Christmas morning had come and gone. Henry had rushed down the stairs, ripping into gifts from Emma and his grandparents. His favorites being a new bike and a cell phone. Emma wanted the opportunity to reach him at ANY time given all that had gone down lately. Hook had promised him sailing lessons as soon as the weather got warmer and was pleased by the excitement showing on the boy's face. They had all enjoyed a big breakfast together and then laid around after, just talking. It was unfamiliar, yet really nice. It seemed ever since Emma had come into town, there was always some emergency, some crisis. For once, nothing demanded their attention. It was a pleasant feeling.

Come late afternoon, Regina came by to pick Henry up to do a Christmas of their own together. Emma invited the Evil Queen in to enjoy a piece of pie her Mother had baked. Regina politely declined but offered for them to all do breakfast together the next day at Granny's. Their relationship wasn't perfect yet but it was growing and evolving. Each had a newfound respect for the other given all that had happened in Neverland. They understood that the other would do what was needed for Henry at all costs and they appreciated that fact. One thing they had common, their love for Henry. And maybe they could at least form some sort of relationship out of that love for him.

She then spoke to Regina quietly. Killian who was on the couch staring mindlessly at the TV noticed them looking at him quite often during their conversation but he chose to ignore what was going on. He heard them say their goodbyes and thought to himself that he should ask Emma what that had been all about.

After Henry left, Snow and Charming stepped into the kitchen and got ready to leave. Snow claimed she was tired and Emma eyed her. An eyebrow rose suspiciously. "You do remember what I did for a living in Boston right? I was a bail bondsman. I had to hunt people down and figure out the secrets they were hiding. You are pregnant!" She had noticed Snow eating enough for two at breakfast. She turned down her favorite drink which was a mimosa. And now, the comment about being tired.

Snow looked at her daughter, blushing. "Caught." She said guiltily. "We found out last week and wanted to wait for the right time to tell you. We figured we'd wait till things had settled down for a bit and the holidays had passed."

Emma nodded slowly. "Was that the only reason you didn't tell me?" Hook had called her overly perceptive once.

Snow looked at her husband and he answered. "To be honest, we didn't want to upset you. We don't want you to think that this baby is replacing you in our we didn't get the opportunity to raise you. We missed your first step, your first word, all the important moments parents are supposed to share with their child."

Cutting him off, Emma held up a hand. "Neither one of you needs to explain. I remember your confession in the Echo Cave in Neverland. And while it may have been a little hard for me to digest at the time, I am thrilled for you both. I always wanted a little Brother or Sister." Walking to Snow, she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly, feeling her slightly rounded tummy.

"I'm so glad to hear that honey." Snow said, beaming from ear to ear as she returned her hug.

She then moved over to hug Charming. He looked over her shoulder at the Pirate who looked all too comfortable on the couch. "Is he ever leaving?" Emma's father asked as he pulled back to look at her.

"I asked him to stay till it got warmer. I'm not worried about it and you shouldn't be either." Emma told him gently. "It's been nice to have company when Henry is with Regina." Her father regarded her sympathetically, wondering if they had made the right move in moving out. But before he could interrupt, Emma continued on. "It's nice but it's quiet now with you two not around. I no longer need to worry about walking in on you two making tacos. Which apparently has been happening given the condition Mom is in."

That statement earned her a soft punch on the shoulder and a grin. "We wouldn't be your parents unless we scared you a few times in your life." Charming cupped her cheek. "Thank you for having us. This was the first Christmas we've all been together. I loved Christmas before, but us all being together as a family? It's officially my favorite holiday."

"And here I already thought it was due to the baking frenzy I go on and you get to eat endlessly." Snow teased. She waved at Emma as they walked out the door, leaving the Savior alone with her Pirate.

She turned to look at him and found him watching her. No matter where Emma was, she could always feel Killian's eyes on her. It provided a certain sense of security for her knowing that there was always someone there who had her back. He patted the couch next to her with a wide smile on his face. It was just the two of them and for some reason; Emma felt the butterflies erupt in her stomach. She had been alone with him before but right now, it just felt different. Henry was going to be gone for the whole evening. There would be no one else around. It was as if destiny had brought them here together at this moment. And that it was meant to be a turning point for them. She approached him slowly and sat next to him, leaving a foot between them purposefully.

