"Belle I want you to stay here in Storybrooke. There are things that you need to do." Rumple said.

"Why can't I come?" Belle asked.

"I need you to stay here. Henry has been taken and he is my undoing, he is also my grandson." Rumple said.

Belle felt the tears running down her face. "How would you find your way back to me?" she asked.

The look on Rumple's face told Belle that he wasn't going to be coming back.

"Belle I love you, but I'm not coming back." Rumple said.

Rumple took his hand and wiped the tears from Bells eyes. Rumple put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper.

"Belle you need to put a shielding spell on Storybrooke." Rumple said.

Belle took the note and leaned in to kiss Rumple.

"Gold lets go!" Emma told him.

"Bye Belle." Rumple said.

After they left Belle wiped the rest of her tears away, but some were still evident in her eyes.

"Belle." came the sound of Happy voice.

Belle turned around to see Happy.

"Belle what's going on? Where is Emma, Gold and the others?" Happy asked.

Belle took a deep breath.

"Henry has been taken." Bella said.

"Where did they go?" Happy asked.

"I don't know." Belle told Happy.

"Than why are you still here?" Happy asked.

"Two reasons. One is that Rumpelstiltskin would not allow me to go and secondly I have a job to do." Belle told Happy.