
Dean and Emma spent a few weeks' time together – they were happy and planning on leaving Washington. But their bliss and their plans ended when John showed up to see what was stealing his son's attention away. With harsh words and a slap of reality, John convinced Dean that his responsibilities were elsewhere and that he had to leave Emma for her own safety.

A month later, alone in Portland, Emma takes a certain test that reveals she may have taken a little more of Dean with her than she'd meant. Alone, and convicted of long list of petty car thefts and misdemeanors that were mysteriously revealed to the local police – she decided to give the baby up for adoption.

Ten years later, a familiar little boy by the name of Henry shows up at her door in Boston. He tells her that he's her son, and she needs to return with him to his home to stop some fairy tale curse. Emma has put what happened with Dean behind her, shoving the thought of magic behind her as childish.

Dean and Sam overhear talk of a cursed town, finding an old article about a boy who lost his father in a town that disappeared filled with magic and a curse.

A yellow bug and a black Impala drive into the same town…