HEY HOW YOU DOIN' (sorry you can't get through, why don't you leave your name and your number and we'll get back to you. Oooh). Sorry it was the first thing that came to my mind…

Anyway (I say 'anyway' allot, don't I?) I was just randomly scrolling through Tumblr and a Whouffle thing came up and it was named 'Touch' and I just said to myself 'Yeah but what goes on behind closed doors?' (As in the TARDIS doors) and then I thought… 'omg that would be an awesome fanfic' so I'm going to write it.

I'm just going to make it a series of one-shots of Whouffle. A mixture of smut and fluff and basically just Whouffle! IS GOING TO BE M RATED SO JUST WARNING YOU.

What Goes On Behind Closed Doors.

No More Blood and Tears.

The Doctor was sat in the console room reading. The TARDIS made a bleep sound.

"What? What is it?" The Doctor asked. He stood up and walked over towards the screen on the console.

There was another bleep and Clara's room came up on the screen. It showed Clara with tears rolling down her cheeks, seeing this immediately the Doctor was about to run off to her room and comfort her, but the TARDIS gave another bleep calling him back. He watched the screen, he watched Clara, and she was cutting something. The Doctor looked closer to see what she was cutting. He saw blood dripping down her left arm and knew exactly what she was cutting.

Ignoring the TARDIS's bleeps, the Doctor grabbed the first aid kit from under the console. He blew the dust of the top of it, slipped it into his pocket and ran off to Clara's room.

He stopped as soon as he got to the door and heard Clara sniffling. A loud muffled whimper came from her room as she cut her wrist again, deep. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to barge in on her and he knew that if he just knocked she would try to hide what she was doing.

He decided to knock anyway as he didn't want to startle her by barging in.

He gently knocked a couple of times and heard her sniffling stop straight away.

"Clara?" He called gently. "Can I come in?" He asked with a soft tone.

"Uhh. J-just a minute." She replied; her voice week.

The Doctor waited, he listened and a small smirk came to his lips when he heard a thump followed by a whispered 'Ow. Shit.'

When she came to the door she had shoved on an oversized jumper. He could tell she had been crying as her eyes were red and slightly puffy and the tips of her fringe were a little wet from where she had splashed her face with water. She had curled the sleeve around her wrist and gripped it tightly in her hand.

"Sorry. What was it?" Clara asked.

"Can I come in?" He replied.

"Sure… sorry about the mess." She said as he walked into the room.

The Doctor watched as her eyes widened when she spotted a tissue with a small amount of blood on it. He watched as she kicked it under the bed.

The Doctor sat cross legged on her bed. He patted the bed in front of him and she sat down, also crossed legged.

"Clara…" He said gently, keeping eye contact with her. He reached for her right wrist but she flinched away.

"I- I uhm." She tried to make an excuse for flinching away but didn't know what to say.

"Clara please." The Doctor begged and reached for her wrist again. This time she gave in.

She winced as the jumper material scraped over the open cuts. There was still some dry blood left around where some of the beads of blood would have formed. The Doctor's face fell and grew sorrowful.

Tears began to form in Clara's eyes, embarrassed tears. She was embarrassed because she felt weak. This is her behind her façade. A tear escaped and dripped onto her wrist making her gasp as the stinging and throbbing sensation rushed through her arm.

The Doctor blew on the cuts gently, numbing the pain slightly.

Neither of them spoke for a couple of minutes. Clara just felt embarrassed, the Doctor felt angry with himself. He should have realised, he should have stopped her, been there for her and helped her. He should have known.

Tears came to the Doctor's eyes. He was lost for words. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it again. He embraced her tightly but being careful not to touch the sensitive skin. Clara sobbed into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." The Doctor whispered into her hair.

"Why?" Clara choked out with a sniff as she leant away from the hug a wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"Because I should have known. I should have stopped you and helped you. I'm supposed to be your friend and I didn't even realise. I have a duty to protect you in all ways possible. You're under my protection and I failed my obligation to keep you safe." The Doctor replied as tears fell from his eyes.

"I am safe… just not from myself." Clara muttered.

"Why have you, you know." The Doctor asked and pointed at her wrist.

"I- I just. I miss my mum and I hate myself and just things piled up." Clara admitted.

"Why do you hate yourself?" He asked in return.

"Well. Where to begin." Clara said mockingly. "I'm too small and fat, I'm annoying and whiny, I'm ugly, I hate that when I smile I have crinkles by my eyes and massive annoying dimples. I just. I hate how I look, I must be so annoying to you." She said counting her 'flaws' on her fingers'

"No. No don't you ever say that Clara. You are not fat! Look at you, I don't care that you're small, I think it's adorable. You are not annoying and whiny, bossy yes but I like that about you. You are in no way ugly at all, I love you're dimples and you are never annoying. You're perfect Clara, perfect in my eyes. I love everything about you and I wish you could see that you are beautiful and important and everything to me. Please don't ever think you're ugly, fat or annoying. You are perfect." The Doctor told her; cupping her cheek and wiping a stray tear away.

Clara's heart was racing and her cheeks flushed.

Did he just say he loves me? No of course not? She thought to herself.

The Doctor couldn't hold himself back any longer. He closed his eyes and leant in and kissed her softly. At first Clara was shocked. Her eyes went wide as his lips pressed against hers but she closed her eyes and melted into the tender kiss.

The Doctor leant back with a shy smile. He cupped her cheek and she smiled back.

"That's what I like to see, a smile on your beautiful face." The Doctor told her. "I love you Clara." He promised.

Clara was lost for words. She leant in again and pecked his lips. "I love you too, Doctor."

Clara smiled at the Doctor's blush.

"Anyway, come on you, you need to sleep and if you don't mind can I sleep in your room, it's just I want to keep you safe and I love you and I want to comfort you." The Doctor told her.

She grinned. "Course you can Doctor." Clara replied.

The Doctor lifted up the bed sheets and tucked her under them. He quickly stripped of down to his boxers and climbed into the bed and embraced her from behind. His arms wrapped around her waist and he placed a kiss to her cheek.

"Your hair smells really nice." He told her randomly; sniffing her hair.

Clara giggled. "Thank you Doctor." Then she yawned.

"Right yes sleep. Nighty night." He whispered.

"Night Doctor." Clara replied and drifted off to sleep feeling safe and warm and happy. No more blood and tears.

Ok so that's done. Thank you for reading. It is currently half one in the morning where I am and I have school tomorrow/today. Anyway I'll try and post the next chapter soon. Bye!