Title: How Does One...?
Rating: Rating M for future chapters. For this chapter— Rated T
Pairings: Laxus x Lucy
Summary: Fairy Tail did not see it coming. Not even Mirajane. But in all honesty, they were all to blame. If only they paid attention to Lucy and her obvious crush—Laxus be damned, had taken advantage of. For this chapter—
How Does One Seduce a Laxus? Part 1
A/N: How I see Laxus x Lucy. BETA Reader did not review this. All faults are on me.
Decided to update another day.
"He is not a man! He is a piece of ice." — Cana Alberona
This was her first time. It never seemed so hard to do. Cana and Mirajane made it look easy, but they wouldn't understand. The man was completely void and almost lost of all possible emotions in his large body. Another negative was that she barely talked to him! The stoic reflective eyes were menacing, eating away at her very soul in just one glimpse. One stare or blink. Just one! It only took one look for her to automatically become undone. And right now, she was a tangle dying to be unknotted. Stupid men and stupid emotions! If only she could blurt this out easily to the girls... Yet, Laxus was a risky topic, but also the talk of now.
"Jeez," Cana scoffed, taking in another bottle of sake in one audible gulp. The brunette's eyes never left the victim of her choice today. Yesterday was Natsu and the day before that, Freed. But today, had to be him. "That man, is impossible."
Carefully, Lucy flickered her gaze to the elder blonde who was a few tables away. He sat slumped, head resting in his palm as he stared bored at the talking Freed. Even when he didn't seem to care he was illegally gorgeous. Men.
"He's like an ice cube! The impeccable man feels nothing at all. He doesn't even stare at me. Just rolls his eyes like he is so much better than I am."
"Laxus?" Mirajane asked.
The brunette nodded, waving lazily to him with a tipsy smile. Lucy watched their little exchange. Thankfully, he rolled his eyes, but unfortunately, his eyes had swirled to her.
Without thinking, she quickly turned her head, making it all the obvious that she was ogling the man. Staring, not ogling. Only if staring came with the side effects of your heart leaping to your throat and your cheeks burning a light red. Oh Mavis, she was just going to make a fool out of herself. But it couldn't be helped, he was so gorgeous, doing absolutely nothing to ever catch her attention. Maybe that was the reason why she was so fond of him... Men who didn't need to try. For Pete's sake he was just sitting there!
How long had this been going on? Five months. And you know it's more than a crush after the third month. She was in deep doo-doo.
Groaning out loud accidently, Lucy covered it up by chugging down the sake Cana had handed her, but she lightly refused. The liquid was bitter and it burned her throat, but the delightful warmth was almost satisfying in her time of need. Could he just talk to her already? It was unladylike for her to make the first move. Old-school loving would consist of him sauntering his ass up to her and saying she looked pretty! Then maybe he could take her to dinner.
"Whoa, what happened to 'I don't drink at this time of day'," the brunette snorted, eyeing her warily as she placed the half-empty bottle down. Reason being she was an absurd light-weight when it came to alcohol. And it was after eight! Who drinks responsibly after eight?!
"Just give it a few more bottles and you'll see..." the blonde groaned again, bringing the bottle up to her lips once more.
"Watch yourself, girlie. You don't want any body taking advantage of you," Cana said with a wink then a small hiss before swallowing down the left over contents. But she quickly slammed the bottle against the table, eyes wide and confused. "Wait, you aren't trying to get laid, are you?"
Honestly, she wouldn't mind Laxus taking advantage of her at the moment. It wasn't a greedy or whorey kind of idea, but something that at least would kick start things between them. If there really was anything to began with... Snorting out loud to the silly predicament, Lucy asked for another round from a surprised barmaid. Still not answering the question.
"And then I said, I like my meat huge!" Cana yelled.
Lucy and the two started laughing. Even though the joke wasn't really funny, her slurred mind obligated her to laugh. Especially since the two found it comical. The girls were practically smashed as to she was only on her third bottle, feeling head hurt already. Plus the obnoxious ruckus from the guild made it all the worse. Not to mention that they were all talking about them.
"Oh shhh-" the blonde murmured, tongue hard as she fumbled to finish the sake. She was seeing two as her fingers grasped only one. "-ssshit."
"Slow down," the brunette said perfectly with the absence of broken speech. It was only a miracle to how she wasn't poisoned already with the amount of alcohol in her system. "There is plenty of sake to go around!"
"Whatever," Lucy mumbled, taking a tiny sip this time and finally grabbing the glass of water Mira had placed an hour ago. Unlike the heated liquid that made her throat raspy, the icy water was soothing and a lot of what she was looking for.
