Before we start I have one thing to say I TRIED MY BEST WITH ZERO'S HAIKU TYPE OF SPEAKING BUT IT'S SO HARD :'( so gimme a break or I WILL BURN ALL OF YOUR BABIES

Marik's Character Design

Outfit: black jeans, a red sleeveless shirt, black jacket with a hood and has a red skull with a black hood that has a red outline so you can see it better that hides the holes the eyes would be in and the mouth is open and his right sleeve is shorter revealing his mark

Action Skill: 'black hole' he opens a vortex that has a duration of 20 seconds before closing and sucks his enemies in. (I'll level him up as the story continues so don't be surprised when you see him doing crazy stuff with his powers)

Appearance: pale skin, black markings that are on the right side of his body, has #048 on the palm of his left hand, and he has black short hair

Chapter 1

Marik's POV

"Escape is impossible Marik there is no logical reason to continue" I formed an orb in my hand and threw it to the wall and the vortex opened and I ran for the exit, "Marik stop at once" I slammed the door and began running to the ship before hopping him. "Alright let's find Pandora" I took off and began flying before looking back at the Facility for a moment before leaving the planet.

Time Lapse: 9 hours

I landed and climbed out before stretching and grabbed my weapons before I began walking, I established a connection with some Vault Hunters and found a Catch-a-Ride station and took off to Sanctuary. I drove down a hill before turning the corner and saw Sanctuary and drove up before getting out, I pushed the button and a man appeared "oh you're the new Vault Hunter come on in" "thanks" I walked in and smiled upon seeing the city.

The gate was let down and I walked in "you're the new Vault Hunter" I turned to see a Siren standing in front of me "yes I'm Marik" she looked at my arm and her eyes widened "are you a" "Siren yes but I gave myself the title Reaper" "interesting oh I never told you my name I'm Maya" I smiled "it's nice to meet you" "come on the others will be glad to meet their new teammate" "others" "yeah there are six of us seven now including you".

She opened the door and we walked upstairs and into the room "everyone this is Marik" "nice to meet you Marik the name's Axton" we shook hands "that's Gaige, Salvador Krieg, and Zero" "nice to meet all of you so what're we doing" "hunting the Firehawk" "the mass-murdering bandit killer… alright seems reasonable".

"Get whatever supplies you need and meet up at the gates" Axton said and we headed out, I walked downstairs before being pulled aside by a woman. "I could not help but overhear that you're a male Siren" "yeah" "this is perfect now then I need some of your hair" I backed away as she pulled out scissors "no" she walked towards me and I ran out, "I JUST NEED SOME OF YOUR HAIR" "NO" I looked back and she was literally right behind me. "OH MY GOD LEAVE ME ALONE" I ran into a bar before hiding under a table and she ran by me, I sighed before climbing out "I see you met Tannis" I turned to look at the bar owner.

"I'm Mad Moxxi by the way" "my name is Marik" "nice to meet ya sugar so what brings you to Pandora" "my Father used me as a test subject and after awhile I managed to escape" I showed her the number on my hand "shame what Parent's do but at least you're here now so when you come back from your mission I'll have something special for you" (A/N: don't get any ideas people it's a 'clean' special) I smiled before feeling someone grab some of my hair "there we are" I turned and looked at Tannis "seriously" she walked off and I sighed "well it was nice meeting you Ms. Moxxi" I left and stopped by the gun store, I looked through the selection he had before buying a Vladof corrosive assault rifle and a Maliwan shock sniper rifle since I already had a Jakobs pistol and a Bandit slag submachine gun. I bought ammo along with a grenade mod; "come back anytime but no refunds got it" "ok Marcus". I stopped by Zeds and bought a corrosive nova shield and sold my old one.

I walked to the exit and Zer0 and Gaige were standing there "hey guys" "hello" "greetings" "so what should we do while we wait" "we play the waiting game/ everyone participates/ everyone loses", "why do you speak in haiku" "don't go there" I looked over to Gaige "why" "his answer will only confuse you even more" "oh ok".

End Chapter