So I have not forgotten this story after all. I apologise for such a short chapter after such a long wait, but consider this a bridge to better ones to come!

Insert disclaimers that need to be.


The beast had smoke emanating from his nostrils and bared all of his extraordinarily-large-sized teeth at us, Sherlock smiling predatorily and in awe right back. I really do not know who had more of an intimidatingly excited look- Holmes at the prospect of defeating the beast, or the beast at the prospect of devouring us both.

I was worried less for my safety but more for Sherlock's. He was much too reckless for his own good. The scope that I received from him at Christmastime lay in a leather sheath I acquired that hangs at my waist; looking at the dragon, I remembered the scale that was in Sherlock's pocket and decided that it would be a curious thing to examine if we ever got out of here...

My thoughts were interrupted by a deep, booming voice not unlike an organ accompanied with a roar.

"How dare you come here unannounced and suppose yourselves to be welcome visitors?" (said, I suppose...) ... inquired the dragon, it's magnificent largesse and gold and soil-covered underbelly all exposed as it stood to increase its size (though it soon returned to all four feet).

"We come on the matter of the young woman in purpure from the King of Camelot himself!" yelled Sherlock over the beast's loud, raspy breathing as the tail that was pushing us against the wall was replaced by a man-sized, talon-endowed hand that pushed even harder, squeezing the air out of our torsos.

"How about a deal, knight? We play a riddle game and if you win, I tell you what happened to the woman. If not, then all that will be left of you and your companion will be the bones that litter this very floor," smirked the dragon, as Sherlock looked over at me, almost as if sizing me up. I took a look at the aforementioned floor and despairingly noticed that it was indeed covered in both gold and bones and splendid jewels abound.

Before I could say anything, Holmes spoke up.

"Just I! Leave my companion be- he is of no interest to you for he is not only not a knight, he knows nothing of the matter of the woman. He is my man-at-arms and nothing more, and defeating his riddles would be as easy as taking sweets from a child, beast, and just as honourable."

He looked at me while the creature was contemplating this and mouthed, "if I say 'go', go."

"Okay, knight. Swear on your honour that you shall not run, for it is useless either way- you will be caught and ingested if you attempt to do so," with this, it let us go.

Sherlock handed me his sword, taking the sheath off his belt, as well as his dagger, that hung on the other side. He made no sign of disappointment, happiness, or anything at all that was classifiable as an emotion.

As I exited the cave, compiling a plan of his escape and slaughter of the beast whilst still receiving the information we desired, I looked back and I could have sworn I saw a mischievous wink as Sherlock faced me, and then turned to the beast, a challenge hanging in the air and my presence obviously an obstacle to what must have been a magnificent battle of wits.

The next instalment shall be written by Sir Sherlock Holmes as I was not there to witness the events myself. He has sworn to tell them truthfully with no embellishments of any sort.

Until then, dear reader, fare-thee-well.

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter (sorry for its brevity), and the next chapter will be up shortly (no promises). Remember that reviews are wonderful motivators :)

Until next time.