Chapter One- You're The Only One I Can trust

Len walked up the stairs while holding a tray of delicious breakfast that he made himself. He desperately wanted to eat the eggs, bacon and French toast himself but he tried his best to obey his master.

He knocked on the door to his master's bedroom with a smile. "Master Kamui, I made you some breakfast!" he told Gakupo cheerfully. His smile turned into a frown when he saw who was sleeping next to Gakupo. "G-good morning, Gumi. I hope you had a pleasant sleep."

Gumi sat up and rubbed her eyes. She tucked a strand of green hair behind her ear. "It was alright, I guess. I feel good that I had the privilege of being with Master Kamui."

Len sighed. He should have been used to Gakupo spending the night with his female slaves but for some reason he was still upset.

"I… I'll just leave this here then." Len put the tray down in front of Gakupo, who took a cigarette out of his mouth and looked at the food with greedy eyes. "Shall I prepare some breakfast for Gumi?" Gakupo nodded.

Another thing that annoyed Len was the fact that whenever a slave spent the night with Gakupo, she would have good food in the morning, only to go back to living in squalor minutes later.

Why couldn't Len have what Gumi had, if only for one night and one morning? Len touched his Adam's apple. 'Of course,' he thought to himself. 'How silly of me.'

Len walked out of the room and down the stairs. He saw Miku and smiled at her. Miku had a frown on her face.

"Gumi gets her turn again?" she asked. "How many times has that been?"

"Well, maybe she needs higher morale," Len explained. "At least you get your turn."

Miku gave Len a weak smile. "I'm sorry. I forgot. I can be so rude sometimes. So when are you going to confess to him?"

If there was any drink in his mouth, Len would have spit it out, but unfortunately his throat was consistently dry.

"Why would you ask a thing like that?"

Miku's smile grew bigger as she grabbed Len's hands. "If you confess, maybe you'll get to spend the night with him!"

Len put a finger up to Miku's lips. "Shh! Don't be ridiculous. Even Lily has a higher chance of being with him than me."

"No way. At least you don't try to run away. Jeez, I'm surprised Lily isn't dead already. I almost want to ask her how it feels to be put in a bamboo box in the sun."

"Maybe you'd find out for yourself if you actually misbehaved for once. And besides, you haven't confessed to Gakupo, so why should I?"

"I don't need to." Len huffed and walked away. Miku followed him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Just be careful, okay? What would I do if you got hurt?"

Len smiled and gave Miku a small hug. He walked into the kitchen and began preparing Gumi's breakfast. Rin walked in and jokingly poked Len's shoulder, causing Len to drop two eggs onto the floor.

"D-don't scare me like that, sis!"

Rin laughed. "You're such a baby. Why are you making breakfast for Gakupo again?" Len picked up the egg yolks and put them in the bin. "Let me guess, it's that night again, isn't it? When am I getting my turn?"

"We're both too young for that."

Rin smirked. "Did you just say 'we'? You didn't tell me you were-"

"I think you have some jobs to do if I'm not mistaken." Rin frowned and left the room. Len prepared eggs again. When he was finished, he put them on a piece of toast. He turned around and shivered when he saw Gakupo standing in front of him.

"M-Master! It's rare to see you in the kitchen, if you don't mind me saying so."

"Can I speak to you for a moment?" Gakupo asked.

"Well, I have to give this to Gumi first." Len held up his tray.

"Gumi's breakfast can wait." Len put the tray back on the table. "How do I put this? Well, a little bird told me that you like me."

"O-of course I like you, Master. If you weren't here Rin and I would be living on the streets. One million 'thank yous' wouldn't be enough."

"I mean to say that you apparently like me romantically. Is it true that you love me?"

"I would never dare love someone as high up as you romantically. Such an emotion would be disrespectful to say the least."

Gakupo gave Len the sweetest sounding laugh he had ever heard. "What are you, a Shakespeare character? There's something else I would like to ask you. I have some errands for you."

"Of course."

"These errands will take place outside the house. Can you handle that? I don't trust anyone more than I trust you, especially since I now know of your feelings for me."

"I don't have-"

"I can see it in your eyes. I'm shocked that I didn't notice before." Gakupo brushed Len's fringe away and leaned in closer, causing Len's cheeks to become as red as a cherry. "Like I said, you're the one I trust the most. You would never try to leave me like Lily, would you?"

Len shook his head, suddenly noticing how long and beautiful Gakupo's fingernails looked. Gakupo smiled and stepped back. "I want you to buy some things for me at the market. I'm sick and tired of having to deal with those pesky protesters. Here's the list and here's some money." Len took the list and money out of Gakupo's hands before bowing.

He picked up the tray and gave it to Gumi upstairs. He then walked down the stairs and out the door, putting the money in his pocket.

He looked to his side and saw a bamboo box lying on the grass. 'When is Lily ever going to learn?' he wondered.

A protester tried to talk to Len but he ignored her. He breathed in the fresh air and walked over to the marketplace, which he could see from the house.

His nose crinkled when a variety of odours assaulted his sense of smell. The aroma of perfume clashed with the smell of food and sweat.

The sun was bright but the market was dark due to the shades on top of the stalls. Len looked around for a stall that sold fruit. He eventually found a stall that had apples in different colours in front of it. Behind the table was a young man with electric blue hair.

"How can I help you?" the man asked. He raised an eyebrow. "Are you new here or are you just visiting this town? I've never seen you around here before."

"I live in his town but this is the first time I've gone to the market," Len answered. "I'll take twenty apples, please."

The man laughed. Len thought that his laugh was almost as sweet as Gakupo's. "Are you trying to feed an entire army or something?"

"No, it's just that Mas… Mr Kamui likes to eat a lot, so… oh no, I've said too much. I have to go. It was nice to meet you, Mr…"

"Mr Shion, but you can call me Kaito. What's your name?" Kaito held out his hand and Len shook it. Len remembered to shake the man's hand firmly, a lesson he learned from watching Gakupo shake hands with his associates.

"I'm Len." Kaito gave Len a bag of apples and Len gave Kaito money. Len looked at his list and walked over to another stall.

After going to each stall he needed to go to, Len walked back home, struggling to carry several heavy plastic bags.

The same protester he ignored earlier walked up to him. "Are you one of Mr Kamui's slaves?" she asked, holding her sign up. The sign had the words 'Down with Cruelty' on it.

"What is your opinion on the new bill that will make slavery illegal?" another protester inquired.

A third protester put his sign down. "How does Mr Kamui treat you?" he asked. Len turned away from the protesters and rushed inside the house.

He sighed and walked into the kitchen, where he dropped his bags on the table. 'If slavery didn't exist, I wouldn't be here.'

"How did it go?" Gakupo asked from behind Len, causing Len to jump.

"I-I found everything you w-wanted me to."

Gakupo smiled and walked upstairs, leaving Len alone in the kitchen, though not for long. A girl with long pink hair entered the kitchen.

"Hi Luka," Len greeted the woman politely. Luka smiled.

"How's it going, Len?"

"Aren't you supposed to be working in the fields right now?"

"I'm taking a break."

"Master Kamui wouldn't be too happy to hear that."

"Whatever. I don't care about what he thinks."

Len frowned. "You're almost as bad at Lily." Luka shrugged. "Are you the one who told Master about my feelings for him?"

Luka's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? Wait... did you just say what I think you said? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, I forgot that I never told you. Just don't tell Master any of my other secrets, okay?"

Luka nodded. "I won't tell a soul. You know, I've never met anyone who's as submissive to Master as you. You must really love him to put up with him this much."

Len nodded and smiled. "I've loved him ever since I can remember."