A/N: A cross-over that can't get out of my mind… Luckily it's school break for me here! So updates! Yay! :D Shingeki no Kokoro… yeah… can't really think of a better name, yet… well, hope you guys enjoy this crossover! And again, another OC story… I promise not to make her a Sue! _

This story is purely fan made! I think… meh… chapter 1 is though…

Rated for blood and language!

Shingeki no Kyojin © Hajime Isayama

Kingdom Hearts © Square Enix

Hikari © me

{Edit: some typo and Corporal Levi to Levi, Commander Erwin to Erwin (It was a moutful writing in third POV -_-")}

Chapter One
Welcome to the Survey Corps

"What a strange world…" Hikari murmured quietly to herself, amazed. She glanced around the town briefly, staring at the old fashioned buildings. A lot of things caught her eye like the citizens yelling out discounts for various items. But one thing caught her eyes though—the large and tall walls surrounding the town. Her blue eyes kept on staring at the walls for a minute or two. "How tall—ack!"

"Watch it kid! Don't stand in the middle of the road"

"So-sorry!" The keyblade wielder apologized, trying to back away from the man, but ended up bumping into another.

"Brat! Watch where you're going!"

"Gah! Sorry! Excuse me! AW!"

"Tsk! Insolent brat."

Hikari was literally pushed into an empty alley, dodge rolling in the process. She stopped after a few dodge rolls and sat on the ground, panting. A visible vein popped on her forehead. People was pushing and shoving her around! What a rude bunch! She was just staring! Nothing wrong with that! Angrily, she pushed herself up, grumbling under her breath. She brushed the dirt off her pants, glaring at the crowd.

"Hmph!" Hkari huffed angrily as she puffed her cheeks out. "Rude much!" She raised her fist, shaking it at the crowd.

If she knew this world was a rude one, she wouldn't even pick it! Apparently, the keyblade wielders have to travel alone to cover more world. The Darkness has been increasing rapidly. Heartless were here and there. Nobodies—the lesser ones—were everywhere. And Pete was still lurking around. The brunette picked this world because it somehow caught her eyes. Sure there were a billion other worlds to choose from, but she picked this world instead. And now she regretted for ever picking this world to start with her journey.

It was too late to turn back now. She ran her fingers through her hair, letting a heavy sigh escape her lips. Her eyes went back to stare at the walls with her eyebrows knitted together.

'Well… there's no turning back now.'


Eren Jaeger panted heavily. His breathing quickened, gasping for air. He—like all the other cadets—collapsed on the ground. Keith Shadis had them all running laps—fifty laps around the old castle to be exact. It was no surprise that the strict instructor would do something like this to them. The teenager shakily stood up, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Get up Midgets! Is this all you got?! Even my grandma can run more laps than you brats!" Chief Instructor Keith Shadis yelled, frightening the fresh new recruits. Even though the 104th Trainee Squad has had him as their instructor for the past years, they still can't quite get use to his harsh method of training. His sharp eyes scanned through the trainees, glaring. None of them seem to get up from the group except a few from the 104th's. "Get the f*ck up! This is not how you should do when a Titan chases you! If you stop for a f*cking second to breathe then the Titan will eat you alive! Never give a Titan a chance!"

Eren curled up his hands into tight fists, his knuckles turning white. Shadis was right. The Titans don't give a damn about anything. The teen let out a small 'tsk', looking away. He has been out there—out from the walls and witness some of his comrades get killed or eaten by the inhuman beings. And the worst part is he can't even help them even when he was in his Titan form.

"Eren," A voice called and a hand was placed on his shoulder. Said boy turned around to see a pair of calmly looking black eyes. Mikasa Ackerman, his adoptive sister, was looking at him worriedly. No one could tell but Armin and Eren himself, since the three of them particularly grew up together. "Don't push yourself." She said.

Eren let out a deep sigh, "Mikasa," He replied back, giving a quick glance. He stood up straight, a determined look in his eyes. "I have to. I'm not going to let our friends die in vain." he said boldly.

Mikasa shook her head at her brother's stubbornness. "Just don't push yourself too hard." She ducked her head low, her red scarf covering her mouth.