Killian eyed her closely, sensing something was up. "Now that we are all alone love, what should we do?" A wolfish grin crossed his face and Emma fought the urge to smile, failing miserably. "We could watch a movie, play a game, go to Granny's and get something to eat?" She offered as she felt him getting closer to her. Her breathing hitched and her eyes drifted closed as his lips placed a gentle kiss behind her ear.

"We've watched a lot of these so called movies lately. However I am interested in a game. It's called Catch Me a Swan. And as for hunger, what I desire is no longer food."

Emma felt his hand slide across her face, turning her to face him. She opened her eyes slowly to find his blue ones mere inches from her. "Killlian..." She managed to stutter out before his mouth closed over hers.

God, could this man kiss. It was unfair, the talents he had concerning his tongue. Emma tried to keep up but she found herself drowning in feels. And to be honest, she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for this. Killian who was quite perceptive when it came to Emma, pulled away, sensing her uncertainty.

He decided to let her off the hook for now. "So love, tell me, what did you and the Evil Queen discuss when she picked Henry up?"

Emma leaned back, breathing heavily. She was grateful that Killian wasn't pushing his luck with her right now. Her mind drifted back to the conversation with Regina. "Oh!" She cried out, thinking back to what had been said. Leaning over, she pulled the box containing his hand eyes held quite a bit of nervousness in them as she regarded him. "Do you trust me?" Emma asked softly.

Killian looked from the hand to Emma's green eyes. "Of course, implicitly." He responded with no hesitation. His eyes followed the movement as she lifted the preserved hand out. Setting it on her lap, Emma nudged Killian to face her. Once he was, Emma reached for the hem of the sweater he had on and quickly lifted it off over his head, careful not to snag it on his hook.

"Can't wait to undress me I see." The Pirate jested and Emma huffed. "You just couldn't resist, could you?"

She reached up to finger the straps holding the contraption in place on his arm. Killian leaned back and away from her, almost automatically. He rarely let anyone see his arm without the hook attached. He was worried that it would some how disgust her.

"You said you trusted me. It's ok. Let me see." Emma spoke in a hushed whisper. He didn't want her to see him like this, only half a man. But he had once told her to try something new. To trust him. So he figured that he owed her the same. After a few seconds, Killian leaned forward, letting Emma complete her task. Once it was off, Emma gently ran her hands over the end of his arm. Her heart broke knowing what Rumple had done to him. But she was bound and determined now to fix the damage he had caused.

"I asked Regina if it was possible to attach your hand. And she told me how to do it. So I figured, it is worth a shot. Are you ready?"

Without saying a word, he looked straight into Emma's eyes and nodded. She took his stump in her left hand and his hand in her right. She brought the two limbs together and closed her eyes. Emma imagined a warm golden light spreading out and up his arm. In her mind's eye, she could see the skin of his arm mending itself back together to his wrist. Finally, the limb was whole again. Letting out a shaky breath and hoping for the best, the Savior opened her eyes and peered downward.

What she saw caused a huge smile to light up her face. "Oh my god, I did it." She said in complete awe. After hearing nothing from Killian, Emma looked up at him worried. Was he in pain? Had she done something wrong? She wasn't prepared for what she saw.

In his blue eyes reflected a happiness she had never seen. "I'm whole. You gave me my hand back. I'm whole again. You did it lass!" Killian cried before grabbing her face with both hands and bringing her mouth to his. As they kissed, there was sharp crackling noise and all of a sudden, the power went out. The clock next to them read 8:15 before it shut off due to the loss of power.

Emma pulled away from Killian, looking around the house in the dark. "What happened?" She wondered out loud, getting off the couch and walking to the window. She looked down the street as far as she could see it and all the homes appeared to be dark. All of a sudden, she noticed it was snowing heavily out. "Killian, come look."

The Pirate got off the couch, still unable to come to grips with the fact that he had his other hand back. He was staring at it as he walked to the window. Looking up, he saw was she was looking it. Fat white flakes were drifting down out of the sky, covering the ground and turning it white. "It's been many years since I've seen snow." Killian said, breaking the silence that had settled over the two.

