The Blackwoods Flock
This is my first fanfic that I work in tandem to create with my friend PainterLady. I of course dont own Ouran Host Club, or any of the characters in the show. I honestly hope you enjoy it, Review,fave,follow.
If anyone is confused later, the fake names of the flock are:
Zane Smith standing in for Zay Blackwood
Ash Smith standing in for Ash Blackwood
Amber Smith standing in for Ember Blackwood
Ebony Smith standing in for Ebony Blackwood
Elie(Zay teases him with the girl name Elle but its pronounced E-Lie) standing in for Elias Blackwood
Chapter 1: The First Day
Zays Pov
My alarm started going off, I muffled something about it being too early in my sleep and reached from under the massive layers of blankets and feathers to turn off my alarm. It started to sound off again 5 minutes later, and before I could turn the annoying thing off again. I heard two bodies burst through my door and leaped on top of me squishing all the air out of me.
"ZAY! You've got to get up…" pleaded one voice.
"…It's our first day of school at Ouran!" finished by another voice.
I twisted and turned my way out from under out all the heavy weight of my bed sheets and sat up glaring at the trespassers. The two trespassers where my sister and cousin, Ember and Ebony. It is odd that they look like twins for them both have the same ice blue eyes, same long black straight hair, and height. "But did you seriously have to wake me up an hour earlier for it?" I asked them. They put on their adorable puppy faces that I always fall victim to.
"Fine, just give me 30 minutes." Yelling in victory the two scampered out of my room. I already had my boys' school uniform set out from last night preparations of beginning a new school. I let last night replay in my mind.
"Why am I the one that has to switch genders?" I demanded from my brother, Ash.
"One it gives us some time before we are found out," He said counting on his fingers. "Two you act just like a guy and that makes the disguise more believable. And lastly, you'd never wear that dress even if your life depended on it." I looked at Ash questioningly. He lifted up a dress and presented to me. I stared at it with utterly shock and disgust. It was poufy, and the color was the most repulsive pale yellow I have ever seen.
"You're right; I would never wear that. " I said reluctantly agreeing with him.
"I'm glad that we finally came to an understanding." Ash left with a smirk on his face.
I sighed remembering my verbal defeat from last night and began putting on the uniform. I slipped the black on trousers. I wrapped my bust and put on my white button up. I wore a necklace my mother gave to me when I was born, that I never took off except when I took a shower. It was a silver chain with two charms strung on it, a feather charm and a cat head that had blue opals as eyes. I slipped the necklace under my shirt and padded it into a comfortable spot concealing it. I pulled on my baby blue blazer and walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror. With all the layers on my upper body, my chest that was once supple was now flat as a cutting board. My once long, dark brown, curly hair was now cut short, straighten, and pitch black with a few dark neon blue highlights for my liking. Not bad, I'm starting to like this look. I looked at my own eyes in the mirror and realized that I should cover up my curious feline eyes. Their green, bluish color looked completely out place and would be quickly noticed. I dug through my bag and pulled out a pair of regular blue contacts to conceal my eyes effectively.
I finally came down stairs to find my family all ready for school. My older brother Ash didn't change from his normal look with his wavy brown hair except he put in contacts to cover his unnatural pale blue eyes. My older cousin Elias changed up his height some to where he was just a few centimeters taller than Ash and covered up his blue husky eyes. But he still had his black hair spiked up like usual. Finally, my sister and her partner in crime had only one thing that changed, and that was their hair which was now blonde. I can't believe I'm the only one who that had the major makeover.
"Well, don't I just feel lucky," I said sarcastically. I heard snickering behind me; it was coming from my annoying cousin Elias. I shot him a death glare, and he quickly shut up.
"Come on guys let's not be late for our first day a school," said Ash. We followed him out the door and began our day at Ouran.
~~~At Ouran~~~
"Looks like were here," announced Ash. We drove up to a pink building, honestly of all the schools that Ash could choose from he had to pick the one that looks like a rainbow pony upchucked on it. He pulled out some papers from a folder. "Okay, I have messed with the school's filing system and changed some of our names but all of our last names just to be safe our physical features, and which grade we are in. I also cleared any history they might have on us. So here is your class schedules and maps to help you to get around school." He handed our papers, and we filed out onto the pavement. I scanned the courtyard for suspicious activity, but all I spotted were girls in the courtyard staring at my family and me with hearts in their eyes and whispering about three new hot male students.