"So, Lucy," Mirajane started, giving a look that everyone was too knowing of. And sadly tried to avoid, except that Lucy wasn't really aware of it at the moment, only how Bickslow was staring at her weirdly. She raised an eyebrow and placed a small smirk on. The pink tinged cheeks evidently concluded her drunken state. But it did adore her sparkling eyes. "When are you going to so~ar?"
"So-Soar?" she asked, taking another drink of water that wasn't quite working.
"YOU KNOW," the white-haired female retorted.
"Yea, Lucy," Cana grumbled, finishing yet another sake bottle from Mirajane's tray. "When are you gonna be the bird you say you are and—"
"—and so~ar! Oh Mavis—" Mirajane dropped a bottle. "—gahh—but—oh man this was a new dress!" The female fussed a couple of incoherent words while clumsily trailing behind the bar counter. Lucy chuckled as she watched her grab anything for purchase. She stumbled a couple of times but finally reached the sink and towels.
"What we're trying to say is. When are you going to get a boyfriend?"
"Oh, right," Lucy furrowed her eyebrows and then started staring hard at the cup in her hands. Who did she like again? Wait, didn't being a "soaring bird" mean being single? Whatever. They were 10 times as drunk as she was.
Looking at the glass cup, there was a hint of blonde. It wasn't her own hair as she brought her face closer to it, but instead a small speck of the color on the right side. She grimaced confused, the reflection not of herself, and turned around.
With hazy vision at first and after a couple of blinks and squinting, she finally saw the large man. He was talking, bored, looking down at his hand, and occasionally looking up. That's right, she liked Laxus.
"Mister Dreyar," she said under her breathe. Her sober part was glad he didn't hear her but her tipsy one? Not so much...
"What was that?" Cana asked.
Shrugging her shoulders and taking the bottle from Cana's hands, she swallowed a good amount. Surprisingly, without any control of her legs, she sprung to her feet. "I said, Mister Dreyar."
She said it louder, but he did not seem to heed.
Urgency, the need for him to hear out right now was needed. Was he ignoring her? Cursing incoherently, she fumbled with her feet, conflicting on whether or not if she should sit back down. But her confused nerves had already brought her to the table in front of his, tripping once or twice with a bottle in hand.
"Oi, Lucy—"
The blonde brought a hand up—the one holding the bottle—and smashed the glass against the nearest table. Like she hoped, the chattering died down and there was nothing but silent whispers of her name in question. She scowled at the sudden silence, but the whirling head of hers didn't exactly comprehend the certain feelings she wanted. The Celestial Spirt Mage was looking for confidence, reassurance, something, anything positive!
"Well, shit," Lucy cursed, tumbling to stand on a chair and almost falling to place herself on the wooden table. Unfortunately, she landed on all fours, needing the help of a couple guild members to raise her to her toes once more.
Expectedly, she had the eyes of her victim on her.
Almost feeling drained from her self-esteem and energy, she quickly slurred out his name: "Laxus!"
"Lucy, what are you doing?" Cana asked, trying to pry her off the table.
"No—Stop—I need to do this. If—If I don't, I will never be able to," she coughed, retreating her arm from the brunette. Once regaining her posture, she once again tilted forward. "Never when i'm sober!—BUT—LAXUS DREYAR!"
The elder man cocked a blonde eyebrow at her, eyes still stoic as he rested on his palm now.
"Fuck—You irritate me with that!—With—That stupid unreadable eyes thingy," she almost fell off the table. "But no! I'll be able to tell what you feel one day. By just looking at you, no matter how much your eyes don't move."
He was still quiet though, staring at her without any motive at all. The nerve of this man!
"Lucy, you're embarrassing yourself!" Cana whispered, looking uneasy as the guild members stared awestruck. Thank Mavis, Natsu and the others went on a flier. It'd save her more of the trouble.
"No—Just—LAXUS DREYAR!" She yelled. The man now standing straight, attention seeming fully caught.
He gave a solemn response, finally, "Lucy."
"I like you Laxus Dreyar!" She said confidently and enough for Makarov to hear in his office. "And I! Lucy Heartfilia!—I have decided that you are the one for me!"
The guild stilled for a whole minute.
Cana whispered again, "Oh shit..."
And then, hidden, but there, ghostly, but there, faintly, but there, the elder blonde smiled. Was that for her? And headed for the doors.
"Mirajane..." Lucy blinked, once, twice, then hiccuped. What just happened?
The barmaid chirped, surprised.
"Take me home."
A/N: Part 1 of— How Does One Seduce? Finished.