The weeks began to pass though Izaya got a little worse, more depressed for a time... he was afraid of the baby growing inside of him and he wasn't sure what would happen either.

"Ah... I know... " The first ultrasound was today too and he wasn't sure he wanted to see it. At least he wasn't showing just yet...

Lightly, Shizuo kissed the raven. "Are you feeling nervous about the ultrasound? Because it is just to see if the baby is healthy or not."

"I... I know... I can still be nervous..." He was afraid of everything. He was afraid of the baby being deformed or sick, he was afraid of it being dead, he was afraid of it existing and he was terrified he might find he want it.

Again, Shizuo kissed Izaya. "I know. Just, tell me when you're ready to leave."

"I'm ready now... help me with my jacket?" Long sleeves covered his artificial limbs but they were harder for him to get into.

The blond nodded before helping Izaya. Then, he got his own jacket on, as well as his shoes.

Izaya had changed to shoes that didn't need tying up too, slip on shoes... it was just easier.

Shizuo smiled and grabbed a hold of one of Izaya's hands. Even if it was a robot arm, it was still Izaya controlling it. "Let's go."

It was closer to plastic though than wiring. Still he had enough to control his fake arms. They arrived at Shinra's soon enough and when they got there he greeted Celty with a nervous smile.

Shizuo smiled lightly and waved to Celty. "Hey."

[Hey guys... I'm so sorry about this, come on in!] She seemed to apologise for what Shinra had done every time she saw them but Izaya was over it. He knew this wasn't her fault and he had at least decided against abortion.

Shizuo just shook his head. "We keep telling you, it's not your fault." Still, he walked in. Ah... Was their baby growing the way it was supposed to? That's what he wanted to know. Because... Really, he was starting to grow attached to the kid.

[Shinra has everything set up, right this way] She said, leading them to another room. Izaya nodded to Shinra when they saw him and hopped onto the table a bit awkwardly.

Shizuo took a seat next to the raven, and smiled lightly. "So Shinra. You're making sure everything is alright for Izaya and the kid, right?"

"Yes, we need to lift your shirt up... there we go... this gel is going to be a little cold but it's necessary... " He smeared some on and Izaya flinched lightly, "Geez, you keep that in the freezer?" He grumbled.

Shizuo chuckled lightly. "I think it's supposed to be cold. Or something."

Izaya pouted all the same. The metal wand was cold too but the image appeared on the screen all the same. Izaya was almost afraid to look at it but when he did he nearly cried. It had a definite shape to it at this point, arms, legs, a body, a head... the head looked too big really.

"Ah... looks like this baby is right on track, it's looking healthy so far..."

"Ah... you should begin to feel movement soon too, and you're going to start showing, you should consider some maternity wear too for when you get bigger." Shinra said.

"O-okay..." Izaya couldn't stop staring at the image... it was beautiful...

"So... Is that it? That all there is to this?" He wanted to be sure. He and Izaya could also stop and get maternity wear on the way home. Or they could order online.

"Ah... I can try and get the heart beat if you two want me to?" He asked now. Izaya wanted to... he looked at Shizuo though.

The blond nodded. "Yeah... Sure."

Shinra flicked another switch on there and a rushing sound came out of the machine, there was a definite heart rate though and Izaya grinned when he heard that.

"Ah, good strong heart beat... " Shinra grinned.

"I take it that's good." Shizuo had to smile lightly. Izaya was fine and the baby was growing perfectly... It was great.

"It is... " Shinra said, "Ah... slower pulse rate though... that's fine though." Izaya grinned happily.

"Ah, there is one thing... I know this might sound weird but... lots of sex right now is a good thing."

Shizuo blinked and stared at Shinra. "How come?"

"Ah... well for one thing you're nearly into the second trimester and according to my research that means you, Izaya are going to be pretty much insatiable soon... it's also been shown to help reduce the rate of premature labour," Shinra shrugged a shoulder. Izaya was bright red.

