A/N: Dialogue can be tough to write sometimes. But after watching The Dark World, this is just one of those scenes I got to thinking about and here we are.
This DOES contain spoilers for TDW, but I'm kind of starting to think that there isn't many of us out there who haven't seen it yet, but still. Hope you enjoy.
"I wish I could trust you."
The wind whistled harshly in his ears and he eyed his brother as the words crashed against his heart. There were far too many conflicting emotions at this point, too many issues to focus on, and yet he found himself wishing Thor had not spoken those words. Frigga's kind face flashed unbidden in his mind's eye, the last time he had seen her. He did not expect to be trusted - he barely trusted himself - and yet he wanted, no, needed, his brother to know the fury and pain that still coursed through his body at the mention of her murder.
But it would not be so.
"Trust my rage," he whispered into the wind, but Thor either did not hear or did not care to respond. He was gazing lovingly at his mortal, but his face suddenly hardened and he stood, turning to face Loki once more.
"We are nearly upon them," he said grimly, "and we must discuss what we are to do next."
"By all means, enlighten me," Loki said with a wry smile, his arrogant visage present once more.
"You are a talented liar, Loki," Thor said quietly. "And for once, it is a good thing." Loki raised an eyebrow. "Malekith is cunning and not easily fooled. If we are to destroy the Aether, it must be done through deception. That is where you come in."
"Forgive me if this bothers you," Loki said, straightening. "But the Aether is...oh, how can I put this...indestructible."
"We are still going to try," Thor replied with an icy stare.
"Seems counterproductive," Loki said with a shrug, "but I do understand your motivations. At this point, your selfish concern lies with the mortal and none else. Which is odd, since there is the high probability she will be killed."
"Thor." A gust of wind whipped between them both, but neither moved. "You might remember I was quite the studious child. At a time when the Dark Elves were considered nothing but history, I learned of the great battle and the means in which Asgard overcame them. You cannot destroy the Aether, and despite your thick skull, I think you know it. The only thing you want is to get the Aether out of her - "
"Enough." Thor was uncharacteristically quiet, but anger simmered in his electric blue eyes. "You would claim my motivations are selfish, and perhaps a part of them are. I do not want Jane to be destroyed, nor do I want Asgard to fall. I love my home and I love her." He cleared his throat, as if the admission made it difficult to breathe. "So if my desire to protect that which I care about is selfish, then yes. I am selfish. But at least I can still find room in my heart to protect what matters, despite pain and loss and death. Of this you can be sure." Loki stared him down, absorbing the obvious dig, and bared his teeth in a vicious smile.
"Then that is where we differ most, Odinson. I seek to avenge."
"We are wasting time with idle chatter," Thor said, ignoring him. "Here is what I propose: Malekith will sense the Aether is near. He will seek us out, and he will not be difficult to find. Upon our meeting, I will offer him the Aether in exchange for him staying out of Asgard. Jane will be hidden by you - "
"That will not work," Loki stated. Thor glared at him.
"I know you think me stupid, but I hope to deceive him. If we can get him to think that I want him out of Asgard - which obviously he would not return since we have brought the Aether to him - he will think himself the victor and I a fool. Upon his word, we will reveal Jane and when he has extracted the dark force from her, I will destroy it. Without it, Malekith will be no match for us and we can stop this before it starts."
"Always the sword before the strategy," Loki sighed and gazed out at the hideous landscape. "You yourself stated that Malekith is cunning and not easily fooled. You think he would believe you would offer him the Aether in exchange for Asgard's protection? He would see right through it." Thor began to speak, but Loki held up a finger. "You are also blinded in your worry. The power that courses through her will destroy her, and you think only of removing the threat. But how do you know Malekith will not kill her to get it? Or in even greater likelihood, that he will not kill us all once he has attained it?"
"I mean to destroy it," Thor started again, but Loki slammed his hands against the ledge of the skiff.
"It will not work. You would give Malekith his power and lead us as lambs to the slaughter. And then what will become of that which you love?"
"Then what would you have us do, Liesmith? I needed you only to get here. As of now, I have no further use of you."
"I will not let your stupidity kill you," Loki snapped. I mean to protect you. "You are right in saying Malekith must be deceived, but not in the way you have presented. I have a plan, and you will listen." Thor stared at him, at a loss for words.
"The dark elves have keen senses, their sight and hearing especially. They will not know we know this." Loki stepped closer and pointed. "We should set out on foot, as they will be seeking us out. When they spot us - preferably from a distance - we will let them know we have perceived them."