Emma turned to face him. Her eyes drifted down his arm to see his hand. Reaching out, she gave it an experimental squeeze. Of which he returned affectionately. Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, Emma felt the need to get out and do something. "Let's go for a walk." She offered.

After Killian put his shirt back on, leaving the brace and hook on Emma's coffee table, they had both shrugged into their coats. They walked out of Emma's apartment and down main street. The town was dark and quiet but it was eerily beautiful as the snow began to accumulate on the ground. The couple walked in silence, taking in their surroundings covered in snow.

As they walked along, Killian could barely keep his thoughts straight. He was at a loss for how amazing Emma had been to him. Letting him into her home. Finding his hand. Then reattaching it. Now she was giving him another experience by walking through the snow with him. His heart welled up with love for the young blond woman next to him and he couldn't resist reaching down with his left hand that hadn't been there an hour ago and taking her small hand in his as they walked along.

He heard the small gasp leave her mouth but soon felt Emma squeeze his hand in reassurance. She had never been the PDA type but this just felt right. His grip was gentle on her hand, his skin soft and warm. Emma was elated that she could give him his hand back. Too much had been taken away from him in his life. Not to mention the fact that he had done so much for her. It was the least she could do, to give Killian his hand Savior laced her fingers through his as they continued on through the town.

Stopping in front of the clock tower, both of them looked up at the time. It had stopped at 815. Realization washed over the both of them that fate was playing it's hand in this moment. The moon was out and bright, shining down on them causing Emma's hair to glow in it's light. Fat snowflakes stuck to her hair, causing it to dampen. Her cheeks were red, her skin chilled in the cool night air. Her eyes sparkled in the darkness and at that moment Killian knew he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. If there was a time to say this, now was it.

"When I first met you Swan, I was looking for revenge. My life was consumed, my heart blacked due to my quest. I was cold, unfeeling, alone. Then you came along and changed all of it. You reminded me what it was like to live, to love. To be needed. We fought side by side in Neverland to get Henry back and we were victorious. Coming back to Storybrooke had me questioning where and how I could possibly fit in here. More so, how I would fit in, in your life. Yet ever since we've been back, I have yet to feel alone again. You've included me in your life and treated me like I mattered. The last week has been the best one of my life. Getting to be around you and your boy and your family. I wouldn't trade the experience for a mountain of now you surprise me again with returning my hand to me. How will I ever be able to repay you?"

Reaching up, Emma cupped his right cheek in her hand. "There's no need. You helped me get Henry back. I think we are pretty even now Pirate." She said with a grin.

His left hand reached up, covering her own as he leaned his face into her hand. Killian's eyes slid closed as he savored her warmth for a moment. When she was able to see how blue they were again, she wasn't prepared for when he whispered, "I love you Emma."

Her heart ceased to beat for what felt like minutes. Her eyes searched his for the truth in his words. Seeing no signs of a lie, Emma let out the breath she was holding. Unable to return the sentiment for now, she grabbed the lapels of his gray wool coat they had replaced his leather in the cold and pulled him forward. They kissed gently as the world fell away and a winter wonderland formed around them.

They strolled home slowly, each appreciating the silence and being in the other's presence. Killian still could not comprehend that he was holding Emma Swan's hand or that he was holding it with his left hand.

Once they were inside, both of them dried off and set about, lighting candles to illuminate the house. Snow texted Emma to check in on them, to which she told them they were just fine. Emma watched him move gracefully from room to room, setting candles on counters and flat surfaces then touching the lighter to the wicks. It was as if Killian had always had both hands. She marveled at how quickly he was adapting to having the appendage back.

Emma lit the last candle she had and set it down next to his hook on the table. She watched the metal glint in the candlelight. It was as if the final piece of Captain Hook was being laid to rest. Looking up, her eyes searched for where Killian was. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching her, under the mistletoe. Their eyes met and Emma inhaled sharply. His eyes were unnaturally blue even in the darkness of the apartment. A beautiful smile graced his feature, causing him to look even more handsome than usual. Happiness washed over Emma and the realization struck her that she wanted to be with him. A shiver rushed through her body wracking it noticeably.

"Cold, love?" Killian asked, seeing her shudder. The heat wasn't working with the power out and the apartment had cooled considerably.

"Yes. And no." She answered in a hushed tone, walking towards him. Emma stopped right in front of him and leaned up to plant a soft kiss on his mouth.

