

Fireheart nosed his way into Bluestar's den, meowing around the leaf bundle in his jaws. "Are you awake? I've brought some poppy seeds."

Bluestar was curled up in her nest as usual, her tail resting gently on her nose. Her fur was a dirty, matted mess and her blue eyes were dull. Fireheart almost felt sorry for her. Almost.

As he came in Bluestar lifted her head. Her eyes cleared a bit and she seemed to perk up.

"Fireheart?" She glanced briefly at the leaf wrap, then back at his face. "How are things? How's the Clan?"

"Fine," Fireheart answered automatically. Should I tell her about the… attack? No, that might spur her to action… "Everything's fine."

"Oh. Good." Bluestar blinked and stretched her mouth in a wide yawn. "I'm so tired, Fireheart…"

"Here. Have some poppy seeds." Fireheart dropped the package onto the ground. "I need to go."

"Alright." Bluestar lapped up the tiny seeds and settled back into her nest. Her eyes started to glaze over again. "I'll be here…"

Fireheart slipped out of the den again, almost laughing to himself. This is too easy. Standing on the highledge, he glanced around the camp and took silent stock of how things were lining up.

Longtail, Willowpelt, and Mousefur were out on patrol. Cinderpelt was sitting outside the medicine den, staring forlornly at the ground. Bluestar was in the leader's den, as usual, and Sandstorm—Foxdung. Sandstorm was headed right for him. The look on her face was, frankly, a little frightening.

"Hi, Fireheart!" She sat down next to him, lashing her tail excitedly. "How are you?"

"Fine," Fireheart mumbled, hoping she'd pick up on his hint and leave him alone. No such luck.

"Do you want to go hunting?" she mewed, leaning toward him. Fireheart looked around wildly for some sort of excuse. Oh gee, I'd love to Sandstorm, but I need to go pointlessly challenge ShadowClan—commune with StarClan—count the number of squirrels in the forest—Drown myself in the lake-

He was almost relieved when he saw Darkstripe gesturing to him with his tail.

"Gee, Sandstorm," he said, slowly edging away from her. "I'd—love to go hunting, but um—it looks like Darkstripe needs me. See you around!" Unable to contain himself any longer he dashed away toward the warriors' den.

Darkstripe had a solemn, troubled expression on his face when Fireheart reached him

"Cinderpelt told me about what happened at the Twoleg nest," Darkstripe said before Fireheart had a chance to sit down. "It's such a shame, what happened to Yellowfang."

He sounded like he meant it. He also sounded like he might be blaming Fireheart for it. The intimidating way he was leaning forward wasn't helping.

"It is," Fireheart said, letting himself droop a bit with grief. "But she trained Cinderpelt well. The Clan will survive."


Darkstripe sat silently for another few minutes, staring at Fireheart with a quiet intensity.

Darkstripe's on to me, Fireheart thought. I need to find a way to get rid of him.

"What do you think it was?" Darkstripe asked. Fireheart blinked.


"This… thing," Darkstripe said, never once breaking eye contact with Fireheart. "The thing that killed Yellowfang."

Fireheart shrugged. "A badger, maybe." Yellowfang said she smelled dog… but no stupid Twoleg animal would do that. Yellowfang could've fought it off. "Maybe a fox."

"Hm." Darkstripe finally looked away from Fireheart. Fireheart took the opportunity to casually walk away.

I need to get rid of him, he thought as he walked away. He's starting to suspect, and we can't have that. Fireheart thought of Yellowfang's mutilated corpse again and felt a whisper of an idea in the back of his mind. Maybe Darkstripe should have his own look at the Thing… up close and personal.