Loki shrugged. "It doesn't matter. When they do spot us, it is then that I will betray you."
Loki smiled.
"My dagger," he said, even as it slid into his waiting palm. He held it up and the dismal light glinted off its sharp point. "I do hope you do not mind being stabbed."
"Loki..." Thor faltered. "I do not understand."
"Recall New York," Loki said softly. Thor blinked and his breathing changed. "Upon that Stark Tower, when my blade found its way to your side. I ensured it would not hurt you then, and it will not hurt you now." Thor balked.
"You mean to say you did not mean to harm me - "
"The elves will be watching and hearing every word we say," Loki continued. "We will make it look as if I have turned against you. I will then offer the Lady Jane to Malekith, as if to align myself with them. You must act quickly, however, when he takes the Aether from her. It will not take long." He eyed his blade and with a wave of his hand, it disappeared from view. "In all likelihood, even the mighty power of Mjolnir will not overcome. We will have to fight. And ensure her safety." He nodded to Jane, who remained asleep and unmoving. "Either way, I cannot see either of us surviving this."
"You plan well, brother," Thor said quietly. "But it needs more." Loki raised an eyebrow.
"Is that so?"
"Yes. I do not want Malekith to doubt. I think you should..." He faltered once more, staring hard at the ground. In the next moment, blue eyes met his. "Perhaps we should make it look as if you have killed me."
"Is that not what my stabbing you is for?" Loki inquired, but Thor shook his head slowly.
"I fear it will not be enough. With your grand illusions and trickery, perhaps you could make it look as if..." He faltered.
"As if you have cut my head off." Thor stared at him grimly. The faith he was willing to give Loki at that moment was raw, stupid even, especially in light of his expressed desire to trust him but moments ago. Loki eyed him for a moment before bursting into hysterical laughter.
"Dearest brother, you would trust me to cast the illusion of your decapitation instead of actually doing it? Even after literally telling me you thought I would betray you?"
He paused but a moment before saying, "Yes."
"Then you would be the fool I always took you for," he said darkly. His face lit up but a second later. "But I rather like your idea. Even so, perhaps we can make it less of a risk, hm?" Loki eyed his bound hands for a moment and said, "What about your hand?"
"What good would that do? If we want Malekith to believe you have betrayed me, why would you not critically stab me and then only cut my hand off?"
"Because I do not actually want to kill you, Thor." They stared at one another before Thor bent down and tucked the blanket securely around Jane. He then stood and brushed past his brother, to the back of the skiff, and stared out at the dark surroundings.
"That is debatable. I do not trust you," he spoke into the air, "but I fear I have no choice." Loki followed and stood beside him, slightly perturbed at his back-and-forth tendencies with trust.
"It will work," he said quietly. "At least in some ways." Thor swallowed and looked at him - really looked at him. An unwanted memory of their conversation before Thor's coronation popped unbidden into his mind, and Loki realized Thor looked upon him the same way now he did then.
It unnerved him.
"You must promise me something," Thor murmured. He reached out and placed a hand on Loki's shoulder and gripped it firmly. Loki somehow could not find the need to pull away. "Whatever happens - however this ends - do not risk yourself. In any way. I would not have you be injured or even killed by these creatures."
Loki smiled, all teeth. "Concern for my welfare, brother? How very unfitting."
"It is not concern," Thor shot back, but squeezed his shoulder tighter. "I will not allow them another death, another victory. Especially not through my own fault. I am the one who brought you here."
"And the one who is no longer in need of me." Thor heaved a sigh, but his features brightened when Loki shot him a tiny grin. He almost smiled back.
He could pretend, for just a moment, that things had never changed.
"Promise me, Loki." Said brother gave a dramatic roll of his eyes, but only nodded and said,
"I promise." Thor nodded and released his grip, then cast a glance at his mortal.
"I suppose I should wake her and tell her."
"No." Thor raised an eyebrow and Loki shrugged. "Her reaction will be far more genuine if we do not let her know. You and I have fooled many an enemy before, but she could prove to be our downfall. She already does not trust me. It is safer this way." Thor crossed his arms and smirked.
"If I did not know better, I would think you were actually on our side."
"I am on no one's side but my own," Loki replied, staring out once more at the view. "And as I've said, I seek to avenge." Thor let out a puff of breath and stood by him, resting his leg against the ledge. Mere seconds passed in silence before he noticed finally noticed Loki staring at Jane. He turned his head towards her and noticed she was awake, her eyes an odd, electric blue.
"Jane," he murmured, but she ignored him and went to stand at the bow of their small ship, looking at the sky.
