Warnings: Boyxboy, yaoi, blah blah blah. Stuff. 2pAmeCan.
Opening Statements: Anyway, so I finally got around to finishing this. Considering it's almost 2 am and a school night, please forgive me for grammatical and spelling errors. Please let me know of any you find by the way. Uh... that's all for now since I've wasted way too much of my sleeping time.
Drug Note: So, this chapter's name is Yohimbe because that drug is the only aphrodisiac that's in a powder form (I think) and has enough of the effects that are mentioned in the story. However, the only thing that I changed is that yohimbe is only effective when the substance is taken over a period of time, meaning one dose in one go won't cut it. It has to be administered over a period of days and then it will take effect.
Once again, this is just from the research I've done, which probably isn't 100 % positive/true. I have no personal experience with any of the mentioned drugs.
EDIT: I got around to editing it. Still, let me know if I need to edit any more.
"Al? What are you doing here again?" chirped Oliver as his Cheshire cat grin spread across his face as he spotted Al coming to the door. Al shrugged but stopped in front of his caretaker again. He knew exactly what he was doing here but didn't feel like vocalizing it yet. "Do come in anyway." Oliver motioned for him to enter and stood out of the way, locking the door after Al stepped in. Al walked to the living room and sat down on the couch, frowning slightly at the pattern. He'd never liked the texture either. Oliver didn't bother with tea because he knew Al wouldn't touch it. He sat down across from his former colony and crossed his legs, looping his hands around his knees while smiling at Al. He waited for Al to start, keeping his eyes trained on Al's posture and facial expressions.
"I need your help again," Al said slowly, ignoring the smile forming on Oliver's face. "For my, uh... test subject." The dinner with Oliver hadn't been as bad as he thought but he still didn't want to be thrown in a similar situation. Here he was, though, making another deal with the 'executioner' himself.
"Ah, I see," Oliver smiled, letting a little glee show through. "What will it be this time?"
"I want an aphrodisiac," Al started. Oliver grinned.
"Just an aphrodisiac? Give him chocolate," he said quickly and Al frowned. Oliver couldn't help but to giggle, seeing the obvious displeasure from the American.
"Shut up and let me speak. I want just a simple aphrodisiac that'll cause almost instant... discomfort but with no side effects." Al clarified, annoyed that Oliver was so quick to jump in.
"No side effects? Hmm..." Oliver thought for a few moments. "That's a bit of a challenge..." The various types of drugs and what they did as well as side effects ran through his head. Not many came up for what Al wanted but after a bit, one type popped up.
Oliver stood and left the room, leaving Al to his thoughts again. Al sat on the couch, looking around and listened to the slow ticking of the grandfather clock next to the tea cupboard. The house was almost exactly the same as it had been when he lived there with a couple exceptions to the couch and a new table by the door.
Oliver came back with a little bag of powder and held it out to Al. "Remember not to lick your fingers after sprinkling this. You can mix it into a liquid or a food but be aware that how much you put in is how much output there's going to be."
"Got it," Al nodded and took the baggie, looking at the snowy powder in his palm. "Thanks again..." he said, meeting Oliver's icy blue eyes. "What's the price?"
"Nothing much, this time," Oliver said simply. "Since you're so interested in aphrodisiacs, I'll... have you try out some," he smiled a little deviously. "It'll be relatively enjoyable." Al frowned slightly, suspicious, but nodded.
"Just... let me know when we're starting this, okay?" Al said.
"You won't have to worry. I'll give you... two weeks unless otherwise specified, to try out the drug," Oliver assured. Al nodded and stood, shoving his hands into the pockets of his bomber jacket.