"Jaeger!" A voice yelled, approaching swiftly. Both Eren and Mikara turned to see a short man striding towards them. Cold grey eyes flicking between the two cadets as his mouth was set in a hard thin line and a small 'tsk' escaped his mouth. "Follow me. Now." he ordered.

Eren and Mikasa exchanged looks before Eren decided to follow the small man's order. He quickly jogged to catch up with the man, beads of sweat strolling down his face. Soon, he was walking a little behind the man who kept on a stoic look, frightening some cadets.

"Yes, sir?" Eren said, confusedly. He didn't do anything wrong now did he?

The short man—Lance Corporal Levi, suddenly stopped walking. Eren almost missed him due the fact of his short stature. The brunette halted on time, almost bumping into his captain. He quickly regained his balance and stood tall behind the Corporal, blinking his eyes, waiting for a reply.

"I've been receiving reports," Levi began sternly, making Eren stare at his back with an eyebrow raised. Swiftly, Levi turned around on his heel, glaring at the brunette.

Eren swallowed thickly, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. "S-Sir, what does this have to do with me, sir?" he stuttered.

Levi let a heavy sigh escape his mouth, placing his hand on his forehead. "Don't play dumb with me, Jaeger." He began, hissing slightly. He reached his hand out, grabbing Eren's beige shirt, pulling him down to his eye level. "Citizens have been reporting missing people, young to old, and they all say the same thing… a tall black creature lurking in the night kidnapping people and disappeared without a trace." He released Eren's shirt, pushing him back.

Eren fixed his shirt, his eyebrow furrowed down an annoyed look on his face. "Sir, are you… accusing me for kidnapping?" he asked in a rather irritated tone.

Levi's eyes narrowed into slits. "What do you think?" he asked back, harshly. He began to walk towards the old castle. "I expect you to be in your cell by seven o'clock sharp, after dinner. If the kidnapping still proceeds while you're in your cell, the court will have to release you. Do you hear me, Jaeger?"

Eren stared in shock at his captain. He was being…nice? The boy snorted. Nice? Yeah right, like he actually have a nice side.

"Oi you f*cking Jaeger! Answer me before I make it to f*cking four o'clock for the rest of your stupid shitting life!" Levi's loud voice snapped Eren out from his thoughts.

"Y-Yes sir!" Eren quickly respond, panicked.


"I still don't get it." A brown haired girl mumbled under her breath, huffing slightly. Her arms were folded neatly across her chest as her lips formed a thin line. She placed her hand on her chin, staring at the ground with confused blue eyes. Her back was against the old stoned wall in the alley where it was the only place that weren't crowded. She groaned. It was hard to think with the clamor of citizens in the crowded market. "Bah! This is stupid… I came all this way for nothing!" She screamed into the air, pulling her hair out.

Hikari pushed herself off the wall and began to walk back to the crowded market, an annoyed look on her face. She pulled her hood up trying to lessen the sunlight from getting into her eyes. She tucked her hands inside her jacket's pockets, walking down the road carefully and avoiding people's gaze of how strange her clothes are. It's not her fault that her clothes didn't adjust to the world's timeline.

'There's no sign of any Heartless here... or any Nobodies…' Hikari thought, a scowl escaped her lips. She began to stomp her way across the market, eyebrows furrowed down. People began to make way for her after seeing the annoyed look on her face. Not that she mind. 'Great! Then I can finally leave this stupid cruddy wor—,'



Hikari rubbed her bottom, groaning in pain. An angry frown appeared on her lips as her tongue clicked in annoyance. This was the last straw! Quickly, she scrambled up to stand on her full height, glaring at the person who just bumped into her. Apparently, when they both bump into each other, they both fell as well.

"Hey what do you think—," Hikari began in a low tone, but was cut short by the petite girl.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The girl apologized repeatedly with her head ducked low. She was apologizing like it was a mantra or something.

