Separation Of The Bloodlines: Summary

Another Inuyasha fanfiction: I own nothing, but the idea, there will be some violence and strong language and rape, also there will be some interesting pairings...
ok on with the summary

Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo also Kirara, thought it would be better to join forces with Koga and Ginta with Hakkaku. They are going to attempt to join forces with Sesshomaru and his crew, '' With all respects Sesshomaru,'' Started Kagome ''We have a common evil to destory, so why not join with us? You are a powerful asset, just try it for awhile- please.'' Clasping her hands together ''This Sesshomaru will consider it for a time, just keep Inuyasha undercontrol or I will.'' ''Why you bas...'' ''SIT!" *BAM!* ''Of course leave it to Kagome!'' Miroku laughed,
''Why you when...'' ''SIT!'' *BAM!* ''So stupid...'' Shippo sighed and shook his head, Rin giggled, as did Sango *grab* ''THAT'S NOT YOURS TO GRAB!'' *SMACK!*

Meanwhile: back in the modern era, Kagome's two friends Ariel and her younger half sister Minnka, were back from America, and they were going to surprise Kagome. Driving to the Higurashi Shrine, Ariel loved to see their long time friend but hated that cat, not that she didn't love animals but something about that cat. Pulling in the back, as the two sisters were climbing the hill, to the shrine and there was no one around not even gramps! Ariel was looking around ''This is not good Minnka,'' ''What if we just missed them?'' Seeing her elder sister shake her head side to side, ''There's Buyo, why is he going in there?'' The two followed, ''Where did he go?'' ''What's that glow?'' ''It's coming from the well Minnka,'' Both peering in the well, Minnka was on her knees on the well's rim, and she lost her balance ''Ariel!'' ''Hang on! I got you!'' Ariel suddenly felt someone pushing her as she lost her footing,
the glowing light were a brillant aray pinks and whites.

The two sisters were seemingly back in the bottom of the well, one difference ''Opened sky, Minnka,'' Seeing her sister nod, ''Better get out, get on my back.'' Minnka obeyed, ''Fire Jump!'' They flew out of the well, and landing perfectly on her feet, ''Nice, sister.'' Smiling, keeping their secrets are hard, Warrior Witches are dying out, as the two were looking around ''Ariel, I don't think we're on Tokyo anymore...'' Hearing not so nice laughter, ''Well, look at these whenches,'' About five or six demons, ''Ooo look at the blonde, I like them leggy,'' ''What about the one with dark hair,'' ''Minnka,'' ''Huh,''
''Find somewhere to hide,'' Taking off her white trenchcoat, and revealing a thigh high white leather mini skirtand a tight white tank top, and spikey white ankle boots. Gently placing her trenchcoat over the well's rim, and now the demons could fully see her sword, the item itsself is beautiful, within the silver hilt was rubies, diamonds, black crystals were glowing, fire then began circling around the extremely sharp blade; the big ugly one attacked first she started raise her sword; while they were chuckling and circling her...

Minnka did as her elder sister told her to do, running and finding somewhere safe, little did she know where she was running to...

''Like I said... Wait a minuet... I smell something,'' Inuyasha and the other demons are sniffing abit too, confriming the short tempered half demon's announcement, Kagome happened to look towards her left, ''MINNKA?!'' ''KAGOME!?'' ''Run towards us! Hurry!'' Racing as fast as she could, ran up to Kagome and fell to her knees, breathing very hard, ''Ka-go-me...'' Kneeling down to check on her friend ''How did you get here? Where's Ariel?'' Still trying to catch her breath, before Minnka could say anything ''hehehe like you should be worried over that pathetic human whench,'' ''That's one of the demons that was going to attack Ariel and myself!'' ''Feh, my brothers can handle one human female, with very nice legs.'' Seeing Kagome's and Minnka's eyes light up in rage, ''You need to be taught some manners,'' Miroku told the tall demon, while Minnka was trying to get her breathing under control, her long black hair was all around her face. Snearing with an evil smirk coming to his heavily fanged mouth, ''I think that I'll break in that little black haired angel.'' Pointing to Minnka, who got enough wind in her to get up ''Do it then, I dare you.'' Slowly walking to the big creature, to where they were about six feet from eachother, ''Minnka!'' ''I can handle him,''