"Looks like you already have some admirers 'Zane,' can't believe that you're so good with the ladies." teased Elias.
"Well 'Elie,' to me it sounds like you're jealous of my sudden admiration from these lovely ladies." I threw a flirty smile at the girls, which sent them on moe love fest.
"Will you stop pestering each other? We need to go and find our first class before school starts." Ash butted in. I rolled my eyes, and with that Ash grabbed Elie's arm and stormed up to school. I felt two look a likes wrapping themselves around me.
"Which class did Ash put you in Zane?" 'Amber' asked.
"Yeah tell us." said Ebony.
I looked down at the paper Ash gave me in the car. My new name was now Zane Smith, and I was in Class 2A. I showed the paper to them, and their faces sadden with disappointment.
"Aww, Zane doesn't get to have a buddy like the rest of us." Amber pouted.
"We're sorry, maybe you can find a new buddy," Ebony said cheerfully.
I padded their sweet blonde heads, knowing that I won't find someone to talk to. I'm a pretty quiet person that does nothing except draw, play music, and work on my fighting skills.
"I'll be fine, just go ahead and find your classes." They did as they were told and left me. I glanced back down at my schedule and quickly memorized the school's map. I know I would regret it if I didn't have this memorized. After a few moments, I had the school's layout jammed into my head. I began walking up to school when I got the feeling that someone or something was following me. I brushed the feeling aside not letting it ruin my day.
I finally arrived at my class a little early before the first bell of the day. My first teacher, Mr. Lay fee was already in the class preparing for today lesson.
"Good morning, I assume that you are Zane Smith. Am I correct?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," I replied.
"Good, it's nice to meet you, Smith, I will be your English teacher, Mr. Lay fee, and if you don't mind, I would like you to sit at the desk in the second row in the middle." I bowed to Mr. Lay fee and turned toward where my desk is. Great, I hate being so close to people. Oh well, I will just give it a try and if I don't like I will ask to be moved. Simple as that. I smirked at my thought and got settled in my desk. I have 10 minutes before school starts; I guess I will just listen to my music until time. I pulled out my IPod and popped in my headphones and played Shoot It Out by 10 Years. Right when the song began, a handsome blonde guy with violet eyes strut through the door acting like a prince while an another very attractive guy with glasses slowly paced behind his annoying friend. I glanced up at the two friends and immediately regretting it because Blondie caught me staring and came up right to my desk. Just look forward and act like you can't hear them.
"You must be the new student, right?" asked Blondie. I turned up the music trying to tune him out. "What's your name, new student?" I turned up until I couldn't anymore. "I'm Tamaki Suoh. I bet you have already heard of me though knowing I'm pretty popular." How can I still freaking HEAR HIM?! Sighing from not being able to listen to my music, I pulled out an earplug and gave Blondie one of my 'who gives a crap' looks.
"Seeing that you can't take a simple hint to shut up and leave me alone, Blondie. I'm Zane Smith and no I don't know who are you and don't give crap to learn it." With finishing, my statement Blondie retreated to a corner of woe. "What's wrong with him?" I asked out loud. His friend that hasn't spoken a word yet pushed his glasses further up his nose.
"Please ignore my friend, I'm Kyoya Ootori," He said holding out his hand to me suddenly. I shook it tentatively unsure of his real intentions. He seemed like he wasn't honestly greeting me. We pulled away from each other after a second.
"I'm so sorry we bothered you, Smith. It won't happen again."
He said all too happily.
"It better not," I dangerously said as I put the headphones back in my ear.
After a moment, a gaggle of girls came to my desk yet again interrupting my peace. I turned the music off as they addressed me so I wouldn't prolong whatever they were going to talk about to me.
"Wow I can't believe you just Kyoya and Tamaki off like that!" one girl said in awe. "They are like famous around here!"
"Famous?" I questioned.