The brunette's eyes softened a little. It was only a little blonde girl…wearing some kind of military uniform? She shake her head, things get weirder and weirder every day. She let out a loud sigh, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. She felt guilty. "Hey uh… it's okay. It was kind of, sort of, my fault anyway…" she mumbled loud enough for the blonde to hear.

The blonde lifted her head up, staring at Hikari with teary blue eyes. Hikari visibly flinch when she saw the blonde's eyes. The girl was going to cry! Quickly, the keyblade wielder lowered into a squatting position, offering a handkerchief for the girl to wipe her tears away.

"Here, take it." Hikari offered, handing her white handkerchief to the girl.


With heavy sigh, Hikari placed the handkerchief on top of the girl's head, gazing at another direction, avoiding the blonde. "Sorry… I didn't mean to make you cry. I was pissed." She apologized.

The blonde blinked, taking the handkerchief off her head. "Are you from the Klorva District?" She asked. She gasped and closed her mouth after she realized she was being to straight forward.

Hikari blinked her eyes, staring confusedly at the blonde. "Uh…"

The blonde quickly ducked her head low again, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" she screamed frantically.

A grin spread out across Hikari's lips. "It's cool! No need to apologize, girly." She reached her hand out, ruffling the small girl's hair. She gave a closed-eye-grin to the blonde when she felt the blonde lifted her head up.

Hikari placed both her hands on her knees, pushing herself up. "By the way, my name's Hikari," she introduced herself, pointing a thumb to her chest with a huge smile. She reached her free hand out for the blonde to take. "What's yours?"

"Kris—Krista Lenz… It's nice to meet you, Hikari." Krista introduced, lowering her head a little. She was nervous. This is the second time she has ever met an Asian girl. The first one was Mikasa.

Krista slightly lifted her gaze up, staring at the strange brunette. Apparently, the brunette was wearing some strange clothes to start with and her attitude seems to change rather quickly. Maybe she's from the Klorva District, but the strange metal pin on her chest throws away her theory. Perhaps she was the King's Secret Service. The brunette was weird in every way, but she can't say that to her. That would be rude.

"—you doing here?" Krista snapped out of her thoughts when Hikari finished asking something.

Once again, Krista ducked her head low. "I-I'm sorry… bu-but could you repeat that? I-I spaced out…" she asked quietly.

Hikari nodded, "Sure. What are you doing here? I doubt that you're just hanging around in this rude town." She scowled at the last part.

"Oh!" Krista shoved her hand into her pocket, pulling out a small piece of paper. She held the paper with both her hands, keeping her eyes on it for a few seconds before turning back to smile at Hikari. "M-My squad leader asked me to get some supplies for her."

"Hmmm," Hikari hummed, rubbing her chin. She grabbed the piece of paper from Krista's hand, ignoring her complains. The brunette raised an eyebrow when she read the supplies. She gave the blonde a look. "Your squad leader told you to buy beer and wine? What kind of squad leader told their subordinates to buy alcoholic drinks? Don't tell me that you're also drinking, kid." Her nose scrunched up in disgust.

Krista shook her head, waving her hands in front of her face frantically. "N-No! Never! I'm only sixteen! I would never drink!" She blushed.

Hikari's eyes widened. "Sixteen? Are you serious? You're as old as me!" She shouted, pointing a finger accusingly at the petite girl.

Krista bit her bottom lip, "I-I'm not that small…" she whispered, sadness in her tone.

"Who's talking about height? I don't mind having a friend like you. I actually have a friend smaller than you and we're pretty much great friends!" Hikari said, cheering Krista up with words. "How about I help you do your shopping? It's the least I can do for making you cry three times…" she sheepishly said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"B-But—," Krista tried to protest, but she got cut off when Hikari grabbed her hand, dragging her to the market.

"No buts! You can be my tour guide too!" Hikari grinned happily, literally skipping.

'To-Tour guide?!'


"T-Thank you for helping me carry these, Hikari," Krista stuttered, glancing over to the brunette who was carrying a bag full of wines and beers. The blonde was carrying Hanji's other odd requests. She was grateful that Hikari insisted on helping her carry the supplies, otherwise it would be a real problem for her. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you carry those? I can handle a bottle or two… they looked really heavy." She said worriedly.

