow her orders she went the other way that he went to and began to wander but it wasn't long before a small fear started to creep up her spine.
The feeling of being watched flowed through her and then the stereo started blasting the scary library sounds soundtrack.
Rustling of books, whispered voices, the sliding of the ladder along the aisle of books, a quick loud slam like a book being dropped on a desk made her yelp in surprise but as she turned a corner the lights went out and her breathing became shallow she backed up into a shelf and tried to adjust her eyes to the sudden darkness.
A loud ear shattering scream of an old hag vibrated through the library, then right in front of her dropped a skeleton dressed up as a utility man who hung himself from the rafters she screamed bloody murder as she flared her hands around trying to get his limbs off of her.
She fell backward with a slam on her small but well-rounded butt, which earned another yelp from her already sore throat.
She sat there shaking staring at the hanging skeleton that was snickering at her that's when the lights came back on, She curled a leg under her when and sudden drop of something next to the skeleton fell with a thud.
It was big and covered with long black hair and clothes she yelped again as it fell but then lightly screamed as it stood up turned around to look at her.
To her delight it was human, a tall brooding man with a black sleeveless shirt with gray lining decorated with silver studs, a plunging neck line revealing a white wife beater, his shirt collar was tucked down revealing his rippling neck muscles and powerful collarbone.
He wore black baggy pants with white decorated lines on the sides lining multiple pockets and a chain hooked onto his belt loop and into his back pocket, the pants were stuffed into black biker boots, he also wore detached sleeves that started at mid upper arm to mid lower arm but these hugged his arms showing off his powerful muscles and fingerless gray and studs lined gloves.
He wore a thick white headband over his forehead giving him a frightening yet caring demeanor his hair was long spikey and locks of hair framed his face hanging down from behind the headband. His face decorated with silver studs 6 on his nose, 2 on his chin and 3 replacing each eyebrow which were barely visible underneath the headband.
He pulled his headphones out of his ears, which were blaring rock music he stared at her with piercing red eyes and dilated black pupils, he smiled big showing off his rather large canine glistening white teeth.
"You must be my new partner. You got to be careful shorty you never know what might jump out at you." Levy puffed up her cheeks and blushed shy pink at the nickname.
He knelt down at her spreading his legs as he did to get a better look at her and she tried to back up to get some space but she hit the shelf of the book case and yelped at the pain that shot through her head in the sudden hit.
He held out his large hand to her only 3 inches from her chest and spoke with his glaring eyes, which were also laughing at her small but cute actions that reminded him of a helpless kitten.
"Gihihihihihi, like I said watch yourself, my name is Gajeel."
She took his hand to shake but instead he lurched up quickly taking her with him then gently set her down on her feet then once she was standing again he continued.
"Nice to meet you shrimp."
"My name is Levy."
He released her small hand from his large shaking one, he turned on his biker heel and walked the other way.
"Follow me." He said very orderly and without looking at her again.
She did without complaint and hurriedly because she didn't want to be alone in the library without knowing what's around every corner.
She followed him with closeness as he lead her through aisle after aisle finally they stopped at a dead end he pulled out a green book and the bookcase opened she leaned over to peer inside and all she saw was darkness before she felt his large hand on her back pushing her in then the bookcase closed.
She flew her hands out feeling for anything but heard nothing, "Gajeel?" she tested.
"I'm here shrimp just give me a minute." He replied when the light came on.
He was over by a large wood door with his hand on a white light switch she turned around and saw something quite cozy, diagonal from the door along the left wall pointed in a corner was a green suede couch with one mismatched blue velvet cushion with small decorative yellow dots in between the couch and corner was a small tall table with a big black suitcase and black clothes spilling out of it on top.
A black pillow was on one side of the couch with a red throw blanket bunched up along its seats, parallel to it was a purple leather couch its years very visible with its unraveling seams.
