Sorry for not updating! I just needed some time for fresh motivation, and doing this rather then cleaning my room finally provided it! :)

I hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to review so I know I'm doing okay, and if you have any questions or suggestions just review or PM me. :) Thank you!

I feel I should reiterate that I do not own Once Upon a Time, I do, however, own Ellie and Charlie.

Also, I received a question as to why Ellie can leave the island now if she chooses when Peter said she couldn't before. When Peter initially said she couldn't leave, it was because he was angry at her. But he then realized that he doesn't want to hold Ellie there against her will, he wants her to be happy (becoming less of a jerk, hey? :P) so that's why he gave her permission to leave, so she can be happy. Also, you may find something that relates in a couple chapters time. :)

Ellie's POV

A thud echoes through the clearing as Felix's sword whips off to the side and lands in a tree. My face splits into a wide grin as I laugh freely and watch his slightly shocked expression as he lowers his sword arm. Watching me carefully as I drop my own sword down to my side.

Charlie, Felix, Henry and I are up in the clearing again, sword fighting and with Charlie steadily teaching me archery. It's been a few hours since I last saw Peter, but I'm still furious and confused, which has therefore lead to the current situation. Charlie and Henry gaping at me open mouthed while Felix straightens and grins back at me.

"Well, it seems we underestimated you, Ellie." Felix says.

"Damn straight you did, did you not see me in the clearing the other day?"

Felix simply grins and goes to retrieve his sword from the bark. Surprisingly, Peter hasn't given any instructions, other then ensure that Henry doesn't leave the area. Apparently this clearing is safe, so he came up with us, looking relieved to get his mind off of his future task.

Sacrifice... a voice whispers in my head, Henry is a sacrifice. I cringe and turn my attention to the two boys sitting on the rock, looking so similar, now I have a small understanding of the situation, if we're related. I open my mouth to ask Henry how David is related to him, but force myself to stop, closing my mouth again.

Felix gives me a sharp look, warning me to be careful with what I say, which I ignore, and turn back to Henry.

"Are you ready for tonight?" I ask him, and Henry swallows, looking nervous, he looks up at the sky and I follow, its around midday, which means we have several more hours before something happens.

"Yeah, I just hope I can save her in time."

"Her?" I ask, confused, and am immediately met by a warning glare by Felix, once again I ignore him as Henry answers.

"Wendy, you know, how she's dying? Because of the magic?" Henry sounds uncertain now, and I realize that if Peter finds out he won't just be furious at me, but at Charlie and Felix too. Crap.

"Ohh, Wendy, I haven't seen her since she got sick." I tell Henry with a downcast expression, only a small lie, barely a lie at all. Then I realize that Henry was here before me, and my mouth is running, spewing out not so small lies before I know it. "When I first came here, Peter thought I might like a female friend, but she got ill very quickly, and I haven't seen her since." I say, and try to hide the fact I'm lying by walking over to Charlie and grabbing the bow and quiver.

I give Felix a pleading glance as I pick up the instruments and he obviously understands, also looking slightly relieved as he turns to Henry. "Henry, we should leave, you have to prepare, Ellie's learnt all I can teach her." He says, and I laugh again.

"Sure, Felix, I thank you for showing me how to loose my weapon." I say with a smirk and Felix ignores me. I notice his blank face and realize he's gone into Lost Boy mode. Sighing I turn to Charlie, "you're staying here, and teaching me to shoot." Charlie merely smirks as Felix and Henry leave the clearing.

I sigh, it's been an hour and all I've managed to do is hit the edge of the tree before the arrow goes spinning off into the forest behind. Growling in frustration I turn to Charlie, who's standing beside me trying to hide his smile.

"It's useless, I can't shoot! I don't know why, I can do almost anything else! I just... can't shoot!" I exclaim in frustration before yanking the knife out of my belt and throwing it at the tree I was aiming for. It hits almost dead cent re and Charlie, who was trying to hide his smile begins to laugh.

I shoot him a glare before turning to the tree to retrieve my knife, I'm about to walk into the forest to search for my arrow when I hear a voice behind me.

"Looking for this?"

I turn and see Peter watching me smugly, twiddling the arrow between his fingers as he leans on the rock next to Charlie, a perfect picture of ease. I watch him carefully and notice that he's still cold, distant Peter, causing me to sigh as I walk towards them.

"Thanks." I all but grown at him as I go to snatch my arrow back, however, Peter disappears and I hear him pop up behind me.

"I've got to say, El, I thought you'd be improving, but, alas, still can't hit a tree." He smirks down at me and I glare at him, ready to respond. However, before I can he turns his attention behind me to Charlie. "Charlie, what say you I give your sister some much needed lessons. I need someone to go hunting for tonight's celebration."