Hikari grinned smugly. "It's not really heavy." She answered. True, being a keyblade wielder was a real advantage due to the tough training. Her ears twitch when they heard nasty comments about Krista's military branch.

"Tsk. Look at them, wasting our money on drinks."

"Yeah, I heard the last expedition was a failure too. Many of them died."

"I knew it. They're just a bunch of worthless money burning military—,"

A visible vein popped on the keyblade wielder's forehead. "HEY! If you want to say nasty things about Krista's group then say that to my face! I dare you, you bunch of sissies!" Hikari screamed loudly, raising her fist and shaking it threateningly at the group of men while her left arm carried the drinks.

"What did you say?! You f*cking little brat! I'll teach you a lesson!" The bald man shouted, his hands curled up into tight fist as he lower himself into a fighting position.

"O-Oi! Botho! Are you really going to beat this kid? The Garrisons are going to find out…" His friend whispered, his eyes flicking worriedly between his boss and the gutsy girl.

"Shut the f*ck up! I don't care! I want to put this f*cking brat to her place!" Botho snarled, flashing a glare at his subordinates before his eyes landed on the keyblade wielder.

Hikari smirked and placed the bag of drinks on the ground, positioning herself in her signature fighting stance.

"Hi-Hikari." Krista began worriedly, placing a hand on Hikari's shoulder. "I-It's alright… we get that a lot." A sad smile appeared on her lips.

Hikari glanced over her shoulder, frowning. "I don't care. They should've respected you. You're the military. You protect them. The least they can do is to respect you and your friends." She said, glaring at the challenger.

"Protect us? As if! All they ever do is waste our tax money on worthless shit of weapons and failed on every expedition! Every single time the Titans beat the shit out of them!" The bald man seemed to be confident, too confident to be exact. That smirk on his face, makes the keyblade wielder want to wipe it clean on the ground.

"At least they got guts to face the Titans!" Hikari screamed, not really knowing what the Titans are. The brunette didn't even seem to be distracted by the crowd circling the two. Only one thing was in her mind—beat the crap out of this bald man.

Hikari raised her fist, facing the man before her with a determined look. They both began to circle one another slowly, waiting for the first move. Hikari kicked up small clouds of dust as her rubber shoe skidded against the dusty ground. A smirk appeared on her lips as she saw the man's expression changed from fearless to fearful.

"What's wrong baldy?! Scared?" She taunted with a smirk growing.

The man lunged forward, clouds of dust was left behind in his trail. He swung his fist straight to Hikari's face, smirking as he did so. Hikari swerve in time, his fist whistled past her cheek. Swiftly, she pulled down Botho's hand and grabbed his shirt, twisting it as she spun around. She threw him over her shoulder easily. He landed on the ground with a loud thud, creating dust clouds around him after the impact. He grunted in pain.

"Shit…" Botho mumbled in pain between gritted teeth.

Suddenly, two pair of arms hooked themselves under Hikari's arms, securing her in a tight hold. The two lackeys pulled the keyblade wielder away from their boss, dragging her a good few feet. The brunette struggled to break free from their grasps, but it was no use. The people watching began to murmur and watch in pure horror as Botho got up to his feet with a sinister smirk.

Botho cracked his knuckles as he slowly approached the brunette. "Heh, you're gonna pay for that you midget." He said, his cocky smirk coming back to his face.

Krista gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "Hi-Hikari!" She shouted and dropped the bags. She ran and grabbed the bald man's arm, pulling him back, trying to prevent him from beating Hikari up. "E-Enough sir! Please! Please forgive my friend! She didn't mean anything!" she pleaded.

"Get off!" The bald man pushed Krista to the ground, making the girl yelped in pain. The crowd began to murmur something about the man being so rude at the two girls. He scowled. "Rude? You call us rude?! How about them?! They waste our money! They waste lives! They are worthless just like these little two pieces of shit." He spat venomously.

Hikari lowered her head, her bangs shadowing her eyes. Her eyes were narrowed briefly to Krista, examining her for a moment before going back to glare at the man coldly.

