Unknow POV

I, to say the least, was mad. Mad at my stupid brother, for taking my kids away, mad at my youngest son, for outsmarting me at my own game! I could have given him everything, anything, yet he still turned on me. Literally froze me! But not for long. I was melting, ever so slowly, and I would soon get my revenge, hit Chase back where it hurt him the most. Head throbbing, pants soaking and heart full of anger, I made my way up to the Davenport Mansion, finally ready for revenge. Ready to take back what was mine.

Okay, so this is my first fanfic ever, so don't hate! I know that it sees Unknow POV, but I think it's pretty obvious who this is , I'm really sorry that this is so short. I didn't know if people would be interested, so to keep it going R&R! Please...