Charlie smiles and nods, before leaving the clearing. I turn back to Peter and notice he's studying me, cold smirk still on his face as he stares me down.

"Well?" I finally sigh, "you going to teach me to shoot or not?"

Peter frowns mockingly, before quirking an eyebrow. "Well, well, someones got you in a right temper it seems." He smirks and I almost shiver.

"I wonder what caused it," I mutter, as I walk towards where I was shooting from. "Not an imp in green attire for sure." When I turn to meet Peters eyes he's frowning at me, and I realize he heard me. Curse him and his super hearing. His frown disperses into an amused look wit a quirked eyebrow as he strolls towards me.

"Well go on," he says, gesturing for me to raise my bow. I slowly bring it higher, nock the arrow and get into the stance. Before I can do anymore I hear him chuckle and tsking me. I turn to him and raise my own eyebrow at him as his eyes run up and down my body, and I turn around to avoid him seeing my face flush.

"Problem?" I ask snarkily, refusing to look at him.

"Well, for starters, your stance is off." he says, and I feel him move forward so he's just behind me, and I can feel his breath on the top of my head. I stiffen as my butterflies storm my stomach and I try to ignore the overwhelming desire to just turn and kiss him. But I doubt he wants that, or cares.

Peter places a hand on my hip and shifts my left leg forwards slightly, putting me on less of an angle. He trails his hand up my side and I shiver involuntarily as he does so, before gently gripping my right elbow and pulling it closer to my body. He's only touching me by the elbow and hip, but I can feel the warmth of his chest just inches away from my back and his cool breath on the side of my face as he whispers in my ear. "There you go, now aim, and shoot."

I take a deep breath, shaking off the goosebumps he's given me and watch the target. I release the arrow and it strikes the tree. I can't help the grin that forms on my face as I look at it. It didn't hit the center, quite far off, but its by far the best I've done. Peter chuckles behind me and I hear the scrape of an arrow being removed from the quiver that was on the ground next to us.

"Well I'll say it's about time you got somewhere." He says to me. He hands the arrow to me and I turn to look at him. Our eyes make contact and I notice that his guard has fallen, he's watching me, amused, with a slight smile. But then it disappears again so I turn to face the tree. "Now, lets see if we can fix it a bit more."

I nock the arrow and aim at the target, awaiting further instructions. Peter grabs my wrist which holds the bow and adjusts it infinitesimally. I feel him brush my hair aside, which I managed to tie into a pony tail, and he slowly turns my head a bit to give me a better view.

"There, try that." He says and I sigh, breathing in before aiming, and shooting. The arrow hits the center of the tree and I laugh, relieved. I feel Peter smirk behind me as he removes his hands and drops them to his side. "Much better," he says cockily.

Without meaning to, I lean back slightly, forgetting his proximately and I find myself molded against his frame. I freeze, realizing that Peter has stiffened behind me after a quick intake of breath, but I don't move, scared of what he's going to do.

I hear Peter groan, half frustrated, half pleading, before he grips my hips and turns me to face him. He pulls me up so my feet have left the ground, before wrapping his arms around my waist and crashing his lips on mine. I feel his tongue move across my bottom lip, and unable to resist, I part my lips, feeling his cool breath and wrap my legs around his waist.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer and Peter groans as he tries to deepen the kiss further. His hand slides up into my hair, pulling at the roots and I shift on his hips, tightening my legs around him which causes him to walk forwards until I feel my back pressed up against a tree, thankfully not the one we just shot at.

Losing myself in the smell and taste of Peter, it takes quite a while before I realize what I'm doing. My eyes snap open and I do the first thing that comes to mind in order to get him away from me. I lean back, breaking contact with him and punch him in the face.

Peter yells out in pain, holding his nose and dropping me to the ground, I lean against the tree, panting, trying to get my breathe back from the rush of emotions inside me and meet Peters glare with one of my own.

"Now what was that for?" He growls, but doesn't advance as he drops his hand from his face, I notice it's already healed, bloody bastard.

"You know full well why!" I shout, but given my weak state it comes out more like an angry gasp. He quirks his eyebrow in amusement at me.

"Oh come on El, what's wrong with a little fun?"

"Is everything a game to you?" I cry out in frustration and Peter meets my glare with an amused expression.

"Well, that's kind of what I do." He says evenly and I push myself off the tree, too angry to care about the consequences of these actions as I march towards him and attempt to punch him again. He grabs my fist before it makes contact and backs me back towards the tree, not touching me, but his face just inches from mine.

"Oh, I wouldn't do that love," he says darkly. "You should know full well that I don't like being disobeyed."

