Disclaimer: I love it how I have to take time to type a disclaimer! It fills my heart with fluff and I am finally complete!...Sarcasm...ugh...no I don't own a single bit of DBZ. Not making monies. Doing it for fun.
Summary:This is the sequel to What would you do for the life of a friend. Piccolo and Dende have finally found what was missing in their lives. But no Namek has ever had what they do. With no examples to follow, no clue how these relationship thingys are supposed to work, can they simply just put all their trust in the other? Give themselves completely? Or will that thing we call pointless drama get in the way? Read...
A/N:This is for all my amazing reviewers. It was noted in a previous review that sometimes you couldn't tell who was talking. There will be no mistaking who's who this round! So I will try a new writing format so you won't be distracted from the story. I take the reviews seriously. (thanks siberat) There's not a lot of oh no if they don't do this and this then the world will blow up! There is mostly personal strife...enjoy.
9 . . 8 . . 7 . . 6 . . 5 . . 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . 1 . .the count down ends the fic begins!
It wasn't ever gonna be easy, It will always be worth itChapter 1
The warmth of him lying beside him. The butterfly soft touches. The slow and peaceful pace of his breathing. The strong, capable of rending mountains to dust, arms that encircled about him. The feeling of oneness and peace...All of these memories of their most intimate moments played over and over in Dende's mind as he lay alone in his chambers. The bedding he was wrapped in felt cold. The empty space next to him an unwanted reminder that Piccolo never stayed the whole night like he had their first time...
"That's a bizarre human custom Dende." Piccolo had said.
"Oh...Okay, but as human as is may seem..I like it when the first face I wake to is yours." Dende had said. It was a phrase he would be repeating a lot after this conversation.
"Listen, Dende, I meditate really early and I've been doing so for years. Its not a habit I'm ever likely to fall out of." Then he had turned and walked away, not only ending the conversation, but ending one of Dende's chaste hopes and dreams.
That had happened four months ago. Despite the sweet things experienced and said that horrendous and fateful day they seemed to be drifting apart. The friendship they'd treasured in the past wasn't as it used to be. It was still there, but almost only for show. When they passed each other by in the halls their greeting smiles never quite filled their faces. The small talk required to acknowledge the others existence was curt and always rushed. Their relationship...it wasn't genuine. Authentic. Real. At least that's how it felt until that time of the month when Dende's Cycle returned to encourage reproduction.
Dende hated the Cycles more than he could ever loath Freeza. And that is saying something. What Piccolo and Dende had done was simulate the completion of Dende fertilizing his egg. They could only fool the Cycle for so long and then it always came back full force and hell bent on achieving Dende babies. Dende hated the Cycle. Hated it because Piccolo would avoid him for a few hours before, it appeared, grudgingly assisting him survive another bout. Dam Cycle was forcing his best friend to do things that, even though they weren't Dende's fault, he considered...immoral. That's how Dende perceived his friend actions during the cycle, how he thought Piccolo must feel. And so Dende hated the force that lead to all new Namekian life. Hated it with all his passion...until...
Until the doors to his room were sealed tight and Piccolo lay tangled up in him on the white sheets. Because then Piccolo's visage would change and he was back to normal. Then the older Namek whispered loving things that pleased Dende's eager ears. He would hold on to the Guardian of the Earth as though, if he let up even the slightest, the young man might slip away. Piccolo would make love to Dende slowly, sweetly, and just a tad bit desperately, like this would be the last time they were together like this. It was at these times Dende loved the Cycle. Loved how it brought them together and made him feel whole again. Loved it with all his passion...and then...
And then it would be over and Dende would wake up alone just as he was now. He stretched his arm out reaching for the one thing, person, he knew could make this hollow loneliness disappear. His hands grasped at nothing. He gave up. Dende sighed and kicked the covers off, leaping out of bed he padded over to the tall white marble closet and proceeded to dress. His mind felt numb and his body ran on automatic as he slipped into a clean robe. It hurt. Faking that this was just another day, that he could just go about business as usual, as though last night never happened. That last night hadn't been one of the best of his life. It hurt. A tear began to form its drop. He ignored it. His thoughts tried to consume him with memories of Piccolo. He shunned them. Dende's movements became rough and jerky. The inner walls of his chest contracted, squeezing the organ that pumped and filtered the same blood keeping him alive. That got his attention. He gasped and a trembling hand flew to his chest. Legs that had been carrying more than just their allotted physical burden gave way and Dende found himself falling. Dende's mouth opened to call for help, "Pi-..." He let the words die before they could be granted life. He all but invited the cool surface of the floor to become his new resting place.