"What was that for? Not that I am complaining…"

"You are under the mistletoe. And it's still Christmas for a few hours, so I was feeling generous." Emma teased, wrapping her arms around his midsection and leaning into his body to rest her head on his chest. She took a moment to luxuriate in the warmth radiating from his lean body.

Both arms wrapped around her, holding her close. A soft kiss was pressed to the crown of her head. It occurred to her that she could stay in this embrace with him for along time and just be content. It had been so long since Emma had felt this happy, this safe, this at peace in her life. And it was all thanks to him. It was time to stop being a coward she chided herself internally. So she turned her face upwards and whispered "Would you be interested in helping me stay warm?"

The implication was not lost on him. A dark eyebrow raised in question. "Are you sure about this Swan?" This had to be on her terms.

Emma let go of his body and took his left hand in both of hers. With a gentle tug, she pulled him into the living room. They both grabbed candles and then began to head upstairs to her room. She felt that words were unnecessary at this point.

They entered her room, and set the candles down. Emma closed the door behind him. Then she turned to look at him. His smoldering gaze proved to be her undoing. She launched herself at him and he caught her gracefully in his arms.

Hands roamed, clothing was discarded in haste and soft moans filled the silence of the bedroom. The pirate turned and laid the golden haired goddess down on top of her bed. He took a moment to let his eyes run down the length of her body, taken it's full beauty in. "I don't know if anyone's ever told you this but you are beyond beautiful. And if they haven't, then they are bloody daft."

A lovely blush colored Emma's cheeks and raced down her chest. Killian smirked as he lowered his body down to cover gently brushed a stray lock of hair off her face and then pressed his lips to hers. The kiss turned from sweet and simple into one that scorched her with it's intensity. Her patience was waning and she wanted him now.

Reaching up, Emma held Killian close to her. Her tongue was working the earlobe with the earring attached and Killian's hands were kneading her breasts. It felt incredible to have both of his hands on her body at once. She felt ready to combust as she slid her hands down his back, feeling the scars that marked his skin. Each one bore a painful memory. Each one had a story behind it and Emma knew now that they had all the time in the world. She wanted to hear those stories. It was then that she felt his mouth, working it's way down her neck and across her collarbone.

"Killian...stop. Killian…" She panted out breathlessly. Emma wanted to give him a massage. To be able to touch him unashamedly. He pulled away and looked down at her. His eyes full of fear that she was choosing now to reject him. "Shall I stop? You don't want this. You don't want me." He choked out, moving to get off her and get his clothes back on.

She quickly snagged his hand before he got too far. "No you stupid pirate, I just, I wanted you to do something for me." He looked up at her as confusion crossed his face.

"What? Ask anything of me and you know I'll do it if it's in my power."

Emma smiled softly and told him to lay on his stomach. That eyebrow raised again and he followed her command without any argument. Straddling his backside, Emma settled on top of him and began to work at the stress in his shoulders. She wasn't usually the one to provide pleasure. With her, one night stands gave her what she needed and then she was gone. But with Killian, it was different. And she wanted it all with him. Including making him feel good. Her strong hands worked the kinks loose and after she was done with the area, she was press a soft kiss against the skin. Working her way down his back, Emma began to kiss every scar she came across. The only thing that stopped her was the purr of contentment that rumbled out of the pirate beneath her.

Laughing, she asked if the ruthless pirate of all the realms had just purred like a kitten to which he of course vehemently denied. Before she knew what was happening, he had flipped underneath her and was now looking up at her. The change in position brought their most intimate areas close together.

Killian brought his right hand up to touch Emma, finding her extremely ready for him. "Are you sure Emma? This is what you want? Because if you're not ready, I can wait. I am content to just hold you tonight."

His thoughtfulness warmed her heart. But she was feeling rather playful. "I believe I requested that you keep me warm Captain. And I believe a bit of strenuous activity could do just that. I think it's time you take me Killian."

Her sass caused a wide grin to form and before she knew it, he was angling his hips upward and he slid right into her. "Gods love, your tight." He groaned out through gritted teeth, his eyes slamming shut. Emma felt amazing, so warm and soft and willing. It was like ying and yang coming together. She was his other half and this was exactly where he belonged.