"My feelings are not a game Peter!" I spit out as I try to wrestle from his grip, but he's moved both hands to either wrist, pinning me to the tree.

Peter watches me, looking confused, "what do you mean?"

"You play with my feelings! Non stop! You lock me up, then save me, you say you care, then act like an outright jerk! I've had enough hardships in my life without you!"

Peter watches me, expressionless, before he sighs in frustration and moves his hands up to rest on my shoulders, the pressure decreasing slightly so he's just holding me, rather then forcing me against a tree.

"I do care about you, Ellie, how many times do I have to say that?" He says, quietly, he almost seems worried.

"If you actually cared about me you wouldn't be like this! And you wouldn't be planning to hurt Henry!"

Peters expression goes from moody grey to charcoal black in less then a second. Crap, I think, now I've really pissed him off.

"Ellie, be quiet, and don't you dare say anything like that again!" He hisses and I try to control not flinching away.

"Why? Going to lock me up again!" I can feel the tears coming as I glare at him, realizing that I can't stand the idea of not seeing him. I've only known him a week or so and he's had this much of an effect on me, stupid bloody emotions. "I can't do this Peter." I say as I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, I notice Peters expression beginning to change, panic and worry setting in.


"No, I won't watch you hurt Henry. It's time to pick Peter, because if you go ahead with this I won't be there afterwards." I tell him, Felix and Charlie flash into my mind as I say that, I haven't even told Felix about the elixar to cure him, too scared of his reaction. But I think he may actually chose to come home with David and the group. I'm so caught up in my thoughts I almost miss the flash of pain across Peters face.

"Ellie-" He begins again, but suddenly his face pales and he stiffens. He releases his grip on me and steps back, staring around the clearing.

My anger fades as I notice that Peters expression as changed completely, for the first time ever, he looks scared, as his eyes dart around, then he glances at me.

"Peter," I begin, watching him worriedly as I take a step towards him. "Whats wrong?"

"No!" He says in outrage, but I can see the fear on his face as he addresses the sky around us. "I told you! Everything will go ahead! It's not necessary!"

Peters eyes flicker to me again and I feel something behind me, I turn and notice a dark shape looming over me. I stumble back as I recognize the shadow. Peter's Shadow.

"We had a deal!" He shouts in anger, and I realize he's having a silent communication with the Shadow, his face pales further at the next words of the Shadow.

I turn back to Peter and see him staring at me. "No-!" he begins, before something pushes him back and he slams against a tree. I scream and go to run towards him, but before I can take a step I feel the Shadow glide closer to me and I freeze.

The Shadow grips my arm before rising into the sky, allowing me to hear his last words to a panic stricken Peter.

You've lost your last chance, Peter Pan. Go through with the plan like we discussed, or the girl wont live to see another sunrise.

The words echo in my head as something seeps through me and I pass out, oblivious to the world.

Charlie's POV

Walking through the woods, I spread out my hearing in search of animals. It's been a while since I went hunting, and I can't help but smile at the peace of it. Years ago, when I went hunting it was a form of release from my frustration, time to think and reminisce on when life was better, when I had Ellie.

This is still good, it gives me time to think, to realize how good I've got it now. My face splits into a grin as I continue walking silently through the undergrowth, I have my sister back, I have a family. But I didn't come to the forest to enjoy that, technically I came because Peter wanted me to, but no. I need time to think about Henry.

I can't help but feel that the plan is wrong, and ever since I found out that it was my own family that we had taken, I couldn't help but consider my options. Family is important to me, I will always appreciate it, and never take it for granted. And that includes hurting it, Peter told me of the connection between David, my new brother, and Henry. I have a great-nephew, I think with a chuckle, but then a noise distracts me and I duck behind a fern.

The noise is footfalls through the jungle, instantly into hunter mode I wait silently, drawing my bow back as I listen. There's more then one, hopefully a family of them. But before I can move they all take off into the forest away from me and I sigh in frustration, before realizing the noise is quiet footsteps behind me, almost too quiet for me to distinguish, and human.

Jumping up from my hiding spot I turn and release the arrow. I yank the bow sideways upon realizing who the person is and curse aloud, I nearly killed the savior. Emma freezes in horror upon noticing the arrow that missed her face by inches and is now implanted in a tree beside her, and I hear a shriek behind her. Prince Charming, David, I should say, and Snow White are watching Emma in relief.

"God dammit! I almost killed you!" I exclaim, walking past them to yank the arrow out and put it in my quiver.

"Yeah, I noticed." Emma says, and I almost smile at her face and exasperated voice, but then I feel a knife press against my throat from behind.