"Malekith," she whispered and a small thrill shot through his chest. He glanced sideways at Loki, who was grinning foolishly at him.
"Showtime," he mouthed. With hands on the steering stem, they slowly began their descent into Svartalfheim.
It was odd, watching the Kursed pound the mighty Thor into the ground. Easily vanquished foes were one thing, but he could not recall the last time his brother (not brother) had been so swiftly beaten. In another time, another place, he would have been horrified. At the moment though, the only feeling he could distinguish in his raging thoughts was pure and unadulterated fury.
First his mother (oh yes his mother) and now Thor. Not going to happen.
Not in this life.
He cast a quick glance around and spotted one of those ghastly grenades that had nearly taken his life (were it not for Thor, you are merely returning the favor, that is all). It was still attached to the belt of the lifeless body of the unfortunate elf who had dared to challenge him. He snatched it quickly, ignoring the simpering whimpers of Thor's mortal. At the last minute, he ran and grabbed a spear lying in the dirt, attached the grenade, and rushed to his brother's aid.
The air of this realm was acrid and it burned his lungs as he ran. In seconds he was upon them and without a second thought, he aimed his weapon and thrust it straight. As it left his fingers he pressed the side of the grenade and briefly let himself wonder if he could get himself and Thor out of the way before it activated. The spear found its target, directly into the center of the Kursed's back and straight through its body. Loki barely let a smile grace his lips before the thing turned, eyeing him with a deadly stare. He suddenly knew in that moment what would happen.
He did not have time to move before the Kursed grabbed him and pierced the spear into his heart.
He heard Thor's scream faintly in the back of his mind, but the pain had begun to ripple and swell and course through him even as he was shoved to the ground. In seconds, the mere act of breathing became far too painful, but he managed to spit out, "See you in Hel, monster."
There was no time for it to yank out the spear before the grenade exploded and swallowed the thing whole.
Thor rushed to his side, his face beaten and bloody, muttering, "No, no, no." He snatched the forsaken prince into his trembling arms and rasped, "Oh you fool, you didn't listen..."
"I know, I'm a fool...I'm a fool..." Loki managed, and there was so much - so much he wanted to say, but his words, his silver weapon, were suddenly failing him in that moment. An unfamiliar terror was creeping into his heart and the icy fingers of death were slowly wrapping about his being, but it was not until he heard the words of his brother that he realized...
"Stay with me, okay."
...he was dying.
Norns, this was weird. He had taken so many lives in his time, yet he had never imagined what it would feel like to watch the world fade away as he took his last breaths. Never realized he was never going to see Thor's face again or taste the sweetness of a fresh strawberry or watch the snow fall as he read a book in the library or oh god this was not supposed to happen this way.
Visions flashed in a span of seconds. All that he had done. All the wrongs he had committed, all the mistakes he had made. One simple act of rescue would not change his fate or alter where he was headed. The thought in itself was terrifying, and for the first time in a long time, he did not know what to do.
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry -" More needed to be said. Thor deserved better, he deserved an explanation, not the stammering apology of a dying man who was trying to make up for all his sins with a few (genuine, real) words. His lungs wouldn't work. Black lines ran through his vision like streams of rain on a windowpane. I was jealous, I was weak, I wanted to prove myself -
"It's alright," Thor whispered, feigning strength. This much Loki knew. Asgard was a warrior culture. Tears were not allowed on the battlefield. Such sentiments were practically beaten out of every young warrior-to-be. But Thor was Thor, his face an open book. This was hurting him. "I'll tell father what you did here today," he then said, and gave a determined nod. Because you won't be able to.
Such a thought was almost funny.
"I didn't do it for him," Loki murmured, his fingers and arms and legs going numb with the dull ache of death. It was for you, Thor.
It was always for you.
He could feel it, then. The poison working its way into his heart, which then pumped the vile stuff into his veins. And it hurt. God, did it hurt. Somehow, in this painful, life-ending state, he still didn't want his brother to see. Yes...his brother. Thor shouldn't have to see the piercing agony and if he could not do or say anything meaningful to one of two who had never ceased loving him, he could do him one last favor and spare him the sight of his lifeless eyes. And so he closed them, fading away into whatever fate awaited him, his silver words dead on his lips that he had longed to speak since the day he fell.
I love you, Thor...
He did not hear the agonizing howl that ripped the air in two.
Only question now is, should I continue this? I've got theories as to what happens after all of this, but is it worth turning it into a multi-chapter fic? Leave a review and let me know!