"Let's see what you'll do when I punch that smirk off your pretty little face." The bald man sneered.

The bald man swung his fist straight at Hikari's face once more. The two lackeys holding her in place smirked wickedly. They were going to win…or not. Swiftly, Hikari jumped, holding Botho's fist with her feet. She locked the bald man's fist in between her ankle. Krista gasped, staring at the unique fighting skill. She watched as the brunette pulled him down with force and step on his back.

Hikari jabbed the lackey on her right with her elbow, earning a grunt from him. She threw him over her shoulder and did the same with the other lackey. She jumped into the air and did a flip, landing on the ground safely. Botho got up to his feet, charging again. Hikari dodged and blocked his attacks with her bangs still shadowing her eyes.

"Stay f*cking still!" Botho ordered as he swung his fist once more.

Hikari leaned to the side and grabbed his wrist.

Botho visibly flinch as Hikari's grip on his wrist tightened constantly. "H-Hey! What the f—," the brunette tightened her hold once more, making the man scream in pain. She suddenly twisted his arm behind his back and tripped him, sending him face first to the dirt with his wrist still in her grasp. He grunted loudly, opening an eyelid to see a pair of cold blue eyes. All of his muscles began to tensed up, frightened by the coldness.

Hikari parted her lips a little, glaring coldly at the man under her. "I'm fine with you cursing up a storm at me, but," she stepped on the man's back, earning a cry of pain from him. Her blue eyes glanced over to the two lackeys. She furrowed her eyebrows even more and they both fled, running as if someone was chasing them. She turned back to stare down at the man. "I'm not fine with you mocking and hurting my friends. I don't tolerate any violence given to my friends from the likes of you."

Botho cursed under his breath as people around him began to murmur. "F-Fine."

Krista stared at Hikari with wide eyes. "Hi-Hikari, tha-that's en-enough. The ma-man had enough." She said quietly, but loud enough for the keyblade wielder to hear.

Hikari glanced over to Krista and let out a heavy sigh, releasing her grip on Botho's wrist. She ruffled the back of her hair, letting out a frustrated sigh once more. "Listen here, you butt-head," She began as she crossed her arms over her chest, towering over the frightened man. "If I ever find you bugging or even talking bad about this girl right here and her team, you'll be hearing it from me. Got it?" she hissed and pointed her thumb over her shoulder to Krista.

Botho scowled, turning his head away.

Hikari's eyebrow twitched as her mouth twitch up in annoyance. "I said," She said, slamming her foot down near Botho's hand. "Got. It?" she spat, growling.

As a reply, Botho nodded his head frantically as he began to scramble back up to his feet. He ran to the direction where his lackeys fled. "This isn't over! Next time, I'll be sure to bring more of my men you f*cking asshole!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"What did you say, you double-crosser coward!" Hikari screamed, shaking her fist in anger as she attempted to chase the man away. Before that could ever happen, Krista already had her arm wrapped around Hikari's left arm and the other around her waist, preventing her from killing the man. "Come back here and fight me you twerp!" she trashed around in Krista's grasp.

"Hikari! Calm down!" Krista shouted.

The brunette took a few deep breaths, exhaling after one and another. "I'm calm, I'm calm."

Krista smiled and released Hikari from her grasp. She watched as Hikari walked towards the paper bag and grabbed something from it. She tilted her head to the side when Hikari began to bounce a bread up and down, staring at it as it flew in the air for a second before landing on her palm. Krista's confused look turned into a look of horror when Hikari positioned the bread in a throwing position with her tongue sticking out childishly.

"Hikari!" Krista yelled, stopping the keyblade wielder from throwing the bread.

Said brunette turned to the blonde with a goofy grin as she scratched the back of her head. "He he… Sorry. Got carried away." she apologized while Krista placed a hand over her chest, sighing heavily. "But…"

"Hikari," Krista sighed heavily, staring up at Hikari with big doe eyes. "Don't throw it away… It's food. People would give away anything for food. Please appreciate it." she said.