"Not quite that easy to kill her, lost boy." I hear a feminine voice say and I raise my eyebrows at the situation, looking at David and Snow. I notice the recognition on their faces before David speaks.

"Tink, let him go." David says, and the knife leaves my neck. I shrug my shoulders, taking on an indifferent air in hopes to hide my nerves as I regard my brother.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Hunting," I answer, "and you scared off my game." I say with a fake pout. Snow smiles and I turn to take in the group surrounding me. The Charmings, Hook, Tink, Regina, Neal and Rumpelstiltskin. My eyes narrow at the last one as I regard him. And he almost rolls his eyes.

"Give it a rest, dearie."

"You tried to kill my sister when I just got her back, I don't have to give up anything."

"Yes, and I also saved her life when she gave it up for you. But these favors don't seem to count, do they?"

Before anyone can react I whip an arrow out again and have my bow pointed at Rumpelstiltskin's face as rage pulses through me. The lost boys have learned not to talk about that night, save Felix and Peter. Most of the boys consider me to be third in charge, even due to my age, but being Felix's brother and having gained Peter's favor tends to do well.

I glare up at the Dark One, tempted to let my arrow fly as the memories try to resurface. I haven't had a nightmare since Ellie came back, but that doesn't mean I won't. Everyone around us exclaims in surprise, but Rumpelstiltskin merely smirks.

"Don't talk about that night." I hiss.

"Well I'm merely stating the facts, that is what happened is it not?"

"Charlie, put the bow down," Snow interrupts gently, but I ignore her.

"Yes it is what happened." I answer through gritted teeth and my hands shake as I continue. "But it shouldn't have been, it should have been me."

"Dearie, you seem to not understand that I wouldn't have saved your life-"

"I don't care, it still should have been me. It was always her sacrificing herself, I shouldn't have let her. But I was scared." My voice is beginning to quaver as I slowly lower my bow and everyone surrounding us relaxes. "I was scared, and I let her, I shouldn't have."

My bow is now loose at my side and Snow and David approach, clasping my shoulders in reassurance.

"Your family seems to have a lot of self-sacrifice in it." Emma remarks, but her tone is gentle as she looks at me with soft eyes, a contrast to what else has been happening lately.

I smile as I respond, "and what's your family motto? 'Always finding each other'?" I ask. Several of the others chuckle.

"Well, actually, its our family motto." Snow says, smiling down at me. I grin up at her and turn to Emma, preparing my sarcastic comment.

"Sorry for almost killing you, niece." I say with a grin. Emma groans in response.

"Great, more Charming's," Regina says, and a couple of the group chuckle. "But this doesn't help get back my son!" She continues.

When everyone turns to look at me I put my hands up in a resigned gesture. "I can't help you, my loyalties lie with Peter, no matter what anyone else has said, he saved my life."

"Pan's a monster." Regina says and I glare at her.

"He is not! He's just a little... lost." I say.

"Why would Pan have such interest in you, boy?" Rumpelstiltskin asks me curiously.

"Like I said, I'm loyal." I retort, before I cast my eyes downwards. "And he says I remind him of you."

Everyone looks shocked at this and Rumpelstiltskin stiffens. I shrug in a 'what can you do' gesture before glancing up at the sky. I need to return to my hunt.

"I have to go." I say and am about to turn when someone grips my shoulder, Hook.

"Not so fast-"

"Where's my son!"

"I said I can't help you! You're smart adults, you'll figure it out." I say, Regina lifts her hand no doubt about to perform magic and I stare her down, but before she does anything David steps in her way.

"Not my brother."

"Oh come on! Are you really going to defend all of these 'long lost siblings?" Regina sighs in frustration and turns around.

I look up at David, and open my mouth to speak. "Thank-"

A noise interrupts me and I feel my face pale. Oh no. Its Peters call, the call he uses when we're needed back at camp for emergencies. He never uses that call unless one of the lost boys are dying, or we have an unexpected visitor to the island. But given the situation I'm guessing its one of the former, my mind is filled with images of Ellie and Felix as they lay dying, unfortunately I don't have to think hard since I've seen it before.

"What was that?" Regina asks.

"A bird?" Hook suggests.

Emma looks at me and notices my face, all color gone as I slowly creep away from the group. "Hey kid, are you okay?" She asks and everyone looks at me.

"No, it wasn't a bird, that was Pan calling. It means something has gone wrong, does it not? My guess one of the lost boys has found themselves in a bad state." I cringe at Rumpelstiltskin's words before turning to David and the others.

"I have to go, I- somethings gone wrong. I'm sorry." I say before turning and running, I hear them call after me but no one attempts to stop me. So I charge through the forest towards camp.

Leave a review guys and hope you enjoyed!