Heeeeeres Chapter 3, Sorry it took so long
Box Weapons below
Disclaimer: I don't own Reborn or anything in it
Warnings: OOC Tsuna, Twinfic, Stong/Possibly OP Tsuna, Iemitsu bashing
Chapter 3
'well shit'
When he'd received word of someone being sent to train his brother, he'd expected a lot of people from a Cedef Agent to a current guardian, but why God WHY, did it have to be the Arcobaleno currently keeping him from the #1 spot in the hitman ranking, of all people they had to send the ONE guy that Tsuna was worried might bust him as more than he makes himself out to be.
'OK, let's just calm down and act natural, he knows nothing and with any luck he'll be too focused on my brother to pay much mind to me'
With that thought in mind Tsuna put on a confused and disbelieving look on his face, before shifting it to a small smile, one you would usually see on an adult while they're playing make believe with a child
"Oh I see, well 'Reborn-sensei' I hope you have fun tutoring my brother" he said with a playful bow
He received a heel drop to the back of his head for his troubles
'Agh sonuva-"
"Show some respect you brat" he said as Leon transofrmed into gun form and he pointed it at Tsuna
'MUTHAFUCKA I WILL-no, no, calm, keep calm, never lose you composure, one of the first rules of being a hitman'
Once again he forced his face to take on a smiling face
"ahahaha, my bad my bad, neh neh so where's you mo-"
Tsuna stared wide eyed at the small cut in his cheek from the passing bullet
"Don't patronize me"
'Oh you wretched little-'
"H-how does a baby have a gun?!"
"I'm a hitman" he replied with a smug look on his face
'Oh how I'd love to turn you into a lawn ornament...an sell you to someone with plenty of pet dogs'
Completely unknowing of the thoughts of petrification running through Tsuna's head, Reborn allowed Leon to return to chameleon form and started looking over his student's brother.
'Nothing too outstanding, grades show completely average marks, though he does do a bit better in sports, I can see that he atleast keeps his body fit, though the morning jogs his mother claimed he does earlier would make that obvious, perhaps he'd do well in cedef?'
Sensing that the pint sized terror's thoughts were going in a direction that he'd prefer it not to he took this opportunity to get the hell out of dodge.
"Uummm, it was nice talking to you Reborn but I should really get going before I'm late for class, Ja ne I guess"
'OK bullet dodged' He paled when he saw his brother scream out a confession to Kyoko for the entire school to hear and see while still in his boxers.
'Oh yeah, biggest fucking bullet on earth, dodged'
"The hell happened to the monkey?" glancing behind him he smiled as he saw Hana Kurokawa, one of the three people in this school he could consider friends (No matter how much Kyoya tries to deny it) standing there with her arms folded looking at his 'brother' like he was a circus attraction.
"Oh I don't know, he was fine when I saw him last night, that is to say, as much of a raging asshole as always, and you know I'm never in that house in the mornings"
"Yes to 'jog'" she droled out with an eye roll, she had a feeling that he didn't really go out jogging every morning
'Then again he could just like not being at that house, I'm pretty sure the only reason he still even lives there is because of his mom' She, along with Kyoko and Hibari knew that Tsuna had more than enough money to take care of himself, though at this point he still refuses to tell them what he doe to make that much cash, she had a feeling that Hibari knew though but she wouldn't pry.
Tsuna couldn't help the small snicker that escaped when he saw Ieyasu get labelled a pervert, nor could he help the sigh that escaped when he saw him stupidly accept a kendo duel when he's had all of 0 kendo training.
'Meh, ain't my problem'
"Hey Kyouko"
Turning to his voice she smiled as she saw her friends strolling towards her
"Tsu-kun, Hana-chan"
"Yeah I am so sorry about my, my, about Ieyasu"
"It's fine, I'm sure he was just joking, I should probably apologize for overreacting like I did, come to think of it"
"eheheh, y-yeah sure"
'Too pure, Kyoko-chan you're just way too pure'
'(sigh) and this is why it falls to me to beat off those monkeys'
"Tsu-kun, Hana-chan, is something wrong?"
