Hello readers! I honestly should not even be starting a project now, I have finals next week, I am ridiculously behind in all of my classes and I have another fanfiction which I haven't updated in months. However, this plot bunny has been nibbling at me for days, ever since I watched Rise of the Guardians again. Since then I have read way too many RotG fanfictions and noticed there were very few somewhat decent Pitch/OC's out there. So I decided to take a whack at it I want to put out a note that I have not read the books, but I have done my best to familiarize myself with them via wikia and fanfiction. I am sorry this chapter is so short, but it is nearly three in the morning. With the holidays coming up, I might not be able to update soon, but enough reviews and I might be more motivated to do so. I do not own Rise of the Guardians or any of it's characters. Only my OC. Please Enjoy!


'Growing up is when we you stop being scared of villains and start wanting to have sex with them.'

I have no idea who said this, I think it was a tumblr post, but they could not be any more accurate. When I was little I used to hide behind the couch whenever the villain would come on screen. But now... the reaction is a bit different. I can't help it, I love them because they are dark, evil and twisted.

They may have been something good in the beginning, but that part of them is gone. I see stories of bad guys being reformed into good guys. While this works for some guys, Gru for Despicable Me for example. It doesn't for others, such as Loki for Marvel Comics. The difference between Gru and Loki being, Loki is in a way a force of nature. A god of mischief. Therefore it is in his nature to do bad things. No amount of fanfiction could ever change that.

However, something I often have to remind myself is that everyone is a hero in their own mind. That basically meaning, everyone believes themselves to be in the right (aside from the occasional mistake). No matter how evil they claim to be, they believe they are doing the right thing. Now this doesn't have to necessarily be society's version of 'right'. This may be right by their ideals. Their ideals might be whatever gets them where they need to go.

Now, me liking villains ain't exactly a recent thing, in fact, it started when I was eleven. It wasn't exactly something that happened all the sudden. When I was little I always imagined myself joining up the heroes to fight the bad guys. Slowly, story after story, I began routing for the bad guy, wanting something bad to happen to the heroes. I saw the how the villains arguments were often completely valid. Or when they lied, well, I think my own desires for revenge often played themselves out through my fantasies. I liked how villains were often smart enough to manipulate heroes to do what they wanted.

Now the whole 'wanting to have sex' with them bit didn't really come round till high school. It was then that I started noticing that a lot of the villains, well, they looked good. Most of them, unlike the heroes, were lean, with just enough muscle to make them fit, without being bulky. They were tall, dark and mysterious. Three qualities I was finding I liked a lot in my men. I liked that they were intelligent, were good at planning, and knew their enemies weaknesses. I liked how they were the complete opposites of the heroes.

I noticed, along with this, that many of my other likes and interests were changing. I grew out of boy bands and pop stars, and started liking things such as metal, rock and classical scores. I had never liked pink, but I had liked bright colors, and my love of those had faded as well. I started growing attached to dark greens, blues, along with grey and black. I started liking clothes that might go under the description of 'punk' or 'gothic'. One of the more positive changes is that I started liking academics much more. I saw how they could be important. I also learned how it was important to watch how people act, and how little things could show what people hid. I also began liking people less and less, preferring my own company to others.

Now the big question would be, 'Why didn't anyone notice these changes?' Weren't people concerned?'. The simple answer being, nobody noticed these changes, because I never showed them. I had learned by then that you should never show who you truly are, that just makes you vulnerable. I had already learned by then that you should just learn to play the part given to you. So I became an actor, playing the part of Camilla Elisabeth 'Cami' Jordan 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

When I was eleven I joined the cheer squad just like my mom wanted me to. I finally started taking piano lessons like my father had always wanted me to. I worked very hard at both as well as school, making sure to be among the top students in my class. I followed everyone elses lead. I wore the same style of clothes as everyone else, listening to the same music and going to to all of the 'cool' kids parties. Soon enough I was one of the popular kids, someone everyone else wanted to be. It stayed that way through Junior High and into High School, even now. I hated every second of it. However, when I saw the kids who expressed who they truly were, not bothering to hide at the bottom of the social food chain, not able to get a moment of peace. I certainly did not regret it.

What I truly loved though is the hour before I go to sleep, after Cheer and Piano practice, after all the homework and parties are done, I could be myself, for one hour a day. I kept a chest under my bed, under a couple of loose floorboards I had discovered when I was little. Inside were a few articles of dark clothing I had found browsing online, and fell in love with. There was also an MP3 player, filled with artists such as Two Steps From Hell, Evanescence and Breaking Benjamin. There were notebooks, filled with descriptions of haunted houses, evil characters and fantastic plots. As well as some sketch pads filled with everything from portraits to abstract art. I wasn't a very good artist, but I found at times I just had to try to create a physical image of what was going on in my head. My favorite story was a horror story of a girl in an Insane Asylum. I had also created a sketch of the girl, which had turned out better than most of my drawings. That art class was really starting to pay off.

My parents knew nothing of the chest. They knew nothing of who I truly am. I would be no point in doing it now anyway. They were splitting up, after years of bickering and pointless arguments they had finally reached breaking point. It had gotten particularly nasty as of late. With the Holidays coming up, I didn't have much hope for a Christmas Miracle. The thing is, my mom wanted to move her bakery to Philadelphia, while my dad had an offer to teach at Harrisburg University. They had eventually decided that neither of them wanted to give up what they wanted, so they decided it was time to split.

I was lucky though, I had discussed it with both of them, instead of figuring out a custody agreement, I was going to stay with some family friends here in Burgess, the Bennetts. The problem now is that they were fighting over money and who was going to get what. As soon as the semester was up, I was going to the Bennetts. It would be nice to spend the holidays without the constant bickering, besides, from what I understood, the kiddies still believed in Santa, if I was lucky I'd get to have some of 'his' cookies.