Hey everyone! Last update! Sorry for the delay. I didn't like how the last part of the ending was working out so I kept having second thoughts of including it. I eventually fixed the problem I was having with it.

Will never own Magi. My OC's are my creation though.

"Miss Alya! Watch out!" Aladdin's warning came too late as Judal flew at her at a speed she couldn't register. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to the ground with him.

"Alya, go back to my room. We can talk after this is over." His order fell on deaf ears as Alya pulled herself out of his grip, falling to the ground. He watched her with a frown.

Good Ending: 1001 Days

As Alya glared defiantly back at Judal, he tsked and raised his staff, pointing it at Alya. There was a flicker of confusion in his eyes. Why was he pointing a weapon at Alya? What was wrong with him? "I don't have time for this Alya. Return to my room." Alya continued to glare while Judal's own glare turned softer. "Please." He added at the end, hoping she would do as he asked.

"Alya!" Brigit screamed, running toward them. Judal's eyes flickered in the intruder's direction and he sent a blast of Rukh at her. She went flying back and skidding across the ground.

"Brigit!" Alya screamed, jumping up to help her friend, but she was easily stopped by Judal's hand around her wrist.

"Leave her," he huffed. "She's not important."

He didn't see the hit coming. His cheek stung as it turned red from the force of Alya's slap. He looked back at her in shock. She held her hand in pain, the palm turning as red as his cheek. "She is very important, Judal," she hissed through the tears forming in her eyes.

He glanced back at the woman he had attacked. She was having trouble standing, but she didn't look like she had given up. In fact, she looked more determined to take Alya away from him. He wouldn't allow that. He raised his staff to attack the woman again and finish her off, but his line of sight was suddenly cut off by Alya's angered face as she threw her arms out to her sides. She would have risked the attack to protect the woman.

Judal sighed, lowering his weapon in the process. "What do you want me to do, Alya? I can't just-"

"Stop this madness!" She exclaimed, cutting him off. "Stop the fighting, stop the warring. Just please stop."

As she pleaded, Judal watched her saddened expressions. Tears began cascading down her cheeks. It made his stomach feel queasy at the thought that he was the cause. "How?" he asked her sadly, words quiet. He was only ever taught war and battle. How was he to go without it? His gaze fell upon Hakuryuu who was glaring back at him, daring him to not turn his back on their plans. Aladdin and Alibaba had come together and were now standing beside the girl that Alya cared for. Aladdin supported Alibaba who was unable to use his leg anymore due to Hakuryuu's Djiin's ability. They were so close to winning everything.

He turned back to Alya, about to tell her he would not stop but froze at the look of realization that formed on her face. She looked at him with regret and sadness. Did she regret meeting him?

"Know this, Judal." His name was like a goodbye on her lips, a painful stab to his heart, worst than a dagger. "If you continue down this path, I can not follow you. I will not stand by and allow this world to fall into such chaos." She took in a shaky breath. "And if I must, I will die so that I may stop you."

Her words froze him. Was there no way he could have both? Did he have to chose? He could feel Hakuryuu's heated gaze on his back, but he already knew his answer.

He raised his scepter, watching the look of defeat on Alya's face change to confusion and then happiness as he turned the staff and offered it to her.

Her hands shook as she reached out and took it. For a moment, Judal was reluctant to release his hold, but he had made his choice and took a step back.

Alya's eyes became moist again as she looked from the black staff to Judal. He nodded his head in acceptance. A smile bloomed on her lips and she turned determined eyes to the septer. Her hair whipped around her and the wind howled. White Rukh began to accumulate around her hand and the scepter. The inky blackness of the staff made of black Rukh began to recede outward from where she held on, white and gold forming in its place.

It fascinated Judal to watch as the woman he loved purified that which he created in his quests for power.

"NO!" Hakuryuu screamed in anger. In pure fury, he activated his Djinn Equip form and speed towards Alya and Judal. "Traitors!"