"Yeah, they are part of the Host Club! It's a group of the most handsome guys you can hang out with!"
"I can't believe you just ignored Tama-chan! And you acted so rudely to Kyoya! He was so sweet!" These girls acted like I should automatically worship these now that I knew them. 'What idiots' I thought.
The feeling from earlier came back, and this time, it didn't go away. The shadows in the room suddenly began to grow and devour any traces of light in the classroom. The other students were oblivious to what was happening around them. I knew exactly why the other students couldn't see the moving shadows as I could, I'm the one They want. Why won't the bell ring already? I need to get out here before They try to attack. I thought impatiently.
I was silently shaking from a growing fear of anxiety of not knowing when the shadows would launch 'Their' attack. They brought up feelings of terror that I felt I would never be rid. I am always on guard because of their terrifying unpredictability. I knew it wasn't something an average person would deal with, but then again I didn't have an ordinary life. I never had and never will.
"I have to keep running…I have to…I just have to if I want to get away from Them." I puffed thinking desperately. I have been running for a long time, and I didn't whether or not I could keep this up. I was out of breath. I just need to find a secure room to hide until They give up on me. I have found myself upstairs and heading to three music rooms. I approached the first door and found it was locked. The air grew colder, and a slight breeze began to pick up. I felt fear and panic rising in me for I knew They were getting closer. I leaped to the next door and shook it violently and found it also was locked as well. "Ugh, no!" I panicked. Please let this one be open! I gripped the handle of the third door and swung the door open. Without knowing what was hiding behind those doors, I rushed inside and slammed the door shut trying to keep Them out and away from me. I leaned against the door relieved to have found safety.
I breathed in heavily and instead of a breath of oxygen I had been craving I was choking on something that felt velvety and tasted like grass. I hacked and spat it out in my hand. I looked up and saw the very concerned face of the annoying blonde I met today. "What the heck! Why did you throw flowers at me?! You could have killed me!" I yelled sticking my finger in his face.
Then his friend walked over. "What do you want us to do? Pay your medical bills?" He had a look on his face that was hurting my pride, and I got a dangerous idea. Hehe. The rose petal I hacked up earlier was slimy in my hand. I saw his face turn sour as I slapped him in the face with it. Man that felt good! I should have known that smile was a fake when I first meet him.
"Nope I rarely go to the hospital, and also 'four eyes' you should watch who you are talking to because it's not that hard to see through your fake facade, if you excuse me I must be on my way," I smirked. Everyone just stood there in shock and fear of not knowing what this mysterious person might do next.
"WAIT!" Tamaki reached for me before I could leave the room. I stopped suddenly and turned around looking straight at the small brunette with big feminine eyes.
"There is one question I have to ask, though, why is there a girl dressed up as a boy?" with that I left the boys and girl alone in their club room.
~~~Kyoya's POV~~~
I reached into my pants pocket to retrieve my napkin, and wiped of the revolting rose spit off my cheek. I turned around and notice that everyone is still a little shocked of what just happen. So was I because I never seen anyone to have enough courage to do that to me. Tamaki looked at me with worry and confusion.
"Hey Kyoya, are you okay?" Tamaki asked.
"Yes, I'm fine," I answered.
"Who was that?" he pondered.
"Don't you remember, that was Zane Smith, he is in our first-period class." I scanned through my files for Zane's. "Here it is, Zane Smith. He is from Great Britain has an older brother and younger sister that goes here. They go by the names of Ash and Amber Smith. Their cousins go here as well, Elie and Ebony Stewarts." Odd, that's everything about them no background or medical history, no family names or numbers, and barely any pictures. Hmm, this does not add up correctly.
"Ash and Elie are in our classes. Right, Takashi?" said the lolita boy that's was perched on the tall older boy's shoulders.
"Yeah and we have Amber and Ebony in our classes…" started Hikaru.
"They look just like twins!" finished Kaoru.
"And we can't have him running around school knowing Haruhi is a girl," They said in sync. A devilish grin crept on their faces as a nasty plan began to erupt in their minds. No, we can't, and I know just the solution to this problem. I left the members and started to come up with my plan by calling up a particular 3rd year.