A/N: I know I'm not the only one who wished Henry didn't give his heart to Pan. I can defend his actions. I can say he was only trying to be a hero, to save magic, to save Wendy… but what if that scene in the cave went a bit differently?
This will be a three shot, with some charming feels, some Regina/Henry, and of course, lots of Emma/Henry, which I feel the last epi was sorely lacking.
Okay, hope you enjoy!
Voyage Home
Chapter One: What Being A Hero Looks Like
Everything was happening so fast. Everyone was talking to Henry, multiple voices going back and forth as they tried to get the boy to listen to reason, to hear the truth, to ignore Pan, but the evil deviant kept countering everything they said.
"Henry," Emma called, her voice soft. "I know what being a hero looks like. And this isn't."
Shaking his head, the boy said, "But magic…" his voice trailed as he looked back to Pan. "Without magic here, Wendy will die. Right? That's what you said."
"No, that's not true," Neal argued. "Wendy is fine. We were just with her. Pan made her lie, so he wouldn't hurt her brothers… Henry, Wendy isn't sick."
Henry looked back to Pan, his brows furrowed in confusion as slowly, he found himself backing away.
"Don't listen to them," Pan said, his voice firm, his face pinched with a touch of anger. "They'll say anything to sway your belief. Anything to stop you from doing the right thing. They just don't want to lose you, Henry."
"No they're my family," Henry argued. "I… I don't even know you…If you lied about Wendy then how can I trust anything you say?" Henry stuttered, while walking backwards. Hearing the news of Wendy being alright, that confused him. Wendy dying, that's what pushed him to want to do this, to make the ultimate sacrifice to save magic, to save that poor girl's life… but hearing his father say she was okay, now his mind was questioning everything Pan ever said.
As Henry approached, Emma ran forward, pulling her son behind her. "If you want his heart, you'll have to go through me."
A smirk flying to Pan's face, he walked towards Emma, taking his time, showing no fear. "Alright then," he said simply before reaching into Emma's chest. But a frown took his face as a smile formed on Emma's. He gripped his fingers tightly around Emma's heart, causing her to wince in pain, but still her heart wouldn't budge.
"Wha?-" before Pan could finish his sentence, a blast of energy radiated from Emma's body, sending Pan flying across the cave. He landed near the edge, his body unconscious, his head having hit a large rock along the way.
A smirk took Regina's face as she waved her hand, sending the demonic boy falling into the water below.
"That won't kill him," Neal said. "We have to go. Now."
As Emma put her hands on her son's shoulders, ready to lead the way to the canoe, Regina said, "No. I can get us back faster." She put one hand to Emma's back then another to Neal's shoulder, forcing their bodies to materialize from the cave.
Thanks to the magic protecting Emma's heart along with Regina's power, the gang was able to hurry back to where Hook and Tink were keeping watch over the lost boys.
"He won't be out for long," Hook advised after hearing the story from Henry. "We need to leave this island while we still can."
"Then what are we waiting for. Let's go," Regina said impatiently while reaching for her son's hand. Henry took her hand while looking to Emma, but her attention was focused on the lost boys. After hearing what Pan did, most of them looked confused and shocked. Even sad. All of them but Felix.
"Mom?" Henry prodded.
Snapping from her daze, Emma looked to her son, a soft smile on her face. She bent to his eye level, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Go with Regina, okay? I have to take care of something."
"I'll be right there, Henry. There's something I need to do."
Henry looked up to Regina, who nodded in agreement. They needed to board that ship. There was no time to waste. But Henry took his hand back, looking to Emma as he hurled himself towards her.
Emma groaned, trying to keep her balance as she nearly fell to the ground when her son threw his arms around her in a fierce hug.
"You're trying to save the lost boys, aren't you?" he whispered over her shoulder.
Emma nodded, her eyes falling closed as she held tight to her son.
"They should come with us," Henry said in agreement. "Let me stay with you. I can help."
"No," Regina argued.
"She's right," Emma said. She put a kiss to Henry's forehead, and then gently pulled the boy away from her just enough to find his eyes. "Go with Regina. I'll be there soon."
"Promise?" Henry asked while holding out his pinky.
Emma smiled at their little tradition. "I promise," she said while hooking her finger around his smaller one.
"Okay," the boy said, a bit of hesitation in his voice as he looked to Regina who immediately took his hand back.
Regina was going to say something to Henry but was interrupted by Hook who had returned. "Your parents have the water. Everyone is gathering at the shore. The jolly roger is ready to fly… That is if Neal's plan works as well as he anticipates," Hook said, his voice a grumble on that last part.
"Okay," Emma said in agreement. She then looked to Henry and said, "Go with Hook. Regina will follow."
Henry looked between his mothers. Regina wanted to argue, but could see that Emma needed to say something, something that their son couldn't hear. So though she didn't approve, Regina nodded, signaling for her son to follow the pirate.
"Anything happens to him and-"
"You'll rip my heart from my chest and crush it," Hook finished. "Yes, your majesty, I know the drill. Come on, Henry. The Captain's quarters will be all yours on this voyage."
Regina crossed her arms over her chest, looking expectantly at Emma as her son rushed to catch up with Hook.
"We're wasting time," Regina said impatiently.
"They can't stay here," Emma said, her voice hushed. "I can't let them. Look at what Pan tried to do to Henry. He's brainwashing these kids into thinking he cares about them, but we both know he doesn't. These boys, they … they need a home… a mother. That's what every orphan wants. That's what every child needs."
"You think you can convince them to come with us?" Regina challenged, her voice hushed so the boys wouldn't hear.
"I can try," Emma said.
"And if you fail?" Regina challenged. "We can't wait around forever. You heard Hook. Pan won't be out for long."
"Which is why you get ready to sail. Give me five minutes. If I'm not back, then go."
"Go? Without you?" Regina asked, her eye brows raised in surprise. "But Henry-"
"Henry wants me to save them. Ineed to try, Regina… if anything happens to me, Henry has you. He has his father and Mary Margaret and David… These boys have no one."
Regina looked past Emma's shoulder to the boys who were sitting on the ground, all of their faces fallen, their hands tied up in ropes. They all looked so defeated, and well… lost.
"They need a home. Just like Henry did when he was a baby. You took him in and raised him when I couldn't take care of him… Right now, I can do something. I can help these kids find home."
Regina looked to Emma with uncertainty.
"They're not to blame for Pan's actions," she reminded Regina.
"You're right," Regina relented. "But we can't wait. I won't risk my son's life for these boys."
"I know. I won't either," Emma agreed. "Give me five minutes. If I'm not there, then go. Don't wait. If I don't come back, Henry will understand. He knows I'm trying to do the right thing."
"Okay," Regina gave in. "Five minutes," she warned.
Emma nodded in agreement. As Regina ran off, Emma took in a breath, turning her attention to the lost boys.
Thoughts before you go? Please and thank you!