Back to Ariel, ''Two down and three left, and not a mark on me, fun isn't it?'' She had one wounded and the other two were getting pretty scared, ''Come on, you wanted a fight,'' Pointing her sword infront of her and making sure that the blade was facing at them for a promise; ''Rush her at once!'' The wounded one roared,
''Wrong answer,''

Meanwhile back to Minnka, ''Your death will be quick,'' Minnka slowly went down to the ground to where her fingers were touching the soft grass, her soft blue eyes were closed, feeling his presence, she jumped high into the air the sky began to cloud at an alarming rate, ''LIGHTING TORANDO STORM!'' The demon got caught in a haze of black lighting torandos left and right, while the gang were looking in awe...

Meanwhile as the last demon fell to Ariel's feet, sheathing her sword once more after cleaning it off and grabbing up her coat, ''Minnka!'' Feeling her sister's presence, and racing to find her, after running aways, she was able to find Kagome and alot of others and Minnka using her powers, to protect herself, after a bit of time in the lighting torando, she produced a silver staff from her hands?! Ariel began to smile with pride, as Minnka leapt into an attack and hitting the creature from all sides, ''Minnka finish him!'' Came Ariel's voice as she walked by everyone, she didn't catch the look Sesshomaru had given her, she then dropped the demon hard to the ground.
Pointing her staff to the fallen evil thing ''Promise your gonna be good?'' ''I'll make you suffer...'' "I grow tired of this, Wind Scar!'' ''Minnka get out of the way!'' She dove, as did Ariel, and hit the thing head on, ''Look buddy you could've hurt my sister and I...'' ''Feh, don't be in my way stupid!'' ''You must have a death wish...'' ''Shuddap!'' ''Inuyasha...'' He gulped, ''SIT! DONT BE RUDE! SIT!'' *BAM BAM!* Minnka winched, Ariel giggled. After clearing her throat, ''I'm sorry, where are my manners? Everyone this is Ariel, and Minnka...I know them,'' "Ariel, Minnka, this is Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Koga, Ayame, Ginta, Hakkaku, and over there is Rin, Jaken, and lastly Sesshomaru.''
As Ariel and Sesshomaru locked eyes, gold met green; *Mother of earth, he's beyond beautiful!* Ariel thought to herself, the rest of her thoughts were interrupted, when the one that they call Miroku went up to them, ''Hello, fare and beautiful angels,'' *Enter Death Glare From Sango* ''I have a cursed fate, my hand that is covered here, has a dark and powerful curse on it,'' Clasping Ariel's hands in his, her gaze didn't really leave Sesshomaru's, ''dear beautiful lady Ariel, would you have my child?'' A seething Ariel headbutted Miroku, ''You are such a pig,'' Quickly recovered his composure, ''Ariel be polite,'' Said Minnka, ''Angelic Lady Minnka, are you troubled by my fate to possibly die?''
Noticing that he clasped her hands like Ariel's ''sort...of,'' ''Please My Lady Minnka, bare me a son!'' Kagome shaking her head side to side, Sango's eye was twitching, ''Not exactly choosey are you?!'' Yelled Ariel, *BAM* ''Thank You Sango,'' ''Leave it to Sango to keep him in line,'' Kagome's sentence was interrupted by Rin walking up to the two sisters.

''Hi my name is Rin,'' The two were knealing down to her level, ''Hello little one, I'm Ariel and this is my kid sister Minnka.'' ''You're really Pretty Ariel,'' Reaching up and touching the taller woman's long soft almost light blonde hair, ''It's just as soft as Lord Sesshomaru's!'' After the group had decided that they had too much adventure for one day, ''Come on everyone Mother Kagome will make us something good to eat, race you Rin!'' ''Hey! No fair,'' She ran behind him, both were getting up as they were walking to their chosen campsite; as Ariel was looking around she was approached by Ayame, ''What is it?'' ''I thought I felt something...'' ''Probably not important, come on!'' Yanking Ariel to the site...

End of Chapter One: On to Chapter two