Hikari laughed nervously, lowering the bread as her eyes were closed. "Chill, Krista, I won't throw this bread away… at least, not now. Not until I find that man again anyway." She shrugged her shoulders. She cracked open an eyelid as she felt someone staring at her.

It was a little boy, around the age of six. The brunette smiled and kneeled down offering the bread to the child. The small boy took it hesitantly and smiled when he received the bread in his hands. Hikari ruffled his hair, grinning. He grinned back before quickly running towards what-seems-to-be his family. Smiling, Hikari waved her hand at the boy who was happily waving his hand at her.

"You're right, Krista. I won't throw food at that man." Hikari said, standing up. "I'll throw hammers instead!" She punched her own fist, trying to act all scary, but failed when Krista giggled and the people around her began to laugh at her 'stupid' expression. "Hmph! Not funny." She huffed childishly, turning away from Krista to carry the bag of drinks.

Krista placed a curled hand against her lips, trying to stop giggling. "I-I'm sorry… It's just that I've never met someone from the King's Secret Service who's funny." She giggled as she lifted up the other bag.

'The King's Secret Service? What the heck is that?' Hikari asked herself in her mind, raising an eyebrow. She opened her mouth to ask, but quickly closed her mouth again with a troubled look on her face. 'Better not ask her… It's obvious that everyone knows what a Secret Service is…' She thought, trying to think of a way to get information starting from the Titans and the walls.

"Krista," Hikari began as they both began to walk away from the market.

"Hmm?" Krista hummed, keeping her eyes on the road. "What is it?"

"Can I see your…" Hikari paused, thinking of the right for to address Krista's boss. "—superior? I need to have a chat with him." she continued.

Krista tilted her head to the side, turning her head sideways. "I—I don't see why not, but I'm not sure if Commander Erwin expect any visitors from Wall Sina today." She tapped her chin, glancing up at the sky.

Hikari nodded her head in acknowledgement. "Don't worry. The King… ordered me to do a surprise visit." She gave a fake grin, feeling guilty that she had to lie to Krista in order to keep her identity as a secret.

"Ah, well then, follow me." Krista chirped happily, guiding Hikari towards an old castle with many uniformed men and women walking around.


"Stay here while I introduce you to Commander Erwin first," Krista smiled and handed the bag she has been carrying to the brunette.

Hikari only nodded her head and smiled a little. Her blue eyes watched as Krista knocked on the door twice. They both waited for Erwin's permission to come in.

"State your name and business." A calm voice ordered from behind the closed doors.

"Cadet Krista Lenz, sir. I'm here with a visitor." Krista said calmly and waited for a reply.

There was no immediate reply. A few seconds later, Erwin gave his reply, "Come in."

Krista looked back at Hikari, flashing a sweet smile before opening the door. The door creak opened slowly and Krista slipped inside, not forgetting to close the door quietly behind her.

Hikari waited in the hall, standing like an idiot with large paper bags in her arms. She ignored the odd stares the other soldiers were giving her. Her right eye twitched in annoyance as she began to hear gossips about how odd she is for waiting in front of the Commander's office with a bag full of alcoholic drinks.

'Just ignore them, Hikari… Just ignore them.' Hikari chanted in her mind, taking in deep breaths. Her ears twitched up as she heard a rather rude comment. She gripped the paper bag harder, scrunching sounds filled the air as she did so. A killing aura surrounded her when she hissed. 'Krista. Where are you?! I need you to hold these bags for me so I can kick their sorry butts!' she grumbled in her mind, glaring at the doors in front of her.

More comments about her filled her ears.

'That's it! I've had it with this—!'

"Hikari," Krista's head peeked out from the door and smiled kindly at Hikari. The blue eyed brunette perked her head up and her glare disappeared. Krista stepped out of the room, now standing in front of Hikari, hands clasped behind her back. "Commander Erwin wants to talk to you now." she continued.

"Ah, right," Hikari nodded her head. "Where do I put these? I can't let you carry these all on your own to your drunk boss." She said, shifting the bags into a better position.

"Oh, don't worry. I can handle it." Krista said, eyes closing as she smiled. Hikari shrugged and handed the two bags to her.