Judal stood between a distracted Alya and her attacker, but never had to protect her when Alibaba and Aladdin stepped in to hold Hakuryuu back. Moments later, Hakuryuu found a gold and white scepter held towards him. He looked up its length at a softly smiling Alya. "Please stop this foolishness, my Prince."

A third eye opened on Alya's forehead and she tapped the tip of the scepter over his forehead and dispelling his Djinn form with ease.

She then twirled the staff, her clothes changing into flowing white robes befitting a goddess, her hair shimmered and her eyes glowed with power. With a final turn of the scepter, she slammed the end of it down on the ground, sending a shockwave of light outwards, melting the ice from Judal's attacks and fixing the craters and damage done by the fighting.

As the light faded, Judal caught a fainted Alya in his arms, his scepter falling to the ground, forgotten as his attention turned to something far more important.

"Alya, are you really sure about this?"

Alya giggled softly as Sinbad looked between her and Judal, completely ignoring their intertwined hands. He didn't dare look at the sight in fear of getting a heart attack. "Yes Brother."

"Is there nothing I can do to change your mind?"

"She already said no!" Judal huffed in annoyance as he pulled Alya to his chest in a possessive hug.

"I wasn't talking to you." Sinbad hissed, glaring at the man who had literally stolen his sister away from him not even a year before. He caught sight of the shimmer from the gold band Alya wore on her ring finger and paled all over again. His baby sister, marrying this idiot? Never!

Alya moved out of Judal's hold and frowned at the king. "Sinbad! Do not yell. You both are acting like children!"

Sinbad wimped at her scolding. "But, Alya. I'm only trying to protect you from that bastard!" He pointed an accusing finger at Judal.

A sharp glare from his dear sister turned him mute, while Judal snickered and stuck his tongue out at Sinbad over Alya's shoulder so she wouldn't see.

"Come on Alya, let's get out of here." Judal tugged on her hand and began to lead her to the door.

"Bu-but…" Sinbad tried to speak up and point out Judal's immature act but was promptly ignored by the couple as they walked away.

"Judal," Alya chided, her other hand on her hip as she followed him. "You promised we would stay in Sindria for the week."

"Did I?" He asked, shrugging as he played dumb. His eyes connected with Sinbad's and they had a heated stare down. The glares didn't last long as they both flinched in pain as Alya swatted Judal on the head, while Ja'far did the same to Sinbad.

"Come Judal, I'll show you where we're staying for the week," she offered him, allowing no retort as she pulled him out of the throne room.

Sinbad sighed before going back to his throne and sitting down with a huff.

"Are you not worried?" Ja'far asked with a raised brow.

"Well of course I'm worried! They're engaged!" Sinbad explained.

"Not that. I'm talking about her showing him to her room."

Sinbad looked at Ja'far in confusion.

"Do you want them to sleep in the same room, together, alone."

Sinbad jumped from his seat and started running out the door. "Alya! Wait! Let me get someone to prepare a room for the bas- I mean Judal!"

Alya smiled up at the sun as it warmed her skin. Judal smiled as she watched his beloved enjoy the sunny day. They walked hand in hand down the very street of Kou where he had first seen the skinny peasant girl that was beloved by Rukh. His smile faltered at the thought, as it quickly brought him to when he saw her next. A quivering mess on the throne room floor, roughly shoved by palace guards and nearly killed by Gyokuen.

Alya, feeling Judal's melancholy mood, looked to him with a puzzled look and squeezed his hand in hers.

He smiled back softly. "Nothing, my love. Just thinking."

She didn't look convinced, but gave him a warm smile and returned her eyes to the street.

Judal's own smile slipped away. He had hurt her so much over the their time together and yet she still smiled at him with love that he didn't deserve.

As they drew near their destination, his eyes gleamed in determination as he studied the woman. He may not deserve that love now, but he wouldn't let it go either. He would make himself worthy of it.

