last chapter Loves~ please review!
Gilbert whipped out his phone, dialing 911 as Matt continued to convulse on the floor. He held the Canadian's hand as he waited urgently for them to pick up.
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The lady said.
"My boyfriend overdosed on pills, he took them about ten minutes ago, please get here!" the Prussian quickly gave her the address and waited for the ambulance to get there. He glanced up, to the bed, where the pill bottle and two folded pieces of paper sat. One had his name on it. He grabbed the papers, stuffing them in his pocket as he waited impatiently for them to arrive.
"Sir, can you tell me how he is breathing?" The lady asked.
"Hardly at all!" he said nervously.
"Sir, calm down, help is on the way, the important thing is for you to keep calm." She said.
"I AM calm!" he snapped at her.
"I know, sir, now breathe deeply please."
"Gott, stay with me Mattie." the Prussian whispered, tightening his hold on the blonde's hand.
"Can you tell me what he took?" She asked.
The Prussian grabbed the bottle, looking down. "Uhh... Prozac." his heart sank slightly. Matt had been trying to get better. And he, Gilbert, had screwed it all up.
"Make sure to tell the paramedics that when they get there." The door opened downstairs.
After an incredibly tense ambulance ride, paramedics wheeled Matthew down the hall quickly in a hospital bed as a nurse slapped a clipboard full of paperwork to Gilbert's chest and left, saying, "Here, fill this out."
Gilbert sighed and started to fill out the paperwork.
"Why Mattie?" he wondered as he penciled in the blonde's name.
His hand inched towards his pocket, pulling out the crumpled pieces of paper.
One with his name, one with Alfred's.
He swallowed nervously, debating on whether to read them or not.
"Fuck it," the albino decided. "He left it to me."
He opened it.
Dear Gilbert,
I know you hate me now. Who wouldn't? I tried so hard and it wasn't good enough. I wasn't good enough. It's so difficult to keep going. The only thing I had was the fact that you loved me, but you don't anymore. I don't blame you. There are people out there who are a million times better than me so I don't know why you decided to be with me. I guess it makes sense that you're done with me. Anyway, it's too hard to keep going now. You were all that I had, but you're done with me now. So I'm done too. I still love you though. Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault.
Hopefully by the time you get this I'll be gone.
I love you.
Gilbert sniffled, realizing the page had gotten wet. He hadn't realized he was crying until he lifted his hand to his face and felt the wetness.
"Why would I hate you...?" He whispered to the note.
He looked at the other note. It was to Alfred... Should he read it?
'He let it for Alfred. I'll let him read it.' He thought to himself, wiping his eyes.
Speaking of the American, he realized he had simply left Alfred in the house and vaguely recalled the blonde looking mystified as Gilbert ran down the stairs, ignoring his inquiries as to where he was going.
He pulled out his phone again, dialing Alfred's number.
"Hey Alfred?" He asked, his voice shaking from crying.
"Dude! What the hell just happened?! Why was Mattie on a stretcher?! I'm in my car on the way to the hospital right now!"
"He- we got in a fight. He tried to kill himself, Alfred, I'm sorry."
There was a slight silence.
"He... He what?" repeated the American, tone suggesting he had misheard.
"He tried to kill himself."
"Why? He was happy! He told me so!"
"We had a fight."
"What the fuck did you do to my brother?" the American's tone had shifted from horrification to infuriation and protectiveness.
"I- we got in an argument, that's all!" He cried.
"This is all your fault, you son of a bitch." he snapped. "If he doesn't turn out okay, I'll make sure you don't either."
The phone clicked in Gilbert's ear, signifying that Alfred had hung up.
He inhaled sharply and put his phone back in his pocket.
He was pretty sure it WAS his fault, actually. If Mattie didn't turn out okay, he was pretty sure he deserved everything Alfred was going to do to him and more. The American was usually very nice, if somewhat nosy, but then again, he had never gotten on the boy's bad side.
"This is all my fault!" He pressed his hands to him face, feeling more tears slip out.
Alfred came in, looking like a force to be reckoned with as he glowered at the Prussian, snatching the paperwork and filling it out accordingly.
Gilbert stayed quiet, not wanting to start anything.
"Uh, Mister... Beilschmidt?" said a nurse, poking her head into the room. "He's awake. He wants to talk to you."
Gilbert got up solemnly and followed the nurse, before stopping in his tracks, turning back to the American.
"Wait. He... He wrote this to you. I didn't read it." he handed the American the letter and kept walking.
"Thanks?" Alfred said.
"Gil..." said the Canadian, voice extra quiet, even quieter than his normal voice. Practically a whisper, and hoarse. He had had his stomach pumped, so that was to be expected.
"Matt... I'm so, so sorry!"
"Not as sorry as me... I'm sorry, Gil."
"No, no, I drove you to this, Mattie it's my fault." Gilbert said, hugging Matt.
Matt hugged back. "No you didn't, it wasn't your fault. It was my fault."
"It could be both of our faults. That way we wouldn't argue about it." Gil suggested.
Matt smiled weakly. "J- Just please don't leave me." he half-whimpered into Gilbert's shoulder, holding tighter to the albino.
"I won't, I promise."
"I'm sorry." he apologized again.
"I'm sorry." Gilbert buried his nose in Mattie's hair.
"y- You don't hate me?"
"Why would I hate you?" He asked, shocked.
"Because I promised you that I wouldn't... H- Hurt myself and then I did."
"No, that doesn't matter. I wish you wouldn't, but having you alive is more important to me. Please, Mattie, don't ever do this again."
"I won't do it again, I won't, and I'm sorry." he said, hot tears running down his face as he attempted to stop crying.
"I was so scared when you passed out, I- I thought you'd left me!" Gil had begun to cry as well, overcome by his emotions.
"I won't ever leave you." the Canadian promised
"And I won't leave you."
"How sweet! GIMME SOME LOVE, BROTHA!" Alfred yelled, jumping onto the bed next to the Canadian. The scary and threatening Alfred was gone, and normal Alfred was back.
"Alfred, there's a needle in my arm!" Matt complained.
Alfred laughed, getting off. "I'm glad you're okay, dude! I was really worried!"
"I'm fine, no need to be worried." He said.
"All right! But seriously, Mattie, dude. I love ya. You're pretty fucking great, ok? There's no way I could forget about you."
"Thanks Alfred." He smiled.
The American grinned before exiting, leaving the two alone.
"Forget about you?"
"It was just something I had mentioned…" The Canadian winced.
"Trust me, you're unforgettable." Said Gilbert, leaning down and gently kissing the blonde.