"I'll help you Krista!" A group of men scurried towards Krista when Hikari handed the bags to the blonde girl.

They literally pushed Hikari away, making the girl fall flat on her front. The brunette stayed on the floor, a killing aura surrounding her. She has had enough of this stupid nonsense! She was being pushed around all day long! A heavy sigh escaped her mouth as she heard the crowd going away with a complaining Krista. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the petite blonde.

Standing up, Hikari brushed the invincible dust off her clothes, glaring at the direction where the men had taken Krista away.

"Stupid men and their stupid fan-boying," Hikari grumbled under her breath before walking towards the slightly opened door. She knocked the door twice and peeked inside, allowing her head to go first, staring at the faint lighted room.

A man was seen sitting on a chair behind a large desk filled with stacks of paper. The door creaked open when Hikari fully steps inside, alerting the man inside. "Commander Erwin, sir?"

The addressed man lifted his gaze up from his work. A calm and collected look was seen on his facial features. Hikari straightened her posture and closed the door behind her, never taking her eyes off the poker-faced Commander. The keyblade wielder stood in the center of the room, a few feet away from Erwin.

"Commander Erwin, Sir." Hikari addressed once more, saluting this time. Her right hand went up to her forehead as her lips formed into a thin line. She gulped when the Commander didn't respond, but still trying to act calm which was hard due to her impatient attitude.

"Ah, you must be from the King's Secret Service, Hikari, correct?" Erwin let a small smile graced his lips. He stood up, the chair behind him scraping against the floor.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Hikari shouted boldly.

Erwin walked around his desk, his hands behind his back as he made his way towards Hikari. To her surprise, he went pass by her without a glance at her but he has the same small smile plastered on his face. The keyblade wielder's eyes lowered and moved to the try and look at what the man was doing while trying not to turn around. A soft click was heard as it echoes in the rather spacious room, followed by the sound of metal being pulled out.

A bead of sweat rolled down the keyblade wielder's forehead as a sharp blade was set near her throat. Constantly, she raised her hand up in surrender. Not that she was afraid or anything, but it was just so that the Commander would lower his blade down.

"State your real name and business." Erwin ordered calmly, placing the blade closer to Hikari's neck.

"How did you know?"

"The salute. I've never seen a salute like that before." Erwin answered.

Hikari let out a loud sigh. "Fine… My name's Hikari, just Hikari," She introduced, looking down at the sharp blade, seeing her reflection in the polished weapon. "I'm only here to ask you a few important questions, Sir." She said to the man behind her.

Erwin stayed quiet for a moment before asking, "You're not from the secret service, correct? Is Krista Lenz in league with you?"

Hikari shook her head. "No, sir. And Krista has nothing to do with this. I met her in the market when she was doing her drunk superior's shopping." She explained.

The blade lowered a little. "Then who are you? What are you doing here in the Survey Corps base? Are you looking for someone? Eren Jaeger, perhaps?" he asked warily.

"I'll tell you as soon as you lower your blade. I have personal space issues." Hikari said in a serious tone.

Erwin lowered his blade, placing it back to its place. He walked around the keyblade wielder to sit on his chair. He directed his hand to the chair in front of him, telling Hikari to sit. The brunette nodded, taking a seat in front of the Commander who had his eyes focused on the girl in front of him.

Hikari took in a deep breath, "My name's Hikari, a keyblade master." On cue, she summoned her keyblade just to prove her point. "To prove that I'm not joking or anything, this is a keyblade—the greatest weapon known to Light."

Erwin's eyes widened in surprised. He never expected that.

Sighing, she continued, placing the keyblade vertically to she could lean on it. "And I'm not from around here. Here, here I mean. Well, there, but not there, not here either." She said, eyebrows knitted together as she tried to find better words to explain. Erwin raised an eyebrow at the tongue twisting words. "What I meant to say was… I'm not from around here, not from this world anyway." she sighed.

Erwin remained calm, patiently waiting for Hikari to continue. For some reason, he seemed to believe and trust her, even though her explanations were outrageous.

