The last installment! FINALLY! lol.
So just to let you all know, I am pro CS and SF… but this baby's got some CS for us Hook lovers! Hehe. But I also want to say that I will be writing both CS and SF stories! (for those who like SF, you can check out my story 'Down the Rabbit Hole' if you'd like, :D)
Anyway, enjoy! Don't forget to review before you go! Please and thank you!
Voyage Home:
Chapter Three: Words Unspoken
"Thanks for staying in Storybrooke, mom."
"Oh, kid," Emma started while holding her boy closer. "Thanks for never giving up on me."
"You're stubborn," Henry said. "Just like grams. But it's okay," he said through a shrug.
Emma gave a soft smile and said, "guess I can be a little stubborn."
Henry began to nod in agreement as a yawn overtook his expression.
"You're ready to crash," Emma said, an amused grin taking her face as she watched her son trying to fight the slumber from taking over.
"Never been on a flying ship before," Henry murmured tiredly.
"Pretty cool, huh?"
The boy gave a lazy nod of agreement.
"Can um… maybe can… um…"
Emma's brows knit in confused as Henry stuttered. "What is it, kid?" she asked softly.
"Do you," Henry started before a yawn interrupted. Emma smiled, encouraging him to go on. "Do you... can you stay with me… for a little while?" he asked shyly.
"Yeah, of course I'll stay," Emma said, her smile growing at hearing the words. "Wasn't planning on going anywhere till you kicked me out anyway."
"Thanks, mom," Henry said, his eyelids falling closed as he turned onto his side, pulling the blanket to his chest and cuddling up to his pillow.
Emma smiled further as she put a loose fist to her forehead, using her elbow as leverage to hold her head up.
"Neverland isn't… what I thought… it would… be…" Henry said as he eyes fell open and closed between words.
"That makes two of us," Emma agreed while brushing some fallen hair from his face.
Henry murmured a few more mindless words before finally giving in and falling asleep. Once Emma was sure he was out, she kissed his forehead, tucked the blanket further around his body, and then wondered to the upper deck.
"Hey," Snow greeted at the sight of her daughter, her voice soft as she was busy serving the lost boys some food. "How's Henry?"
"Out like a light."
"But he's okay?" she asked worriedly.
"Yeah, he's okay."
"Good," Snow said through a relieved sigh.
"You guys waited longer than you were supposed to."
Snow's forehead wrinkled in confusion as she finished serving one of the boys. She then stood up straight and looked to her daughter in question.
"I told Regina to give me five minutes. I was gone longer than that."
"Did you really think I'd leave you behind?"
"I made a deal with Regina, for Henry's sake and you-"
"Begged Hook to wait. Because you're my daughter," Snow explained. "You would never leave Henry behind because he's your son… I wasn't going to let you be left on this horrid island alone, Emma. Not without your family. No matter what deals you make with other people, I won't ever let you be left alone again. If it came down to it, we would have protected Henry from Pan. But leave you here? No. Never."
Emma sighed. Henry was right. The both of them were stubborn.
"Guess I'll go yell at Hook. He can't use the same excuse as you did."
"No, but he can use another."
"I don't think I really had to beg him to wait for you, Emma. He wasn't leaving without you, either."
"Don't even go there," Emma said through narrowed eyes at her mother's grin. "It was just-"
"Just a kiss. I know… regardless, the man has feelings for you."
"And you're okay with that?" Emma challenged, testing the waters, wanting to see the reaction the thought would earn.
"Honestly, Emma? I just… All I want for you is to be happy."
"Okay. Don't get all sappy on me. It was just a question," Emma said before walking away.
Snow smiled further as she turned back to the lost boys.
Emma sighed while walking across the deck. She met Neal's gaze, the man giving his father a hug. Emma shared a soft smile with the man before continuing on her journey across the ship. She climbed the short staircase to where Hook was lazily steering the ship across the sky.
"How's the boy?"
Hook nodded. "And you?"
"Me?" Emma asked while crossing her arms over her chest. "Kinda pissed off that a certain pirate didn't take off when he was supposed to… I'm sure Regina told you about the deal I made with her."
"That she did," Hook agreed. "I was to give you five minutes and five minutes only… but when can I say, love? I'm a rule breaker."
Emma rolled her eyes at his grin, though she couldn't help a tiny smile.
"I left you behind once, Swan. Won't make that mistake again."
The blond sighed in relent while leaning against the edge of the ship.
A moment of silence passed, Emma lost in thought before she looked to Hook and said, "it was just a kiss. " But her voice was weak, betraying her own words.
"So I've heard, my lady."
Emma's eyes wandered over to Neal who was sitting on an empty crate, holding a cup in his hand.
"When we were climbing that beanstalk and you told me that you once loved someone… well, now I know it was Baelfire... And here is he."
"Yeah," Emma agreed, her voice barely loud enough for him to hear. "Here he is."
"Do you still feel that way about him? Because if you do then I'll be the gentlemen I always am, and step back… the boy deserves a chance to have his family together… if that's what you desire," Hook said, his eyes watching Emma carefully, looking for any kind of reaction.
Emma took a breath. She closed her eyes. "I, uh… I just… I can't even think about any of this right now. Not after what Henry's been through."
"Of course," Hook agreed, taking comfort in the fact that she didn't tell him to stay the hell away.
"I came up here to yell at you. That's all. I'm going to check on my son."
"As you wish, my lady," Hook said, his words soft.
The two locked eyes for a moment. Emma couldn't help her lips from curving to a smile before she walked away.
The End
What do you all think? Thoughts before you go? Please and thank you!