"No, no"
"It's nothing"
"Nothing at all"
"Ah, you know we'll be late for class at this rate, we should go"
"U-uh, O-k?"
Tsuna smiled as he watched his friends walk infront of him before his eyes narrowed and he glanced back at Ieyasu or more precisely at the Arcobaleno perched comfortably on his head
'Tch, how annoying'
"So why haven't you gone to watch the match?"
Glancing to the side from his position of lying on the roof, he put on his usual smile
"Oh Reborn, what are you doing up here?"
"I could ask you the same thing, and infact I have, why aren't you at the match?"
He didn't have to fake the look of displeasure that appeared on his face
"You know you're much smarter than your age would suggest"
"I am your brother's tutor"
He made a point of muttering about child prodigies being younger and younger now a days in a way that Reborn would hear but assume that he wasn't supposed to, with this he'd be able to actually talk to reborn without pretending he was talking to an actual infant.
"I assume you've been watching our interactions, few as they have been throughout the day?"
"I have"
"Then you should have noticed that Ieyasu and I aren't exactly close"
Reborn scoffed at that
"Yes in fact I'd say the two of you despised each other"
"No, he despises me for some reason, I don't even know, but as far as I'm concerned I couldn't care less, I don't even consider him a brother, and this match has nothing to do with me" He saw Reborns eyes narrow for a fraction of a second, good, one thing Vongola is big on is loyalty, there's no way he'd let someone that completely cared nothing for their boss in, with this whatever plans for Tsuna he may have had should be vanishing
"And what of the girl, I've noticed that you seem to be friendly with her"
This time it was Tsuna who scoffed
"Oh please, this is the 21st century, the time when men could hold fights and place a woman as the prize has long since passed, Kyoka-chan is not an object, and won't just start dating someone because of the outcome of Ieyasu's and Mochida's dick measuring contest, which is all this whole thing amounts to, and has no effect on me or my friends" he said as he closed his eyes, he didn't need to open them to tell that Reborn had left.
Opening his eyes again after a while he allowed a small smile to appear on his face and once more shifted his gaze to the side
"Right on time as expected, Kyoya"
Rising from his position on the floor he dusted off his pants
"Thanks for coming"
"Why am I here"
"It's about our spars, I'm afraid they'll have to stop for a while"
The skylark's eyes narrowed
"For what reason"
"Vongola has made steps to make Ieyasu the new boss, they've sent someone to teach him, his name is Reborn, and he's an Arcobaleno like your uncle, don't even tink of it Kyoya" he said as he saw a familiar predatory glint appear in his eyes
"You're strong but at your current level you shouldn't even dream of taking on an Arobaleno, even skull could wreck you right now and Reborn is know as the strongest of the Arcobaleno, you know how strong your uncle is so you should know better than to challenge someone stronger than he is, you'll just need to find some other way to sate your blood lust till this mess blows over and I don't have to worry about Reborn blowing my cover."
With his peace said and done he began making his way to the door he'd have to go to the island and explain to Aria and Yuni that he wouldn't be able to make it every night for now, something he wasn't particularly eager to do, especially explaining it to Yuni, he'd have to try and visit in the mornings after his training sessions in China when he could legitimately be out without Reborn bugging him since they'd assume he was just jogging and he probably wouldn't have Ieyasu join him given the previous conversation, or maybe he could take from his self training time after school to spend time with them, especially since he couldn't exactly do jobs for a while.
He paused as he heard Kyouya speak
"Hm, you say something?" he said glancing back at Kyoya who'd taken out his tonfas
"I said" his tonfas lit up in cloud flames, seems Tsuna wasn't the only one who'd noticed the sparks last match, Kyoya must have been practicing
"Find me a good place to train with this"
Tsuna's eyes widened before he ran and gripped Kyoya around the arm and jumped through a portal he's opened up just before Reborn came back to the roof and started looking around
The two of them leaped from the portal as Tsuna heaved a sigh of relief and rounded on Hibari
Hibari just stared at him same calm expression as usual
"(sigh) Skilled flame users can detect when flames are used in the vicinity unless the user knows how to mask it, what you just did was like a beacon for Reborn, God knows how difficult this will make things, he'll be looking for whoever did that and I won't put any faith in him brushing it off as his imagination."
