A/N: OMG 10 chapters. Still no beta :( Also, still need more votes for the poll. It's too close to decide. If I don't have enough votes soon I may just leave it up to a coin toss or something like that. On a happier note thanks to so many people following the story now, my motivation to keep writing has kicked in. I should have another chapter up for you all sometime in the next week. Who knows, maybe even sometime this weekend. I do work nights though, so no promises, since running a household during the day and working all night keeps me too tired to spend my free time doing much else than sleep. Even so, I promise you all I will keep writing! I want to see where my mind takes this probably as much as you all do. Ta for now my lovelies and don't forget to vote in the poll!

Harry was currently being passed around by a few goblins, the child babbling happily while being cooed over. Chaos was locked in a debate with Griphook and his brother, Clawhook. Severus looked over the scene silently. A few goblin children were running around the grounds. The goblin women were gathered together with a few of the smaller children in their arms and laps. So far the get together had gone wonderfully. The Corinthian Manor grounds seemed to keep their own season, making the picnic possible in early December despite the light dusting of snow that had occurred everywhere else.

"That woman of yours is quite something isn't she, Mr. Snape." Commented a goblin Severus recalled to be named Snagtooth.

"I believe even if she wasn't a goddess, I would still have my hands full with her." The goblins were the only ones he could openly discuss Chaos' true nature with.

"Indeed. I'd always heard tales of her, never thought I would see the day that my children would be playing on the grounds of her manor, let alone to be called family to her. She's a dangerous deity. Temperamental at best. Stories of warning have been passed down from generation to generation about her." Snagtooth looked out over the scene beside Severus.

"To be frank. I've not a clue as to what I am doing. Thus far I have simply smiled and nodded, but it seems to be enough to keep her happy. I hold no illusions however that it will always be so. I've no doubt that sometime soon something will upset this rather delicate balance that seems to have settled here right now." Truth be told, Severus knew he was in over his head. The past month and a half had been a whirlwind of events. Especially when dealing with Dumbledore.


"Headmaster! You must meet my great nephew. Severus and I have taken him in to raise him since his parents are dead and his other aunt is disowned from the family." Chaos held up the babbling toddler in front of the headmaster, and Severus watched the color drain from Dumbledore's face.

"My dear. You must return the boy to his Aunt and Uncle. The blood wards around the home... If they fall he will be left unprotected."

"Nonsense." Chaos waved him off with one hand as she settled Harry on her hip with practised ease. "The blood wards weren't even there when I got there. And Petunia was more than happy to hand Harry over. She didn't want him. I don't see why. He's such a precious boy, and so smart too. He knows his way around our quarters already and had the most wonderful bout of accidental magic the other day when he popped himself off to the kitchens. Gave the house elves quite the fright, but once they got passed it they had a grand time introducing him to new foods. He's at that age where he can start have little meals." As Chaos chattered on, both men were fixed on the sight before them.

Harry resting on Chaos' hip, Fawkes on her opposite shoulder playing what appeared to be peek-a-boo with the toddler, using Chaos' head to hide behind. Harry was shrieking and laughing with delight every time Fawkes popped into his line of sight. Chaos however rattled on as

if this scene was the norm.

"Now I'm not going to say that it would have been nice for Harry to have been raised with his cousin. I'm sure it would have been ideal under better circumstances. However, since that isn't going to work, Severus and I will raise him. I'll of course be the doting aunt that stays home with him while Severus is teaching. After the holidays, we will be entirely moved into the family manor. Severus will floo too and from, to teach of course. And we will leave an open floo connection for emergencies. He'll also have office hours for his students. He'll still do his night patrols and chaperone the odd Hogsmead trip as well. I'm sure that is all rather agree-able of course as it would be for any staff member who was married... Speaking of which, it might be best we set a date for sometime over the summer, Severus dear."

"Indeed." Was about the only reply Severus could muster without sounding like he was either upset that she was deciding all of this for him, or sounding as if he thought her insane, which he still wasn't sure she wasn't.

*End Flashback*

Chaos flashed Severus a smile and slid from her seat, excusing herself from the debate. She slid up to Severus and Snagtooth, smiling over at the goblin. "I see you two are getting along alright. I hope it isn't too boring for you. I know these gatherings aren't really Severus' thing. He humors me though."

Snagtooth shook his head. "Not at all. We were just speaking about how there are stories of you that have been passed down within the goblin nation. While not all of them perhaps paint you in the best of lights, I am glad to say that the ones of your generosity and acceptance of all races are true."

Severus let Chaos wrap one of his arms around her, one of her hands giving his a squeeze as if seeking to steal a bit of his strength from him for a moment before she responded. "I've had my reasons for the things I've done. I will warn you not to spread those stories to my nephew. I want him to grow up as normally as is possible considering the circumstances."

Snagtooth nodded. "Of course, of course. I wouldn't dream of going against you on matters dealing with a child. A mother's wrath is like no other, even when it is an adoptive mother."

Chaos sniffed and let the matter rest, choosing to look out across the gathering silently. She was right now the most silent Severus had seen her outside of those times he'd caught her sleeping, or napping with Harry. It concerned him. And it concerned him that he cared at all. He wondered if perhaps the strange wisp of a goddess was beginning to worm her way into his affections. No-one could ever replace Lily, but perhaps his heart might have room for another. This time for one with raven hair and amethyst eyes rather than fiery red hair and emerald eyes.