Befor you start reading the Story, please give a big applause to niagaraweasel, she translate the Story for you

THANK YOU so much, I would be totally lost without you

There he was again, flirting with HIS assistant. He watched both of them. Perching on the edge of Felicity's desk, Barry made a joke and Felicity started to laugh. Oliver pulled a face. What did she see in that guy? Okay, he wasn't bad looking and he was funny, but then so was he. For a year he had been number one with Felicity and now Barry Allen seemed to have taken his place.

For a short moment, Oliver contemplated throwing Barry Allen out, but he quickly gave up as Felicity came into his office.
"Oliver, is it okay, if I take my lunch break now?"
"Sure, no problem. Is Barry going with you?" As soon as the words had left his mouth, Oliver regretted the question.
"Yes," Felicity answered, and Oliver noticed that her eyes were sparkling even more than usual. "Oh and the papers you wanted me to copy for the meeting are on my desk."
Felicity breathed a silent "bye" and closed the door. Through the glass Oliver could see Barry helping her into her coat and placing his hand on her back. He grabbed the phone and dialled the number of his bodyguard.
"Dig, we have to talk."
10 minutes later Diggle stood in Oliver's office, expecting a new case for Team Arrow.
"What's going on, my friend?"
"Not here, let's go to Big Belly Burger, I have to get out of here"

Diggle watched as Oliver tried for the third time to pick up his burger, but as soon as he had it in his hand, he dropped it back on the plate with a sigh.
"Oliver!" was all John Diggle managed to say, before the words "I hate Barry Allen!" tumbled out of the CEO's mouth.
Now it was Diggle's turn to drop his burger back on his plate. "What?"
"I hate Barry Allen, I hate the way he looks at Felicity, that he puts that broad smile on her face, that he kisses her..." Oliver stopped for a Moment and frowned disgustedly, "and that maybe he does something else with her as well."
Oliver's friend started to laugh, despite the warning look the CEO threw him.
"It's not funny."
Diggle had known from the beginning that Oliver would fall in love with Felicity. She held her own against him and kept him in line, and she was the only one who could make him laugh.
"Oh yes, it is, Oliver. It took you a damn long time to realize that you have fallen in love with Felicity. You're jealous."
"No, I'm not!" Oliver answered indignantly.
"Oh yes, you are."
"Okay, I am, but I knew from the first moment that I would fall in love with her."
"Then why didn't you tell her?"
Oliver looked out of the window. "I was afraid that my enemies would use her against me."
John could understand that."I see, but, Oliver, you know that she was in danger even without the two of you being together."
"Yes, because of me," Oliver shot back angrily. "I cannot be with her, but I cant watch this idiot kissing her either."
Diggle saw the fight his friend fought against himself. Oliver loved Felicity, but after everything he had done and been through, he thought that he didn't deserve someone like her.
"Dig, I'm getting the strangest ideas, like banning Barry from QC, so that I don't have to watch any longer. Or paying him a visit as Arrow and telling him to stay away from her."
John Diggle started to laugh again. "That might not be quite the right way." With his next words, John turned serious again. " I let Lyla go because I thought that as a couple we didn't have a chance in a war like Afghanistan. THAT was the biggest mistake I ever made, and you're about to make the same. Start fighting for your love. You can do a good job as CEO of QC and as Arrow with someone at your side to give you security This someone, Oliver, is Felicity, and she has been ever since the two of you met. Thanks to her I've seen you smile and she was the reason why you changed the way you work as Arrow."

Oliver groaned. "You're right, but now she's got this Barry guy at her side."

Diggle's eyebrows shot up. Could he really be so blind? "Yes, and why is that? It's because she's trying to forget you. She loves you, but you told her that you can't be with her. Fight, it's what you always do."

Oliver nodded. Diggle was right. "Okay, and the first move ini the fight against Barry Allen will be to ban him from QC."

"Come on, THAT's your plan? You've got to be kidding me, man."

"Well, maybe I should ask her if she wants to go to the Charity Gala on Saturday with me. And if that doesn't work, I'll think about banning him again."

"That sounds much better."

Oliver stared at Felicity. She had a pen clamped between her lips and was typing away on her keyboard. How was he supposed to talk to her? Could it be possible, Starling City's biggest playboy was behaving like a teenager about to ask his idol for an autograph.

Just go out and ask her, Oliver, he told himself, standing up and walking over to her desk. Felicity didn't look up , and she still had the pen clamped between her lips. Oliver found it difficult to concentrate, she looked so damned sexy. Bad thought, he berated himself, stop right now.

"How was your date?"

Felicity looked up and took the pen out of her mouth. She hadn't heard Oliver come over and was obviously surprised.

"Nice, thanks. But it wasn't a date, we just had lunch together. We're just friends, we spend evenings together, eating pizza or watching a movie, but we never had a real date. I mean, Barry is a super guy and sexy, not that I wouldn't go on a date with him. It's just that he never said 'Felicity, I want to go on a date with you'". She stopped, looked at Oliver and found him smiling. He loved it when she started to babble, going off on a tangent. "Never mind, how was your lunch break?"

"Okay," he answered. "I had a nice talk with Diggle and a Big Belly burger with extra cheese."

"That sounds great."

"Yes, but actually I'm here for another reason," Oliver began, obviously nervous. "I have an invitation for a charity gala on Saturday and I wanted to ask if you… would like to go with me?"

Felicity's eyes widened. Had he really just said that? After more than a year of hoping he would ask, he had finally done it. Oliver Queen had asked her for a date.

"You're asking me? What about your model friends? I mean, not that I'm not hot and sexy, too, but a model would never have a Big Belly burger with extra cheese with you or something… and I'm doing it again… stopping in…3…2…1." Felicity took a deep breath and started again.

"Oliver, why are you asking me? You have never asked me to accompany you anywhere."

Oliver looked at her. "You're right, and it was a mistake not to ask you. So?"

"Yes," she smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Great, the limousine will pick you up on Saturday at 6 o'clock."

"The limousine?"

Oliver was just about to go back to his office and turned around again.

"Yes, the limousine. Felicity, it's the Starling City Charity Gala, everybody will arrive in a limousine. You know, a lot of press coverage and everything."

Felicity blanched. The Starling City Charity Gala was the city's biggest event. Every magazine and TV station would cover it. She remembered watching it on TV last year, seeing an interview where Oliver and Moira talked about his return. His companion on that evening had been a dark-haired model and the newspapers had been filled with rumor about the mysterious beauty.

Oliver looked at Felicity. "Are you okay?"

Felicity flinched. "Yes, yes, I'm okay. I was just thinking…." she stopped again. Oliver stepped back to her desk. "What were you thinking?"

"The reporters are going to ask you who I am and I don't want to embarrass you," she answered in a small voice.

"Don't worry, if they ask I'll tell them the truth."

"That you're here with your assistant?"

Oliver grinned and looked deep into her eyes. "No, that I'm attending this special gala with a special woman."

Felicity gulped; the man could really drive her crazy.

"Saturday at 6, then," he said in a low voice and went back to his office.