Alya reached a hand out and rapped on the door of a small house with her knuckles. Moments later the door opened to reveal an elderly couple with graying hair and wrinkling skin. The two immediately prostrated themselves at the sight of two people wearing the white and gold robes of royalty and nobility.

Alya quickly followed them, getting on her knees in worry. "Mama, Papa, are you alright?"

Judal on the other hand sighed. "You may stand," he told his beloved's adoptive family.

The two elderly parents looked up in surprise before the woman quickly shot up and pulled Alya into her arms. "Alya!" She cried. "We were so worried after you stopped sending us letters. The money you always sent kept coming, but your letters had stopped."

Alya looked at Judal in surprise. After she had left Kou, she had not expected her parents to receive anything, but she knew the money she had sent would be enough for a while. By the twitch of Judal's lips upward, she realized he had been the one sending the money.

She hugged her mother tightly. "Much has happened. I'm sorry I did not write. I missed you and Papa so."

As her mother released her, she noticed her father looking wearily at her betrothed. On the other hand, her mother quickly ushered them in. "Please, please come in. I'm sorry about the mess. We didn't realize we were going to have such important company," she told them.

Judal shook his head. "I won't be coming in. Just dropping Alya off. I'll be back later to pick her up." He bent down and gave Alya a quick peck on the cheek before turning and walking off. Alya smiled as she saw his cheeks dusted pink. He had been freaking out all day about meeting her parents and refused to stay when she told them the news.

Her mother seemed disappointed but ushered Alya in anyways.

Alya chuckled softly as she studied the inside of the house. Not a speck of dirt or dust anywhere, just as she remembered. Her adoptive mother always took time out of her day to clean, no matter what. She had been grateful for her mother's strictness in cleaning when she had become a servant at the palace. The teachings had really paid off, quite literally at the time.

Alya was herded to the table where her father sat across her her and her mother quickly put water on for tea. They spent hours chatting animatedly. She told them of most that had happened, glancing over some parts here and there that she knew would worry them.

"Mama, Papa. you should come to Sindria. It's a beautiful place. Sinbad is a wonderful king." Before her parents could respond in the negative like she knew they would, she produced a white envelope from her robe. "There is enough money here to pay for your safe passage plus payment for carriers to move your belongings." She gave the envelope to her father. "Just give it some thought, please."

The elderly man nodded. "We will." His eyes zoned in on the glint from her hand. His wife followed his line of sight and gasped. "Are you married?!"

"Engaged actually." Alya told them with a blush.

"The Oracle," her father stated, sounding a little annoyed. Perhaps because he hadn't been asked for her hand as was proper, or because said man had not even stayed to face the music once her parents found out? Alya wasn't sure and gave them both a sheepish smile.

"A lot happened, as I said."

It was not long after that Judal returned. Her father glared at the poor Magi and pointed out any and all flaws he saw while her mother cooed at Judal and chastised her husband.

The betrothed couple soon left, with Alya promising to return more often.

Sinbad huffed moodily as he took Alya's hand in the crook of his arm. She giggled as the doors opened and he began to lead her down a rose-petal covered walkway. Music played softly around them.

"Last chance to back out," Sinbad told his dear sister softly. He flinched as her nails dug painfully into the soft flesh on the inside of his elbow. "Ok, I get it. Bad big brother. Only wanting to protect his sister." He huffed. From the corner of his sight, he saw Alya give him a soft and wistful smile.

"You will always be a wonderful big brother, and soon a wonderful uncle."

Sinbad nearly tripped over himself. "What?!" he hissed. At the glare he received he continued to lead her down the aisle, ignoring the stares of the people that had gathered to watch the marriage of the Sindrian Princess and the Kou Oracle. It was a day for the history books, signifying a truce and alliance between the two powerful nations.

Alya smiled. "I'll tell you later, Brother."