The one who'd been meditating right outside Dende's bedroom window heard the half spoken cry. Piccolo was just about ready to come to Dende's aid when he had the insight to stop and wait. A strange feeling, a sense of foreboding, kept him still as he floated an arms length away from ripping aside the curtains and entering the room. Then he heard it and this time nothing came in the way of him silently peering in. The only other Namek of Earth sat, partially dressed, shoulders shaking, hands clutching his chest, and head bent on the cold ground. Among the soft sobs Dende made Piccolo swore he heard a choked, "Piccolo. It hurts."
Should he intervene? Would it be acceptable to fly in and comfort Dende? Piccolo wanted to very badly. He had wanted to do hundreds of abnormal things out of character for four months now. Ever since that first time he'd get powerful and overwhelming urges to do things that he didn't quite understand. And how could he explain them to his lover? How do you go about telling the one you care for most that you were made different because of them? Dende had told him he'd fallen in love with him for who he was. And then Piccolo had to go and screw that up by changing. By wanting to act differently than he'd ever been around the younger Namek. Should he just go right out and say it? 'Hey, Dende, whenever I see you my heart stops beating. It's all I can do not to scoop you up into my embrace and twirl you around in circles till you can't remember your name. Every time I catch the slightest whiff of you nearby I want to call out your beautiful name. When you glide pass me in the hall my only desire is to have your hand in mine and walk with you to wherever your headed whether it's my destination or not. You hold claim to my every thought. I don't want to go back to the way things were but I won't act any different either because I don't know if you'd want the changes in me. By the way it's all your fault. You did this to me...you own me, my soul, completely. Do with me as you will.' Was it appropriate to say such things?
Being in love and feeling more than he had imagined any being could ever feel was confusing. Piccolo felt that if he didn't hold it all in he'd explode and the new him would frighten or anger Dende. So he hid his metamorphoses from the other Namek. It was the hardest task he'd ever tackled. The first day Piccolo had almost blown it by losing himself in Dende's round facial features and leaning in for a passionate kiss at the ledge of the Lookout. Fortunately, for he couldn't have caught himself in time, Dende was too engrossed in watching the humans live their daily lives on Earth to notice Piccolo's body had shifted so closely to his. Piccolo had barely straightened himself before Dende had turned to stare questioningly at him. After cursing himself out for a good hour Piccolo decided he'd have to distance himself from his love. This was incredibly difficult, but as long as he could remember he was doing it for Dende he stood firm and steadfast. The only time he ever felt safe enough to lose it was during Dende's Cycles when the smaller of the two would be heavily influenced by the dazing lull induced by the hormones assaulting him. In those precious few times he could let the new Piccolo have free reign and show Dende just how much he cared. Because then he could blame it on the Cycle's do-things-you-normaly-wouln't affects and Dende would never know.
Now, however, as Piccolo hovered there watching Dende drown in some unknown grief he couldn't stop himself. He ghosted forward and landed without a sound by Dende. Only the rustle of his cape settling gave Dende any sign that he was not alone. As soon as he saw who it was the crying decided it was weeping's turn. Dende tried to shrink away when he felt his robes being pulled the rest of the way onto his shoulders.
"Dende, love, don't cry. Please don't cry. My heart aches when you shed tears." Piccolo's deep voice was soft and full of all the pent up emotion he'd been keeping from Dende.
Dende couldn't help but shiver as those elegant hands unintentionally grazed the skin of his collar bone. Piccolo was touching him when he wasn't being forced by the Cycle. Piccolo was dressing him as though he cared for Dende like he had before this whole mess. He wept harder. Piccolo began to take his touch away, fearing he'd upset Dende further.