Kyoya's eyes narrowed at that, he wasn't too pleased at the thought of someone being able to tell his location everytime he fights at full strength
"How exactly do I mask it"
"Well I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly" Eyes widening at the voice coming from directly behind him he ignited his tonfas and swung it behind him only to feel his arm caught in a vice grip and what felt like a freight train slam into his gut, launching him off his feet only for Tsuna to catch him and set him down, clutching his gut as he coughed up a bit of blood he glared up at the woman infront of him standing there with a smirk on her face.
"So who's your friend"
"(chuckle) Aria this is Kyoya, Fon's nephew, Kyoya this is Aria a friend of mine and the Sky Arcobaleno, which by the way further proves my earlier point" he got a grunt in response
"I suppose I should explain why he's here"
"An explanation would be nice yes"
He barely had time to grin before a tiny missile crashed into him
Kyoya raised a brow at the sight of his laughing frie...acquaintance being cuddled by a small child, looking back at the now grinning woman as she turned her attention back to him
"So, want some tea?"
"Mom, I'm home!"
"Ah welcome back Tsu-kun, I left some food in the fridge for you"
"Thanks mom"
"And where have you been"
Raising a brow at the question he regarded Reborn with a smirk
"Oh I've been, somewhere" he continued walking up the stairs
he paused and looked back at the infant now pointing a gun at him
"(chuckle) you know I might not be all that great at school but I am more observant than I seem, plus the gun makes it kinda obvious, you're no ordinary baby, and I doubt you're here for a simple tutoring job, I don't know what exactly you're purpose here is but I doubt you killing me is beneficial to it, am I right"
At the sight of Reborns eyes narrowing in displeasure he allowed another chuckle through at one upping his rival hitman
"Good night Reborn, see you tomorrow" and with that he made his way up to his room.
Today was a productive day
Tsuna's box weapons
? means I need suggestions
(Snow and Sky boxes work in tandem one in defense mode while the other is in attack mode and vice versa)
Sky box
Name: Natsu
Species: Lion
Cambio Forma: (Modo Difesa) Mantello di Vongola Primo
(Modo Attacco) Mitena di Vongola Primo
Snow box(that's why there's 8 rings and 9 boxes)
Name: Bái zhǎo (props to Akune)
Species: White Saber tooth tiger
Cambio Forma: (Modo Difesa) Hooded fur line long coat (complete immune to cold, instafreeze attacks like how the mantle instafreezes and shatters things similar to how the mantle petrifies them)
(Modo Attacco) Gauntlets
Moon/Night Box
Name: Alpha
Species: Wolf
Cambio Forma:
Storm box
Name: Lau Jimin
Species: Monkey
Cambio Forma: Pair of guns that combine to form cannon
Mist Box
Name: Tamamo
Species: Fox
Cambio Forma: (contact lenses and head phones that allow one to ignore illusions cast via sight or sound and allow one to trap others in incredibly powerful illusions via eye contact
Cloud box
Name: Nagira
Species: Snake(can use cloud flames to grow, when storm flames added, fangs have disintegration effect)
Cambio Forma: Segmented (chain) Katana(uses cloud flames to make more segments, when broken segments can be controlled and can still use cloud flames to multiply)
Sun Box(props to BlackAndWhiteRoseWolf)
Name: Hiro
Species: Falcon
Cambio Forma: necklace(increases wearers healing abilities)
Lightning Box
Name: Yamaō
Species: Bear(props to BlackAndWhiteRoseWolf)
Cambio Forma: Armor (can create force fields)
Rain Box
Name: ?
Species: ?
Cambio Forma: ?
Tis all my loyal readers
Thank you for reading and a good morrow to you all
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