So this is my Luke/Amy fan fiction. So let's get started:)


Amy's POV

I sat in the alley leaning against the wall. I was breathing hard and I had blood on my right shoulder and I had my dagger in my hands. There was something moving in the back of the alley. I slowly crept down the alley and held my dagger the ready. I stepped closer and I saw a boy and a girl. They were bent over something. "Who are you?" I asked. They turned their eyes wide in fear. "Are you a monster?" The boy asked. 'No, did you say monster?" I asked. The boy nodded and i looked at him and the girl. The boy had sandy blonde hair and bright sky blue eyes. The girl, who looked youngerleast by two years, had black choppy hair and had electric blue eyes. "What are your named?" I asked them. "Im Luke and this is Thalia." The boy said. "Im Amy." I said. I have no clue why im trusting these two. "Are you a demigod?" Thalia asked me. I nodded and they both looked releived. "Im a son of Hermes." Luke said. I could see him being a son of Hermes. He looks very mischevious. "Im a daughter of Zeus." Thalia said. My eyes widened. Zeus broke the oath and had Thalia. "Im a daughter of Artemis." I said. Luke and Thalia looked at me and i could tell they were shocked. Artemis isnt known for having children. Luke noticed the blood on my shoulder. "Your hurt." He said. I looked down. That fight with that hellhound got me. It sank its fangs into my shoulder before i managed to kill it.

"I was in a fight with a hellhound." I said. Luke walked over to me and examined my wound. "Lets find a way to clean it." Luke said. I nodded and we started towards the front of the alley when another hellhound and an empousa appeared. I stopped and held my dagger up. The emposa bared its teeth and lunged at Luke. I jumped infront of him and her teeth sank inti my neck. I screamed and fell to the ground. Luke lunged and killed the empousa and Thalia killed the hellhound. Luke leaned over me and he lifted me up and i screamed at the slightest movement of my neck. "Luke she cant travle like this. We need a miacle."Thalia said. "Wait the Ambrosia." Luke said. He fished something out of his pocket and placed it to my lips. I ate it and immediatly felt the pain lessen. Luke set me down and i looked at them. "Thanks." I said. We started running and i felt happier then ever. I had friends.

Well i know its short but its the beginning R&R