In between the couches was a blue Frankenstein rug sewn together with small different shades and patterns of blue rugs, then a large 45 inch flat screen was mounted on the wall, behind the purple couch was a plain black computer desk with a black laptop closed waiting to be used along the wall next to the desk was a bookshelf filled with books and files.
The walls of the room were painted blood red with spotlights over head and a single ceiling fan and radiator in between the couches just below the TV. Then mounted on the all behind the desk was a large framed map even with my geographic knowledge it didn't look like any place I read about.
Along the wall to her left was a small kitchenette complete with fridge that was humming; a 2 burner stove a small mounted oven, a microwave, and cabinets the same size as the fridge.
A small door was opened and settled in between the green couch and the kitchenette cabinets the light was off but I could see the outlines of a walk in shower, a stalled toilet and a sink.
"This is our base, some nights we may need to work late and need to get up early so it's easier just to crash here you'll have to bring your own pillow and blanket and also make sure you bring extra clothes, towels, hygiene products anything you need. The boss sends out texts to tell us if we do need to spend the night. The laptop is to keep in touch with the outside world or the other departments it is not to be removed from this room. The books on the bookshelf show pictures, graphs and diagrams of the work from over the years in case we need reminders or inspiration.
On the wall is the map of our scene and area I will also give a travel map to keep with you until you get the library memorized. There is a small walk in closet in the bathroom but it is only used for our costumes and make up"
Levy looked around and she could feel her cheeks on fire. "But isn't it kind of weird to share a room with a woman?"
He crossed his arms and looked at her. "How old are you?" He asked quizzically.
Used to the question she answered nonchalantly. "23"
He hmm'd then walked over to the bookcase and pulled out a small folded piece of paper he handed it to her as he headed towards the door. He pressed a small well-blended metal stud and it opened.
"The green book titled Black Steel is the one that opens the door, now come on I will show you what you can start working on first."
Levy put the small paper in her dress pocket and followed him out she followed him around many aisles again until they reached a corner aisle turning into another aisle and right at the corner was a rope hanging down from the ceiling and looped around back up to the ceiling.
"He stood under the rope then motioned for her to come over to him. "Come here"
Levy obliged and walked over to him he pointed to a spot on the ground. "Stand here"
Levy turned and saw a book on a nearby the shelf she was facing and it was upside down so she placed properly and as soon as it was back in place she felt Gajeels arm wrap around her waist and she spun around facing his chest just as they both flew straight upward.
Levy let out a frightened shriek then they landed and Gajeel released his grip on her she turned around and saw something that took her breath away she could see the entire library they stood at the dead center on an X.
As she was relishing in the beauty of the fake library set in an old factory designed as an old haunted mansion, then she felt Gajeels arm wrap around her waist again but more slow this time he was tying a rope around her waist that was connected to a rolling wheel wire just above her head.
"This rope will catch you in case you fall off of a bookshelf you may not like it but your gonna have to get used to it if your gonna fly through the library. You still got that paper?"
Levy pulled the paper out to show him and she held with both of hers hands out to him to take.
"This is your travel map, your first job is to walk along the bookshelves each one is connected, follow your route on the map and take note of any damage, repairs or changes. This will help you get used to the place."
Gajeel turned around and Levy watched him as he put his headphones back in his ears then buckled a tool belt around his waist, right as he grabbed and yanked on a rope he zoomed upward to the center rotund and he stayed up there doing his job which looked like cleaning the glass windows and iron statues while some fell straight down into the aisles from so high just as sound effects sounded.
'So he was working on those things that scared me earlier' she thought,
She opened and looked at the map-taking note of the center X where she was then she began her trek along the bookshelves.
After an hour of working she was getting used to it which caused her thoughts to wander back to her wedding day and how happy she was almost ready to walk down the aisle when she was told to wait because he had disappeared.
Then after waiting for 2 hours they were told to leave the church for the next wedding.
Levy stopped close to a dead end and she could feel the fresh warm tears flowing down her cheeks the painful memory caused the healing scars to reopen on her heart. She wiped her face with her new handy hanky and continued with her job.