" Well, well, well, Everyone in Storybrooke banding together to defeat the powerful villain. It's rather touching, really. Too bad none of you have a chance." Peter Pan announced. He was probably right, but there was no way I'm gonna stand back and watch him destroy everyone's lives. He really has to ruin everything doesn't he? Kidnapping my son, switching body's with my son, and now casting the very curse I broke so long ago- this boy must really have a death wish.

" Why are you doing this? What do you have to gain, except for amusement?" Snow questioned. It pained me to see the fear in her eyes. Just when I think i can relax with my family, I have to fight another war.

" Does it really matter? I mean your all going to suffer anyway, right princess? I guess it's just another one of my games. And a fun one at that." Pan grinned. Every time he grins I want to punch him in the face. Especially the one he flashed while calling my mom 'princess'. Ugh.

"Oh shut up pan." I spat.

" Awe, Swan still didn't get her happy ending. That family she has wanted her whole life, is gonna forget all about her. Again."

" Leave her alone! She doesn't deserve this! Haven't you made her life a bloody hell already?" Hook said, tightening his grip on his sword. Why is it that every time he talks my heart skips a beat? I dare not look back- my cheeks are burning.

" It's alright pirate, let it out. But really, this little crush you have for Emma is not gonna work out, just admit it. How is she gonna love a worthless pirate? It pains me to say it, but it is true." Hook quickly looked down.

That was enough.

"Aaahhh!" I charged for Pan, sword in the air. All of the emotion I held in through all of this came pouring out. Anger, pain, sorrow, confusion, love. I was focused on killing the one boy who hurt everyone i loved. As the tears ran down my cheeks, I realized i made a horrible mistake. I was barley halfway to Pan, and he was almost done reciting the curse.

So this is it. I am really not gonna get my happy ending. There is no point in being strong now. As the tears are flowing down my face, I think of everyone i'm gonna forget. My parents, Henry, Neil, Regina...

Hook. I never realized how much I cared about him until now. He was half the reason I charged at Pan. I never got the chance to tell him how I really feel. How much i want him. How much i need him. God, I think i'm going crazy. Who would have thought I would fall for a pirate?


Where was he? He was supposed to stay at my house tonight. I guess I can't really judge him for not coming- I did miss the most important ten years of his life. No. I can't keep thinking about that, I can't change it. I had to give him his best chance.

There he is. What took him so long? I guess he was only three minutes late.. but three minutes waiting for him is like three hours- after what we have been through. His straight dark brown hair bobbing in the air as he walks makes me want to run my fingers through it; just to make sure he is really here with me. That familiar striped scarf wrapped around his neck makes me want to wrap it around him a million times; just to make sure he is warm enough in this cool weather.

He is only a few feet away. Seems strange because a few days ago i would have never thought he would be close enough to touch.

"Henry, I thought you had changed your mind about our plans today. I'm glad you came kid." I wrapped my arm around him protectively. Could he really be here with me?

Something wasn't right. Henry was suddenly growing a few inches in height. His dark hair turned lighter, and wavy. His faced morphed into a mischievous boy, a few years older than him. The grin that the boy wore on his face made me very uneasy. I backed away from him swiftly. He still looked amused.

"What's wrong Emma? Oh, I see; you were expecting Henry. Speaking of him; where is he?" The boy sarcastically spoke.



"Henry!" I yelled gasping as i awoke from my nightmare. Who is Henry? Oh ya, Regina's kid. Why in the hell am i dreaming about her son? And why am i sweating so much? Well, my dreams never did make sense. I am surprised there wasn't a talking panda in it as well...


I am gonna be late for work. The sheriff can't just sleep in. Besides, I am supposed to go up to the docks today- apparently some fish have been stollen. Who was I supposed to meet up with again? Oh ya, that guy who is probably the most sarcastic man on earth. The one with the deep blue eyes, and endearing grin. Why am I smiling so much now? Snap out of it Emma- its just business. What was his name again? Oh yeah;

Killian Jones.