And Shizuo's was pink. "I... See. Well... If that's all..." He offered a hand to Izaya. "I guess we'll be going."

"Yes... ah, let me wipe you clean Izaya..." Shinra helped the ravenette get his abdomen all cleaned off so that he could put his shirt back down.

Then, Shizuo and Izaya left. "Do you want to stop at a store for the maternity stuff, or order it online?"

"Order online... everything... I mean... b-baby stuff too..." He had made his choice... he couldn't just give his baby up...

Shizuo smiled lightly before nodding. "Alright. Everything. I guess I'll clear out a room when we get home."

Izaya sighed softly as he stared at his definitely pregnant belly... he got bigger every week it seemed and the weight bothered him... a lot. He had been 130 before his attack, he was 115 after it and before his pregnancy -without the artificial limbs on and now... he was at 135. That meant he had gained twenty pounds already and damn, this better be a big baby...

Shizuo kissed Izaya, happy. "Hey. You know we gotta get to Shinra's for another ultrasound, right?" Ah. Izaya was always distracted by his weight. But he shouldn't be.

"Huh? Yeah, I guess..." He smiled. He hated feeling huge though... at first it hadn't been so bad, he wasn't showing or barely was... but as the weeks passed he just got bigger and bigger... Shinra had been right though about the sex... Izaya craved it badly.

And Shizuo had been giving it to him. Still, it never seemed to be enough for the raven. "Alright. Let's get our shoes on and head over. We can figure out if it's a boy or girl. Then we can pick out names."

"Yeah~" Izaya was excited to learn the gender of his baby. He walked with Shizuo though at this point to be out in public he needed to dress like a woman. He didn't mind it so much aside from the fake breasts.

Shizuo hoped that, to others, he looked like he was helping a friend. Still, soon enough, they got to Shinra's place. He knocked on the door then. "Oi. Shinra. We're here!"

"Shinra let them in with a big smile and got them into the room they needed where Izaya was happy to get out of the damn women's shoes he had to wear.

The blond took a seat next to Izaya, like last time. "Hurry up. We both wanna know if this kid is gonna be a boy or girl."

"Patience Shizuo-san..." Shinra scolded as Izaya got up onto the table and lay down. Same deal as before... cold gel, cold metal wand... and there was the image. Much larger now too, and more developed... and the kicks the baby gave were something Izaya could feel now so it was weird to see them on the screen too.

Shizuo smiled when he saw the baby on the screen. He or she was adorable... He also stayed silent, waiting for Shinra to tell them if this was a boy or a girl.

"Looks like... it's a boy~" Shinra announced and Izaya grinned widely A boy... their little boy...

smiled more. "That's great. Izaya and I will know how to take care of a boy." More so than with a girl.

"Yeah, this is probably good~" Shinra agreed and Izaya nodded still smiling. He felt happy now... he had a boy and even though he was huge his little baby was healthy... and he couldn't ask for more.

"Well. I guess that's it for this visit. Let's wipe this gel off so me and Izaya can go home."

Off the gel came and home it was, Izaya grinning the whole way. When they were in the door the first thing he asked was, "What should we name him~?"

"I have no idea." Shizuo shook his head, smiling lightly. "But do you have any names picked out?"

"Not yet..." He smiled though as he sat, watching his belly.

"Well then... This is the perfect time to think of some. Some nice boy names..." Shizuo took a seat next to the raven, smiling lightly.

"Yeah~" Izaya chuckled, leaning into his lover.

"Hm... I'm bad with thinking up names."

Izaya laughed, "We don't need to pick them right now you know~, how about we think on them for a while and in a month we can trade name lists... if we have any in common that can be our name~"

Shizuo nodded. "Yah. Alright. That sounds good. But I might only have one or two names on that list."

"That's fine~, I'll probably have a hundred so we balance each other out a bit ne~?"

The blond laughed then, shaking his head. "Probably!"