"Thanks," Al said again. "See ya around." Oliver smiled and nodded, staying on the couches. Al showed himself out. After Oliver heard the engine turning over in Al's rental car, Oliver finally got up to go to the kitchen. He opened one of the drawers and took out a pen, marking the calendar's date two weeks from that day/ He smiled again and drew a circle around the little note. How exciting. I get to try out new combinations again. I've got to start on my list now~
I swear... I'm becoming more and more like a housewife the more I stay in America... Matt sighed as he threw the laundry into the washing machine. I'll have to talk to Al about going back to Canada for a week or something... He closed the lid and turned the machine on, watching the clothes start to spin through the glass lid. He just seemed to automatically do all the chores that needed to be done. Side effects of living alone for so long, he supposed.
Matt heard the door open and went to the door of the laundry room, peeking out. He saw Al come in and grin when he saw Matt, placing his bag by the door.
"Hi, little brother," he said, pulling Matt into a warm hug. Matt hugged back but mumbled into Al's shoulder.
"Poutain de cannard. Don't call me that when we're sleeping together." Matt said, not really meaning the insult. Al only smirked and cuddled into Matt.
"Nice to see you too," Al said, chuckling softly. ""I missed you."
"You missed me?" Matt lifted his head to look at Al "You're the one who keeps leaving... I'm a fucking housewife..." he grumbled.
"No, you're not, Matt," Al nuzzled Matt's neck, breathing in his piney, fresh scent. "You don't have to act like a maid." Matt sighed and the two stayed there for a while, just holding each other and listening to the washing machine.
After a while, Matt pulled away. "So where were you anyways?" Al blinked slowly and there was a slight hesitation that only someone who'd been around Al as long as Matt had would be able to pick up.
"I went to discuss some new policies with the Europeans. Just a one day meeting..." he sighed heavily, as if to emphasize the long flights. Matt was silent for a bit but then nodded. Al's frequent trips to and from their side of the world was just something that was natural but Matt often thought of 'what if" situations. They stemmed from his insecurities that he'd buried but being emotional forced them to the resurface.
"I hope everything works out," Matt said, trying to sound completely sincere.
"Thanks," Al said. "Well... Should we move this party out of the doorway of the laundry room?" He grinned and led Matt back to the living room. "Did you have any work? Besides the housework you assumed you had?"
"Non, j'ai fini mon travaille hier soir," Matt said, the French rolling off his tongue. AL, despite not knowing fluent French, knew what Matt had said just from context and from being around his bilingual partner so much.
"Cool. Want to go out or dine in tonight?" Al asked.
"Your choice," Matt said as they sat on the couch. "You were the one who was flying anyways..." He sat close to Al and smiled for a fraction of a second. This is where he liked to be. Al instinctively wrapped an arm around Matt's shoulders and sighed, content. He pretended to think before deciding on staying home for tonight's dinner. Bribing a cook would be a pain anyways.
"What do you want?" Matt asked, looking at Al. "Anything in particular?"
"I'll cook. You rest, wifey," Al grinned and got up, pulling out of Matt's arms. Matt pretended to be annoyed but only smiled small, getting up and following AL to the kitchen.
Will I get any meat or is this vegan?" Matt asked, sitting at the small dining table in the kitchen, watching Al. Al couldn't resist smirking at him.
"Oh, you'll get your meat. In time, Matt, in time," he winked at Matt, causing his cheeks to take on a slight pink hue
"Shut up, asshole," Matt mumbled. Al chuckled and pulled out the ingredients. Despite being on a strict vegan diet, Al had found a way to make the vegan food edible. He quickly made their dinner and then plunked it down on the kitchen table, sitting across from Matt.
"Enjoy," he said in a fake upper class accent. "I hope it tingles your taste buds." Matt rolled his eyes and began to eat, a smile playing at his mouth. Al couldn't help but to smile slightly too, though for a different reason. He watched Matt eagerly. "Well? How is it?" Matt looked up at Al, raising an eyebrow.