"No!" Dende cried, "Don't leave!" He reached out for Piccolo hurriedly. This time when he sought the only person who could wipe this emotional pain away his hands didn't have nothing to show for it. They brought back purple Gi with them. "Please don't go this time...I'll b-be quiet. I-I won't bug you at all. I promise Piccolo."
Piccolo was speechless, confused. Dende buried his face in Piccolo's shirt and clung to the stunned warrior, and as promised the tears and sounds of woe ceased instantly. His small shoulders shook still but you can't expect Dende to be perfect.
"What makes you think I'd leave?" Piccolo asked.
"You always d-do...*sniff*" was the answer.
"When do I-?"
"Every dam day Piccolo. After every time we...you leave me all the time, but I'll forgive you if you stop ignoring me!" Dende's voice was muffled by the fabric but it in no way impaired the seriousness of his statement.
"Dende I...I am sorry..it's just that I..I-I.." Piccolo hadn't a clue what to say. He still feared Dende's reaction to his secret. Would Dende...?
"You said you loved me last night Piccolo. Did you mean it? Because nothing you've done in the last few months proves it." Dende became very still. "Do you only say that because of the Cycle or because you want a decent screw?"
Piccolo was having the Namekian equivalent to a heart attack. Talk about feeling like absolute shit. This hadn't been his intent at all. Dende thought...how could he...ooohh, boy was Piccolo waste deep in unpleasant smelling things. This line of thinking Dende was treading on had to be severed, and faster than any artery a blade could cut. Piccolo, none too gently, grasped Dende's chin and forced a brain splitting kiss on those plump emerald lips. When Dende was finally released he slumped weakly in Piccolo's hold.
"I am not that kind of person and I certainly never use the L word lightly." Piccolo whispered, his head resting lightly atop Dende's. "I am to be blamed for your misunderstanding of my behaviors of late."
He stroked one slim Dende antenna with a clawed finger. Dende let out a soft moan. Piccolo never touched him like this when it wasn't during a life threatening Cycle. Piccolo's next words came out laden with desire. "I have changed Dende and it is because of you. You make me want to do things..."
"Wh-what kind of things?" Dende stuttered, trying to be a good Namek and listen to his lovers words.
Piccolo grinned, "Crazy things that would make Mr. Po Po lock me in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for good."
"B-be more specific Piccolo." Dende urged. The caresses on his antenna were making it one hell of a time to stay focused.
"Things like hold your hand. Never leave your side. Kiss you silly. Help you out of these ridiculous dresses more often. Taste you...hmmmm...that sound divine right now...to taste you."
The hot whispered words were lost to Dende as one of his sensitive ears became the victim of Piccolo's teasing mouth. Dende gasped and writhed about, his poorly adorned robe slipping down to expose a right naked shoulder. Piccolo let the ear go after a lengthy lick from the plush lobe to the pointed tip.
Dende taught himself how to breathe again, "Piccolo..oh!..L-lets...the bed. Now."
"No, I'm quite comfortable with you sitting in my lap right here on the floor Dende. Besides this way the wall is much closer in case we need it." Piccolo said.
"The wall?"
"It's just one of these things I've been fantasizing about a few weeks. Nothing to concern yourself with love."
"I think I like these changes Piccolo. Ah!" Dende's left shoulder had just joined its brother in bareness.
"Mmm-Hmm...but can you handle them?" Piccolo bit Dende's slim neck lightly.
Mr. Po Po wished he hadn't let the curious sounds coming from Dende's room get the better of him, but he did have something to deliver from Bulma to the guardian so he didn't mind snooping. The letter was his excuse. The odd noises had lead him right to Dende's abode. The devoted genie had been about to knock on the door of the guardians chambers when he thought he'd just heard Dende mewl sensually. He waited for a few seconds of silence before deciding it was nothing and let himself in.
"AAAAAAAAh!" the black Gardner shrieked.
"Is...uhhh..there something...ooh..you needed to tell me...Kami, Piccolo!...Mr. Po Po? Ah!" Dende asked while pinned snugly between Piccolo and the smooth wall.
They didn't even have the decency to stop.
And the invitation to Bulma's wedding was left, discarded on the floor, by a fleeing, panic stricken genie.
…...end of chapter 1
Don't worry the sneak peek from the first story is in the next chapter.
A/N: More of this to come if ya like...just say the word...review