Emma leaned her head back, looking up at the ceiling, feeling him inside of her. The feeling of pure completion swept over it, nearly taking her under for a moment. The candles in the room cast shadows on the wall of the two lovers coming together. When she looked back down at the man underneath her, he was watching her intently.

"You ok?" He asked softly, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"I will be, as soon as you start moving." She whispered back, leaning down and catching his bottom lip with her teeth, giving it a small nip. He grinned at her, having no idea how wanton she truly was.

Killian grasped her hips with his hands as she began to ride him. They worked together to find a pace and rhythm that worked for them both. Emma sliding down with him thrusting up into her. He soon had her breathing hard, feeling her coming closer to completion. Never one to have the woman do all the work, he slowed down and managed to quickly change positions.

Before Emma knew what was happening, Killian had her on back and was thrusting deeply into her willing body. She slid a hand up her body, massaging her breast, tweaking the nipple causing bursts of pleasure to ride through her body. She was getting close and she'd be damned if she let go with him.

Seeing her touch herself was erotic but he wanted to be the one doing it so he swatted her hand away and continued to pay attention to the now neglected breast. Soft mewls of contentment left her mouth, urging him on. On a particularly forceful thrust, Killian heard her whisper out a plea of "please Killian."

His blond savior was close and he knew it. Grabbing her right hand with his left, he entwined their fingers and moved their arms up, bracing his weight. Without out her noticing, his right hand was now working the one spot he knew would have her seeing stars soon enough.

"Killian, oh god, that feels amazing. I'm close." She groaned out, her eyes locking with his.

""I know, come with me love." He whispered in her ear, rubbing his thumb right where she needed it one last time. And with that skillful move, Emma found herself lost in waves of pleasure. Her body tensed up, her back bowing up and off the bed. Swooping down, Killian's mouth met hers, hard and fast, swallowing her cries.

Their tongues dueled and Killian felt himself being dragged under by the unruly sea that was Emma. She was gorgeous in the throes of passion and he knew he could let himself go. Coming long and hard inside her, he felt her free hand rubbing circles on his back. "That's right, give it all to me." He heard her say as his body finally collapsed, exhausted.

Their bodies were hot and sweaty. They lay there, attempting to catch their breath. "That was…" Killian attempted to say and stopped, recognizing it was what he had said in Neverland. "NOT a one time thing. That will be happening regularly." Offered Emma, causing the pirate to chuckle.

He pulled away to look her straight in the eye. "I always knew when i jabbed you with my sword that you would feel it." Killian jested, then leaned in and kissed her forehead. Pulling out of her with regret, he fell onto his back and pulled Emma into his right side where she fit perfectly with a contented sigh.

"Hell, if I had known your sword would feel that good, I would have let you jab me with it a long time ago." For a third time that night, his eyebrow rose as amusement lit his face up.

"So are you saying you'd like me to jab you with it again?" He asked jovially.

Emma looked at him and grinned. "It is still Christmas so why not?" She joked but her face fell as Killian grew serious and flew up disappearing for a moment. He was gone for mere seconds before he was sitting on the bed beside her still magnificently naked. His hand grabbed hers, pulling her into an upright position.

"What?" She asked, looking at him strangely. Then she felt him clasp her gift around her wrist.

"There we go. We talked about me being able to do that and now I can." Emma automatically knew he was referring to him putting her beautiful charm bracelet on with two hands. It glittered in the soft candlelight and Emma smiled looking at it and then up at him.

"Thank you for this." She said, meaning the bracelet, but more so, what had just occurred between them.

Reading her like a book, Killian leaned in and kissed her deeply. "Let's get some rest love, because I plan on having you several more times before dawn comes." He promised, pulling the blankets back and ushering her underneath them. He slid in next to her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her body next to his. He felt her breath even out and assumed she was asleep until he heard her lovely voice whisper, "Merry Christmas Killian."

"Merry Christmas Savior, my Savior." He whispered back and closed his eyes, letting sleep take him under.

Thank you to everyone who came along on this ride with me. Please review and let me know what you liked or didn't like. I would love to hear how I can improve my writing. Also, PLEASE check out the story I am co-writing with Jasperann: s/9600265/1/Love-Through-the-Looking-Glass