"What's crawled into your pants?" he asked, frowning slightly, but continued to eat. Al shrugged but asked again, keeping his eyes on Matt's face. "It's good, as usual," Matt said nonchalantly, not understanding why Al was so anxious. Matt continued to eat and was just about to lift his fork for another bite when he felt his body catch fire. It started from his stomach and spread all the way out to his fingertips, mainly focusing around his groin. His eyes widened a little and he froze.
"Matt?" Al asked, pretending to be worried. "Are you okay?" He's playing this game again! Matt realized, starting to tremble a little. He thinks I wouldn't figure it out!
Matt scowled at him, feeling his heart thump in his chest. He forced himself to smile and he shifted uncomfortably, quickly deciding that moving was a mistake. That fucker went to see Oliver again, Matt realized. Al would never buy drugs from anyone else. "You fucking drugged me again…" Matt said tightly, keeling his teeth clenched as the warmth grew more intense.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Matt," Al said innocently. "There's obviously something wrong. Your face is all red…" Al stood, enjoying teasing Matt. He walked over to the Canadian and reached out to press the back of his hand to Matt's forehead. Matt shifted his eyes but his gaze landed on Al's stomach, daring to venture a little more South. Al's smile widened. "Wow, you are hot…"
Not as hot as you are, Matt thought, his mind becoming foggy. There was only one goal, no need, in his mind, and that was Al. Matt whimpered very softly, trying to stay strong and resist Al's alluring charms and the drug. Al trailed his hand down Matt's cheek and cupped his chin.
"You should go to bed, Matt…" Al said softly, seeing the conflict in Matt's eyes. Yeah, with you. Matt added, swallowing. Slowly, al leaned forward and closed the distance between them, pressing his mouth to Matt's. Matt immediately hummed happily, groaning and kisses back hard, wrapping an arm around Al's neck to pull him closer.
The kiss was long and deep, only pausing so the two could catch their breaths.
"Damn…" al said a little out of breath. "You really are good when you're horny…" Matt blushed again.
"Your fault. Besides… you don't kiss a 'sick' person," Not that I'm complaining, matt thought. Al disregarded Matt's point and smiled slightly.
"Let's just get you to bed…" He gently took Matt's hand and pulled him up, pulling him towards the bedroom. Matt followed willingly, trying not to focus on the burning in his groin. Al opened the bedroom door and pushed Matt towards the bed. Matt got in under the covers and peeked out at Al. Al tucked him in and stepped back, smiling slightly.
"Sleep well, okay?" Al said softly, turning to leave. However the edge of his shirt was caught by Matt's fingers.
"Don't go..." matt said, trying to sound meek and small. His mind was being clouded from the burning between his legs. He shifted, pulling at the edge of Al's shirt. "Stay with me?"
"Hm? Okay," Al said, smiling slightly sitting on the edge of the bed. Matt smiles slightly, blushing and reached up to him, pulling him down.
"Lie with me?" Matt asked. Al smiled slightly and then walked over to the other side of the bed. He pulled Matt into his arms and nuzzled him. Matt pressed back into Al too, sighing feeling his warmth.
"Wow, you really are hot," Al said, very slightly and subtly pressing his knee to Matt's crotch, pressing against the slight bulge. Matt's breathing hitched again, eyes flickering up at Al's face.
"Al..." Matt very slightly presses back against Al's leg. "Al, please... You're teasing me..."
"What do you want?" Al teased anyways. Matt scowled.
"Are you addicted to making me say embarrassing things on drugs?" Matt asked. If he wasn't so burning hot, he'd strangle Al. Al grinned but didn't answer. Instead, he slightly nudged his leg harder between Matt's legs causing Matt to gasp again. Blood rushed south and he felt his pants become tighter.