"I'm here to take care of the beings called the Heartless, heard of them? You know… the black creatures with yellow bug-eyes? Apparently, I need full information about this world to get close this world's keyhole, but when I arrived here… I found nothing but a bunch of rude foulmouthed citizens." Hikari huffed childishly, puffing her cheeks out.

"And… I got into this fight, the man said something about Titans and I'm curious about it. Also about the walls surrounding this town, I'm curious about it too. I remember Krista mentioning three walls, Wall Maria, Wall, Rose, and Wall Sina. I didn't bother to ask her about the walls since she thought I was the King's Secret Service… whatever that is…" She finished, staring into Erwin's eyes.

Erwin closed his eyes before opening them again, reveling frustrated looking blue eyes. "I see… A number of men and women have disappeared across town. No one knows why. We thought it was a Titan, but then it's impossible since they're mindless and would attract too much attention." He sighed.

"The Titans almost sound like the Heartless to me." Hikari butted in, crossing her arms as she leaned back on her chair.

Erwin stared at the brunette. "Is there a way we can do to prevent these kidnappings and save the hostages?" he asked.

"Kidnappings? Hostages?" Hikari echoed, sitting on the edge of her seat, eyes narrowed. "Wait, wait , wait… are we even talking about the same topic here? Heartless never kidnaps or take hostages. They eat on the spot."

"Aren't we?" Erwin asked calmly. "Black creatures have been kidnapping citizens and the description you gave perfectly fits the characteristics of the creature that has been terrorizing people around. People have been afraid to go out in the night, scared of being eaten by either the Titans or the 'Heartless'." He said.

"E-Eaten? The Titans eat humans?" Hikari asked as her mouth hung wide open.

A brow was raised. "Didn't you say that the Heartless also ate humans?"

"Well yeah I did, but not in that kind of way! The Heartless took away one's heart and leave the empty shell behind, allowing it to become Nobodies, beings without hearts." Hikari complained, her eyes widening. She still can't take the information about the Titan eating humans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner out of her mind. She rubbed her arms, looking down at the floor. "So that's why the walls were build… It was to keep the Titans away from eating you." she whispered, slightly looking up.

A sigh escaped from Erwin's nostrils. "Yes… that is until Wall Maria was breached."

"Wh-WHAT?! Th-Then what happened to the people living inside Wall Maria?!" Hikari stood up, kicking the chair back.

Erwin closed his eyes as his lips went into a thin line.

Color drained from Hikari's face. "No—no way… They… They got eaten?" The thought of people getting eaten horrified her to her bones. Her fist dropped down to her side as the keyblade was gripped tightly in her right hand and her head was ducked low. Her jaw was clenched tightly. She can't accept the fact that the Titans were pushing humanity to extinction! She placed her keyblade vertically in front of her, placing both her hands on top of the keyblade.

Erwin raised an eyebrow at the keyblade wielder's sudden change in behavior. One minute she was childish, the next minute she was angry. His blue orbs slightly widened when he saw Hikari lifted her face up. The terrified look was gone and was replaced by a determined one.

"I, Master Hikari, Keyblade Master, is here, to promise to help and assist you in any way to defeat the Titan. That is my word on the keyblade." Hikari announced, staring at Erwin with fiery eyes.

The Commander stared at the keyblade master who just swore to help the Survey Corps take down the Titans. A smirk graced his lips as he stood up from his chair once more. He walked towards the brunette as the keyblade disappeared. He stood in front of her with both of his hands placed to on her shoulders, gripping it slightly.

"Then, I, Commander Erwin Smith, Leader of the Survey Corps, is here, to welcome you to our team." Erwin moved a couple of steps back, placing one clenched fist on to where his heart is and the other behind his back, giving a salute.

Hikari mimicked his salute, although she mirrored Erwin's salute by placing her fist on the left side. "Sir, yes, sir!" she beamed.

Ermin shook his head with an amused smile.

"Welcome, Cadet Hikari."

A/N: Wew… I hope I got all of the character's personalities right…

Any way… I hope you guys enjoy this new cross-over!

Reviews are always appreciated! And please no flames!

R&R please :D