"I'll wring his crawny neck," Sinbad hissed, turning a deadly glare toward Judal who blinked in confusion when he felt the killing intent in the air directed at him. He looked at Sinbad and frowned, glaring back even if he didn't know what the sudden hostility was about.

When it was time to giving Alya over to Judal, there was a long stare off between the two men. The longer they stared, the deeper Alya's nails dug into Sinbad's arm before she finally had enough. "Brother!" she hissed quietly.

The King of Sindria reluctantly gave his sister's hand to the bastard Magi.

As the man before the marrying couple pronounced them husband and wife, the two kissed. Alya nearly melted from his soft kiss. She looked up at Judal with a great smile, happy that she had fallen in love with an Oracle.

As Judal pulled away, he used the roars and cheers of the crowd to ask his wife a question. "What was he so upset about?"

Alya gave him a sly smile. "It's a surprise."

Two children rushed down the market streets of Sindria, splashing through fresh rain puddles without a care.

With an unnatural swirl of wind, the taller child pulled ahead in their race. The child, a young girl with hair as dark as the night sky, looked back at her younger brother with eyes of molten gold. "Come on!" she grumbled impatiently when she saw that the other child had stopped running.

The young boy only stomped his feet and huffed, crossing his arms. His hair a dark shade of purple that was almost black. His red eyes turned away from his sister and looked back to his mother who was walking calmly hand in hand with their father. "Mama! Fajr is cheating!" He ran up to the chuckling woman, taking her hand from his father's grip and holding on to it.

"Baqi?" His mother asked in surprise.

"Oi, brat! I was holding her hand!" The red eyed man, his father, shouted in annoyance.

The young boy, Baqi, stuck his tongue out at him. "Get your own mama."

"Children, children. I had two hands you know." His mother's laugh was beautiful, and that smile warmed even the coldest winter night. Baqi hugged his mother's arm possessively, glaring at his father. Baqi liked it when she coddled him and looked at him with love. She was his mother and he wouldn't let anyone have her. Not even his father. Though he supposed he had to share with his sister sometimes.

How could someone like his father ever get a pretty lady like his mother? He often overheard his mother's friends asking that same question. Uncle Sinbad always argued with his father while Auntie Brigit would have to break them up when his mother wasn't around.

Suddenly there was a large warm hand ruffling his hair and breaking him out of his thoughts. Baqi blinked his red eyes at his father in surprise as the man smirked. "Brat," he chuckled. "You take after me way too much."

"Come on Baqi. We need to catch up with your sister," his mother said softly, walking down the street. Baqi followed, still holding onto his mother's arm as he watched his father look at him and his mother with a soft look that he seemed to think no one saw. But Baqi saw. Maybe his dad wasn't such a bad person, annoying when he called him brat, but he always loved them.

His sister soon joined them, taking his mother's other hand and pouting at him for telling on her.

"Judal! Hurry up!" his mother called over to his father. Fajr giggled at their father, giving him her own large smile. Judal blinked as if coming out of a daze as Alya gave him a wide smile as she held hands with the young boy and girl. "Sinbad will be upset with you again if we're late!"

A few authors notes for the last chapter: Fajr is a female Arabian name meaning dawn or beginning (Behindthename). Baqi is an Arabian name that means eternal (Behindthename). I felt the meanings were pretty awesome and symbolic of Judal and Alya's good ending.

Also, I originally thought of making the wedding scene a traditional Arab wedding but I know nothing about it. I tried doing some research but in the end, I just stuck with the wedding type that I know of. Every nation have their own traditions and customs. Forgive me for the inaccuracy of the wedding being western christian tradition.

Thank you to everyone that reviewed and that has stuck around for the ending of my first fanfic. It will feel so strange to not be writing this anymore. I don't have any plans for a sequel. I don't think I could even come up with any ideas for a sequel since I do wrap it all up pretty nicely here. If you have any questions don't hesitate to message me!

Again, thank you!