"Al, please... s'il te-plait... J'ai besoin toi..." He rubbed himself against Al's leg, moaning softly. Al threw back the sheet and covers, moving to position himself over Matt, kissing him. Matt responded positively and arched into him, fingers scrabbling to get purchase on Al's clothes. He tugged at Al's shirt, eager to separate the barriers between him and Al's skin. Al stripped off his shirt and pulled up Matt's shirt over his head, tossing both shirts off into the rooms somewhere. Matt sat up and kissed Al's jaw down his neck to his chest. He occasionally nibbled at Al's tan skin, trying to leave his marks on Al. Al chuckled and ran his hands down Matt's sides and down his back into his pants, landing on Matt's ass.
Matt shivered and bit down a little harder, causing Al to groan as his skin got hotter. Al squeezed the supple cheeks, massaging them in his hands and groaned again in anticipation. Matt looked at him, dead panning.
"Stop admiring my ass, Al," he growled.
"Aw, I can't admire my boyfriend's sexy ass?" Al slapped it again earning a yelp from Matt. Matt grumbled a little but sighed seeming to give in.
"Please Al, please just fuck me hard..." Matt's eyes were half lidded, his mouth open slightly. Al couldn't help but to grin and unbuckle his own pants, shimmying out of them and then kicking them off. Matt followed suit and pushed off his boxers as well. Al grinned when he saw Matt completely naked and ready for him. Matt earned another slap on the ass and gave Al another glare.
"Whatever you'd like, babe," Al kissed him again and stroked Matt's member, spreading around the precum. Matt groaned into the kiss and slipped his hands down to Al's cock, massaging the stiff organ. Al moaned too, his brow creasing and his muscles tightening. "Fuck..."
Al broke the kiss after a bit but only to reach over and grab the bottle of lube from the bedside table. He popped open the cap and poured some over Matt's crotch, pushing his legs open more. Matt shivered at first and gasped.
"Shit! You couldn't have warmed it up?" Matt huffed.
"I thought you were 'burning up'?" Al chuckled, rubbing the lube around, massaging it into Matt's skin. Matt sighed and moaned softly as Al's hands spread the fluid down Matt's cock and to Matt's entrance. Al then spread some of the extra fluid over his own cock.
He moved between Matt's legs and pressed the tip of his member to Matt's entrance and paused.
"Ready?" Al asked slowly.
"Fuck Al, just hurry up and fuck me!" Matt growled. Al smirked and pushed in, not pausing to let Matt adjust. Matt groaned and whined a little bit but the pain soon melted away and the moans started pouring from Matt's lips.
"Mmm... You're tight..." Al moaned and thrusted in, relishing the tight heat of Matt's ass.
"N-no shit, Al..." Matt pressed against the bed and moved his hips to meet Al's thrusts. "B-because it's... been a-a while..."
Al's smirk didn't waver. "not my fault. Y-You've been busy..." He massaged Matt's sides and kissed his neck, making sure to keep Matt busy and occupied.
"It hasn't been the right- fuck- time..." Matt moaned, his body feeling like it was overheating. "Oh fuck, Al... fuck, harder..." Matt should've been ashamed of the sounds coming from his mouth but his mind was so clouded at that point, he didn't care.
Al pounded into Matt, their skin slapping together and sweat mixing.
"Fuck... Al, please..." Matt whimpered. "Please, I'm... r-really... ah~ close..." Al reached between Matt's legs and started pumping Matt's cock in time with his thrusts. Matt squeezed his eyes shut and moaned loudly before cumming hard, Al following suit short after. Matt's muscles convulsed and tensed before releasing their tension, Matt pressing his back into the bed.
Al kissed him gently. "Good?" Matt nodded but then realised something.
He wanted more.
"Fuck you, Al..." he growled, his heart still beating fast. He flipped them so that he was straddling Al's hips, kissing Al again. "You better keep up..."
Al nodded and smiled, pulling Matt down to kiss him again. "I didn't go into this thinking we'd only go for one round. Besides we have tons of time to make up~"
Ending Comments: Once again, too much of my sleep time wasted. I might come back and edit this formerly later. Yeah. Hope you enjoyed. Please review. Blah blah... blah... blah.